Entries by Marshall Yeats

Marshall Yeats: Carl Jung e os judeus

Na verdade, o próprio judeu incita o antissemitismo no seu afã de acusá-lo em toda parte. (Carl Jung ― 1934) Desde há bastante tempo, eu sinto forte interesse pela obsessão do judeus em relação a personalidades históricas já falecidas que fizeram comentários não muito lisonjeiros sobre a raça deles. Quanto mais famoso e talentoso o […]

Influence communautaire à l’œuvre dans la Transformation en cours de l’Irlande

Influence communautaire à l’œuvre dans la Transformation en cours de l’Irlande Marshall Yeats La mise en condition de l’Irlande en vue du grand remplacement devrait encore s’intensifier avec la nomination, à un poste aux résonances si délicieusement orwelliennes de «rapporteur spécial pour le plan national de lutte contre le racisme», de la Nigérienne Ebun Joseph. […]

Ongoing Jewish Influence in the Transformation of Ireland

The ‘softening up’ of Ireland for the ongoing scheme of mass population replacement is set to gather pace following the appointment of Nigerian Ebun Joseph in the Orwellian role of “Special Rapporteur for the National Plan Against Racism.” The stated aim of this plan is to “make Ireland a place in which the impacts of […]

Jews Are Rewarding Black Criminality

“Seeking justice for these serious offenses was complicated by violations to the Racial Justice Act.” D.A. Diana Becton  “I don’t give a shit about no racist shit! What about my son?” Thus spoke Brandi Griffin, the mother of Arnold Marcel Hawkins, 22, who was shot dead on March 9, 2021, in what police allege was […]

Review: Julius Evola’s Three Aspects of the Jewish Problem, Part 2

Review: Julius Evola’s Three Aspects of the Jewish Problem, Part 1 – The Occidental Observer The Cultural Aspect of the Jewish Problem Evola opens his treatment of the cultural problem by arguing that Jews have not given up the “instinct for universal domination” contained within Judaism, but “it is just that this deep-rooted instinct disguised […]