Christopher Donovan: Radical Muslim Shoots Up Fort Hood, But Attention's on Whites?
Christopher Donovan: I try to ignore the Southern Poverty Law Center and its pathetic flailing, but this blog item was irresistable in its stupidity.
I had been searching for stories on the Fort Hood killings, scrounging up evidence for my theory that the media has buried this story because of the heavily negative implications for multiracialism. More on that in a second, but here’s the Google news search result for Fort Hood.
Note that by the fourth story down, the talk is of grand marshals for parades. I may be on to something.
Back to the Southern Poverty Law Center. Incredibly, they manage to flip this story into something about “white supremacists” — never minding that “white supremacists” were about as far removed from the Fort Hood killings as possible.
In fact, pro-whites are vindicated by the story, because it shows the internally destructive nature of mixing all manner of racial, ethnic and religious groups into a fighting force.
But to the SPLC, it’s an example of how we need to be on the lookout for “hate” — “hate” being something only whites are capable of, naturally.
And the SPLC has great official backing — an author of the Pentagon report they cite is Togo West, a black former Army secretary.
What a shocker that he’d come to conclusions approved by the SPLC. Where does this absurdity end?
To put the attention back where it belongs, let me state the following. The killings at Fort Hood by a Muslim extremist who somehow managed to become an officer in the U.S. Army is direct proof of:
* the failure of multiracialism generally
* that the military is infected with political correctness to the point of (literal) self-destruction
* the loss of security created by the destruction of white hegemony
* the failure of nerve on the part of whites who know better but fear being called a “racist” for calling attention to an obvious problem
* the ridiculous nature of the American justice system, which extends to a thoroughgoing enemy all the rights and privileges of a Revolutionary-era tavern owner
* the creeping prevalence of the “not guilty” psycho-babble culture, which had commentators wondering if the “stress of war” caused the shooter’s actions (never mind that he never saw combat).
Nidal Hassan, by his actions, repudiated everything the multiracial global elite teaches us: that all religions and cultures can blend into an American ideal, that culture and background don’t matter, that only native or poor persons are sucked into anti-Americanism, that the military is a uniquely cohesive organization made up of all colors and creeds focused on a single goal (and is capable of overcoming differences that the rest of society can’t).
So it’s not surprising that there’s radio silence on his story.
Up next for consideration: when and how did the U.S. military become the last pillar of traditionalism to succumb to anti-white political correctness?
Christopher Donovan is the pen name of an attorney and former journalist. Email him.