Christopher Donovan: By Our Comments Ye Shall Know White Resistance
The media is as anti-White as ever these days. I’ve dedicated hours of my life to showing how, on this blog and elsewhere.
But the comments — the Internet postings of the everday nobodies in reaction to stories and blog items — are heartening.
The trend is definitely “pro-White.”
Take the New York Times — whose pro-White comment-censoring I’ve blogged about before. Here’s a recent item about President Obama’s Black journalists-only off-the-record meeting.
Then check out the comments, starting with No. 1 (“Did Bush have summits reserved for white journalists and bloggers?”).
Here’s a run-of-the-mill crime story out of Pennsylvania.
One commenter says:
EXACTLY!!!! This is just down right shameful on the part of Harrisburg leaders and the Patriot news! If this is a group of white kids that beat up a black couple the feds would be involved. But hey, whitey deserves it…right.
And then people here and in the real world wonder why it’s easy for people to become racist. Gee, I couldn’t imagine why.
There are more like it. Whites are getting restless. And with the interactivity of the Internet, it’s getting harder and harder for anti-white — often Jewish — media to keep them out.
I am confident that the MSM will remain as brittle as ever in its resistance to whites. Good. Let it break.
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