Black Biology Matters: The Southport Killer Was Created by Leftist Lies

Behind their smarm and sentimentality about the three dead little girls in Southport, leftists like Keir Starmer and journalists at the Guardian simply don’t care. They didn’t become leftists because they believe in Truth, Beauty and Goodness. No, they became leftists because leftism supplies the only things that truly matter to them: power, privilege, and fuel for their insatiable narcissism.

Vile individual.” That is how Sir Keir Starmer, Britain’s leftist prime minister, has described Axel Rudakubana, the teenaged Rwandan Black who horrifically murdered three White schoolgirls in Southport last year. Starmer is wrong. Rudakubana isn’t vile. He’s pathetic. He didn’t choose to be born in Britain. He didn’t choose to possess the Black genetics that made him much more susceptible both to psychosis and to committing violent crime. Like the many Black killers who came before him and the many Black killers who will come after him, he is a product of Black biology, which evolved in Africa and should never have been exported from Africa.

Psychotic Black Killer #1: Axel Rudakubana and his victims

That’s why the only “vile individuals” in the story of the Southport killer are leftists like Keir Starmer. For decades they’ve made conscious choices to import and incubate Third-World pathologies on British soil against the clear opposition of the White majority. They’ve sacralized non-Whites, incited non-Whites to hatred and resentment against Whites, and demonized everyone who speaks the truth about non-White pathologies. Rudakubana’s horrific murders were the fruit of leftism and leftist lies. His psychosis is clearly visible in the now infamous photo of him taken after his arrest. With his crazed hair and twisted expression, Rudakubana looks utterly and appropriately alien. After all, he’s Black and Britain is White. Rudakubana is a glaring and ugly example of a great but forbidden truth: that Black Biology Matters. And it matters because it creates Black pathologies like murder, rape and educational failure.

Race is real

Leftism is founded on one of the biggest lies in history: that that all human groups are the same under the skin. Reality says the opposite: that we are very different under the skin because adaptation to wildly diverse environments has altered not just our skin-color and physiology but also our brains and psychologies. Ask yourself: Is it even remotely plausible that the Black natives of sun-blessed, fertile Rwanda and the non-Black natives of icy, oxygen-starved Tibet are the same under the skin? No, of course it isn’t. Rwandans and Tibetans look very different and behave very differently, because they’re very different under the skin — and under the skull. And that isn’t just because they’ve evolved in very different environments: it’s also because they’ve interbred with different species of hominid. Tibetans have genes from Neanderthals and Denisovans, two distinct species of human. Rwandans don’t have those genes, but they do have genes from distinct hominid species in Africa.

Even the Jewish pseudo-scientist Stephen Jay Gould couldn’t have lied away the effects of interbreeding with different species. Gould endlessly claimed that “human equality is a contingent fact of history,” mendaciously arguing there had been too little time for the human brain to evolve in distinct ways after the departure of Homo sapiens from Africa. He was wrong then and he’s even wronger now. Not only has there been ample time for humans in Rwanda and Tibet to evolve differently in their very different environments, those humans have interbred with different hominid species that have been separated for even longer. The Rwandan Black Axel Rudakubana was born in the White nation of Wales, but that did not make him Welsh or White. He was created by his Black genetics and committed brutal murder because of his Black genetics. Black Biology Matters. It’s responsible both for the low average IQ of Blacks and for the high average criminality of Blacks. But Rudakubana was only a vehicle for evil, not the creator and sustainer of that evil. The creators and sustainers are leftists like Starmer, whose ideology of lies and deceit is still denying racial reality and still ensuring that more indigenous Whites will be killed by more imported non-Whites in future.

Psychotic Black Killer #2: Valdo Calocane and his victims

Because leftism is an ideology of lies, leftists like Starmer have to crush anyone who tells the truth about the way Blacks blight Britain. Just imagine how leftists would react to anyone in the mainstream who pointed out the obvious parallels between what Axel Rudakubana did in the town of Southport in 2024 and what Valdo Calocane did in the city of Nottingham in 2023. Both Rudakubana and Calocane were Black, both were psychotic, and both murdered three people in horrific fashion. The psychotic Black Joshua Jacques went one better. He murdered four people in horrific fashion. He then had his precious Black identity erased by the leftist Guardian, which called him merely a “London man” in its headline:

Psychotic Black Killer #3: Joshua Jacques and his victims

London man who killed girlfriend and her relatives as ‘sacrifice’ jailed for life

A man who claimed he stabbed his girlfriend and three of her family members as a “sacrifice” has been jailed for life with a minimum term of 46 years for their murders. Joshua Jacques, 29, had consumed drugs and alcohol when he attacked Samantha Drummonds and her family with a knife in their home in south London in April 2022, the Old Bailey heard. Police found the bodies of Drummonds, 27, her mother, Tanysha Ofori-Akuffo, 45, grandmother Dolet Hill, 64, and Hill’s partner, Denton Burke, 58, after being alerted to a disturbance by a neighbour.

Officers found Burke’s body at the foot of the stairs and the three women “heaped together” in the kitchen. Mr Justice Bryan said Jacques had committed the “horrific catalogue of murders” after using skunk cannabis. … The court heard that Jacques took 3gm of skunk cannabis a day and refused to consider cutting down, saying he would carry on smoking marijuana “even if it killed” him.

At the scene, armed officers discovered Jacques naked and lying in the upstairs bathroom in a praying position, screaming “Allah, take me!”, “Kill me now”, “Get rid of me”, and “God please forgive me”. Later, at Lewisham hospital, he said: “I ain’t even in the wrong, I did them for sacrifice,” and warned: “I will do something stupid again.” (“London man who killed girlfriend and her relatives as ‘sacrifice’ jailed for life,” The Guardian, 1st March 2024)

What astonishing coincidences! Three individuals drawn from Britain’s tiny Black minority have slaughtered ten people in the same horrific fashion thanks to the same homicidal psychosis. But the coincidences don’t end there. It is now emerging that Axel Rudakubana was free to murder because the authorities failed to act on repeated warnings about his potential for harm, just as they failed to act on repeated warnings about Valdo Calocane and Joshua Jacques. Indeed, this seems to be a settled rule: each time a psychotic Black commits a horrific murder in Britain, it will emerge that the authorities failed to act on repeated warnings about the Black in question. That happened after a psychotic Black murdered the White schoolgirl Christina Edkins. And after a psychotic Black murdered the White father Lee Pomeroy. And after a psychotic Black murdered the White scientist Jeroen Ensink.

Cretinous rap is truly Black

But let’s be fair: Blacks do not have to be psychotic to commit horrific murders. The Blacks responsible for a blood-bath in the London district of Ilford were not psychotic, but they would have gone two better than Rudakubana and Calocane if they’d been able:

Non-psychotic Black killers who tried for five and slaughtered two

Two rappers were fatally stabbed and shot repeatedly in what jurors were told was a scene of “bloody carnage”. The Old Bailey heard Saydi Abu Sheikh, 23, and Zakariya Jeilani Mohamed, 31, were left dead or dying in a bedroom after the five-minute “revenge” raid in Ilford, east London, last October. A third man was shot through the head but lived. Two more managed to escape. … Minutes after the attack in Henley Road, a white Mitsubishi Outlander, allegedly used by the attackers and containing a small pile of clothes, was set alight in nearby Ronnie Lane. …

Police and paramedics found a “scene of bloody carnage” when they arrived at the address a few minutes later, [the prosecuting lawyer John Price] said. “In an upstairs room were two young men, both dead or dying. They had each been shot and stabbed many times,” he said. “A third young man, gravely wounded, had been left for dead. Though he sustained a gunshot wound which had passed through his head, he was to survive. It was later discovered that a fourth man had run from the back of the house when a group of attackers armed with guns had forced their way in. A fifth man was even more fortunate. Before the gunmen were able to force their way into the room, he had concealed himself between a bed and the wall. Almost miraculously, his presence there went undetected by the gunmen.” (“Ilford rappers found in scene of bloody carnage, jury told,” BBC News, 1st November 2023)

The Blacks Axel Rudakubana and Valdo Calocane killed three people; the Black Joshua Jacques killed four; the Blacks in Ilford would have killed five if they’d been able. But it’s important to note a big difference between the killings in Ilford and those committed by Rudakubana, Calocane and Jacques. The victims in Ilford were not innocent. As any honest observer will recognize, the BBC was being euphemistic when it described the murdered men as “two rappers.” In other and more honest words, they were two thuggish criminals who celebrated their thuggery and crime with an ugly and stupid Black genre of rhythmic noise and shouting called rap. That genre is a much more authentic expression of Black biology than, say, jazz or blues, which were created when Blacks were much more under White influence and control. Performing jazz and blues requires the ability to play non-Black instruments and master the rules of a non-Black musical system. Performing rap requires the ability to shout crude rhymes against deafening rhythms. It’s improvisational, inane, and celebrates violence.

In other words, it’s both a product of Black biology and an exacerbator of Black biology. Rap both expresses and incites the Black biological tendency to violence. That’s why I predict that the alliterative annihilator Joshua Jacques is also a fan or performer of rap. After all, he was a thuggish criminal who was described as posing a threat of “serious harm” to the public. Jacques was certainly a fan of something else that interacts disastrously with Black biology, namely, cannabis. Part of the reason that Blacks are more susceptible to psychosis is that Black brains are harmed more by drugs like cannabis and cocaine. Examine some remarks made by the judge who sentenced Jacques for his remarkable achievements in the field of extreme violence:

Mr Justice Bryan said Jacques had committed the “horrific catalogue of murders” after using skunk cannabis. Addressing Jacques in the dock, the judge said he had inflicted the murders “in the most brutal of circumstances on three generations of the same family” after increasing his daily intake of the drug. He said Jacques’ offending had been contributed to by cannabis abuse, and that he was “well aware” of the impact of it on his mental health. He added: “It is a salutary lesson to all those who peddle the myth that cannabis is not a dangerous drug. It is, and its deleterious effect on mental health and its potential to cause psychosis is well-established.” (“London man who killed girlfriend and her relatives as ‘sacrifice’ jailed for life,” The Guardian, 1st March 2024)

I agree with the judge about cannabis and that “salutary lesson.” But I am absolutely certain that the judge would not agree with me if he heard me adapt his words like this: “Jacques’ quadruple killing is a salutary lesson to all those who peddle the myth that Blacks are a blessing to Britain. They are not, and their vastly disproportionate tendency to commit murder, rape and other violent crimes is well-established.”

Clown Jewels

Indeed, not only would the judge disagree with me: he would happily send me to jail if I spoke those words in public or displayed this simple truth in public: BLACKS BLIGHT BRITAIN. Leftists like him would call that “hate speech,” because truth is hate to those who hate the truth. The BBC hates the truth, which is why I often encounter a great irony when I visit the BBC website for stories about pathological Black behavior. The BBC is a jewel in the crown of Clown World, which is why visitors to the site will often be greeted by the following image of a grinning Black woman:

The grinning Black woman who greets visitors to the BBC website

I saw that grinning Black woman again when I was looking for stories about the psychotic Black killer Joshua Jacques. The woman promotes a leftist lie: that Blacks Bless Britain. Jacques reveals the ugly reality: that Blacks Blight Britain. And what about another jewel in the crown of Clown World, namely, MI5, Britain’s domestic intelligence service? Before I visited the MI5 website recently, I made a little prediction to myself: “I bet the front page has prominent blacks on it.” I then visited the MI5 site and laughed out loud at what I found there:

Worshipping Blacks at mendacious MI5, a crown jewel of Clown World

More negrolatry at Clown Jewel MI5

MI5 is lying when it says “The people of MI5 work to keep the country safe.” In fact, they do the opposite, because they work on behalf of Clown World, the vast system of leftist lies that imports and incubates Third-World pathologies in White nations like Britain. But MI5 isn’t just lying, of course. It’s also spying. It’s central to  the surveillance state created by leftists in response to Third-World pathologies like Muslim terrorism. The cycle goes like this: First leftists import and incubate evil, then justify further evil by the evil they’ve imported and incubated.

Leftists pursue power, not truth

It’s a perfect cycle from the leftist point of view: evil feeds evil and enhances the power of leftists to create more evil. We can see the cycle at work once again in the proposals the Labour government is making in response to the Southport killings. The killings by a Black will be used to justify more surveillance of Whites and more censorship of Whites who speak the truth about non-White pathologies.

But the killings will not be used by leftists to criticize either non-White immigration or Islam, the imported ideology that directly inspired Rudakubana. He was the “shy son of evangelical Christians,” according to the leftist Guardian, but he found murderous Islam much more congenial than mild Christianity. Behind their smarm and sentimentality about the three dead little girls in Southport, leftists like Keir Starmer and journalists at the Guardian simply don’t care. They didn’t become leftists because they believe in Truth, Beauty and Goodness. No, they became leftists because leftism supplies the only things that truly matter to them: power, privilege, and fuel for their insatiable narcissism.

Send Blacks back

But I try to follow the truth, which is why I would never make the ludicrous claim that all problems in Britain are caused by non-Whites like Blacks, Muslims and Jews. That claim would be clearly untrue. For example, the White homosexual pedophile Thomas Hamilton shot sixteen children to death in 1996. And the story of an apparent White committing a horrific multiple murder has also been in headlines this month. Kyle Clifford killed three women in 2024, stabbing one to death and shooting the two others with a crossbow. He is also accused of raping one of the women. And his older brother Bradley Clifford is a killer too.

I’d be interested to know if Kyle Clifford has Gypsy or similar non-White ancestry, but let’s suppose he’s fully White British. That would not alter the statistical facts. Horrific murders by Whites are rare in White-majority Britain. Horrific murders by Blacks are routine in White-majority Britain. Also routine in White-majority Britain are the rape and sexual enslavement of Whites by non-White Muslims. Non-Whites like Blacks and Muslims inflict vastly disproportionate harm on Whites, which is why non-Whites do not belong here and must return to their homelands.

14 replies
  1. Arnold Bannerman
    Arnold Bannerman says:

    If the suspect had been initially described not as someone from Cardiff but as a Roman Catholic from Rwanda, some of the attacks on the local mosque might have been prevented. It turns out that he had long been “on the radar” and that his room in the family home had many weapons. He is obviously psychotic and probably another cannabis casualty, who deserves to be “put to sleep” rather than stuck in jail for His Majesty’s pleasure at taxpayer expense and also at risk of injury by other prisoners.
    Blacks are disproportionately responsible for violent crime and knife use, but there have been several sadistic white child murderers in the UK. The breakdown of sexual morals and ubiquitous sadistic pornography have probably been factors.

    • JP
      JP says:

      “there have been several sadistic white child murderers in the UK.”

      Thomas Cashman, Ian Huntley, Aaron Campbell, Tracey Connelly and others come to mind.

      That still doesn’t mean we should be importing more however. Deport the undesirables first, then we can fully deal with homegrown scum.

    • David Smith
      David Smith says:

      If the parents of this black savage had not been allowed to stay in this country, those three girls would still be alive, that is beyond question. There is some speculation that the farther was involved in the genocide in Rwanda. I don’t know if there is any truth in that, we certainly haven’t been told anything about them. What have they brought to this country? They have brought nothing it misery and pain to those families, albeit indirectly. So I don’t really care about any discussion about what information should have been released, or apportioning blame to Amazon or its owner, my only concern is that his parents should never have been given asylum.

  2. K M Landis
    K M Landis says:

    “Vile individual” is a grotesque understatement to describe the Southport killer. Keir Starmer will do nothing to prevent more of the same, and certainly not mass deportations.

    Traitors rule Britain. They are still letting Negros into Britain, even after the Southport stabbings. And they are still letting Pakis settle in Britain, even after Paki rape-gangs have been exposed for all to see.

    Who are these traitors ruling Britain? Starmer is a typical example. He is a communist Jew. Don’t be fooled by his crocodile tears. He is really delighted by the deaths of three White girls and the serious injuries of 10 others. He wants all Whites dead.

    Axel Rudakubana is an enemy alien – obviously. He is not White – therefore he is not British. It doesn’t matter if he was born in Britain, that doesn’t make him British. Hang him, without delay. And the deport the rest of his tribe back to Africa.

    Britain is for Whites only. Jews are the ones behind this mess. They can leave too.

  3. Patrick White
    Patrick White says:

    A brilliant piece, beautiful truth in every single line.

    Both of the killer Cliffords look mixed-race to me.

  4. Stanx
    Stanx says:

    “Leftism is founded on one of the biggest lies in history: that that all human groups are the same under the skin.”
    It’s not leftism, but christianity and every one of these animals will run and hide behind it. Study the nsdap before it’s too late.

    • Arnold Bannerman
      Arnold Bannerman says:

      @ Stanx
      Ja und Nein.
      1. Prof. D. Cajus Fabricius, “Positive Christianity in the Third Reich” (Dresden 1937).
      2. Mikael Nilsson, “Christianity in Hitler’s Ideology” (Cambridge 2024)
      3. Klaus Scholder, “A Requiem for Hitler” (SCM 2012)
      Better Nietzsche than Rosenberg, however.

      • Emma Smith
        Emma Smith says:

        @ Arnold Bannerman
        From another angle:
        James Carroll, “Constantine’s Sword” (2002) & Kevin Spicer, “Hitler’s Priests” (2017).
        See also: Robert Faurisson on Pope Pius XII’s Revisionism, online.
        The crazy fundamentalist “Christian [sic] Zionists” who can’t wait for a bloody Armageddon, and their own skyborne escape, seem to overlook that Jews blame “The Holocaust” on the “New” Testament.

    • Queer Farmer
      Queer Farmer says:

      Atheism is founded upon the second biggest lie in human history: that everything came from nothing and will return to nothing.

      Nowhere in the Bible does it say that God will punish you for lynching invaders.

  5. T.Gilligan
    T.Gilligan says:

    Britain’s domestic ‘intelligence’ service is featured in the spy thriller “The 355” in the form of Kenyan actress Lupita Nyong’o retired MI6 agent; she’s now apparently a tech entrepreneur. Jessica Chastain’s role as agent Mason Browne comes to London to beg her to assist her in this mission, stating ‘We can’t do this without you’. From that point I bailed out from viewing more stretches of reality in fiction.
    Around 37 years ago on top of packed night bus, I sitting right at the front window and behind me are approximately 40 people -two are which are British soil enriched (by) Jamaicans threatening an English guy with a knife to hand over his watch. An callow silence envelopes the atmosphere; last not much more than a minute the soil enrichers take their item and alight the bus. The man’s girlfriend berates the audience that is silent and cowed by the flagrant threat of violence. That small slice of history in London in the late 1980’s added to more my understanding of race relations.
    At the age of 62 I know that I will leave my house that I have lived in for over 50 years and move because of a black neighbour and his very persistent pattern of harassment. Alas, I enjoy showing my contempt by point-blanketly ignoring him. Should good financial fortune land in my lap then I will up-sticks to a place of harmony and homogeny.

  6. Queer Farmer
    Queer Farmer says:

    Protests and throwing bricks aint gonna it Nigel. Sometimes you just gotta “roll up on some opps” like the American rappers like to say.

  7. Lancashire Lad
    Lancashire Lad says:

    Every time I go to the BBC website, not logging in, I see that “Hurrah for Black Lesbians” icon. It’s nice to hear I’m not the only one!

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