Entries by James Edwards

James Edwards: Republican Suicide

I actually wrote the following blog entry back in October 2009. However, since it was brought back to my attention again this week, I thought I’d re-post it for all the new readers who have been drawn to our website this summer as a result of the constant media attention The Political Cesspool Radio Program […]

When Rick Sanchez and Helen Thomas get together…

What do you think they talk about? I’m guessing it’s about how Jews are a poor, oppressed, powerless minority group who have absolutely no say as to what goes in the news industry. (See also Edmund Connelly’s current TOO article “Rick Sanchez on Jewish Media Power.”) As you probably know, Rick Sanchez got fired from […]

Judge Blocks Arizona Immigration Law

Man, I didn’t see that one coming. Of course she did! The sensible SB 1070 law out of Arizona was scheduled to go into effect tonight. But not anymore.  Federal judges who legislate from the bench in order to circumvent the will of the voting public is nothing new. The regime has been using this […]