
Wilhelm Marr’s The Victory of Judaism over Germanism: Viewed from a Nonreligious Point of View

I decided to mention current TOO articles in the blog as a general policy, thereby facilitating discussion in this forum. I just posted an article based on a recent English translation of the 1879 edition of Wilhelm Marr’s  The Victory of Judaism over Germanism: Viewed from a Nonreligious Point of View. My article attempts to hit the high points of Marr’s presentation, with a bit of commentary thrown in. Marr’s pamphlet is a provocative and prophetic read.

Wilhelm Marr

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Gabriel Schoenfeld exists in an alternate universe

Gabriel Schoenfeld’s The Weekly Standard  article “Back to the Future: British Anti-Semitism Returns with a Vengeance” is the sort of thing that makes you want to bang your head against a wall. The idea is that those virulent anti-Semites John Mearsheimer and Steven Walt managed to “peddle” their vicious article on the Israel lobby to the London Review of Books when it was sensibly rejected by American publishers. It then metastasized into a book that was much admired in the US by the likes of David Duke and pretty much no one else. The “respectable middle” were on page with Leslie Gelb’s authoritative review in the august New York Times which accused them of “shoddy scholarship” that promoted anti-Semitism. As I noted in an earlier blog, “Some of Gelb’s charges might even seem reasonable—if you haven’t read the book.”

The fact that Mearsheimer and Walt managed to first publish their monstrosity in England is no accident. After all, the Brits are a bad lot and always have been. Anti-Semitism has deep roots in England. In the 12th century, many of the country’s Jews were put to the sword in a wave of massacres. The 13th century began with the introduction of the yellow badge, the mandatory marking that Jews were compelled to wear, and ended with the mass expulsion of the Jews.”

There you have it. Nothing much has changed in England since the 12th century when it comes to the Jews. Anti-Semitism remained rampant in England throughout the 20thcentury, going underground when the Brits were fighting the Nazis (who were even more anti-Jewish), but re-emerging now into the open. In its latest incarnation, it manifests itself as hatred toward Israel.

According to Schoenfeld, this irrational anti-Jewish hate is more obvious than ever.  You can tell that because Britain is now “a congenial home” where radical Muslims “preach their genocidal doctrines.” (Never mind the role of Jewish organizations in facilitating immigration into England and opposing nationalist parties like the BNP that want to keep England English. See Ch. 7 of Culture of Critique.)

In fact, right now Parliament is considering a law to force Jews to report to concentration camps.

No wait. Actually, it’s an inquest into how Tony Blair made the decision to join in the Iraq invasion. Not only that, but a newspaper columnist had the temerity to complain that two of the panelists were Jews. Another chimed in that this complaint was “helpful” because the war was “initiated .  .  . by a group of influential American neocons .  .  . nearly all of whom were ardent Zionists.” And the London Times didn’t even label all of this “anti-Semitic.”

And then there was Peter Oborne’s program (see Martin Webster’s TOO article) on the influence  of the Israel Lobby: “With shades of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and shades of Mearsheimer-Walt, the program conveyed a picture of a nefarious conspiracy to plunge Britain into war in Iraq.”

The last straw is the court decision that an Orthodox school is guilty of discrimination for insisting on matrilineal descent as a criterion of admission. Schoenfeld puts ‘discrimination’ in quotes because, you see, it’s not discrimination if Jews do it. Surely it’s obvious that Jews (and no one else) ought to be able to discriminate on the basis of biological descent.

Obviously, Jews like Schoenfeld (and they’re the ones we keep hearing from in the media) are out of touch with reality. This is Abe Foxman on steroids. In Scheonfeld’s eyes, the inquest into the Blair government’s actions and the Oborne program are nothing more than updated examples of centuries-old anti-Jewish hatred. No need to look at what actually happened.

Indeed, the very thought that Jews might be biased against finding that Jews whose main allegiance is to Israel were the major force behind the decision of the British government to join the Iraq invasion is so obviously wrongheaded that even asking the question betrays vicious hatred of Jews. By their very nature Jews are impartial and completely uninfluenced by their ethnic identification. Schoenfeld doubtless sees himself as an exemplar of evenhandedness — completely above the fray and able to judge Israel’s actions and all things Jewish with brutal, impartial honesty.

Schoenfeld and the rest of these Jewish spokespeople are living in an alternate universe — a universe where mundane things like facts and truth are irrelevant. It’s an absolute article of faith that Jewish behavior is always — always —completely irrelevant to anti-Semitism. No matter how much money Jewish activists and organizations shower on politicians and no matter now much media they own and influence, Jews never actually influence anything. And if they do happen to have a slight influence, they only want the best for everyone. There could not possibly be legitimate conflicts of interest between Jews and non-Jews.

There is simply no way to communicate with people like Schoenfeld. And that’s a big part of the problem.

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Christopher Donovan: Why 'J'Accuse' Stays in the Present Tense

Christopher Donovan: Joseph Sobran once reportedly joked that the New York Times should change its name to “The Holocaust Update”.  Not for nothing — barely a day passes when Hitler or the Holocaust isn’t mentioned in its pages.  The phenomenon includes even pre-World War II events, as described in this Sunday Book Review article on the Dreyfus affair.  (It’s a biggie to Jews because the intellectual founder of Zionism, Theodor Herzl, was supposedly convinced of the need for a homeland for Jews while covering the Drefyus affair as a journalist.)

I know nothing about the veracity of the allegations against Dreyfus, but like any other accusation leveled at a Jew — Leo Frank, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, and so on — Jews seize upon the accusation itself, presume the Jew was wrongly accused in a climate of fevered anti-Semitism, and regurgitate the episode endlessly as another example of the moral purity and snowy innocence of Jews in a dangerous world of bloodthirsty gentiles.

The truth is a bit more complicated, but the New York Times won’t be getting into that.

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Tom Sunic: Reply to Stern

Editorial note: Frequent TOO contributor Tom Sunic replies to Joel Stern’s letter to several writers associated with TOO and TOQ. (For Stern’s letter, see Alex Kurtagic’s “Narcissism” blog which also comments on Stern.)

Dear Mr. Stern:

Thank you for your comments. I appreciate  your concern for the future of  the Jewish people, and I’d also like to extend  my condolences  regarding the loss of your family . 

Of course, I speak in my own name, not on behalf of my TOO colleagues, all of them being outstanding intellectuals and tolerant people. I hope you have read Prof. MacDonald’s work — in which you won’t find any Jew baiting, but rather serious analyses of this most important issue of our times. 

Any lumping together of Christian identitarians and National Alliance hotheads with TOO is groundless.  

I respect your concerns for the real or hypothetical attacks on your victimhood. But I also expect from you some respect for my own, including respect for the historical memory of my people and my race —  wherever they may reside. It would be commendable on your part to extend sympathies to many of my relatives who perished anonymously in communist terror after 1945. While many Jews in America take for granted that non-Jews will constantly reminisce about Jewish victimology and hypothetical threats to the Jewry, few Jews seem to be concerned with the plight of non-Jews under communism in East Europe. 

The fact that Jewish intellectuals played a formidable role on the eve and during the Bolshevik seizure of power — however good or bad their intentions may have been — remains a topic that needs to be addressed in detail. This might help us avoid future mass killings and pogroms and secure, more or less, some semblance of cohabitation.

Yet, something tells me that neither myself nor yourself seriously believe in this static scenario.

One of the reasons anti-Semitism occurs is due to the lack of open debate about mutual perceptions and self-perceptions of Jews vs. non-Jews.  Hatred of Jews is prevalent among  those who mimic Semitism, people who subconsciously try to be more Jewish than Jews themselves. This is part and parcel of ‘genealogical proximity’, between Christians and Jews, and which has historically resulted in mutual hatred. This is a neurotic dilemma of a person wishing to replace his Sameness by someone else’s, i.e. Jewish/Christian Otherness. The classic example of this neurotic mindset are Christian Zionists. 

Your concerns reflect standard self-induced fears and self-fulfilling prophecies about anti-Semitic demons — who, as a rule, must sooner or later materialize.  The demon architects are not those you suspect of anti-Semitism, but those who claim to be your friends now. 



Dr. Tom Sunic


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Anti-Semitism: The Case of Honduras

I was interested to learn yesterday that one of Spain’s most prestigious newspapers, El Mundo, has been accused of fanning the flames of anti-Semitism for alleging that five Jewish families control the entire economy of Honduras.

This came as a surprise to me, a relatively ignorant person.

Although I have a vague notion where Honduras is to be found on a map of the world, I had no idea that Jews had flocked there in sufficient numbers to become a problem to the indigenous inhabitants. I would perhaps have been equally surprised to learn that Jews had just taken over the South Pole and that the penguins were now up in arms.

“El Mundo owes an apology to its readers for publishing such hateful garbage,” rages Dina Siegel Vann, director of the American Jewish Committee’s Latin American Institute. “El Mundo should be ashamed of promoting anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and fanning the flames of hatred.”

The question that concerns me here is not whether these inflammatory claims of Jewish influence in Honduras are “conspiracy theories” or “garbage”, but whether in fact they are true.

If they are true, is it anti-Semitic to proclaim this truth, and, by extension, to register a strong complaint about obnoxious Jewish behavior or Jewish economic and political domination?  Or are complainants under some sort of obligation to keep their mouths shut, allegedly because failure to do so might promote hatred of Jews and lead to a second Holocaust?

These are questions it would be inappropriate for me to answer, given that I know little about Honduras — apart from the well-known fact that many Hondurans don’t seem to like Jews and wish there weren’t so many of them milling around.

Here are a few facts which may be of interest to the intellectually alert reader.

There was no anti-Semitism whatsoever in Honduras before the arrival of the first Jew in Honduras at the time of the Spanish Inquisition. Anti-Semitism, for reasons easy enough to comprehend, grew in direct proportion to Jewish immigration. This progressed at a slow and steady rate throughout the nineteenth century, picking up considerably after Hitler’s rise to power in Germany. Jews began to arrive not only from Germany, but from Russia, Poland, Hungary, Rumania, Greece, Turkey and North Africa…and all during this time, it could be argued with almost mathematical precision, there was a direct correlation between growing anti-Semitism and the increasing number of Jews arriving on the scene. The growth in anti-Semitism became even more glaringly obvious after large numbers of Israelis began to pour into the country in the late 1970s and thereafter.

Stating this bald fact, however, is regarded as politically incorrect, if not downright tactless. More Jews = More anti-Semitism is a forbidden formulation. It’s false because it’s true. It’s garbage because it’s offensive. It’s conspiracy theory because it’s alleged by people who would do well to shut up.

Anti-Semitic scrawls are today a common sight on the walls of Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sulva. The wealth of Honduras appears to be concentrated in the hands of a few Jewish families–not surprising given the role of six Jewish oligarchs in the Russian economy after the fall of the Soviet Union. As in America, the rich grow richer at the expense of the poor. Any attempt to share out the national cake more equitably is strongly resisted by the super-rich. The recently ousted president of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, fell from power because he had forged links with Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro — men whose sympathies for the toiling masses were naturally anathema to the plutocratic Jews of Honduras who drive round the streets in Rolls Royces and Ferraris, casting a supercilious eye on the street urchins glowering at them from a safe distance.

Things came to head recently with the 2009 Honduran constitutional crisis. There was a coup d’etat, remember? President Manuel Zelaya had to take to his heels. Even as he fled for his life,  he complained bitterly about the Jews who had driven him from power. The coup was really about his ties to Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez and  Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad — both of whom are critics of Israel.

It was then that a commentator on Radio Globo, David Romero, uttered shameful words that put him completely beyond the pale of human discourse — though he was probably expressing what many in Honduras actually felt. He expressed regret that Adolf Hitler had failed in his life task. If only, he sighed, the Holocaust had succeeded and the Jews had all been exterminated.

Shame on you, sir!

I won’t go on. All this is too upsetting. Why, I ask myself, can’t the Jews just settle down and assimilate? Why can’t they become model citizens like the rest of us?

Ooops, I’ve put my foot in it! There are no model citizens. It’s a dog-eat-dog world out there — and the Jews are getting all the juiciest bones.

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