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Friedrich Georg Jünger: The Titans and the Coming of the Titanic Age

 Translated from the German and with an Introduction by Tom Sunic

Friedrich Georg Jünger (1898-1977)

Friedrich Georg Jünger (1898-1977)

Introduction: Titans, Gods and Pagans by Tom Sunic

Below is my translation of several passages from the last two chapters from Friedrich Georg Jünger’s little known book, Die Titanen, 1943, 1944 (The Titans). Only the subtitles are mine. F.G. Jünger was the younger brother of Ernst Jünger who wrote extensively about ancient Greek gods and goddesses. His studies on the meaning of Prometheism and Titanism are unavoidable for obtaining a better understanding of the devastating effects of the modern belief in progress and the role of “high-tech” in our postmodern societies. Outside the German-speaking countries, F.G. Jünger’s literary work remains largely unknown, although he had a decisive influence on his renowned brother, the essayist Ernst Jünger. Some parts of F.G Jünger’s other book, Griechische Götter (1943) (Greek Gods), with a similar, if not same topic, and containing also some passages from Die Titanen, were recently translated into French (Les Titans et les dieux, 2013).

In the footsteps of Friedrich Nietzsche and along with hundreds of German philosophers, novelists, poets and scientists, such as M. Heidegger, O. Spengler, C. Schmitt, L. Clauss, Gottfried Benn, etc., whose work became the object of criminalization by cultural Bolsheviks and by the Frankfurt School in the aftermath of WWII, F. G. Jünger can also be tentatively put in the category of “cultural conservative revolutionaries” who characterized the political, spiritual and cultural climate in Europe between the two world wars.

Ancient European myths, legends and folk tales are often derided by some scholars, including some Christian theologians who claim to see in them gross reenactments of European barbarism, superstition and sexual promiscuity. However, if a reader or a researcher immerses himself in the symbolism of the European myths, let alone if he tries to decipher the allegorical meaning of diverse creatures in the myths, such as for instance the scenes from the Orphic rituals, the hellhole of Tartarus, or the carnage in the Nibelungen saga, or the final divine battle in Ragnarök, then those mythical scenes take on an entirely different meaning. After all, in our modern so-called enlightened and freedom-loving liberal societies, citizens are also entangled in a profusion of bizarre infra-political myths, in a myriad of weird hagiographic tales, especially those dealing with World War II vicitmhoods, as well as countless trans-political, multicultural hoaxes enforced under penalty of law. Therefore, understanding the ancient European myths means, first and foremost, reading between the lines and strengthening one’s sense of the metaphor. Read more

Racialization of Politics in the UK

A major theme at TOO is the racialization of American politics—the tendency for politics to reflect racial/ethnic identities rather than economic interest, as was the rule in pre-multicultural America where the Democrats were the party of working class Whites. The racialization of politics means that the Democrats’ “ascendant majority” of non-Whites is likely to dominate in the  future, as they do in California where they had supermajorities in both houses of the state legislature (until two representatives of the ascendant [Ronald Calderon and Roderick Wright] got involved in scandals) and are urging Governor Jerry Brown to spend yet more money on social programs.

It’s interesting that one aspect of the new American identity politics is that Republicans are likely to continue to do relatively well  in the Senate because each state gets two senators. That means that rural states with larger percentages of Whites, and especially older and working class Whites, are likely to vote Republican as racial identities increasingly dominate the political landscape (Ron Brownstein, “Parties trading places for 2014“). Clearly the White working class and older Whites are conspicuously absent from the coalition of the ascendant; Obama’s popularity is about 30% among these groups. Although these groups show the clearest pattern, Whites in general haven’t jumped on board the multicultural bandwagon as it heads into our glorious and vibrant future: majorities of all age groups and both sexes of Whites voted Republican in 2012; this trend will be more extreme in the future.

There are similar trends in the UK, where an observer described British political elites as posing “as champions of progress yet their fixation with multiculturalism is dragging us into a new dark age. In many of our cities, social solidarity is being replaced by divisive tribalism, democracy by identity politics.” And as in the U.S. where Whites and especially  working class and older Whites are defecting from the Democrats, in the UK the White working class and older Whites are defecting from Labour to the UKIP (The Guardian: White face, blue collar, grey hair: the left-behind voters that only Ukip understands“).

To truly understand Ukip’s appeal you need to go much deeper. The roots of this revolt can be traced back over decades. Divides in the social and economic experiences of voters have appeared, their values and priorities have been widening, and a new electorate of “left behind” voters has grown up. These voters are on the wrong side of social change, are struggling on stagnant incomes, feel threatened by the way their communities and country are changing, and are furious at an established politics that appears not to understand or even care about their concerns. And it is these left-behind voters who have finally found a voice in Farage’s revolt. Read more

The Unstable Alliance of Nationalists and “Mainly Jewish Oligarchs” in the Ukraine

The main narrative in the Western media on Ukraine is that the “Ukrainian people” have delivered themselves from the evil, corrupt Yanukovych government. The nationalist role in toppling the government and its presence in the new government has been downplayed, with assurances given by Jewish organizations and Jewish writers in the NY Times that Putin’s claims of incipient fascism and anti-Semitism were nothing but cynical ploys to rationalize Russian aggression.

What happened to conventional Jewish/liberal dread of White people who are nationalists, particularly the ones that played such a prominent role in the Maidan revolution?

As a corrective to all that, the LA Times has published an op-ed by a conventional liberal academic, Robert English, Director of USC’s School of International Relations (“Ukraine’s threat from within:Neofascists are as much a menace to Ukraine as Putin’s actions in Crimea“). Prof. English’s main point is that because of the prominent role of Ukrainian nationalists in the new government, ethnic Russian Ukrainians have legitimate fears.

It’s become popular to dismiss Russian President Vladimir Putin as paranoid and out of touch with reality. But his denunciation of “neofascist extremists” within the movement that toppled the old Ukrainian government, and in the ranks of the new one, is worth heeding. The empowerment of extreme Ukrainian nationalists is no less a menace to the country’s future than Putin’s maneuvers in Crimea. These are odious people with a repugnant ideology.

Take the Svoboda party, which gained five key positions in the new Ukrainian government, including deputy prime minister, minister of defense and prosecutor general. Svoboda’s call to abolish the autonomy that protects Crimea’s Russian heritage, and its push for a parliamentary vote that downgraded the status of the Russian language, are flagrantly provocative to Ukraine’s millions of ethnic Russians and incredibly stupid as the first steps of a new government in a divided country.

These moves, more than Russian propaganda, prompted broad Crimean unease. …

Svoboda, Right Sector and other Ukrainian far-right organizations … are groups whose thuggish young legions still sport a swastika-like symbol, whose leaders have publicly praised many aspects of Nazism and who venerate the World War II nationalist leader Stepan Bandera, whose troops occasionally collaborated with Hitler’s and massacred thousands of Poles and Jews.

But scarier than these parties’ whitewashing of the past are their plans for the future. They have openly advocated that no Russian language be taught in Ukrainian schools, that citizenship is only for those who pass Ukrainian language and culture exams, that only ethnic Ukrainians may adopt Ukrainian orphans and that new passports must identify their holders’ ethnicity — be it Ukrainian, Pole, Russian, Jew or other. Read more

The ADL and domestic spying: Roy Bullock case revisited

We recently passed 100th anniversary of the largest and most well-funded disinformation group in the history of mankind: the Anti-Defamation League. The ADL is headquartered in New York City and has 29 offices in major cities in the United States, one in Israel, and two known offices in other countries. Abraham Foxman has been national director of the group since 1987. It has an annual U.S. budget of $55 million, with listed assets in 2011 of $171 million.

The ADL operates as a private intelligence agency, sending spies, infiltrators, disruptors, and agents provocateurs into the camps — both Jewish and non-Jewish — of those who disagree with its view of Jewish interests. Also like an intelligence agency, it maintains a huge database containing personal information on politicians, writers, dissidents, activists, publishers, bloggers, and even unaffiliated private citizens so that — should any of these people “get out of line,” in the opinion of the ADL — they can be threatened, “exposed,” blackmailed, and thus silenced with maximum effectiveness.

This article describes one of the more egregious examples of ADL misbehavior, the Roy Bullock case.

The Bullock Case

In 1993, Roy Bullock, was exposed as an ADL agent. He was San Francisco art dealer who was fairly well-known in the homosexual community and whose specialty was the infiltration of patriotic, Arab-American, and other organizations on behalf of the League. Bullock was found to have in his possession illegally obtained and highly private and personal data on his targets — data which could only have been obtained from police and other confidential government files. These data were also discovered in the files of the ADL itself when police raided ADL headquarters in San Francisco and Los Angeles as result of Bullock’s exposure. Read more

The Arseniy Yatsenyuk Foundation has disappeared

Third Editor’s note: The Open Ukraine website does have the list of partners. Again, the main point is that, despite a prominent role for nationalists in the revolution and in the current government, this list is a clear indication of the anti-nationalist sentiments of a key figure in Ukraine’s current government.

Second Editor’s Note, 3/12: The website for Open Ukraine (http://openukraine.org/ua) has reappeared,  but without the list of partners that so clearly show its sympathies with the neocons and Western NGOs and financial institutions.

Editor’s Note: This article by Freeman shows that, despite the presence in the new Ukraine government of the Svoboda nationalists, its president, Arseniy Yatsenyuk (who has three ethnically Jewish grandparents)  is firmly affiliated with neocons, Western economic interests, and prominent figures associated with hostility toward Russia.

By Freeman, transl. from German by Michael Colhaze


Since the 27th of February 2014 Arseniy Yatsenyuk is “prime minister” of the present and entirely illegal regime of Ukraine. As we have learned from the intercepted Nuland – Pyatt telephone conversation, he is the preferred candidate of Victoria “Fuck the EU” Nuland, which is the reason why the US State Department made him the top echelon of its coup.

Did you know that Mr. Yatsenyuk owns an organization called “Open Ukraine Foundation”? If you do, you might be surprised to learn that all traces of this foundation have been eradicated from the internet. The website of the Arseniy Yatsenyuk Foundation (openukraine.org) and its Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Open-Ukraine-Foundation) have simply disappeared. The Wikipedia entry still exists, but the links lead nowhere. Read more

Nacionalisté, Židé a ukrajinská krize – historický exkurz

Nationalists, Jews and the Ukrainian Crisis: Some Historical Perspective by Andrew Joyce

Nacionalismus je touha po svobodě

Nacionalismus je touha po svobodě (ne kolaborace s Židy s cílem získat režimní posty)

Autor: Andrew Joyce

V minulých dnech a týdnech se objevila řada komentářů zabývajících se údajnými fašistickými či antisemitskými sklony ukrajinských nacionalistů zapojených do revolučních událostí. Nejnověji je Vladimir Putin označil za „fašisty“ a „antisemitské reakční síly“, kteří páchají „nejdivočejší násilnosti“. Komentátoři však zůstávají nejednotni v tom, jestli Putin skutečně věří, že je Ukrajina pokraji fašistického převratu, nebo jestli nejde o prosté ospravedlnění ruského vojenského zásahu na Krymu. Nicméně, nehledě na nejasnou podstatu nacionalistické koalice, se rozhodl Abraham Foxman – stále ještě pevně usazen v sídle Ligy proti pomluvám (Anti-Defamation League – ADL) a stále mrtvičně zsinalý při sebemenším náznaku nacionalismu mezi bílými Evropany – poukázat na stránkách liberálního deníku Huffington Post na „znepokojení ukrajinské židovské komunity“ a vyzval novou vládu, aby „vydala záruky“ ukrajinským Židům.

Foxman a řada zpravodajských agentur označují za zvlášť znepokojivé postoje některých skupin a jednotlivců ve volné koalici nacionalistů a zejména potom stranu Svoboda. Protože řada těchto jednotlivců a skupin (stejně jako jejich postoje k Židům, multikulturalismu a Západu) jsou pravděpodobně neznámé širšímu západnímu publiku, doufám, že tento článek poskytne historický přehled a analýzu některých trendů ukrajinského národního hnutí. Věřím, že tak přispěji k lepšímu pochopení událostí na Ukrajině z pohledu západního bílého nacionalismu (K pojmu „bílý nacionalismus“ viz poznámka č. 1 v článku Grega Johnsona „O ukrajinské krizi“ – pozn. DP).

Ukrajinský nacionalismus musel vždy bojovat o své místo na slunci. Území Ukrajiny bylo terčem mnoha polských, tureckých, kozáckých a ruských tažení a invazí přinejmenším od 17. století a ve století 18. bylo rozděleno mezi Ruskou říši a Rakousko. Dokonce i v současnosti odborníci jako například Andreas Umland a Anton Šechovcov poznamenávají že „současná západní Ukrajina náleží více do střední než východní Evropy a v některých ohledech je podobnější baltským zemím než ostatním postsovětským republikám“ 1] Read more

Nationalists, Jews and the Ukrainian Crisis: Some Historical Perspective

Recent days have seen several comments touching on the allegedly fascist or anti-Semitic leanings of Ukrainian nationalists involved in the revolution. Most recently, Vladimir Putin has stated that the revolutionaries are a band of “fascists” and “reactionary anti-Semitic forces” that have gone “on a rampage.” Commentators remain divided on whether Putin truly believes Ukraine to be on the cusp of a fascist takeover, or whether this is simply an excuse for Russian military intervention in Crimea. Nonetheless, despite the ambiguous nature of the nationalist coalition, Abraham Foxman, still lingering at ADL headquarters and still apoplectic at any sign of nationalism among Whites, recently took to the pages of the Huffington Post to assert that “the Ukrainian Jewish community is nervous,” and urged the new government to “reassure” Ukrainian Jews.

Foxman and many news outlets have singled out the Svoboda party, and other groups and individuals within the loose alliance of nationalists, as being particularly concerning. Since many of these individuals and groups (as well as their attitudes towards Jews, multiculturalism, and the West) are likely to be unfamiliar to Western readers, what I hope to achieve in this article is to provide an historical overview and some analysis of the trends in Ukrainian nationalism. It is hoped that this might aid the development of a clearer understanding of events in Ukraine from a Western White Nationalist perspective.

Ukrainian nationalism has always had to struggle for free expression. Ukrainian lands have been the subject of incursions from Poles, Turks, Cossacks and Russians since at least the seventeenth-century, and in the eighteen-century these lands were divided between the Russian Empire and Austria. Even today, scholars Andres Umland and Anton Shekhovtsov have noted that “present day Western Ukraine belongs to the Central rather than to the East European context, and in some ways resembles the Baltic countries more closely than it does other former Soviet republics.”[1] Read more