Pondering a Pundit: Minette Marrin in the British Establishment
The forces promoting the Third World invasion of the West can appear overwhelming. It can seem that White nations have no allies in the mainstream media, the universities, or big business. In fact there are a great many level-headed intellectuals and journalists and, I’m sure, businessmen, who sense that something is wrong. Some of them propose remedies that make sense as far as they go. The fact that they do not go far enough should not blind us to the half full glass.
Here I shall explore possible reasons for this limited vision in the case of one such British commentator, Minette Marrin, who writes for the Sunday Times as well as being a broadcaster and fiction writer. Marrin belongs to the right wing of Britain’s establishment. She sits on the board of the Centre for Policy Studies (CPS), a free market conservative think tank that seeks to defend British values of democracy and individual liberty. True, there’s nothing about defending the interests of indigenous Britons. Nothing that deals with the existential crisis facing Britain and the West. Nevertheless it is better than the effluent that gushes from our universities.
Marrin’s comment displays an openness to concerns about immigration. She is also undecided and somewhat confused on critical issues. Why the confusion? Let’s begin with the positive. Read more