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87 search results for: Secession


Hey, Red States: Ready for Secession Yet?

When I wrote this, six full days after the 2022 midterm election, the situation was still undecided.  The Senate is apparently in Democrat hands again, and the House was “leaning” Republican , although some 19 (!) races are still undetermined.  [Editor’s note: The Democrats have indeed held the Senate, and the Republicans now have been […]


White Politics and Secession in South Africa

It seemed like an act of desperation. Twenty-five years after the fall of apartheid, South Africa’s Whites were counting on a Black man to save them from the corruption and malignancy of Black-majority rule. Its failure should have surprised no one. By all appearances, Mmusi Maimane was a South African Barrack Obama. Smooth and polished, […]


The Case for Secession

“Perhaps law-abiding states should bond together and form a Union of states that will abide by the constitution.” Allen West, Chair, Texas GOP Now that the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris regime and their Jewish entourage are measuring the curtains at the White House, it’s time to consider next steps.  As bad as things are for White […]


Implicit Whiteness Sightings: Shutting Down the Government and Talk of Secession

Always quick to spot a racial angle that they think will put White people in a bad light, there has been quite a bit of comment on the racial angle to the government shutdown/debt ceiling crisis. The New Yorker came up with “Where the GOP suicide caucus lives,” the point of which is that the […]