European Invasion

Remigration Demonstration 2024: A Gathering of Identitarian Forces in the Heart of Europe

From Arktos

Remigration Demonstration 2024: A Gathering of Identitarian Forces in the Heart of Europe

by Andrej Sekulović

Andrej Sekulović argues that the new youth of Europe is determined to defend its ancestral heritage against the onslaught of mass immigration and liberal insanity.

It’s completely inappropriate to see ourselves, in the nostalgia of despair, as a rearguard, a last outpost, that struggles with panache for a lost cause. No, we have to see ourselves as the vanguard of the resistance, whose lucid spirit exudes a certain optimism.

— Guillaume Faye, Why We Fight

Clouds were hovering over the city which was once the proud queen of Central Europe, an occasional raindrop falling from the sky on an otherwise warm summer day. Once the heart of an empire, Vienna was known as the home of knowledge, art and culture. It was also at her gates that the ferocious hordes of the star and crescent were stopped a few centuries ago by the common efforts of different European armies. If once Vienna mirrored the multiethnic composition of the Austro-Hungarian Empire as one of its two main centres, it currently mirrors in a more sinister way the inclusive politics of those who are at the helm of the European Union, reminding us of the great demographic replacement that we, as Europeans, are facing in our homelands. The old and majestic architecture, reflecting the rich past of the city, is contrasted with the ugly small fast food stands with “exotic” food prepared by Middle-Eastern, Turkish, Albanian and other migrants, the “new Europeans” of a darker variety walking on the streets, the women in hijabs, and the obligatory rainbow flags hanging here and there from windows and buildings.

But there is more to this city. It still has some of the authentic European strength left. The “progressive” leftists and multiculturalists, who would like to see Vienna and the rest of the old continent turned into some kind of an egalitarian multiracial utopia, were reminded once again on Saturday, July 20th, that they are not unopposed in their endeavours. On that day, Identitarians from all over Europe took to the streets of Vienna. They showed to the public that they will not idly stand by as their homelands are being flooded with the “diverse” masses of the third world, while their people are being poisoned by the perverted egalitarian globalist agenda. A crowd of determined and proud European patriots gathered in the centre of Vienna to attend this year’s Remigration demonstrations, organised by the Austrian Identitarian community, whose most recognisable representative is Martin Sellner. Many of the activists were armed with the symbolic plain yellow or black flags, reminding everyone that censorship and repression are very much alive in the supposedly democratic “freedom-loving” European Union, whose leaders and policymakers pride themselves as the guardians of freedom of speech and champions of human rights.

While the Greek letter Lambda, which shone from the shields of mighty Spartans in the days of the youth of our civilisation and was adopted in our age by Generation Identity, was banned in Austria, the activists of the movement still stand under their flags, fighting their own metapolitical and cultural Battle of Thermopylae. Symbols and names can be banned, but the idea lives on and manifests itself through the actions of the youth of Europe. The prohibition of symbols that are an important part of our heritage, history and culture because they are supposedly adopted by the “far right” is nothing new. They ban everything that they perceive as a threat to their hegemony, with no regard to historical importance. We can only “keep” those parts of our heritage that don’t jeopardise the liberal order.

Still, the resistance is growing. It cannot be stopped by the efforts of those who are brainwashed or bought by the globalists. It seems that with the help of social networks and alternative media, the Identitarian and right-wing ideas are steadily moving in the direction of what, for lack of a better term, may be called the Overton window. The Identitarian movements are marching forward in defiance of all the persecution and censorship. The ideas that were once only whispered about are now making their way into the “mainstream” political conservative discussions and are being more openly discussed by a growing number of people, from conservative politicians to well-established commentators, online and in “real life”. A good example of this is Tucker Carlson talking about the great replacement. This shows us that the Identitarian tactics of metapolitics are working. The metapolitical right has pierced the bubble of “mainstream discussion”, and the Identitarians are bringing this metapolitical change to the next level, as the things that were once considered “hard right” are now being normalised within the broader right-wing and conservative circles, which means that they are also becoming the subject of the general public discourse.

This year’s Remigration demonstrations in Vienna are a good example of this. In the first half of the 2010s, when the organised Identitarian activists first gained attention as a movement, at that time mostly operating under the name of “Generation Identity”, and became known through their street actions and community-building efforts, their ideological rhetoric was more moderate. They would rarely, if ever, publicly speak directly about “racial issues” or use the term “white” when identifying themselves in terms of their ethnic background. They would tactically rather use the more acceptable term “European” when advocating for the preservation of their ethnocultural heritage and identity. But the metapolitical struggle is changing this. When Remigration demonstrations took place this year, we could hear the well-known slogans of the Austrian and German Identitarians, such as “Europa — Jugend — Revolution” (Europe — Youth — Revolution) and “Wiederstand” (Resistance) being chanted by the assembled sons and daughters of Europe. We could also hear them chant repeatedly not only “Save our Nation — Remigration” but “White Lives Matter” as well.

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To burn or not to burn? Reflections on the burning Irish refugee centres

Every nation likes to be best in the world at something. As things stand, we Irish Potato Niggers are world leaders in burning refugee centres without hurting anyone. Nobody comes even close to us. The prize for burning refugee centres with refugees inside goes to the Israelis, of course, but that is not a spórt we want to indulge in.

Does burning refugee centres reduce the inflow of refugees?

Yes and no.

In the local and short term, yes, absolutely. There have been thirty-odd badly damaged refugee centres. None of them have had any refugees moved into them – yet. Only a handful of people have been arrested or charged with arson. One almost gets the impression that the Gardai are reluctant to investigate such fires: they dislike the refugees even more than the rest of us. The four fires in the Coolock refugee centre were quite possibly set by the Gardai themselves, as a hint to government that they disagree with migration policy and strongly dislike their Commissioner, the notorious Drew Harris.

In the national sense, the record breaking, non-lethal arson attacks have happened at the same time as record-breaking numbers of refugees and other foreigners are coming into the country. Since the start of this year alone, refugee numbers are up by 60% or so. The government issued 250,000 social security numbers to charming, hard working foreigners in the last year. These are insane numbers:There are only 4 million Irish ethnics in the country. A quarter or more of all residents are foreigners.Ten more years of this? Do the math!

If we take each burnt refugee centre as 200 residents, we have only reduced refugee accomodation by 6,000: a small number compared to the inflow. Just to match the flow of refugees, nevermind general foreigners, we would have to quintuple the rate of burnings. That’s a lot of firelighters and thick toxic smoke from modern building materials. Count me out, boys.

Numerous people urged me to burn our local refugee centre, including serving, uniformed members of the Garda Siochana. I declined: Ten minutes with a catapult could disable a building (windows and roof slates) without endangering human life through toxic smoke. That’s not endorsement or encouragement, just safety advice.

While burning refugee centres is 100% successful in the short term, peaceful protests are unfortunately 100% unsuccessful, so far. (There are some ongoing peaceful protests, and it is possible they will be successful. Let us pray.) If you want to see how they deal with our peaceful protests, look what they did in the Newtown MountKennedy in Co Wicklow. Coked up lunatics with English accents and Garda uniforms just wade into the women and children with truncheons and pepper spray. When the road is clear, the bus drives in with the jeering, gloating Darkies inside. It’s the oldest trick in the book, and the Old Testament God, whatever his name is, was a big fan of the procedure.

Two other tactics can work sometimes.

The spiritual Leprechaun factor. The modern Leprechaun is a jovial character: all booze and pots of gold. But the old style boyos were potentially lethal. It was long a tradition not to disturb trees or destroy “fairy forts”. It was held that lots of grim misfortunes would befall you, including death. In Clonmel, the town that whipped Cromwell’s ass back in the day, there was a Traveller’s site. They had the use of the field next door to rún a couple of ponies, one of the positive sides of traveller culture that has not yet been exterminated. There were some fairy forts ón the site.

Guess what our Pretty Boy Minister for Refugees Roderick O’Gorman decided? Let’s take the field away from the travellers and house a thousand single male refugees ón it, right next to where the travellers live. This was deliberately designed to antagonise everybody in Clonmel. Why didn’t they leave the travellers their little field and put the refugees 200 yards away in the next field?

Andrew Anglin has mentioned the concept of “cartoonish evil”. For some reason, they often go out of their way to do things in the most unpleasant and culturally inappropriate way possible. Is it to hypnotise us into a sense of despair and inaction?

There were numerous burnings of equipment and beatings of staff, but the preparations went ahead. They bulldozed the fairy forts. Then there was an accident. A weight of a couple hundred kilo fell nine or ten feet from a forklift. The site was badly organised. Someone was under the weight when it fell. The MSM are silent about it, but the word online is that someone is dead. Oh well. Sometimes that happens when you mess with the fairies….But the project is ongoing. Will the fairies strike again?

Legal threats: There are two types of threats: criminal threats and legal threats. A criminal threat is when you tell the guy you will slice off his ear if he doesn’t stop renting his property to refugees. Obviously this writer does not endorse that. A legal threat is when you threaten legal action, and it’s perfectly legal.

For example, here’s a true story. A certain businessman had a property which he wanted to rent for refugees in the Dublin suburb of Finglas. Five other businessmen visited his house. They were wearing masks, possibly to prevent infection by Monkey Flu. Or possibly as an expression of their sexuality. You’ve heard of LGBT+? Here’s LGBT+MM.(Masked Men)….

Either way, wearing masks is perfectly legal. They engage the potential refugee landlord in general Potato Nigger chit chat: the weather, the State of the Nation, Brit agents in the government, homosexuals in the Hierarchy…Then they get to the point: “The return ón investment ón refugees in your Finglas property will be lower than you think. We have some alternative suggestions as to what you could chose to do with it.”

The guy thinks it over, agrees with them, and the conversation ends in a friendly fashion. No crime reported, no crime committed. The system does not have the resources to protect all it’s hired helpers. Once the hired help are made aware of that, eyeball to eyeball, right ón their own doorstep, with their own cute children in the house behind them, many will prudently choose the path of least resistance.

“Wouldn’t it be great if it was like this all the time?” as Van Morrison sang.

Have you heard his recent album? Openly anti vax, anti Cranky Tribe and pro truth. It will chase your blues away, if you have them. Almost the only Irish/Ulster Scots artist with a functioning pair of cojones. A Jewish newspaper gave it a great review: “If you’ve ever wondered what the Protocols would sound like with a sax accompaniment, this is for you!”

As the Orangemen say: No Surrender! Ulster (and Connacht, Leinster and Munster) says No!

Great-Replaced: Half of Newborns in Belgium Have Foreign-Origin Mothers

First bar: births in 2020 by origin of the mother. Second bar: women of childbearing age by origin. Orange: native Belgians; blue: Belgian citizens of foreign origin; grey: foreigners.

The Great Replacement is a “discredited conspiracy theory,” but it also an empirical reality, wherever governments and agencies deem fit to publish the relevant figures.

France has long been loathe to publish such statistics, but neighboring Belgium — which has a similar history of recent immigration — is not so circumspect. The Belgian Federal Bureau for Planning recently published a highly interesting fact sheet on the national origin of mothers in Belgium.

The figures for 2020 show that Belgium now has a historically-low total fertility rate of 1.58 per woman. Of these, barely half of births (52.3%) are to native Belgian mothers. The rest are more-or-less evenly split between mothers who are Belgian citizens of foreign origin and foreign mothers.

Fertility rates differ drastically by origin, with native Belgian woman at a mere 1.38 and foreign women at 2.05 (48.5% higher).

Belgian citizens of foreign origin have a fertility rate of 1.58, suggesting a convergence of birth rates over time. Admittedly, interpretation is difficult as it is unclear what is included in this category. What proportion of these are Italian-origin Belgians (significant waves came from 1945 onward, now numbering around 450,000)? What proportion are Arabs or Congolese with Belgian passports? We don’t know.

Proportion by origin and age of women of child-bearing age, (orange: native Belgians, blue: Belgian citizens of foreign origin, grey: foreigners).

The replacement of the Belgian population will only ratchet up over time. Significantly, among 15-year-old girls, foreign-origin Belgian citizens and foreigners outnumber native Belgians more than two-to-one!

One struggles to find any previous examples in European history of population substitution on this scale. Probably one has to go all the way back to the Indo-European conquests circa 5000–4000 years ago.

The Belgian statistics are frustratingly unclear concerning the national origin of mothers in Belgium. “Citizens of foreign-origin” and “foreigners” indiscriminately include southern Europeans, eastern Europeans, Middle-Eastern Muslims, and Africans. There has been substantial European immigration to Belgium from Italy, Romania, and elsewhere.

It seems highly probable that European-origin mothers will have lower fertility rates than Africans and Muslims, though conceivably the latter converge somewhat in fertility with the natives over time.

Figures from the Belgian Statistics Agency revealed that in 2021 the proportion of native Belgians had fallen to a mere 67.3% of the population (from 74.3% in 2011 and 81.8% in 2001). The collapse of native Belgians is real, drastic, and ongoing.

Among Belgian citizens of foreign origin and foreigners, 48.3% are from neighboring or other EU countries and 51.7% from non-EU countries (mostly from the Maghreb, Turkey, and Black Africa). The proportion from non-EU countries has increased, being 38.4% in 2001 and 47.6% in 2011.

Thus, foreign-origin people in Belgium make up one third of the population, about evenly split between Europeans and non-Europeans. I suspect non-Europeans make up about a third of births in Belgium, similar to France.

Whatever one makes of all this, the Belgian population is being irreversibly transformed beyond recognition within a single lifetime.

The consequences for the native population have often been dire. In France, recent figures show that foreigners (not including citizens of foreign origin) make up 7.6% of the population but are two to four times more likely to commit crimes such as theft, sexual assault, and murder:

This does not even factor in French and Belgian citizens of African or Muslim origin. During a trial of the French-Jewish pundit Éric Zemmour for “hate speech,” the Socialist politician Jean-Pierre Chevènement came to Zemmour’s defense. He testified that as interior minister he received a daily list of crimes in France and most of the criminals had African or Muslim last names.[1] Note that Chevènement was Minister of the Interior from 1997–2000! The situation is no doubt even more stark today.

Beyond the decline in social capital and well-being, there are also plenty of signs the population change is leading to a collapse in any common values within the society. A recent poll by the respected agency IFOP found that 65% of young Muslim high-schoolers in France considered that “the norms and rules” of Islam “are more important than the laws of the Republic.”

The right is often faulted for being alarmist on immigration. Part of the reason for this is that the consequences of these trends take time to become apparent but also have tremendous momentum. The most extraordinary political courage will be necessary to hold back the tide, let alone roll it back. In any case, wholly preventable ethno-religious conflicts among Europeans, Blacks, and Muslims will continue to be facts of life in Western Europe for the foreseeable future. There is every likelihood these problems will worsen and, if nothing is done, will indeed become overwhelming.

[1]Éric Zemmour, La France n’a pas dit son dernier mot (Rubempré, 2021), p. 127

Germany Rises as ‘Eurostan’ Looms Closer

The new ‘Eurostan’ in the making: Countries impacted by the migrant crisis

The writing is on the wall. The old Germany of our Christian ancestors is in the process of being destroyed. And after Germany, Europe is the target.

The EU, as we all know who have eyes to see, has now become the United States of Europe in all but name — an undemocratic and despotic confederation of states without borders whose primary aim appears to be White Genocide — the slow and systematic destruction of the white indigenous people of Europe by means of uncontrolled mass immigration and mongrelisation.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has been the main force behind the ongoing destruction of the Europe of our ancestors, the Europe of traditional values firmly rooted in its Christian ethos.

Under Angela Merkel’s auspices, Germany has heard its death knell. It has seen its great cities with their shimmering Gothic spires, and its peaceful towns and villages nestling in the green countryside, invaded by well over a million uninvited guests from lawless lands who have turned their nation into a multicultural zoo. German women are being raped and sexually assaulted literally every day of the year by migrants. And still Frau Merkel sits there smiling complacently amid the ruins of her country, making no attempt to turn back the tides of mounting terror. Read more

Science and the Suicide-Cult: The Irrationalism of Richard Dawkins

The basis of science is the same as the basis of life: pattern-recognition. Even plants recognize patterns in the weather and the attacks of insects. The difference between scientists and trees, or scientists and sharks, is that scientists use reason and method, not instinct and other forms of biological automation.

Mathemodels of reality

Scientists try to identify and understand patterns in the world by creating patterns of their own: they perform experiments, they model and analyse data using mathematics, trying to create symbolic patterns that behave like real ones. Astronomy is the paradigm of this endeavour. There was sufficient regularity and permanence in the heavens for the ancients to predict lunar and solar eclipses. Ptolemy had an effective mathemodel of the solar system in the Second Century A.D.; Copernicus put forward a better one in 1543; Newton refined and expanded it in 1687. The power of Newton’s mathemodel was confirmed by the successful predictions it made: there were undiscovered planets out there. Neptune was mathematics before it became matter.

Stale pale male Charles Darwin

Biology proved much more difficult than astronomy and other branches of physics. The great pattern of evolution escaped the notice of Aristotle before Christ and Linnaeus long after, and when Darwin and Wallace recognized it in the nineteenth century, their description was linguistic, not mathematical. Their logic was good and their evidence substantial, but evolutionary biology didn’t become a proper science until it had a solid foundation of mathematics. Stale pale males like Ronald Fisher (1890–1962) and W.D. Hamilton (1936–2000) built mathemodels of biological systems that behaved like the real thing and made good predictions. Indeed, biology turned out to have a mathemodel of its own: the three-dimensional double helix of DNA carries a two-dimensional genetic code, which synthesizes proteins, evolves, and protects itself from error in ways that are illuminated by the human mathemodel of information theory.

Digital Dawkins

As Richard Dawkins puts it: “The essential difference between classical Darwinism (which we now understand could not have worked) and neo-Darwinism (which does) is that digital genetics has replaced analogue.” Dawkins will need no introduction. He’s much more famous than Fisher or Hamilton and a much better and clearer writer than his late rival, the Jewish Marxist Stephen Jay Gould (1941–2002). Dawkins’ line about Darwinism comes from the lecture “Science and Sensibility,” which is collected in a new book of his called Science in the Soul: Selected Writings of a Passionate Rationalist (Bantam Press 2017). I’ve enjoyed the book and it’s reminded me again both of what I admire about Dawkins and of what I deplore.

Powerful pattern: The DNA double helix

Read more

Born in Britain: Mass Immigration and the Twilight Zone

If you think that the recent attack by a Black terrorist in London says anything about the harm done by mass immigration, then think again. A great liberal intellectual called Matthew D’Ancona has crushed such racist nonsense with these lines in the world’s greatest newspaper:

As we now know, the attacker, Khalid Masood, was British, born in Kent and brought up as Adrian Russell Elms. His story is one of radicalisation, the question being when and how he embraced extremist Islamist ideology: the path that led him to an act of murderous violence has nothing to do with immigration. (The Brexiteers’ immigration promises are unravelling fast, The Guardian, 27th March 2017)

“Nothing to do with immigration”: A Black terrorist

See? The terrorist was born here. He was 100% British. Immigration had nothing to do with his terrorism. Somehow the concept of second-generation immigrants is far too complex for these intellectuals, so that the ill effects of policies in place for 50+ years can only be discussed within the context of recent immigrants not born in the UK.

Voila! Crime, terrorism and academic failure by second-generation immigrants have nothing to do with immigration. Believing their own propaganda, these intellectuals imply that second-generation immigrants have been entirely shaped by mainstream British culture, so that the cultures immigrants bring with them to the UK are completely irrelevant. It’s the same with personal traits like IQ: Mental ability has nothing to do with the ethnic/racial/religious heritage of immigrants after the first generation. Whatever their performance, it is due to having been born in the UK, with low performance likely due to White racism. It’s like saying that Masood would have been born in the UK even if his parents had stayed overseas. Read more

While (Western) Europe Slept, Part 2

Part 1.

These same fears were clearly articulated over a decade ago by Bruce Bawer in his prescient book
. Bawer argued then that Europe’s democratic traditions and open society face a growing demographic and cultural threat from Europe’s Muslim immigrant communities who reject Enlightenment values and resist integration.

He blamed this trend primarily on the “self-destructive passivity” among Europeans, whom he regards as “appeasing” essentially incompatible philosophies like radical Islam in the name of religious tolerance.  Unlike the former American ideal of “melting pot” integration of immigrants within the wider society, Europe generally fails to integrate Muslim immigrants and instead tends to marginalize and isolate immigrant communities in the name of multiculturalism.

According to Bawer, Western European governments subscribe to the worst kind of political correctness. From Sweden to France, governments shower immigrants with benefits, install them in ghettos, while turning a blind eye to Muslim attacks on women, Jews and gays.

Writing in 2006, Bawer hinted at a coming cataclysm. “Immigrants to Europe bring with them many tribal customs that are flagrantly inconsistent with a Western understanding of human rights,” he writes. “These customs represent flashpoints of latent or potential conflict between the Muslim immigrant communities and their host societies.” And in a multicultural society, we are expected to simply tolerate them even though they conflict with the most basic values of historical Western societies.

Response to the book was predictably ideological. Bawer characterized the leftwing criticism as symptomatic of one of the very problems he had sought to address in the book:

One of the most disgraceful developments of our time is that many Western authors and intellectuals who pride themselves on being liberals have effectively aligned themselves with an outrageously illiberal movement that rejects equal rights for women, that believes gays and Jews should be executed, that supports the coldblooded murder of one’s own children in the name of honor, etc., etc.

Unintegrated Muslim Communities: The Case of Sweden

Remember all of the recent furor and Swedish denials caused by Trump’s listing of Sweden as one the Europe’s countries negatively impacted by the influx of refugees? It seems that almost daily since then there are reports of riots and conflict in most of the urban areas where refugees have been settled.

The danger is so great to police in the notorious Swedish No-Go Zone of Rinkeby that they will not be allowed to use public transportation to get to work and may have to be driven to the station daily for their personal safety. Rinkeby was the site of a riot which saw looting and car burnings less than 48 hours after Trump mentioned the impact of mass migration on Sweden.

The heavily migrant-populated Stockholm suburb of Rinkeby is just what Bawer predicted 10 years ago. It is a textbook example of a No-Go Zone where police and even the liberal media are constantly under threat of attack from residents. To deal with the danger, the police have planned a new fortified police station, at the cost of 380 million Swedish Krona (£35 million). It will look like and be designed as a fortress with bullet proof windows, steel reinforced walls, and surrounded by security fence. Security is the police’s main concern in the area following attacks against them by residents while out on patrol. Police in Rinkeby now rarely venture on foot into the area without backup.

Christoffer Ersenius, local union president of the police district of Rinkeby, said many officers who police the area are still afraid for their safety.  There are also safety concerns for those contracted to build the new police station.  Earlier this month, it was revealed that the police had put the project on hold as contractors were reluctant to take on the work for fear of their workers’ safety.

But remember, despite all this, diversity is our greatest strength.

The General Pattern

It is not possible in such a brief essay to describe the deplorable conditions in all the European cities where similar problems are evident, but what I will do is provide an overview of the extent of the problem in more general terms.

In recent decades, the Muslim share of the population throughout Europe grew about 1 percentage point a decade, from 4% in 1990 to 6% in 2010.

This pattern is now accelerating because of the refugee crisis and many millions more have entered Europe since the Pew Forum documented the following statistics: the total number of Muslims in Europe in 2010 was about 44 million (6%), excluding Turkey. The total number of Muslims in the European Union in 2010 was about 19 million (3.8%).

Using the 2010 map we can see a stark divide between Western and Eastern Europe. Western European members like the UK, France, Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany, Austria and Sweden all now have very significant Muslim populations ranging from 4–8% of the total population. In Southern Europe the percentages can be even higher in Bulgaria (13.7%) and Greece (5.3%). However, in the Eastern EU countries, the percentages are negligible, far less than 1% in the Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovakia. This is why the EU, dominated by Western Europe, wants to impose quotas on the Eastern EU countries.

The map however does not begin to tell the whole story.

This is because Muslims concentrate within major cities. Many EU cities including Amsterdam, Brussels, Birmingham, Manchester, Cologne, Marseille, Stockholm, etc. have swelled to a 15–20% Muslim population (again 2010 figures).   However many areas within a city are majority to nearly all Muslim. (Similarly, In the US the NYTimes estimates the Muslim population in New York City from 600,000 to one million). So we go from 4–8% in the nation, to 15–20% in the city, to 50–100% in a given neighborhood. This is why police need military strongholds from which to conduct sorties in the no-go-zones that are proliferating throughout Western Europe. Because of the concentration of its population in cities, Muslims can now elect one of their own as mayor of London, and other European cities.

But will Western Europe ever awaken from its comfortable dream state of denial? The next evidence, for or against, will come from France, which has one of Europe’s largest Muslim populations.

Marine Le Pen, the presidential candidate for France’s populist National Front (FN), is now leading the fight. She is calling for the German-dominated euro to be scrapped and France’s membership of the EU to be put to a referendum unless the open-borders Schengen Agreement is abandoned and the EU reconfigured as a much looser association of sovereign nation-states.

“People are waking up,” confirmed FN deputy leader Florian Philippot immediately before one Le Pen’s recent speeches. “They see Brexit, they see Trump and they’re saying to themselves: ‘It’s worth going to vote.’”

This idea of an impending sea-change in world politics is one of Le Pen’s key talking points:

The people are waking — the tide of history has turned. What is at stake in this election is the continuity of France as a free nation, our existence as a people. … The French have been dispossessed of their patriotism. They are suffering in silence from not being allowed to love their country. … The divide is no longer between the Left and the Right, but between the patriots and the globalists.