Christopher Donovan: O'Reilly v. Law & Order
Christopher Donovan: The Jewish producer of Law & Order, Dick Wolf, presides over a television show that presents a grossly distorted view of New York City’s criminal class. Namely, that it’s rich whites, skinheads and radical right-wingers committing all the crime, while heroic black, Hispanic and Jewish detectives chase them down.
Often, the writers of the show will put liberal or anti-white speeches directly into the mouths of the characters. TV talker Bill O’Reilly, a recent target of one such speech, fired back.
Of course, the real fight here isn’t loudmouthed conservative radio personalities versus liberal television writers. It’s implicit whiteness, in the forms of Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Bill O’Reilly, versus Jewish sensibilities. How many O’Reilly viewers get that?
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