My “Ask Me Anything” on VOAT
I did an “Ask me anything” at VOAT on May 5th. It’s a bit like speed dating because it’s all done quickly and without a lot of deliberation. This is a somewhat edited version, including some comments on some of my replies and my comments. Sorry I didn’t get around to all the questions. People can continue the discussion here. Lots of good points from the questioners.
[–] brigbother: Hello Dr. MacDonald: How can we foster honest conversations about Jewish behavior without causing people to immediately be turned off?
[–] DrKevinMacDonald: It’s very difficult. People’s eyes tend to glaze over when the subject is broached. And the problem is that it takes a real commitment to get into it. You can’t give a decent argument on this very complicated subject with sound bites. It takes some serious reading. Dealing with Jewish issues is often the last hurdle for many in the Alt Right. In a way, it’s not necessary to talk about Jews to get at the core issue of White identity, but I do think that without talking about Jews you really can’t understand how we got to where we are now.
[–] brigbother: Thank you. I have definitely been subjected to the glazed eyes treatment when I’ve brought it up with people. You are right, it takes serious study to understand the JQ. My problem is that people are eager to change the subject and forget about it. Any tips on inspiring people’s curiosity so that they do seek out serious reading?
[–] smokratez: Tell people that you like what the Jews are doing. How you admire their closed borders. How they build a wall. That they are serious about trying to abolish miscegenation. That they oppose diversity and multiculturalism. I say that all I want for my country is what Jews have in Israel, and I mean it.
[–] DrKevinMacDonald: Good point by smokratez: I would also suggest getting on social media and following people who post intelligently about Jews. I follow a lot of people on Twitter who make good points about Jews.
[–] KroggRache: Thank you for your invaluable work! I have just gotten The Culture of Critique but haven’t read it yet, although I’ve heard excerpts and its reputation certainly proceeds it. Sorry for the length of post but one question that is on my mind stems from seeing and predicting the results of the Jewish lobby. They’re trying to engineer the destruction of the European whites; Inciting us to be social justice warriors, to join the LGBT, experiment with our sexuality, discourage us from having kids, instilling "white guilt", make it hard for us to find work, to get a home, more expensive to raise kids, etc. Essentially those whites that will not have kids are the liberal ones, the obedient ones, the ‘tolerant’ ones. The remaining whites may become the Jewish nightmare; the ones most aware of and most resentful of the Jewish tricks, and they’re consciously trying to have as many kids as possible and raise them into the so called alt-right movement. Perhaps the Jews are engineering their own doom by inevitably causing us whites to become their super-enemy. This is my question: In the future when we fight the Jewish power, how do we avoid pushing Jews too hard so that they themselves will not end up becoming our super-enemies?
[–] DrKevinMacDonald: I do think that there is selection going on whereby Whites with more traditional values are having a disproportionate share of children, or at least a disproportionate percentage of middle class White children. (The White working class is having huge problems. They have suffered the most from globalism and immigration, and the loss of traditional family supports has had a very negative impact on marriage and family life. ) It was very heartening to visit with people because they are highly socially networked and very family oriented. I had never been to an Alt Right meeting where there were children and wives, etc. We need more of that. The fact that so many educated, urban-dwelling Whites have plugged into the liberal zeitgeist is disastrous. But I am an optimist and I do think things will eventually turn around. But in any case, we have to keep fighting.
[–] KroggRache: Yes, I know what you mean. I had the honor and pleasure of getting into an online community that over the course of several months have grown into a couple hundred users. We’re like a tightly knit family with shared goals, some of which involves getting together, hopefully some of us end up living within a close proximity, and we can build foundations of real community, and through our diverse skill sets can become less dependent on mainstream means of survival, most of which are poison to our race anyways.
[–] TheDeadHand: What do you think the future of America is for whites? I know you don’t have a crystal ball but what is your best guess as to what sort of life my grandchildren will have as white people in America? Is it still too soon to tell? If so what is the most practical thing we can do on an individual level to make sure our children and grandchildren have a bright future? Hope this question isn’t too broad. Thank you for your time.
Also if anyone would like to join our discord server at then you’re more than welcome to. We promote ethnonationalism and traditional family values, as well as discussing politics and other such things.
[–] DrKevinMacDonald: Of course, I am deeply worried about our future. I see a future when Whites will be a despised, persecuted minority unless things are turned around. I also see a highly racialized world where voting patterns and associational patterns more and more determined by race. I commend you for having a site dedicated to ethnonationalism and traditional family values, and I mentioned TrueCascadia previously. We have to each make decisions to make our personal, family lives adaptive (e.g., by having children) but also think what we can do for the movement. Everyone can do something. We have to think about how we can make a contribution to the wider movement.
[–] bhendri123: We definitely need to have children. 3 is a good middle class amount to have. If you have well off 4 or 5 is a good number
[–] GayGuyShitlord: Make a lot of money, invest it well, start your own businesses. The Western world is going the way of Latin America, where the (mostly white) elites and upper middle class, all of whom inherit their wealth and status, can have a great life while occasionally brushing with the masses of poor people and their violence and misery. But if you’re white and middle class or lower? Don’t be in that position.
[–] Ajaxofbarbaria: Thank you
for the link. My life just got a whole lot brighter after the interview: D
[–] JohnRivers: Why is Europe even more degenerate now than it was pre-WW2 — despite there being so many fewer Jews in Europe? Is it just a matter of the American Media being that powerful and influential globally — and Jews having such a disproportionate influence on American Media?
[–] DrKevinMacDonald: In general, yes. Western culture goes beyond national borders to affect all Western countries, with the US in the lead. This is true of media culture emanating from Hollywood and New York, but also academic culture and the arts. Also, throughout the West, the cultural revolution has been top-down, emanating from elites in the media, academia, business and politics. These people control the narrative, at least prior to the internet and social media, and they have strong connections throughout the West. People naturally look up to them. This is why the Trump victory seemed so implausible — it was a hostile takeover — and why a Le Pen victory would be amazing. And this means that small numbers of people can have a huge effect on the culture. In a nutshell, this is how Jewish influence works.
[–] iownyou: Europe even more degenerate now than it was pre-WW2. We’re getting there, but our society is nowhere near Weimar Germany levels. When was the last time you saw child prostitutes in the streets?
[–] 1936today: I promise if the US had a trash economy to the extent that Wiemar did, there would be just as many, if not more, child prostitutes.
[–] Disemboweled: Considering
that even scholarly work focusing on jewis influence such as yours is derided as anti-semitic, and that the ADL, instead of offering a serious rebuttal prefers to brand you as "neo-nazi’s favorite academic", what is the likelihood of
there ever being a healthy dialogue in the west about the Jewish Question?
[–] DrKevinMacDonald: Glad you phrased that the way you did. The ADL and the SPLC, etc. resort to labels without any serious attempt to rebut my arguments and the things I cite (hundreds of Jewish sources, e.g.). I suppose what could happen is that my work is somehow mentioned by a person prominent in the media, but I rather doubt this would happen. And even if it did, it would not provoke a real dialog. In short, not optimistic.
[–] Disemboweled: The lack of discussion in this regard leads to a hardening of positions and, consequently, the attraction towards anti-Semitism itself and all associated conspiracy theories. Surely if Jews are, as you theorized, mainly motivated by self-preservation they would realize the perilous position that this complete non-admission of guilt has put them in. Or is it self-deception?
[–] DrKevinMacDonald: I agree that the obvious lack of honesty from the organized Jewish community and Jewish academics on issues related to anti-Semitism and Jewish influence results in non-Jews becoming more radicalized. People don’t see any possibility of rational dialog.
[–] Kekfashy: Thanks for the AMA, Dr. MacDonald. Do you think that it is possible to stop White Genocide without a violent culmination?
[–] DrKevinMacDonald: The longer this dispossession continues, the more cataclysmic the results will be. I do think civil war is a possibility long term. It’s interesting that Marine Le Pen said that a result of the election will be a lot of anger, and I think that’s true no matter who wins. Le Pen’s voters really do think (rightly) that what is happening to France is an absolute disaster. They likely think of it as what Mike Anton calls “Flight 93 election” — an election that would result in the end of everything if they lose. What do they do when they lose hope of winning an election? And the antifa there have already showed their violence when the far left guy didn’t make it to the second round. It may get really ugly.
[–] romainvicta: In CoC you argue that Jews have gotten themselves into positions of power that can widely influence the greater population as a form of hyper-tribal instinct and survival. At this point, do you think they are looking for total hegemony over the gentiles or is the decadence of non-Jewish culture as a result of their influence simply a result of, well, the Jews in power themselves? Since people in charge exert their views and influences over the others.
Also, in your opinion, do you think that Trump is controlled by the tribe? Do Jews have as big of an influence, if not bigger, in politics today than during the Civil Rights era all across the western world as to directly affect the presidencies and top leadership of our countries?
[–] DrKevinMacDonald: The thesis of CofC is that Jewish intellectuals have been the backbone of the intellectual left and have mounted an assault on traditional values, etc. I wouldn’t phrase it as a master plan but it is certainly true that Jews on the left wanted to destroy what Abby Hoffman called the WASP power elite and assume a position of power (see: Jewish intellectuals also tended to take skeptical, hostile views of traditional Christian morality–see the current article on The Occidental Observer — as John Murray Cuddihy pointed out in The Ordeal of Civility. Jewish power must always make allowance to attract cooperating non-Jews because Jews are such a small minority, so, for example, neocons have promoted non-Jews who are on page with their ideas, and the same goes for Hollywood, etc. These people have great careers. The anti-White revolution is highly incentivized.
I worry about Trump — especially the apparent demotion of Bannon and the rise of Ivanka/Jared. I am trying to wrap my head around it and write something on it soon, but it’s pretty hard without insider knowledge. There certainly are a lot of Jews in the administration and, with perhaps the exception of Steve Miller, they do not have a history of values supporting a rollback on immigration, economic nationalism, non-interventionist foreign policy that we liked Trump for originally. Unlike many on the Alt Right, I have not given up though. Trump is under unbelievable pressure from all sides, including the courts and especially the media, trying to de-legitimize his presidency. In such a situation, it’s very difficult to go for radical changes. Perhaps if he can generate more political capital (e.g., if the health care bill is a success–which I doubt), things could change.
[–] DennisDale1: After Jews, what group has the most successful group evolutionary strategy?
[–] DrKevinMacDonald: That’s a tough one, partly because there are lots of different types of strategies. Historically, Jews were deeply concerned about keeping their gene pool separate, and other groups have done that. The Middle East is full of them. Recently though in writing about ancient Rome I had the idea that they had a strategy that was open to incorporating new peoples. They were not genetically exclusive but rather gradually absorbed other peoples and allowed them upward mobility–an exogamous group strategy if you will, sort of like if the EU became a White superstate so that there was gradual mixture among the various European groups. This probably made sense when they were dealing with closely related groups (like the different Italian groups) because it allowed them to expand militarily far beyond what would have been possible if they had kept everyone else out. But when they got too far afield, it really became a mishmash and not really an evolutionary strategy any longer.
[–] ScionOfJustice: The Jews constantly do the same thing in every country. How much of their behavior do you associate with their genetics? What is the best way to get other people to "wake-up" to race realism & notice the problems the JQ brings to any society they inhabit? How can we bring down the Jew/ What is their biggest weakness?
[–] DrKevinMacDonald: I have argued that there is a genetic basis to ethnocentrism and this is a big part of what makes Jews do what they do. But a lot has to do with their culture–e.g., their lachrymose view of history as being persecuted by Christians and before that the Romans. Of course, they never try to understand how their own behavior was involved in all this, or at least they don’t publicly acknowledge it. This quote from John Murray Cuddihy is really about Jewish culture:
From Solomon Maimon to Normon Podhoretz, from Rachel Varnhagen to Cynthia Ozick, from Marx and Lassalle to Erving Goffman and Harold Garfinkel, from Herzl and Freud to Harold Laski and Lionel Trilling, from Moses Mendelssohn to J. Robert Oppenheimer and Ayn Rand, Gertrude Stein, and Reich I and II (Wilhelm and Charles), one dominating structure of an identical predicament and a shared fate imposes itself upon the consciousness and behavior of the Jewish intellectual in Galut [exile]: with the advent of Jewish Emancipation, when ghetto walls crumble and the shtetlach [small Jewish towns] begin to dissolve, Jewry—like some wide-eyed anthropologist—enters upon a strange world, to explore a strange people observing a strange halakah (code). They examine this world in dismay, with wonder, anger, and punitive objectivity. This wonder, this anger, and the vindictive objectivity of the marginal nonmember are recidivist; they continue unabated into our own time because Jewish Emancipation continues into our own time. (John Murray, Cuddihy, The Ordeal of Civility, 1974, 68)
Besides reading scholarly books about race realism and the Jewish issues, I would suggest reading sites like American Renaissance, Alt Right, The Occidental Observer, Occidental Dissent, and getting on social media. The people I follow on Twitter emphasize the hatred and crimes against Whites, the power of the Israel Lobby, etc.
Re Jewish weakness: They’re a tough group and have often been through difficult times in their history. I don’t see a big weakness now, although the policies they have been pursuing in the West are leading to more and more tensions that will likely prove cataclysmic in the end. If people understand the role of Jews in bringing all this about, there could be very dire consequences for Jews. It wouldn’t be the first time that Jewish behavior resulted in very serious problems for Jews.
[–] brett_stevens: To what degree do you think Jewish identity was shaped by the mixed-race origins of the Jewish people?
[–] DrKevinMacDonald: I rather doubt that’s important. I don’t know of data showing that in general mixed-race people are more ethnocentric. In the case of Judaism, I ascribe it to their Middle Eastern origins ("ethnocentrism central") but also their religious ideology and the fact that less ethnocentric Jews were likely excluded (or excluded themselves) over the centuries. We see that now, of course, with many Jews opting out, especially in the diaspora in the West.
[–] JohnRivers: Which country will be the proverbial Canary In the Coalmine — the one whose collapse will be a lesson to all other White Countries that Diversity is destroying us? Many say it will be Sweden or Germany or France. I worry that it will be America. Our demographics seem much farther gone than even the worst European nations.
[–] DrKevinMacDonald: I agree with dingomeat below that South Africa may be a huge wake-up call for Whites. The advertised harmonious future didn’t materialize, and Whites, especially farmers, are being slaughtered, and we hear Black politicians threatening what amounts to genocide. Why should we think it’s going to be different elsewhere? Re Europe vs America, Europe’s Muslim problem is qualitatively different than the US. They have larger, more concentrated populations, and they are very aggressive and hostile to the West, its peoples and its cultures. They are building parallel societies. I would think France would be the first to blow up.
[–] dingomeat: If Haiti wasn’t enough for you, then look to Rhodesia. If Rhodesia wasn’t enough for you, then you can watch South Africa in real time.
[–] ViaAlpina: Thank you for doing the AMA Dr. MacDonald. What are the Jewish elite’s plans for dealing with the rise of China as a world spanning superpower? Do you think they will attempt to infiltrate the elite through intermarriage? E.g. Maxima Chan Zuckerberg. Failing this, will they use Western economic and military dominance to contain Chinese ambitions?
[–] DrKevinMacDonald: All of those strategies will be used to some extent, but as long as they have outsize influence in the West, using that influence and taking advantage of Western military and economic strength are the most likely way of containing China. Europeans are far more open to Jewish influence because we are relatively individualistic and because liberal values are deeply entrenched. Other countries will be far more difficult.
[–] 1Sorry_SOB: Without naming names obviously, have you received encouragement though the years from any surprising sources?
[–] DrKevinMacDonald: The biggest encouragement has been that no one has written a critique of my academic work on Jews that amounts to anything. They simply ignore it. After all the uproar at CSULB, however, it was great to make many new friends and acquaintances from many countries who appreciate my work. I enjoy going to conferences and talking with people about my work. Come to think of it, one surprise is that a few Jews have been friendly. I just talked with a couple Jewish college students yesterday, and I have a Jewish writer writing for TOO. Some Jews get it. They realize not only that we are being dispossessed but they acknowledge the role of the Jewish community in bringing this about.
[–] 1Sorry_SOB: “After all
the uproar at CSULB” I recall that, it must have been very unpleasant.
[–] DrKevinMacDonald: It was unpleasant but I got pretty inured to it. I really didn’t respect the people who were going after me. They had zero intellectual integrity.
[–] dingomeat: Well, don’t be surprised when they network amongst each other within your organization.
[–] DrKevinMacDonald: In fact the people who led the charge against me at CSULB were almost all Jewish faculty. And of course many non-Jews went along, happy to signal their virtue and make friends within the power structure. No one spoke out in my favor.
[–] JohnRivers: The Cochran theory about Ashkenazi intelligence ( postulates that the elevated Ashkenazi IQ arose over the last 1000+ years in Europe due to being confined to white collar professions and smarter Jews outbreeding dumber Jews. But I’ve wondered why they were chosen for such professions if they didn’t already give indications that they had the aptitude for it. Nobody would put Somalis in charge of their bookkeeping, for example. I’m curious if you believe the Cochran theory or not, and when you think Ashkenazi acquired their elevated IQs. Thx.
[–] DrKevinMacDonald: I have commented on the Cochran/Harpending theory here. Obviously, I have a lot of reservations. Some Jewish groups were practicing eugenics long before the medieval period in Europe, and there is evidence from much earlier periods (e.g., the late Roman empire) and among Sephardic Jews for economic domination, involvement in "white collar" professions, business, trading, etc. They became very adept at this niche. A recent article of mine summarizes events in Eastern Europe that I also think relevant for selection among Jews for intelligence, business acumen and for a certain ruthlessness in pursuing success in business.
[–] SDifference: Also relevant is their IQ used to poll at like 85 or something, so why the increase? Actual increase? Better metrics?
[–] DrKevinMacDonald: Better metrics probably the most important. Tests done early in the century sometimes didn’t take account of language difficulties.
[–] SaveTheChiIdren: Do you think Jews are engineering transgender degeneracy. Would you label trannies as mentally ill?
[–] DrKevinMacDonald: I haven’t seen explicit connections between Jews and transgenderism. A possibility is that people on the left are naturally competing with each other for intellectual leadership, so people get more radical over time and look for new victim groups. Once gay marriage was legalized, they were looking for a new frontier. My main thought on transgenderism, after reading some of the work of Paul R. McHugh, a professor at Johns Hopkins University, is that there shouldn’t be interventions for children. People should make these decisions as adults; there are a lot of things that puberty can change, and I worry that transgender activists are getting more and more children to think they are really the opposite sex. After the surge prenatally, boys don’t have a lot of testosterone during childhood. Puberty may get a lot these children back on track. But I do think at least some transgender people are deranged. It’s likely seen by many as a way to be trendy and fit in with a leftie social circle for people who are basically inadequate and unsuccessful in their normal lives.
[–] orteil: As far as connections between Jews and transgenderism go, Marcus Hirschfeld, Jewish sexologist, is credited as having created the first advocacy group for transgenderism (he also coined the word "transvestite"). Stanley H. Biber was a Jewish physician who was considered a pioneer of sex reassignement surgery, and even had a South Park cameo for that reason.
And obviously the largely Jewish-controlled media constantly promotes transgenderism, whether it’s through "celebrities" like Caitlyn Jenner or Dana International (Israeli singer), National Geographic’s "Gender Revolution" issue, Time Magazine’s recent "Beyond He or She" issue, TV shows like Orange is the New Black or Transparent (which have been covered on TOO), ads, certainly academia… The news about Facebook adding 56 gender options to their site wasn’t that surprising either considered who owns the site.
The whole idea of sex and gender being "fluid" and a "social construct" is very reminiscent of the way Jewish sociologists have argued about race, which is something you’ve covered extensively, or Marxist ideas about class. It’s also consistent with the sort of sexual degeneracy they’ve been known to promote.
[–] DrKevinMacDonald: Good point. Andrew Joyce has a terrific 2-part article on this on TOO.
[–] Czakal: Apart from your own, what books would you most recommend reading?
[–] DrKevinMacDonald: Everyone on the Alt Right should be familiar with the ideas of other Alt Right writers–Jared Taylor, Raymond Wolters on Black/White differences in education, Tom Sunic, Frank Salter on ethnic genetic interests and the costs of multiculturalism, Ricardo Duchesne on the uniqueness of the West. Andrew Joyce and Guillaume Durocher are coming out with books on their work, some of which has appeared on The Occidental Observer. I am sure there are others… We have academically oriented articles in The Occidental Quarterly on all the topics important for the Alt Right, and I am making a point of including my longer essays there. They will eventually be a book on the Western culture.
[–] The-Chronic: Dr. MacDonald, thank you for taking the time to do this AMA. I have a few questions: What was the most eye-opening fact you found while writing the Culture of Critique series? What are some of your concrete recommendations for building a White ethnic identity, given that we don’t have the advantage of claiming we’re a religion and not a tribe? Do you have specific ideas for strategies we can employ to promote White interests?
[–] DrKevinMacDonald: Culture of Critique was sort of an accident. As I was reading for my first book, I came across a lot of material showing hostility toward the people and culture of the West, so I gradually compiled this. I guess the biggest surprise once I saw how common and important this was, was to realize the role of Jews and the organized Jewish community in shaping immigration policy in the US and other Western countries.
As you suggest, it’s a bit unnatural for us to be highly tribal (we tend toward individualism), but I do think that being on social media by Alt Right personalities and reading Alt Right literature will certainly point toward greater White identity. Social media is filled with reports of hatred toward Whites, crimes committed against Whites because they are White, reports of Jewish activism against the West, data on academic failure of Blacks, etc. I think plugging into this will definitely get people to thinking what the world will be like with Whites as a minority. Our biggest problem is being shut out of the big media, but we have a high profile on social media—my favorite is Twitter. Indeed, without social media, we would be nowhere. Since the Trump campaign we have gotten quite a bit of visibility even in the mainstream media, but there is pretty much always a hostile tone and accentuating the negative (Nazi salutes, etc.). But events continue to go as we predict. We don’t see improvement in academic performance of Blacks, e.g., and we see high rates of sexual assault and other crimes, poor academic performance and rates of labor participation among many immigrant groups. We continue to see high-profile examples of Jewish activism against White interests, such as Jewish organizations advocating generous immigration and refugee policies. White anxiety wasn’t the only issue that Trump capitalized on, but it was important for many Whites, and these trends will increase in the future. Imagine France in 5 years if Macron wins. More crime, more disorder, less of a feeling of being in what we thought of as France. But the longer it takes, the more cataclysmic it will be when the conflict occurs. Civil war is definitely a possibility.
[–] 1Sorry_SOB: As you suggest, it’s a bit unnatural for us to be highly tribal (we tend toward individualism), but I do think that being on social media by Alt Right personalities and reading Alt Right literature will certainly point toward greater White identity.
Revert to a normal state of mind. I think we should try act like our positions are natural rather than ALT.
[–] thealtright: Given that we don’t have the advantage of claiming we’re a religion, we certainly could and should incorporate our own natural indigenous European pagan religion into our identity as a whole in a way don’t currently do as a large group any more.
[–] 1Sorry_SOB: If it’s too forced the opposition will throw that back in our face. Like Kwanzaa. We should just say, "we’re a people if you don’t get it too bad."
[–] nationalsocialism: I’ve read your book, The Culture of Critique, and I’m curious if you think the Holocaust happened and if so, to the same extent as it’s described? If it’s a simple yes, could you expound at least upon how you think the Holocaust affects the present day? Thanks.
[–] DrKevinMacDonald: Whatever the truth about the Holocaust (and I decided a long time ago not to go there), the important thing is the cultural influence of the Holocaust, and I have written about that, saying, e.g., that we are in "the culture of the Holocaust" (p. xli and following pages: ). It’s a huge influence on our culture and is often used to attain Jewish political goals, e.g., diversity and immigration as mandated by the Holocaust, Israel.
[–] 1Sorry_SOB: A pleasure to talk to you Kevin! I have been reading you for years. Thanks for joining us today. 2 questions: Why do you think there is not more scholarly study of gentile/Jewish relations (similar to yours) from a revisionist gentile perspective? What is your take on the Sassoon family and the Opium Trade in China? Jewish historians almost celebrate it. The only critical histories I’ve read have been from a bit dodgy white nationalist web sites.
[–] DrKevinMacDonald: Well, scholarly work on Jews is very difficult. I have been very gratified by seeing scholars like Andrew Joyce, who has a PhD in history, write very informed essays on Jewish history. But he writes under a pseudonym, for obvious reasons. It’s a losing proposition for a young academic. I don’t know much about the Sassoon story but I have read enough to know they were involved in the opium trade and encouraged imperialistic practices toward China. I would like to see a good, non-apologetic account. There are similar accounts relating to the Oppenheimer family, the Boer war, and the diamond trade in South Africa.
[–] 1WinfieldBlue: What is your general view of Jordan B Peterson?
[–] DrKevinMacDonald: I have seen him in videos and am impressed. Anyone who stands up to the left on campus these days is very brave, and he seems to be very sensible in his views. I wish there were more like him.
[–] EllenPaosEgo: Were you inspired at all by The International Jew by Henry Ford?
[–] DrKevinMacDonald: I learned a lot from it and wrote a lengthy summary/review. This was first rate journalism that only rarely got off the rails. For example, it was very interesting to see how Jewish department stores influenced editorial content in newspapers by refusing to advertise in ones they didn’t like. They had a lot of clout even in the early twentieth century.
[–] This-Is-My-Truth: A tactic they’re employing to good effect more than a century later on platforms such as YouTube. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
[–] LeopoldXXII: When did you decide that you should publish your findings rather than stay silent and avoid persecution? Our societies need more men and women who display as much courage and fortitude as yourself.
[–] DrKevinMacDonald: Thanks. What started out as a purely intellectual puzzle (group selection in humans) became much more than that. I was very excited about what I was finding and just decided to let it happen. Never regretted it. Academic parties are pretty boring anyway.
[–] JohnRivers: Who counts as White? For example, Richard Spencer seems to include Non-European Near Eastern Caucasians if their people have a history of Christianity (such as Georgians or Lebanese Christians) but excludes Ashkenazi even though, genetically, Ashkenazi are a hybrid Near Eastern and European ppl and therefore genetically closer to us than Persians, Arabs, Georgians and other Near Eastern races. I tend to think of Race primarily in terms of Genetics, but someone like Spencer seems to think of it primarily in terms of Narrative and Story – and the spread of Christianity brought several non-European Caucasian groups into a shared story with us. I’m just curious what your definition of White is. Thx.
[–] DrKevinMacDonald: I am not really familiar with Richard Spencer’s writing on that. I take a genetic perspective best argued in Frank Salter’s On Genetic Interests, which I think is a must-read. (I forgot to mention that one earlier as an important book for the Alt Right.) Race is a fuzzy concept and there will be people who are at the borders, but there is a very strong argument for a biological basis for race.
[–] HammerZeit: Jews in the US seem to be out-marrying at a high rate. Two questions: a) will we see the importance of Israel fade as the memory of the holocaust recedes? and b) Will we look back at the post-war years as a brief blip in the ongoing assimilation and ultimate disappearance of Jews as a distinct group? I have four 1/4 Jewish nieces and nephews and their Jewishness is a dim memory.
[–] DrKevinMacDonald: Many Jews are intermarrying, but only in the diaspora and only in the West. One major reason for the establishment of Israel among early Zionists was to prevent intermarriage and of course they have succeeded. The Jewish community in the West will be made up increasingly of Orthodox or very conservative Jews. They have a high birthrate and many of them, like Jared Kushner, are very successful and talented, and some of these people do leave their communities and outmarry, and they tend to become more secular. These less ethnocentric Jews will be pulled away from the community, like your nieces, but the community will not disappear, even in the West, and I suspect that it will continue to be led by Jews who are not intermarried or the children of intermarried Jews. And it’s doubtful that it will become less powerful, although they will have to deal with large groups of immigrants how are not sympatico with Jews. This could be a problem, as in the UK where the Labour Party has become quite anti-Israel, and there are similar stirring among the Democrats in the US.
[–] JohnRivers: If you look at income stats, you see that Asians, like Jews, also out-perform Whites in America. But while East Asians have mostly excelled in Engineering and technical fields, many South Asians – despite being more recent immigrants than East Asians – are already excelling in highly verbal fields like Politics and cultural industries. This new South Asian Elite seem to have a cognitive profile quite similar to American Jews – and have a quite insular culture, South Asians have the lowest out-marriage rate in America.
Are we importing a new South Asian overclass?
[–] DrKevinMacDonald: I take it you mean from India? Possibly. Immigration from highly talented groups poses different problems than the mass of low-IQ immigrants, but we already know that from the history of Jewish immigration.
[–] Disemboweled: What do you think of the right-wing divide between civic and ethnic nationalism? Surely your research into jewish subversion of western society precludes the possibility of a successful civic nationalist State in which White identity can thrive, seeing how hostile elements tend to shape policy to their advantage.
[–] DrKevinMacDonald: Civic nationalism is weak tea and not a solution for our problems. It’s really the same old "proposition nation" idea promoted by Jewish intellectuals for decades. I can’t see how to restrict immigration within this intellectual framework in a way that would preserve a White majority. And within such a "nation" there is no real intellectual foundation for White identity. I can understand it as a halfway house (and maybe that’s what Steve Bannon was getting at). But ultimately we have to identify with our people in a racial sense or in the long run it will indeed be genocide.
[–] Disemboweled: Thanks. Just an additional thought – if, as you stated in one of your books, national socialism evolved as an evolutionary strategy for the gentiles in response to the jews and, considering what you just said about the need for a polity based on white identity in response to Jewish subversion and mass immigration, does this leave national socialism as the ideal political paradigm for our survival or are others preferable? Seems like pluralism is no dissociable from democracy at this point.
[–] DrKevinMacDonald: Some form of national socialism would be a viable way of going forward. Ideally, I would like society to be more individualistic ultimately — such a society would feel more natural to us and really unleash our potential and creativity. Perhaps we need a period of very strong collectivist White identity but then revert to more individualism later after a viable ethnostate is established, with the understanding that individualism that hurts the collective must be reined in.
[–] ScionOfJustice: Do you think the Jews are trying to cause a race war in the Americas or Europe?
[–] DrKevinMacDonald: I think the official view is that things will work out just fine if White people would lose any sense of racial identification and adopt a "citizen of the world," cosmopolitan perspective (noticeably absent from Israel). They are not trying to start a race war, but the policies pursued by the organized Jewish community and their co-ethnics in the media and elsewhere are in fact going to lead to a race war. The only way to avoid such a war would be for Whites to just surrender. That seems to be what Macron is saying–Le Pen will cause a civil war and we can avoid that by just accepting the transformations that are occurring.
[–] NeoFuturist: What do you base an idea like inborn, pathological altruism on when Europeans (or more accurately our governments) have historically been anything but that until recent post-war decades? We have waged more war and conquest than any other people on this planet to devastating effects to ourselves and others. It just seems to me that this suicidal altruism that you think we possess didn’t exist until the 1960s or so.
[–] DrKevinMacDonald: You may be right, but there were already signs of it in some subcultures in Britain–see, e.g., here:
Or here: It’s a very complex story that I am trying to write a book on. Briefly, I do think there are different tendencies among different European subcultures and that the more altruistic-tending groups have been coming to the fore since the 17th century or so, destroying the older aristocratic culture in favor of egalitarianism and moral universalism. I still have a ways to go in nailing this down to my satisfaction.
[–] Disemboweled: Without resorting to absolutist statements, the influence of Jews in the media and Hollywood alike is disproportionate compared to any other group. Considering this, coupled with the fact of the Jewish Lobby and generally pro-Jewish interest groups’ ability to shape domestic and foreign policy, how much credence do you lend to the ZOG (Zionist Occupied Government) conspiracy theories?
[–] DrKevinMacDonald: I don’t use the ZOG thing but rather try to look at particular areas of influence, such as the media and the Israel Lobby. Terms like ZOG are the sorts of things they would like to see us use because they go too far and are too unspecific.
[–] abvoat: Is there any way Jews can be successfully integrated into western civilization or has their evolutionary path made them biologically unassailable?
[–] DrKevinMacDonald: What I wish is that Jews would change their ways—make a cultural shift. I have often said that it wouldn’t matter that Jews are an elite if they weren’t hostile to the traditional people and culture of the West. I don’t see this as being impossible but I certainly don’t see it happening apart from a few Jews.
[–] bhendri123: Lana Lokteff Longer and Brittany Pettibone are 2 very beautiful women. Lauren Southern is also. Can we use female beauty to lure into thr movement? Always it’s not the car but the beautiful woman by the car that sells the car.
[–] DrKevinMacDonald: Agreed. I think it’s very important to have well-spoken women who have positions of visibility in the movement.
[–] AlterSchwede1: Dr MacDonald, have you considered getting on Gab? Thanks.
[–] DrKevinMacDonald: Not yet. I enjoy Twitter and don’t feel my free speech is inhibited. Of course, that could change. I don’t want to spread myself too thin.
[–] MrPong: Hello Dr. MacDonald. Is it accurate to equate Judaism / Jewish survival strategy, to a form of supremacism?
Supremacism is the worldview that a particular age, race, species, ethnicity, religion, gender, social class, ideology, nation, or culture is superior to other variations of that trait, and advocates those who identify with it to dominate, control, and subjugate those who do not.[1] As in god chosen people and non jews are beasts/Every Jew will get 2800 Gentile slaves
[–] DrKevinMacDonald: I do think there is a strong strain of supremacism, so defined, among many Jews. There is a sense that Jews are more intelligent and ought to be an elite that determines where the culture should go. That became apparent to me in writing about the Frankfurt School and its offshoots–a sense that intellectuals should lead and a great disdain for American culture of the 1950s that did not give them the power they thought they deserved.
[–] bhendri123: Do you prefer the let 1,000 flowers bloom approach here rather then infighting? Some white women will have a lot of white babies, some wealthier Whites can donate money, some can make speeches or write articles. Some use humor like Ramzpaul, some use.intellect like you. Rich guys like Robert Mercer who supported Trump and Breitbart may come to donate to our cause? Is turning more Breitbart like in your view because of Tucker Carlson??
[–] DrKevinMacDonald: I hate the infighting and have generally stayed away from it. We have to have lots of voices — including ones that I personally find distasteful. Everyone should ask what he or she can do to help out. We can all think of something.
I do think Tucker Carlson is a breath of fresh air. He really emphasizes diversity issues and typically does a great job of skewering the politically correct.
Sorry, but it’s been 2-1/2 hours. I’m beat and am going to have to call it quits. Thanks. Interesting and enjoyable.
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