The War on Whites: Harold Covington’s Northwest Novels
The War on Whites is moving to a higher level — fast. Signs are everywhere; they are undeniable. First and foremost, understand and accept that this is happening. For many, there will be no escape. If you are White and don’t yet grasp what is happening, quickly find out from someone who does. Lives will depend on it.
In my previous TOO article, I reviewed “collapse” novels by Matthew Bracken as a means to put average Whites in the frame of mind needed to accept that “our” government is now fully ready to attack us. All institutions are now arrayed against the White Christian founding stock of the United States of America: from the government, to the media, to education, to corporations, to the military, to the churches — all of it. And I know many of you readers see this. Some, however, don’t.
To me this is highly perplexing, as it is to TOO writer Thomas Dalton, who recently addressed this puzzle. “How,” he asked about such people, “can they be in denial of what is, from a rational and objective standpoint, surely one of the major problems facing civilized humanity?” Deny it they do, which is why I’ve tried a variety of approaches here at TOO over the last dozen years or so. For instance, in my Bracken review, I did something new in my writing: I deliberately crafted my account for normies, with no reference whatsoever to Jews. Surely long-time readers noticed this. While I did it in part to allow TOO readers to share my ideas and Bracken’s descriptions with those Whites not yet awake, my primary purpose was to create a sudden shock when this current review appeared, for the central message, the key to understanding the War on Whites is this: This war is being waged by the mainstream, organized Jewish community. This cannot be denied.
To my amazement, however, a hefty majority who correctly write about the danger facing the White race either fail or refuse to take their analysis to its obvious conclusion: Who is behind this vast swath of anti-White activism? I would have thought that with the release of Kevin MacDonald’s trilogy on Jews in the 1990s and its subsequent filtering into the growing culture of the Dissident or Alt-Right, the matter of who is on the attack would be settled. Unfortunately, it is far from settled, with a growing retreat from the obvious since Charlottesville in 2017 and the rise of “cancel culture” and deplatforming since.
Take, for instance, this typical headline: “These Key Similarities Between Lenin’s Red Terror and America’s Woke Culture Reveal Left’s Blueprint for Complete Takeover.” Shouldn’t that alert most educated people to the group we are discussing? I mean, right here in the opening of that blog, the author puts this in bold: “Cancel culture is the prelude to the rape, torture, and murder of the American people by a resentful underclass goaded on by a parasitic globalist ruling class.”
Say those last four words slowly: “parasitic globalist ruling class.” That sounds a lot like reporter Matt Taibbi’s excellent introduction to his essay “The Great American Bubble Machine,” where he wrote these immortal words: “The first thing you need to know about Goldman Sachs is that it’s everywhere. The world’s most powerful investment bank is a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money.” Aren’t we talking here about some rather obvious, reliable identifiers here?
Readers, we are talking about the organized Jewish community. And it does no good to cleverly try to avoid saying this, mainly because Americans can’t figure it out if it’s not asserted in plain language. Thus, we have Andrew Joyce in “Vulture Capitalism is Jewish Capitalism” with his entreaty to “Strike through the mask!” Name the Jew. Joyce asserts that “the problem presented by these cabals of exploitative financiers will only be solved if their true nature is fully discerned.” Such a sentiment was immediately echoed by John Q. Publius when he wrote that the role of writers at TOO is “to shoulder our way into the conversation and show plainly the architects of this modern horror show,” be it in Washington, Hollywood or on Wall Street.
This present essay names Jews as “the architects of this modern horror show,” the sponsors of this War on Whites. In fact, throughout my entire adult life, I have seen (and experienced) an escalation of the Jewish War on Whites, something that was so thoroughly documented for us in Kevin MacDonald’s trilogy on Jews, culminating in his 1998 Culture of Critique. Since then, MacDonald, E. Michael Jones, writers on this site, and many others have added trenchant commentary on this existential threat to Whites. One indefatigable pro-White activist was the late Harold Covington, who wrote novels that began as The Northwest Trilogy, became The Northwest Quartet, then finished as The Northwest Quintet. Every man just listed insists on naming the Jew.
I wrote about Harold Covington and his Northwest novels precisely ten years ago here, and the uproar over that has been unmatched by anything I’ve written since. The late Harold Covington (he died on July 17, 2018) had many enemies in “The Movement,” but that is not the point that now concerns me. Rather, I’d argue that Covington’s premises in his Northwest novels concerning a Jewish War on Whites are more relevant now with a new Democratic administration in office than they were when I wrote about him ten years ago. So much in those five novels is what we are actually living through today that I want readers of TOO to imagine a world in which the United States Government is essentially at war with a huge proportion of the White population (and can later mop up the surviving “useful idiot” liberal Whites acting as foot soldiers in this larger War on Whites).
Because Covington was such a contentious figure, I will offer a brief defense of using his prose by turning to former editor of The Occidental Quarterly (who now runs his own site, Counter-Currents) Greg Johnson, who, in late 2009 or early 2010, wrote:
So, for the sake of argument, let’s accept that everything you and the other Covington and Duke detractors who have contacted me say about these men is true. So what? I am not entrusting them with the virtue of my daughters, or the control of my trust fund, or the keys to my home. I am reviewing and discussing their ideas because I judge them interesting and relevant to White Nationalism.
Further, one of the premier former writers in TOQ and C-C stables, Michael O’Meara (now sadly missing in action), gave an intelligent and rousing endorsement of Covington’s early Northwest novels, writing:
Political fiction has one overriding purpose: to reach those who can’t be reached through rational discourse. In this, Covington’s Trilogy is superb. It is full of memorable characters — classic American types (daring, two-fisted White men) who remind us of our ancestors and not the ridiculous creatures we see on nightly television. It abounds with actions and adventures that evoke our earliest racial memories and reveal what we can be once free of the Jews’ lunar spirit. It conveys the ideals of our movement in a language and style accessible to those who might otherwise ignore them. It tells an exciting story that is both entertaining and didactic. But above all it imagines a course of action — perhaps the one possible course of action — that will ensure our existence as a people. Whatever one may say of Covington the activist, it has to be acknowledged that he’s made a work of art of his separatist vision, and it deserves a hearing.
(I can’t resist noting that O’Meara himself wrote at least some things in a way that paralleled the Northwest narratives of war and violence. Frankly, I’ve always been surprised that no one has raised any eyebrows at the thrust of O’Meara’s thrilling book Toward the White Republic [Counter-Currents, 2010] a used copy of which still lists for over $1,000 on One of the last chapters is [literally] an incendiary account titled “The Hotrod of the Apocalypse,” which can be read here. The point is that O’Meara has an unusually deep understanding of Covington’s intent in writing the Northwest novels.)
Again, we hear all manner of advice on how Whites can move forward, far too much of which never names the elephant in the room. A man writing as “Chechar” does not have that problem, and he also recognizes the value of Covington’s thought as transmitted through fiction. “The notion that racialists follow the left’s Gramscian ‘march through the institutions,’” writes Chechar, “is equally unserious. Covington’s Northwest Volunteer Army is a hundred times more realistic than the thought of re-establishing the integrity of White life through elections or an expanded media.” The left dominates the universities and the media, and they will not surrender it. Academic hiring is rigidly policed, and the media is hopelessly anti-White.
If people do not realize the futility of hoping for elections or changes in universities or the media to improve the White condition, then they need to read TOO more regularly. We’re in a totally new environment here. Covington’s character Mr. Ekstrom knew this: “Things must change,” said Lennart Ekstrom slowly. “Every White man and woman in America knows it, deep down inside of themselves. This isn’t America anymore.” Now let’s see how one of the Northwest Novels handles this.
Covington’s novels appeared in this order:
The Hill of the Ravens, 2003
A Distant Thunder, 2004
A Mighty Fortress, 2005
The Brigade, 2008
Freedom’s Sons, 2011
In my estimation, the crown jewel among these five novels is the fourth, The Brigade, so I will address only that novel here. The Brigade encompasses all of what Covington was trying to accomplish in these novels, makes the outlines of the War on Whites clear, and situates it all in engrossing action.
My contention is that Covington gauged accurately the situation in America during his lifetime and correctly projected where that situation would lead. Events since the The Brigade’s publication in 2008 have uncannily mirrored Covington’s fiction and are therefore of great use today in putting our White selves into the drama and its inescapable dynamics. Thus, I fervently hope readers will enter not into the “What if?” realm of fantasy but into the more pressing “This is it, guys” scenario offered by a true visionary like Covington. The choice offered in all five Northwest novels is a stark “Fight or Die.”
Having relied on Michael O’Meara to boost the Northwest novels, I’ll crib from O’Meara’s synopsis of the Northwest Imperative. Covington believed that remaining Whites in America (and to some extent elsewhere) must separate from the irreparably anti-White remaining core of the United States, gathering in Oregon, Washington State and parts of adjoining states to fight for and preserve their existence by establishing a White homeland. Having dedicated this book to the memory of David Lane, Covington implicitly endorsed Lane’s enduring fourteen words: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.” The Brigade is a fictional but believable account of how that could be done.
To achieve this, Covington believed that “the present situation is such that any hope of reversing America’s ‘de-Europeanization’ or replacing the Judeo-globalist regime in Washington responsible for it is no longer feasible.” These novels as well as years of weekly broadcasts pushed the imperative for a White migration of “racially aware Whites to the Pacific Northwest — the Whitest section of the United States — to create there the critical mass that will be needed once the time comes to wage an anti-colonial war against the Washington regime.”
This rebellion begins with a puzzle, one that has endlessly intrigued me, and must have puzzled Covington as well: What would it take to get today’s Whites to wake up and defend themselves?
Covington was as mystified as I am, so in his novels he writes of how “Whites in Coeur d’Alene Idaho finally rebel, when they spontaneously resist federal agents attempting to carry off the children of a politically incorrect but well-regarded family.” This ignites a local reaction, and neighbors intervene. “They help arm, organize, and lead several hundred Coeur d’Alene Whites against the troops sent in to crush them. Their rebellion is quickly quashed, but, like Ireland’s Easter Uprising, it ignites a war for national independence.”
In short, Covington creates a story about the “Northwest Volunteer Army” (NVA)
as it leads an IRA-style terror campaign against the Judeo-globalist forces in control of the United States. The NVA’s struggle is greatly facilitated by the fact that in this future period American society and the US government have become even more incompetent than they are today. The US military is bogged down in endless Mideastern wars fought on Israel’s behalf; its social system is increasingly dysfunctional, balkanized into rival racial-ethnic interest groups; an ever-growing part of the White population, unable to compete with coolie labor, is condemned to unemployment or conscription; and the material prosperity that has long served as a race-obliterating opiate has given way to the growing impoverishment and alienation of the White masses.
Covington’s rendering of this White war for survival is gripping, compelling, and prescient beyond measure. I’ve read the book three times and without fail the 517 pages flew by as if it was only a few hours of reading. Remember, political fiction must engage the reader by methods other than the rational. Greater numbers of Whites can be reached by music, by public demonstrations, by humor, by political cartoons — or by fiction. Covington chose the latter. For the sake of our race, I want him to succeed posthumously, which is why I am resurrecting my original review of the Northwest novels through a focus on The Brigade.
Ironically, this war story begins with an account of a heterosexual couple with children, all of whose lives are sundered by the wife’s decision to divorce her blameless husband and begin a new life with her lesbian lover, just as Matthew Bracken’s second Enemies novel had begun. Here we meet some of the main characters as they carry out their decision to prevent this by executing both women. It is far from the first bloodshed in the book.
Next we begin to see the budding structure of the NVA, where one man says, “I look back at all the crap our people have put up with over the past century and I am still astonished that we never picked up a gun before. Why the hell has the White man never fought?” Correctly, this character notes with respect to the brewing War on Whites, “This isn’t an overnight development. This has been going on for 50 years. What the hell was wrong with us back in the 60s and 70s? Or even earlier? Why didn’t we fight?”
Group leader Red Morehouse zeroes in on the answer: “The White man can still show physical courage, yes. Lots of it. That courage gene is definitely still there in our makeup. But what we can’t seem to do is to be brave on our own, for our own interests, without the Jewish seal of approval. We have developed a poisonous symbiosis with the system. It needs us and we need it, psychologically. White males are addicted to social approval nowadays.” In other words, White people only act when their actions are consistent with the attitudes of the moral communities they relate to. And right now, the moral communities that are dominant in the West are created by elites that are totally and irrevocably anti-White. The Northwest Volunteer Army aims to establish a moral community that would approve of White rebellion, including military action, and provide the means to achieve independence.
Covington effectively shows how the federal government, as depicted in The Brigade, now very much sees the White man as an enemy. For instance, a Vietnam vet shows a photo of several young naval officers on the flight deck of an old carrier, and his friend says, “You mentioned once that [it] was taken when you were on the Kitty Hawk launching air attacks against North Vietnam.” “Yep,” replied Fields nostalgically. “That’s me on the left, Al Vitelli on the right, and Bret Halsted in the center. Al died of cancer a few years ago, and Bret died in Atlanta federal penitentiary. He … got five years for hatespeech. Judge went light on him because of his age. He was 64. The first day the guards simply turned him into the yard and the Black gang members beat him to death.” Is America heading into the summer of 2021 so different?
Turning to new member Bert, Fields imparts a point far more Whites must understand: “Bert, the America that we once knew, that we were born into, the America that you fought for in ‘Nam, that America is now gone. It doesn’t exist anymore. It is gone forever. It will never come back. I need to know if you understand this, if you accept it. Because if you don’t, then there’s no point in my continuing with what I have to say.”
If I were to give you five narrow-lines pages of notepaper and let you loose on the Internet, how long would it take you to fill those pages with examples of how America is now lost to us? Not long, I suspect. And the main reason for this state of affairs is spelled out in MacDonald’s Culture of Critique and other works. We face a Jewish War on Whites.
Media Silence and Distortion
Being a media specialist, I’ve known since the early ‘90s how awful the media is with respect to race—and I’ve known why: The media is overwhelmingly in the hands of Jews, and Jews are a hostile elite in White countries. One result is that the media has inverted reality and convinced many millions of Whites that Whites are savagely attacking Blacks, when the evidence overwhelmingly proves just the opposite. What a testimony to the power of media! What a tragedy that Jews control the majority of it, and even conservative media like Fox News completely avoids the issues so central to our survival and well-being as Whites.
Covington shows this in various places, such as in a conversation between two NVA rebels, one of whose daughters was brutalized by Black crack addicts:
“She wants me to take her out to the range shooting all the time. She always wears long-sleeved shirts and dresses or slacks, and never a swimsuit or a halter top. She broke off with Brad Gibbons, and she won’t date now. Ever wonder why? In Portland, she came home one night and found a couple of … crack addicts who had broken into her apartment waiting for her. When they had finished with her, they tried to stab her to death with a broken wine bottle. They didn’t kill her, but not for lack of trying. Her body looks like she was fed into a McCormick reaper, inch by inch. It was never mentioned in the papers or on TV because of the press censorship laws Hillary Clinton rammed through on her first year as president, the ones that forbid what they call racial incitement, such as reporting Black crimes against White people.”
Most readers of TOO know about this perverse inversion of reporting on interracial crime, as this blog and photo both show: “33 Whites Die (And ONE White-On-Black Murder!)”
Murdered White Victims
The truth is maddeningly simple to verify, but human nature crumples in the face of media power. Reality itself wilts when the vile power of the media blasts it at a billion watts a second. The truth, however, is constantly out there and can in fact be readily found. Just turn to Paul Kersey or revisit one of the greatest hidden Black-on-White crimes of the century, The Wichita Massacre. The truth is not hard to find—but paradoxically, it is impossible to see. Well, it seems paradoxical only to those who do not know about the evil surrounding the Jewish Question.
This media curse against Whites transcends the vastness of the Atlantic Ocean, too, as shown below, where but one Black victim of White violence has become a martyr in Britain, endlessly commemorated in the media, while the enormously greater number of White victims died in obscurity (see “Black Saints, White Demons: The Martyr Cult of Stephen Lawrence”).
Contemplate how one-sided this murderous violence is. Yet the majority of Whites, it seems, side with the narrative that Whites are overwhelmingly killing Blacks. Of course, the media is to blame—but can the media have that much power over the White mind, even when the truth is so obvious?
Covington ventures an explanation for this by creating a dialogue between a bereaved father and daughter. The father’s only other daughter, a beautiful young girl named Jan, fell in with a Black crowd at school, got involved with drugs, and started sleeping with the star basketball player, a Black youth who supplied her with drugs. In time, she got pregnant by him and was of course spurned. Not seeing a way out, she took her own life. The father, a quite affluent banker, tries to rationalize why the family must quietly accept their loss, but the surviving daughter objects to this rationale: “So we’re all nothing but a bunch of hogs slopping at the great American trough, and every so often the big Black butcher comes among us and drags one of us away squealing, and we just look the other way and accept it as the price of all that lovely swill and jam our snouts back in deep, so we don’t hear the screams? Is that it?” Sad to say, Covington is on to something here.
Another way the choice of fiction serves Covington well is in his ability to present a scene rather than make an argument. For example, instead of explaining how bizarre it is that American Jews are well above average income yet unceasingly claim to suffer from anti-Semitism, Covington uses a dinner to make the point. The Goldmans are a wealthy Oregon couple who will have a special $60,000 dinner flown in from Jerusalem, while a working-class White who hears about this gasps, “I’ve never even seen $60,000 in one place. My family has to make do with meat twice a week, and that’s with me and my wife both working. My boys will never enter the door of a college because they’re males with White skins, and we’ll never be able to afford to send the girls either.”
In The Brigade, the Goldmans have to pay for being part of this unspeakable crime syndicate, and two NVA members approach the Goldmans as they head for that dinner from Israel. “The two gunmen said nothing, but Jacob Goldman gasped out in a strangled cry, ‘You!’” Here Covington provides a philosophical—even cosmic—description of what this war entails: the biblical brothers Esau and Jacob forever in conflict, but this time Esau gaining the upper hand:
All four of them understood what Jacob Goldman had said. He did not know or recognize the men who were about to put him to death. They had always been far beneath him, part of the scenery he saw from the window of his luxury car or a plush office suite, animals who through some accident of nature resembled God’s Chosen People in outward form, but whom the sages of Torah assured him were beasts without souls. Yet he knew who they were, and why they were here. Four thousand years of racial instinct crackled in a moment of cosmic, hideous recognition and knowledge. A timeless drama was once again about to be played out, an ancient debt was once more to be paid, and blood was about to be spilled once more in humanity’s longest war. The men before Jacob Goldman could have been wearing Roman armor, or Crusaders’ chain mail, or Cossack leather and furs, or the Black tunic of the SS. Now they wore denim jeans and ski masks, but oh, yes, he knew them. Now he was going to die, because they knew him as well, knew him for what he was.
Affirmative Action
Another area Covington addresses is affirmative action and its negative consequences. In The Brigade, his examples might have gotten ahead of the real world, but the real world has certainly seen fit to catch up. For example, we just had the headline that “United Airlines Wants To Train More Female, Minority Pilots,” with this intro: “United Airlines, the only major U.S. airline to own a flight school, has kicked off a plan to train 5,000 new pilots by 2030 – at least half of them women and people of color.” If this 50 percent goal pans out, and worse, spreads throughout the industry, it isn’t going to work out well, as Covington’s delicious narratives demonstrate.
The first one involves Rabang Miller, a Filipina who has judiciously used affirmative action and a willingness to sleep her way to the top to become fairly senior in the FBI, lording it over competent and straight-laced White male agent Brian Pangborn, who is forced to endure Rabang’s untouchable status. Unfortunately, Rabang’s incompetence gets them quite killed in an encounter with the NVA.
Because Rabang and Pangborn are agents of the American government, the Northwest Volunteer Army considers them enemy combatants. As such, they are stalked by some volunteers. The White male’s warrior instincts tell Special Agent Pangborn something is amiss, so he turns off the highway to observe the behavior of the SUV behind him. All of a sudden, however, a Toyota Camry pulls out in front of them, and “Pangborn saw two men in ski masks leap out of the car. He heard the stuttering of the Uzi, saw the muzzle flash and heard the pop pop pop as the 9-mm slugs slammed into the windshield. The polycarbonate glass held, but big ugly White splotches blossomed on the windshield before him. ‘It’s them!’ screamed Rabang in terror.” Minutes later, both agents were dead thanks to the Filipina’s consistently foolish choices.
Covington’s tour de force depiction of an affirmative action disaster comes later in “The Battle of Sunset Beach,” which beautifully details the predictable consequences of real recent changes in the military such as this: “Obama started the process of turning the military into a social justice institution. While Trump managed to slow the process, Biden’s administration, with help from a highly partisan Pentagon, is purging the military of people expressing views with which Democrats disagree while doubling down on race, radical feminism, and transgenderism. Defense is an afterthought.” Here is the new face of the United States military:
28th United States Secretary of Defense
Covington imagines a battle of the new military vs. White male former soldiers. In order to end the “racism” of the “domestic terrorists” trying to create a White homeland in the Northwest, the U.S. government has sent a flotilla of ships to Oregon. Loaded with 1,400 FATPO troops (federal soldiers), the team is led by a Black general named Roland Rollins, who plans to make a MacArthur-esque beach landing to be used as a photo op. At the same time, the commander of the Coast Guard cutter protecting the convoy is a Hispanic woman, who reached her position as an affirmative action appointee. Unsurprisingly, she is woefully incompetent. Meanwhile, the Freedom Fighters of the Northwest have laid an ambush on the beach.
General Rollins’ landing plans involved grounding the ferry he is on, then lowering the door and wading triumphantly onto the beach as cameras roll. The result was “what happens in a system when you promote people into important jobs and positions based on the color of their skin or the fact that they’ve got tits on ‘em, instead of on their ability to do the job.” As such, Rollins waded off the ship, the powerful guns of the NVA opened up from the beach, and “Rollins whirled away into the air flapping like a scarecrow in the wind.”
The Coast Guard cutter commanded by the Hispanic woman could have been a very effective deterrent, but this affirmative action captain was a huge liability. In a priceless scene, she manages to single-handedly destroy and sink her own ship. And Covington makes it all sound plausible, so much like what today’s America has actually become.
As epic as The Battle of Sunset Beach is, however, one of the most important sections of the book is without a doubt Chapters 17–26 (excluding Ch. 25, which is the culmination of The Battle of Sunset Beach). The idea begins as “Taking Down Tinsel Town,” where the NVA hatches a mission to mete out some justice to Hollywood. The commander of the volunteers explains:
“After a lot of consideration, the Portland brigades have been selected to put together a special active service unit for a series of highly sensitive and risky operations, the first extensive campaign the NVA has mounted outside the Northwest Homeland itself. The name of this unit will be Task Force Director’s Cut. Its mission will be to neutralize one of the prime weapons that ZOG has in this war, which is the Hollywood movie, media, and entertainment industry, and to render that industry as useless to the enemy as we can possibly accomplish. Put bluntly, we are going down to Hollywood, and we are going to take the Dream Machine apart at the seams.”
Covington’s writing shows that he understood the disastrous impact Hollywood has had on the White world, as a commander of the NVA sums it up:
“Gentlemen, I don’t have to tell you that ever since the invention of the motion picture over a century ago, the movie industry has been the most completely Jewish field of private enterprise in the world, with the exception of international banking and the stock exchange. Even today, Yiddish is considered to be Hollywood’s second language…. Every crucial, non-technical job on the business and creative end of any major movie is either held by a Jew or is in the power of a Jew, from the studio heads, the producers and the directors, down to the scriptwriters, the casting directors, the agents, the accountants, and anything to do with the money…. This control by the Tribe is pervasive and complete, and it extends into television as well …
I do not need to tell you of the terrible and largely irreversible damage that Hollywood has done to the White race and to Western civilization over the past century. For four generations, the international bankers and the corrupt politicians have committed unspeakable crimes against humanity, especially the war after war after bloody war they have plunged our people into for Jewry’s sake, but it is Hollywood and Hollywood’s mutant bastard spawn television that has made the White people of America and the world swallow these atrocities and actually support them with enthusiasm. It is Hollywood that has spent the past 50 years pushing every conceivable kind of perversion of body and mind down the throats of White people. It is Hollywood that has turned the loathsome practice of homosexuality into something cute and trendy, the subject for silly jokes, when it is in fact a poison of the very soul. It is Hollywood that has turned White women as portrayed on film into either mindless sex objects, or else de- gendered, masculinized, man-hating neurotics. It is Hollywood that has poisoned the minds and broken the spirits of generation after generation of White children who are now beyond recovery, and turned them into whiggers. The bankers have stolen our money. The federal government of the United States has stolen our lives and our freedom and soaked the earth with Aryan blood, spilled to save a filthy race of Asiatic parasites. But Hollywood has stolen our peoples’ minds and souls, and in some ways that makes Hollywood more evil to my mind even than the sinks of iniquity centered in New York and Washington, D.C. Comrades, we will go down to southern California, we will grip this monster by the throat, and we will cut its heart out!” There was a cheer from around the table; the men found the project to their liking.
So a highly coordinated attack was launched on Hollywood, one which forced Jews there to stop their subversion of goyische society. It was an ugly mission, but a necessary one. And fitting, given that Covington ends The Brigade with the motto:
Ex Gladio Libertas — Freedom comes from the sword
Now here comes an odd circumstance: I’ve spent a lot of time describing a book called The Brigade, but it appears we can no longer get our hands on a hard copy of the book at all. I guess Covington was catching serious flak because he was flying directly over the right target.
I used to own all five Northwest novels but left them behind when I moved, thinking “I’ll be able to pick up used copies later for next to nothing.” Not in today’s world, however. While I haven’t done an exhaustive search for The Brigade, I have searched far longer than I normally do for something I really want.
Then again, maybe the lack of a hard copy is not that much of a hindrance, and the majority of those now interested in the book will download an e-version. Perhaps these sites will suffice: here, here or here. Otherwise, readers can assist us in the comments section.
We’ve come full circle. I began this essay by insisting that 2021 is the year that serious physical assaults on Whites begin. I then took readers through a fictional reply to what people might do to counter such an assault. In Covington’s novel, Whites fought and won. What about now, though? In the real world of the Spring of 2021, the tension is thick but no real action has yet broken out. What to do, then? Greg Johnson’s recent advice is no doubt good: “What should White normies do? Batten down, because a great wave of chaos is coming, and your skin will be your uniform. You may not want colored people as your enemies, but sometimes your enemies choose you.”
Or learn from the analysis of Andrew Anglin, whose coverage of BLM, government shenanigans, and the overwhelming role of Jews in it all has been exemplary: “What we are witnessing here, right out in the open, is a build up to a mass killing of White people. That is why they are trying to remove the police – they want nothing standing in the way of these Blacks and you.”
And still, I feel something is lacking, for a population as used to victory as Whites has become incurably indifferent. Thus, I am convinced of the need for a mental stimulus that will break enough Whites out of their stupor and false sense of prosperity and get them to envision doing something—and how to do it. And soon. To me, Harold Covington’s Brigade, along with the other Northwest novels, is possibly that stimulus. Before we stand up again for our own survival, we need the proper mental conditioning. As Michael O’Meara concluded, “Only myths can galvanize the collective unconsciousness of a nation.” The Northwest novels provide one such myth.
In another column I wrote in 2011, commenter “Trainspotter” sagely averred that “People don’t man barricades, they don’t risk life and limb over statistics. They need a vision, a sense of destiny. Our cause is far greater, deeper and more beautiful than any scholarly tome. The intellectuals are developing the vision, but the artist must give it life and spread it. People must feel it, not just think it.”
He’s right. Covington understood that as well, which is why I will close this long essay with the words Covington put into the mouth of one of his Freedom Fighters:
“Our goal is not to kill people, it’s to free people, our people, White people, from a government and a society that have become absolutely intolerable and morally indefensible, and to build something new and better in its place. What this will turn into, what it’s already turning into, will be a civil war between White people, maybe as bad as the one in 1861. But we’re going to win.”
The war between whites results from the centralization of social policy. It is a historic rhyme with The Thirty Years War more than 1861: Adherents to different belief systems are intermingled geographically and forced to cram their respective beliefs down each other’s throats via the central government — rendering each other mortal enemies. That such centralization favors more collectivist peoples than whites in the war for control of this malign power is an inevitable consequence of the continuation of war by other means known as “politics”.
The individual needs the ability to “vote with your feet”, which is how the Thirty Years War ended with the Treaty of Westphalia’s doctrine of Cuius regio, eius religio that originated with the Treaty of Augsburg.
A similar Treaty must be put in place once we have killed “Blob”: The superorganism that is incorporates individuals by degrading their integrity to make them its component parts serving its search for more such food.
But this new Treaty must repair a critical flaw in the doctrine of Cuius regio, eius religio that rendered the Westphalian nation state untennable:
Reallocation of territorial value when an individual votes with his feet thereby sorting proponents of social theories (religious faiths) into governments that test them.
As with any treaty, it serves to separate those who are part of a Pax from those who are to be excluded from it — and suffer the consequences. Choose the terms of the treaty wisely, and we can peel-off a sizable chunk of whites from Blob to kill it.
Yes, it’s insane to hope for changes resulting from elections or expansions in media. But those hopes look pretty realistic compared to imagining any kind of treaty with Jews. The standard Jewish attitude towards dealing with the Akum is: “You can’t reason with Hitler!!!!” Of course, Jews did reason with Hitler for years, arranging Jewish immigration to Israel upon surrendering large sums as ransom. Just as Israel paid for the immigration of Russian Jews by selling US secrets obtained by Israeli espionage — so much for America’s Number One Ally. Even assuming some treaty settlement, what’s the enforcement mechanism? “Better to throw your child to the ravening wolf than to trust the word of a Jew.” Who gets the nukes, the surveillance satellites, the NSA, the Navy, etc.? The “Lindemann Plan” is in some drawer, ready to be pulled out and updated on a moment’s notice, I’m sure. I’m being impressed by the use of imaging technology to track down the demonstrators of January 6. Almost as impressed as I am by the betrayals of family and friends. Either way, these developments make success by any imagined underground movement seem far-fetched. Maybe these books deal with these considerations — I’d be glad to be reassured. But the last 4-5 years have raised a lot of questions in my mind about the degree of totalitarianism possible in the high-tech world (where Silicon Valley is more like Western Israel than California).
How can anyone STILL not know we European Peoples aka White Peoples r being targeted for destruction. Read this “Close to 40% of the population of Montreal is currently nonwhite” in an article on the website:
Council of European Canadians
“Montreal Schools Were Euro-Canadian Before Arrival Of Immigrants In 1970s.”
How bloody stupid because the Quebecois People have fought so hard for being recognized as a Distinct People, Distinct Society only to b headed in becoming a minority(unless they wake up) in a few short decades.
U know what!? Millions of words have been written to explain what is happening to us European Peoples from Russia to Australia, whether it’s the Québécois, the English, French, Dutch, Canadians, Americans, Germans, etc. etc. etc., &, it takes a special kind of stupidity & suicidalness to give away what our ancestors gave us & what we r supposed to give to our posterity. It is because of our stupidity(as a collective) that this is happening.
” How can anyone STILL not know we European Peoples aka White Peoples r being targeted for destruction.”
Author Connelly gives the answer in the second paragraph of the article :
” All institutions are now arrayed against the White Christian founding stock of the United States of America: from the government, to the media, to education, to corporations, to the military, to the churches — all of it.”
The establishment system is ensuring that Whites remain stupefied about any war against themselves . Moreover , Christianity overall will not support any WN movement based on race when push gets to shove . A few small churches or Christian groups do include White racial preservation as an inextricable part of their faith whereas the vast majority of Christian groups have not in the past and do not now support it when push gets to shove .
I have been saying it for years, “One will either die fighting on their feet or they will die groveling on their knees, begging for mercy from merciless enemy that has never given quarter to an enemy. Either way face the fact – you are going to die.
And the time draws nigh, the war has begun! The white race is under all-out attack on all fronts! As I said months before his election, Trump was being put in office to start WWIII.
And now I say
EXCELLENT ARTICLE! The time is coming near, and I welcome it. We will prevail.
Even as rising, rain-redolent wind
And the distant trembling it carries portend
For the wary the coming of storms
Whose energies the most terrible bombs
Cannot rival, so for men in those days
With sense intact the time to agonize
Was past, the facts these lines belabor
Unmistakable signals to prepare.
As a man prepares his family home
To face the hurricane, their wisdom
Shaped all that remained in their favor
For that imminent, momentous war
That would decide the future, the fate
Of the infant not yet risen to his feet.
In other words, the Ethno-State resolution is the only solution. The Northwest Republic was doomed to failure because 2 of the 3 proposed states were liberal blue states. (Idaho, Washington, Oregon.) Only Idaho was red.
I’m not sure how much of Washington anymore, although eastern Washington is pretty based, but outside of some infamous metros, Oregon is pretty solidly on the right. If you could carve out something like Jefferson state (, even that would likely be a solidly “red” state. The NW is still pretty white and right, outside of the condensed, notable exceptions.
Geographically only a very small portion of Oregon and Washington are blue. And, quite honestly, given enough time they will self-destruct.
Having a thousand rats in your home is not pleasant, but when they are all contained in a small box one can just put one’s thinking cap on and smile.
One other thought on geographical location, HS. An ocean border is necessary to survival. No sovereign state can survive landlocked by enemies.
By Heartland, I mean all the red states between New England the Pacific coast. That would include Atlantic seaboard states that vote red as well as Gulf coastal states that vote red. In other words a Greater White Heartland Republic.
“we just had the headline that “United Airlines Wants To Train More Female, Minority Pilots,”
– This should work out interestingly, since the non-White % of pilots in the Air Force, which would love to boast of a large number of minority pilots, is less than 5%. This being due of course to those “applicants of color” being unable to cope with the mathematics and abstract concepts which are a necessary part of flight school training. Henceforth, this will be a good reason NOT to “fly United”.
Most Europeans realize what is happening they just don’t see a solution to the problem.
“Most Europeans realize what is happening they just don’t see a solution to the problem.”
The solution is OBVIOUS, all the Québécois People have to say is – Quebec is the homeland of the Québécois People. The English People say – England is the homeland of the English People. The French say – France is the homeland of the French People. Etc. etc. The overwhelming majority of non-European Peoples r not tongue tied when it comes to their nation, &, they r not afraid(unlike us) of words such as ‘racist’. Remember that name calling is merely a tool of a loser because they cannot defend their position, OBVIOUSLY, because their position is w/out merit. Or as Tim Murdock of White Rabbit Radio likes to attack back with – “you’re just saying that cause I’m White, anti-racist is a code word for anti-White”.
“The solution is OBVIOUS, all the Québécois People have to say is – Quebec is the homeland of the Québécois People. The English People say – England is the homeland of the English People. The French say – France is the homeland of the French People.”
Unfortunately, not so simple. The Nationalist Irish spent many decades proclaiming that Ireland is the homeland of the Irish. What do they do once they finally take control of their own country (both North and South)? They start giving it away on the same agenda as the rest of white civilisation. All those years fighting and dying for their own country only to dispose of it down the same trash can as the USA et al. The Scots clamour for independence from the UK, but they can’t wait until then – the SNP are pushing for more immigration and anti-white laws right now.
With sub-titles for non-Scots.
SG, your erudite comment reminds me of something Rudolph Steiner said in 1917 about the spread of “democracy”:
“Concepts are taken for reality, and as a result illusion may take the place of reality where human life is concerned by lulling people to sleep with concepts. They believe the fruits of their endeavours will be that every individual will be able to express their will in the different democratic institutions, and they fail to see that these institutions are such that it is always just a few people who pull the wires, whilst the rest are pulled along. They are persuaded, however, that they are part of democracy and so they do not notice they are being pulled and that some individuals are pulling the strings. Those individuals will find it all the easier to do the pulling if the others all believe they are doing it themselves, instead of being pulled along. It is quite easy to lull people to sleep with abstract concepts and make them believe the opposite of what is really true. This gives the powers of darkness the best opportunity to do what they want. And if anyone should wake up they are simply ignored.”
Maybe ate to many Doh! nuts!
“. . .Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so. . .”
Bertrand Russell [1952]
Russell said that in 53 as a Liberal critiquing the Right. How very apt now in the other direction.
At this point we need to focus on one thing – winning. Accordingly, even if Covington’s novels have but one viable piece of advice, let us concentrate on that, and not on attacking the author. I realize many of the things some readers have against Covington are quite legitimate, but at this point we do not have the luxury to kill the messenger, no matter how much it may be deserved.
Tim Folke says: “… I realize many of the things some readers have against Covington are quite legitimate, but at this point we do not have the luxury to kill the messenger, no matter how much it may be deserved.”
Covington was a fraud and his fantasy “message” was fraudulent. I have the luxury of killing this fraudulent messenger, thank you, having battled the lying SOB for decades as he did his best to undermine legitimate White leaders and their organizations with his outrageous lies and black propaganda. I will continue holding my post for as long as you lovers of his fiction try to rehabilitate him.
Character counts in our Holy Cause. Truth counts. So what if Tubbington had a talent for writing fiction when he was so thoroughly exposed by so many for more than 50 years as having no character and being the biggest liar to ever claim to be pro-White?
I won’t keep harping on the fraud’s history in the “Movement” here on TOO. This warning will suffice. Those interested can get an eyeful more about him, here: and at Hadding Scott’s blog that features much of the SOB’s rap sheet, here:
It’s sad that you feel the need to include this reminder, sadder still that the reminder is sorely needed.
Mr. Williams. I apologize for my delay in answering. Clearly, with good reason, you are angered by our discussion of the late HAC. Ever since my original 2011 TOO essay on Covington, I’ve become more and more aware of his horrible faults. I do not dispute them. I also agree that character is important.
Having said that, I made it clear ten years ago and this time as well that I want to separate the man from the message. As much as we might hate it, I suspect over half of our current audience has no idea who Covington was, so using Covington’s literary products to inform younger Whites or those new to our cause has a value now exceeding other considerations. You as well as anyone know the harm infighting does, so now that HAC is gone, how can it hurt to use something that is useful?
As you can tell from my current Covington essay as well as the intro essay where I used Matthew Bracken novels, I’m trying to influence Whites’ MENTAL state to get them to at least consider the coming slaughter. I realize far fewer people read today, so if Movement novels could be converted into comics, or better, movies or video games, great. If a dead man’s material could be a productive part of it, I’m still for it.
Dr. Connelly: “I suspect over half of our current audience has no idea who Covington was, so using Covington’s literary products to inform younger Whites or those new to our cause has a value now exceeding other considerations.”
We’ll have to agree to disagree about the relative worth of Covington’s fiction. You will explain to that greater half of the current audience what a visionary writer the man they’ve never heard of was and promote his novels, and I’ll balance that by letting them know the truth about that man’s decades-long destructive campaign to undermine the cause of White renewal.
During his adult life Covington struggled with separating his fiction from reality and truth. For example, what sort of sick individual would write about poor Gerald Sprouse like Covington did here — not in a novel, but in a supposedly truthful newsletter, mailed to his sucker list? This was simply because Mr. Sprouse had a short, halfway friendly acquaintance with one of Covingron’s targets:
Read all the way to the end, including Mr. Sprous’s 7-page hand-written letter. Please do not characterize responsible informing people of this man’s sick fiction as “infighting.”
Covington was mentally sick — so confirmed by his own estranged younger brothers, Forrest and Benjamin: One told of Harold’s diagnosis of schizophrenia, the other of his paranoid personality disorder. This would explain his delusions; he lived in an imaginary world where he once claimed in writing that he was the “Leader of all National Socialists worldwide.” Some gullible fools, impressed by his skill with words, believed him.
I have some probably non rational feeling, that stolen election was one step way too far. Its like stepping toward cliff edge, one step, one more and suddenly its becoming irreversible. There would be not much forgiveness, not compassion for the Tribe in the future.
Perhaps in 20 years time there would be some kvetching of “victims” – “And then suddenly for no reason at all Whites gone completely mad…”
We have all witnessed with our own eyes the numerous election irregularities. Together they produced the fabricated majority.
However, the greatest irregularity was presenting pre-[s] election Biden as a ” moderate “: with foreseeable accolades by Valley-girl AOC.
How much support is Kyle Rittenhouse getting these days?
I fear that the answer is “less than Derek Chauvin got.” I hope I’m dead wrong about this, however.
There is a content maker on Bitchute that produces content under the name Asha Logos. This person produces wonderful content on the true history of the European. Find this person. Their work would be invaluable on instilling a lineage of European identity with young White people. They are hungry for it. We will Win.
Oh yes. All the signs are there, that they want the USA to be another post-Apartheid South Africa. Some ideas about coping with it:
Thanks for the link .
The deep insight you give in “About” __
” No political website/blog is more profoundly racist than The European Family nor farther from racial bigotry.”
is golden . Most USA Whites likely would not fathom that with regard to their typical highly conflated way of political thinking .
As the author mentions me, I think this thread should include this link to my reply.
C.T., I took a look at that link and didn’t find much of interest about “Big Lie” Covington, until I found the following written by you a year after his death:
“What I object of Covington are his character assassinations. From the beginning of the 1990s he defamed Ben Klassen by saying that Klassen had ordered the killing of a man. Also, in his first novel of the quartet, The Hill of the Ravens (2003), Covington has William Pierce as an informant of the FBI!”
More first hand background on Covington’s vicious defamations of Messrs. Klassen and Pierce, here:
Yes, it’s enough to see the late HAC as a pathological narcissist, not as Kevin. A. Strom’ second hypothesis on this thread (informant, etc.).
C.T., thank you for taking the time to write a thoughtful reply. I would, however, like to take exception to this claim: “[I]n the West there are more traitorous whites than subversive Jews.”
Numerically, you may well be right, but the equation ends up wrong because you cannot equate one White with one Jew. All the evidence shows that a tiny number of Jews can sway whole gentile societies, so you have to weigh specifically what each subversion Jew (redundant, I know) accomplishes. How many goys would it take, say, to equal one Sigmund Freud? Or a Norman Lear? Jewish gurus wreck havoc among gentile nations in untold millions of lives. That’s what makes them so destructive. While there are far too many White useful idiots, it is, I would maintain, their manipulation by Jews that starts the train wreck in motion.
I’ve been told that the book format of The Brigade pdf is available at
and you can download it.
Thank you Kevin for the link.
A note to all:
This quote on page 35:
“For one thing, we’d have to slaughter over one hundred million non-whites, or drive them back south of the Rio Grande in the most massive refugee wave ever seen, and that simply isn’t feasible with what we have or what we are likely to get.”
Violence is not required, read “The Slow Cleanse aka Restoring White Homelands” by Greg Johnson.
All five of these books can be downloaded here – for free:
I found the citation of a commenter interesting in this article:
“They need a vision, a sense of destiny. Our cause is far greater, deeper and more beautiful …”
A subsaharian african in the USA in the movement for blacks in the 60s and on wrote somthing interesting regarding blacks, that they need to develop their own culture, or else there is nothing to fight for.
At the present we do not have a WHITE culture. It is effectively crushed by race-mixed anti white thieves and their control over surveilance and a lot of “secret service”.
Of course the goal is to replace all WHITE culture by stealing from WHITES mainly and thereby hasten the genocide of WHITES.
It’s a multi fronts war so to speak, culture (music, art, movies, books), politics (ending democracy in the USA in the coalition of race-mixed, chinese commies and latino commies and subsaharians “counting” votes and so on), control over information (media control, controlling news and “narratives”) and anti white sentiments and affirmitive action in education, crimes against WHITES, policies such as massimmigration lies about race differences…
I do find it interesting that the review of this book does not mention the central role a hooker that is slightly racist that is recruited by the police/fbi/cia due to her child being in their control and the like, then she turns in a lot of resistance members to the police working undercover. In the end she does a good thing also. She is hailed a hero in the new etno state, because they do not want to something. This is an absolute weird thing to me. She got people tortured and killed, true heroes, but still they do this. Very weird. Are we supposed to understand her and her situation. Is she a reference to a former porn prostitute Covington worked with and had in his podcasts / radi things? Or is she a reference to himself? I.e. was he a hostage to the fbi/cia in some way and did he try to break loose.
And then probably killed.
He died the same day he was going to meet Nazzaro of the Base. The Base BK is the name of a Brooklyn antifa bookstore by the way. Nazzaro had a private company focusing on infiltration, psyops, … Doing contracts for the state most probably. Did he do the dirty work the fed’s/cia could not do themselves due to regulations? Quite possible…
” At the present we do not have a WHITE culture.”
Superb observation .
Nigel Fields asks: Is she [a character in HAC’s novel] a reference to a former porn prostitute Covington worked with and had in his podcasts… ? Or is she a reference to himself? I.e. was he a hostage to the fbi/cia in some way and did he try to break loose. And then probably killed.
For what it’s worth it was reported that Covington died of anal cancer, not exactly a favored method of extermination by the feds.
Covington thought it was clever to use the names of real people as characters in his novels. I’ve never read any of his sorry novels, but remember he had a Black character, a police detective named Will White Williams, in his 1990’s fairy tale, _Fire & Rain_, who was killed off by one of his Jew characters. That was cute of him. But when he claimed all over the Internet that I was a deep cover FBI Special Agent for 14 years, and Tim McVeigh’s handler, I sued him for defamation and prevailed. He never told his fans and suckers that he had declared bankruptcy to avoid execution of my judgment or that he had been forced by the court to pay me thousands of dollars in damages.
The woman to whom you refer who was Covington’s sidekick and “radio” personality went by “Axis Sally.” Her real name is Corrina Olson aka Corinna Burt. I don’t know that she was ever a prostitute, but she did have various previous careers including porn actress. She had been a crack addict, and was a tattooed, a steroidal body builder. She eventually became an embalmer — strange girl. Her involvement in the underbelly of the “Nazi Movement,” prior to working for Covington, was with the losers of the NSM that was eventually turned over to a Negro; then with the PLE losers. Having been disenchanted by her experiences with those, she gravitated to the biggest loser of all: Harold Covington. Eventually disappointed with him also, she ended up before going to both the SPLC and the FBI — the later who she worked with as an informant for 18 months while working for HAC. You can read about Burt in the new Heidi Beirich of the hate movement, Seyward Darby’s book _Sisters in Hate_, wherein Burt admitted photographing the return addresses of Covington’s correspondents for the feds.
You people who are so fascinated with Covington’s fiction should pay attention to the man and his mendacious misdeeds, not his worthless fantasy novels. He should be no more than a negative footnote in the history of the White racial nationalist cause.
01 I couldn’t suppress a smile when I read the initials of the Northwest Volunteer Army: NVA.
02 Firstly I was reminded of that other NVA, the North Vietnam Army. Then the Nationale Volks Armee of the mercifully defunct DDR; the first Paradise for Peasants and Laborers on German soil.
03 A 57 eye injury, on my draft card, kept me from contact with the Vietnamese, but I had countless contacts with the Volksarmee.
04 They manned Checkpoint Charlie, between West- and East Berlin, from 61 to 89.
05 Their guard detachments were exclusively drawn from NVA units located mostly in Saxony and Thuringia, with unmistakably local, back country dialects, sometimes to the point of incomprehension.
06 They were rotated every six weeks in order to avoid any chance of forming a collegiality with any frequent crossers, like myself.
07 Often, in the absence of their interpreter, they asked me to fill in for him, which earned me the unspoken privilege of crossing with luxury goods exceeding their quota, even those hermetically sealed, which were entirely forbidden.
08 Throughout they were good guys when they knew you were not to be influenced, which indeed grew into a certain congeniality.
09 When I read my 71 pp Stasi file in 91, I was horrorstruck when I realized, that they had an All Points Bulletin out on me, calling for my arrest, BEFORE I ENTERED AND EXITED THE LAST TIME.
10 I often wonder whether their soldier who allowed me to exit, simply ignored the APB in force. He had previously and often made jokes which I perceived as being directed against his own regime. We both were Germans, of similar age and would ordinarily have played on the same soccer team.
So much for State Security.
Harold Covington worked ceaselessly and shamelessly to lie, slander, and destroy the lives of many good people. It was he who first planted the lying suggestions that ultimately were used by the System to devastate me, my family, and my children, and set back my work for our people for many years. He published forged letters over my signature (and others’, too) in an effort to destroy the life’s work of William Pierce. He published at least one (well-written and legitimate-sounding) false obituary and spread it across the ‘Net, causing who knows how much grief and anguish to the family and friends of the man involved. To slander Will Williams with the untrue accusation that he was “John Doe Number Two” and involved in the Oklahoma City bombing, he forged a wire service report (also “well-written” of course) and released it on the Internet. (Mr. Williams, now Chairman of the National Alliance, proved his case in court and won a substantial judgement against the forger.) Covington published fake “revelations” claiming that his targets, including William Pierce, were “FBI assets.” He falsely accused Ben Klassen (a totally innocent, selfless family man who dedicated his life to the welfare of our race) of a homosexual rape/murder spree. All these lies and fabrications he seeded into forums and email discussion groups and newsgroups under at least a dozen pseudonyms, some of which were the names of actual people he was impersonating, putting words into their mouths, using their reputations to destroy his targets. All these lies and fabrications were repeated literally hundreds of times, with different bylines, variations, and purported “sources.” Harold Covington had innumerable innocent victims.
The truth about Harold Covington is more important than his novels. We already have books as good as his, and we will have many more. There are many novels — but there is only one truth, and there is only one correct response to a malicious liar and destroyer of innocent White lives, who specifically targeted pro-White achievers with his venomous skill. That correct response does not include the rehabilitation of his reputation.
Why would he write such novels defending our race and behaving like he did against Whites in real life? I don’t get it.
Good question. I do not claim to know the answer. I have heard that a recent FOIA request for the FBI’s files on the con man was denied, so make of that what you will.
One theory is that there was some sort of mental quirk or psychopathology that made him so vicious, hostile, and amoral — whatever his political beliefs might have been. Extreme narcissism, for example, could make a man believe that anything was justified to eliminate competition to his “leadership,” since only he could save the race. Evidence for a psychological disorder would include his estrangement from his family and a general lack of any long-term working relationships — in great contrast to Dr. Pierce, for example. (Despite one of Dr. Pierce’s sons’ recent “literary” betrayal, I met that son — and, on other occasions, Dr. Pierce’s brother and their elderly mother — on The Land; and he had quite a few associates who worked closely with him for decades.)
Another theory is that he was an agent, paid by our enemies to sow doubt, fear, uncertainty, and discord among dissident Whites. If so, he certainly earned his pay. To be effective, such an agent would need credibility, and to gain credibility he would have to do something that appeared valuable to the cause.
Of course, the two theories are not mutually exclusive, and neither precludes the possibility that he sincerely believed he was helping our race — “playing” whatever agency was paying him, and “really” just “purging the movement” of “bad leaders” anyway (“bad” presumably meaning “not Harold Covington”). For a real-world example of the perversity and complexity of a troubled mind, consider that admitted FBI informant Hal Turner now claims, using some really impressive leaps of illogic, that he was sincere in his political views — even as he was sending information on his listeners and supporters to the regime in Washington.
” Another theory is that he was an agent, paid by our enemies to sow doubt, fear, uncertainty, and discord among dissident Whites.”
I would place a bet on that speculation .
I’ve never heard of “Harold Covington” apart from these racial nationalist novels of his, which I haven’t read. Is it certain that he in fact wrote them? Maybe he was fed them by some disinformationist for purposes of bolstering Covington’s white preservationist street cred.
In any event, if half of what’s been said about Covington is true, then his memory should be expelled from any white preservationist movement except as a cautionary tale about being careful whom to trust.
Unlike Will Williams or Kevin Alfred Strom, Harold Covington was never accused of, or charged with either beating women or indulging in child pornography.
“But Strom’s long-time fascination with young girls, whom he glorified by posting enticing photographs of them on his personal website, finally caught up with him. (He was known in the movement for his love of drawings of very young girls, typically scantily clad. In 2000, in a posting on his personal website, he virtually outed himself, saying, “There is nothing as wonderful as pretty girls, and I suspect that the entire purpose of human existence, or perhaps even of the universe itself is so that they might live.”) On Jan. 4, 2007, federal agents arrested him near his home in Stanardsville, Va., after his wife caught him viewing child pornography on his home computer. He was charged with possessing and receiving child pornography, enticing a minor to perform sex acts and intimidating a witness, sending shock waves through the white supremacist world. In March 2007, facing ubiquitous movement criticism, Strom officially disbanded National Vanguard.
Strom ended up facing two separate trials. Charges against Strom for possession of child pornography were separated out for a later trial. In the first trial, held in October 2007, Strom prevailed. U.S. District Judge Norman Moon ruled Strom’s numerous legal complaints against his wife did not amount to intimidation. And the judge found that while Strom had followed and anonymously sent many gifts to a 10-year-old girl, he had not actually tried to have sex with her. The judge did note that there was “overwhelming evidence he was sexually drawn to this child.”
In January 2008, Strom faced a second federal trial on possession of child pornography. He struck a deal at a plea hearing with prosecutors in which he pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography; in exchange, multiple counts of receiving child porn were dismissed. During his sentencing on April 21, 2008, Strom claimed the child porn came from an online forum he’d visited and that he had not intentionally downloaded it onto his computer. Strom, who had already served more than one year in prison, asked Judge Moon not to give him further time. “Mr. Strom, you pled guilty to charges that now you’re saying you’re innocent [of],” Moon responded. “I prefer people plead not guilty than put it on me.” Moon, who called Strom’s guilty plea “extremely serious,” then sentenced him to 23 months in jail.”
Although this quote was authored by the SPLC, it can hardly be considered a case of editorialising!
Mr. Strom. I’ve read your columns and listened to your broadcasts for years. It is all very good stuff. Top notch. But I’m still going to challenge this claim: “The truth about Harold Covington is more important than his novels. We already have books as good as his, and we will have many more.”
How important his novels are — or may become — remains to be seen, in my view. Since the jury is still out, I’m going to side with putting his work over his sorry life. We need something to jump-start this defense of Whites, and I’ll use Covington’s work if that will help in the long run. I deeply regret that during his life Covington obviously damaged so many lives, yours more than any, perhaps, but I’m looking at the present and toward the future.
Second, we all know about the two novels penned by the founder of the NA, and I’d welcome discussion of them on a suitable site. But I can’t think of that many more that have the impact of WP’s or HAC’s. If they exist, let’s bring them to light.
And as I said above, we’d be better served converting such novels to comics, movies (animated or otherwise) or video games. WP understood this and took steps to incorporate other media into activism. Somehow we have to find the right myth and the right way to advance it to change the direction our race is headed. Yes, we will flounder in this search, but what choice do we have?
PS: I appreciate the fact that NA has republished so many of my TOO essays, and hope this current disagreement will not affect that in the future.
Regrettably, it appears most acutely that their self-indulgent drama is more important to Mr Williams (and Mr Strom) than the cause of white salvation.
Elite Jewish extremist have successfully pushed massive immigration of non-Whites (for decades) along with demonizing Whites with the absurd Critical Race Theory, thus it’s easy to see how White Americans (obsessed with Internet porn, Facebook and YouTube) don’t realize Elite Jewish extremists are getting close to extremely marginalizing them.
If more Whites discover Jewish terrorists from Israel and the USA did the evil false flag 911 event will they open their minds to the notion elite Jewish extremists are deceptively marginalizing them? Maybe.
Interestingly, Chinese Americans and other Asian Americans tired of dealing with discrimination against them in admissions in higher education and increasingly in the workforce due to perceived as “White adjacent” may actually help Whites during their battle to stop discrimination against Asians (although they probably won’t mention Jewish power).
Several White School administrators and teachers fighting against Critical Race Theory in their school districts thanked me for sending them an insightful prospective on Critical Race Theory from a non-White organization, the Chinese American Citizens Alliance of Greater New York (CACAGNY). The media can’t dismiss them as White supremacists.
A vital text:
Title: CACAGNY Denounces Critical Race Theory as Hateful Fraud
From the article: From its very roots, CRT is racist, repressive, discriminatory, and divisive.
While I haven’t read the Covington books discussed in this excellent article, I did read his book ‘The March Up Country’, years ago, and was indeed impressed.
I’m curious: can you recall whether Covington’s book owes more to Xenophon’s Anabasis than just its title?
Not sure, Pierre, as I’m unfortunately not familiar with Xenophon’s work. It’s a good read however, do check it out
Noted with thanks.
Super article by Edmund Connelly, Ph. D. Like him, I’ve also read HAC’s quintet several times. Although I’ve always kept the original hardcopies to hand. Speaking of which, both the Brigade and Freedom’s Sons are so heavy that over a couple of hours reading, you can really feel it. I also agree that when reading, the time flies by – they’re all of them a good read.
I do not agree, however, that anything serious will be done by publicising them. The reason being that this is no longer 1960. People barely read anymore. It has to be visual. HAC realised this and was on the look out for someone to illustrate comics. Now those would work. I remember Tom Metzgers’ WAR paper had a cartoon strip in it. It was very effective. If someone could be found to illustrate The Brigade, that would be something of note – but only if there was a way of mass distribution. Probably electronic.
Can’t say I know of the crimes committed by HAC against Kevin A Strom, but the thing about HAC is that he would point a finger. KAS doesn’t mention several people who were pointed at and HAC was right on the money. It may be that he made the mistake of listening to bad news from poor character judges and what little ‘evidence’ there was seemed to substantiate it. One thing that is nearly always present is that when someone gets accused of anything, no one approaches them for their side of the story.
In any case, as Connelly said, HAC is dead and HAC needs to be judged on what he has left us with that is positive – and that is the best WN fictional literature in existence. It’s not true, as KAS has said, that there is better out there. Not so.
HAC gave believable characters, a realistic backdrop, certain ‘how to’ elements, a good philosophical base and realistic WN political points. My only criticism is that sometimes the character monologues went on a bit.
“… KAS doesn’t mention several people who were pointed at and HAC was right on the money.”
Neither do you, Mr. Lecomber. Can you name just one Covington pointed at where he was “right on the money.” Kevin Strom pointed to those Covington attacked with vicious lies. You can find more of his targets here, including Tom Metzger, whose W.A.R. cartoons you admired.
Spend an hour or so perusing that site instead of wasting more weeks once again rereading the fantastic quintet and you just might become disabused of this admiration you have for its scribbler.
Honestly, I don’t think it’s a good idea to keep old arguments fresh. So, no. I’m not going to name anyone. In any case all the people involved are elderly, if not dead so what’s the point? I’m quite willing to believe that HAC got it wrong on occasion and that he employed nefarious means to attack nationalist leaders.
At the same time, it seems that nationalists who have been wrongly attacked by HAC are inclined to believe that anyone he pointed the finger at must similarly be innocent. That’s human nature at work for you, but an error nevertheless.
Looking over the comments generally, I can see that there are several people who are still incensed at his name and considering that he did get it wrong at times, that’s understandable.
At the same time, the idea that HAC’s reputation is being ‘rehabilitated’ as Martin Kerr says is, I think, off the mark. In any case, how do deal with a dead author who erred in pointing the finger, but who nevertheless produced unquestionably the best WN fiction ever?
And should a cartoonist be found to illustrate The Brigade, what then?
” People barely read anymore. It has to be visual.”
Superb observation ( visual meaning pictographic ) .
All of HAC’s Northwest Novels bar The Brigade are still available to buy at Authorhouse’s website in both paperback and hardback. I encourage those who wish to own them to buy as many as possible before they stop publishing them.
Also, there are two prequels to the Northwest Novels: Fire & Rain and Slow Coming Dark. Both are still available on Amazon.
The Stars In Their Path is a stunning read too.
It is disturbing to see that an attempt is being made to rehabilitate the deservedly poor reputation of Harold Covington. I had hoped that after his long-awaited death in 2018, that the memory of him would quickly and mercifully fade away. Sadly, I can see that my hopes were in vain.
No one did more to harm the cause of pro-White advocacy than Covington. From the mid-1970s until his death, he did everything he could to weaken, harm and destroy that cause. Earlier on in his benighted career he devised a two-part modus operandi.
(1) He attacked whatever pro-White leader who was receiving the most public recognition at any given time. He only attacked those who were trying to do something. Those who limited themselves to writing books or articles he left alone. But those who were in the public arena, actively trying to build a pro-White movement, he attacked relentlessly and ferociously. Among those he sought to undermine and destroy were Dr. William Pierce, David Duke, Matt Koehl, Ben Klassen, Kevin Alfred Strom, Dr. Edward Fields, Will Williams and – towards the end of his life – Richard Spencer. I am sure that there are others whom I have forgotten about.
Covington was a pathological liar, as anyone who knew him personally can attest. He would lie simply for the sake of lying, even when there was no advantage to it. But in his efforts to sabotage White leaders and their organizations, there is no falsehood or calumny, no matter how despicable or outlandish, from which he would shrink. Typically, he would accuse White leaders of murder, homosexuality, alcoholism, race-mixing, theft, corruption, collaboration with the FBI and/or ADL and Jewish or other non-Aryan ancestry. He never provided an iota or proof for any of his accusations: how could he, since they were completely imaginary in the first place? Instead, he would issue new and similar attacks against anyone who sought to challenge his lies.
(2) The second feature of Covington’s m.o. was to encourage people to commit acts of illegality and violence, that Covington himself was too cowardly to perform. Despite a life-long record of encouraging and inciting illegal violence (including murder), Covington was never arrested.
Covington’s mother’s maiden name was “Glass.” The family is descended from Benjamin Glass, a wealthy Raleigh, NC, merchant. People have tried to trace his ethnicity and religion, with no success. Some suspect that Covington, like his intimate comrade Frank Collin/Cohn, was of partially Jewish ancestry.
Quite honestly, I do not know the truth of the rumor – but it hardly matters. Whether or no he was a Jew or a willing tool of the Jews, or a Fed or a willing tool of the Feds, Covington enthusiastically did their dirty work for them.
So now we are told that he wasn’t such a bad fellow after all, because his poorly-written, self-published pulp fiction contains an occasional “good insight.” Perhaps this is true, but even so, any such insight would not be original with Covington, and could be found in the words of other, legitimate White leaders.
Covington deserves to be forgotten: let it be so!
“The late Harold Covington (he died on July 17, 2018) had many enemies in ‘The Movement’….”
Harold Covington had many enemies because he went far, far out of his way to make enemies.
In 1980 Harold Covington called for the murder of nine leading White activists of that time, including Matt Koehl, William Pierce, and David Duke.
It amazes me that Edmund Connelly thinks that he can advocate that man’s work and not encounter hostility, or maybe that’s what he wants.
Even apart from Covington’s attacks on White advocates I believe that his influence was destructive.
One extremely unhelpful thing that Covington did to attract attention to himself was to claim FALSELY that the would-be assassin of President Reagan, John Hinckley, was a member of his own racial organization. That legend lives on in leftist propaganda.
In general Covington liked to associate himself with self-destructive acts of violence, and cheered them on. Was that helpful?
Edmund Connelly says that he thinks that Harold Covington’s peddling of violent fantasy might be helpful in our current situation. I don’t think so. Circumstances will tell us when violence is appropriate. It will be appropriate when there really is no alternative, and that will be obvious to many people. Any violence inspired by a novel is bound to be premature. It will lack support and, if it is significant, it will serve as an excuse for a crackdown — which White people who did not yet see the necessity for violence will support.
Harold Covington was anything but helpful when he was alive, and his influence is not going to become helpful because of changed circumstances.
After commenting on this article I happened to listen to Patrick Slattery’s National Bugle program for Friday, with guest Don Advo.
Significantly, Don Advo sees things getting not worse but better. Donald Trump woke people up, and possibilities are opening that did not exist before. I also believe this. I wrote in 2012 about how a more intelligent approach could make a political solution feasible.
It means that Edmund Connelly and other Covington-boosters are painting the situation in an unrealistically hopeless manner — which is what you do if you want people to abandon politics and resort to violence. Whose interest does that serve?
Harold Covington’s novelizing was done entirely in the shadow of William Pierce. Without The Turner Diaries, Covington never would have had the idea to write fiction about White guerrillas. Unlike Covington, however, Dr. Pierce with The Turner Diaries was simply trying to create a vehicle whereby readers would note the dystopian trends that he observed in the 1970s. The dystopian future portrayed in the novel is extrapolated from news that had been published in Dr. Pierce’s tabloids. The dystopia was the message. Dr. Pierce was not writing fiction for the purpose of inspiring amateur revolutionaries, while Harold Covington was always emphatically trying to do precisely that.
To the extent that Robert Mathews and his followers were thus inspired, Dr. Pierce considered it unfortunate. He stated that he wished that he had said more to persuade Mathews to stay on a lawful course. If you compare cost-to-benefits ratio of the Aryan Republican Army’s campaign, which includes the permanent incarceration of many highly motivated racial activists, it was not remotely worth it. Anybody who would instigate a repetition of that is not doing us a favor.
The key to our future is to get more of our people saying what they really think, and thinking clearly — instead of being afraid and brainwashed. On that foundation our future will look much brighter. Moral courage, not reckless physical courage, is what is needed.
Any act of violence that can be imputed a racial motive tends to facilitate limiting our speech, while accomplishing generally nothing for the cause. This is why our enemies love to exaggerate “White Supremacist Terror” and to classify as racially motivated incidents where no racial motive is really evident.
Honestly, I always liked Serpent’s Walk better than the Turner Diaries or Hunter. However, in the Turner Diaries, they blew up a central repository whereby the government was keeping track of all dissidents including fingerprints, gun ownership and whatnot. That repository is now a reality in Utah so WLP was prophetic in that regard. They keep track of everybody’s cell phone traffic.
Randolph Calverhall was an established author of science fiction under another name.
But Serpent’s Walk too would not have happened without The Turner Diaries.
To whom it may concern :
Some time ago I posted a comment here at T.O.O. about how Apple Inc. blocked me from reclaiming ownership of my drive ( Ms Windows has the same function ) and how Apple legally forbids me from copying and pasting any portion my OS lease contract with them without their explicit permission . The contract is only available to me via their online server . It gives Apple the legal right to change my leased OS at any time for any reason and without notice .
Now I just discovered that my ISP/vtel removed about a year ago the SOP change password option from my email account . Everyone is familiar with that option which is made on a secure channel to the server of the account : old password/new password/confirm new password/done . Now I can get a new email password only from a vtel tech support rep . That would be like giving implicit permission to my US postmaster to read any/all of my private snail mail . The password was locked in the system and required a stringent company authorization to access that password . Now any tech rep that gives me a new email password would have access to my private emails .
In other words , the US totalitarian surveillance state is real and not a fantasy . At this time , I do not know if these personal security cancellations are a secret 911 USA Patriot Act operation ; or if the Jewish owners of Apple Inc. decided to violate my Pc privacy rights by blocking my drive ownership function ; or if Vtel has some Jewish owners that decided to violate my email privacy rights by removing the SOP password change option . I presume they now have my current email password and are monitoring my account . In any case , I made it clear to the vtel tech support rep that neither the US intel agencies nor vtel inc. has any permission from me to violate my Pc privacy rights — FWIW .
I didn’t know about Covington before. But having read an article on National Vanguard about Covington’s nefarious provocations against prominent white nationalist leaders, I can’t accept this person as a legitimate member of our white community, whatever his literary talents. Ultimately, we should judge all people according to their actions, not words. There are plenty of skillful writers who can mesmerize readers but this talent in itself has no special value if not connected to actual deeds. Live what you preach is the best formula. The very lifestyle of a man should be a message of his ideology. Otherwise, it resembles an obese man calling to all others to observe strict diet (like Russian Orthodox fat priests like to do). Covington’s provocations and slander against nationalist leaders disqualify him from being positively evaluated. Deeds matter more than words. It is better to actually build a log cabin in woods, establish a cell with two-three people and do training, than to churn out heroic novels about great battles. It should be done too, but only as secondary affair. We should focus on reality, not imaginative artificial world of dreams. By the way, the vile system would like us to remain internet-dreamers and coach potatoes; they do everything to persuade us to remain sitting behind computer screens and TV-sets. Because in such a position we are almost harmless for the system. The real changes are accomplished by real deeds. It doesn’t mean that we should go on the streets and try to force our will immediately. Not at all; there is no material conditions for this at present. But it doesn’t mean that we should remain glued to our computers and iPhones. It is a suicide and that is precisely what the system would like very much. We should return to reality and to live in the real world. Stop watching Nollywood trash, stop watching TV (even Foxnews), stop playing computer games. Instead, we should do something real. National Alliance sets the best example of what should be done. Yes, books are needed, but they are useful only when they are coupled with practical community building. We can’t achieve real changes without creating a living space of our own. And, again, we should stop dreaming about big things, forgetting about immediate obligations. The only way to achieve something big in the long run is to do small things each day; provided that these small things are guided to the right direction.
Yet one very important point. The suggestion of naming Jews openly isn’t the good one. At least not in present circumstances. Yes, back in 1990es, when William Pierce made his radio broadcasts, American society was yet relatively free and people were not thrown into jail for thought crimes. But now, when Jews started their final dash to global power and stacked all their assets on this bid, they are ready to really kill people for their words. In Russia, for example, any public mentioning of Jews as a group in negative connotation is bound to result in criminal case. You simply can’t criticize Jews in Russia. Therefore, all Russian nationalists adapted to this reality and started to substitute words: “self-chosen”, “rats”, “cockroaches”, “stinking”. Having experienced a century of red/Jewish rule, Russians had found innumerable ways of naming these creatures in such a way as to avoid persecution. And almost everyone among Russians understands about whom you say. You simply don’t need here to name them precisely. Yet one Russian way is to name them collectively by the name of their most prominent notables. Abramovich, Gusinski, Berezovsky were since 1990es transformed into collective names for their whole tribe. You can easily say publicly “all these berezovskies” and couple this assertion with any colorful Russian expletives and nothing would happen, because you can easily jump out and say that you meant only personal qualities, not national identity. American reality now is ever more close to what was in USSR and you should learn proper use of Aesop language. The time of unbounded free speech is over; therefore, any suggestions about open challenge against the main enemy are counterproductive. I am sure that in the coming years USA would be subjected to legislation similar to the one that is imposed on Germany. It is the new reality. It is useless to lament it or to indulge in vociferous rage, you simply should adapt to the new operating environment. Make things more difficult to the rats. Our silent unbending resistance matters much more than the most colorful open accusations. By the way, I advise everyone to read “Gulag Archipelago”; it is much more useful than any fiction. It would teach you many practical useful things; how to behave, what to speak and when to remain silent. It is the book written by blood. Here in Russia we had experienced in full measure the unlimited rat terror and we know better what it means. You, Americans, stand only at the threshold of the coming rat terror and your society isn’t ready yet. The mainstream Americans are too mellowed and too unconcerned to meet this coming reality. But American nationalists have better understanding of what it means, because they were the first to be subjected to persecutions. You should sharpen this understanding even more and to free your mind from any remnant delusions about “constitutional rights”, “first and second amendments” and “bill of rights”. All of it is meaningless now; you live not under laws but under the nascent rats’ terror state. The only relevant law now is the Jungle Law. To eat or to be eaten. But in some way this development isn’t bad, because it returns the sense of reality into society. Now, more than in any past period of American history, the racial awareness grows; it comes the hard way; not through books or university lectures, but through everyday experience. Therefore, it can’t be ignored, it can’t be denied, it can’t be forgotten, it can’t be lived out; it is always present and it ever increases, whatever the false official narratives.
I would point out his successor, Andy Donner, slammed the white racialist movement (Duke and Strom in particular) and deleted all Covington’s work, and closed down the Northwest Front. One of his female supporters was revealed as a soft-porn actress who has now converted to Islam. Be careful who you pick as a successor because the history of the movement is what one may build up by decades of hard work another destroys and the organization fragments. While some people intellectualize online, these “activist’s” get out into the streets!
Who in the hell are these a-holes?–evolutionary-psychologist-.html
Anyone ever heard of them? It looks like a very clumsy disinformation outfit (or else is the product of someone unhinged).
Thank you for unearthing this site, Leon. If this organization isn’t a Mossad front, I’ll be very much surprised. Even Thomas Dalton and Tom Sunic don’t loathe Christians as much as this mob does!
I was searching for info re Harold Covington (in light of the many negative personal comments above), and somehow stumbled upon it. Perhaps I was a good ‘mark’, as the site name piqued my interest. I couldn’t find any owner name directly linked to it, and its over-the-top ideological purity demands suggested an entity attempting to sow dissension in patriot ranks. Dissident movements tend to attract psychologically marginal types, as well as the farthest sighted (the best and the worst, so to speak), and thus always have this challenge of policing their own ranks against the malicious or unstable, as well as the sellouts (“deviationists” and “accommodationists”).
Overthrowing tyranny is a tricky thing! It does rather increase one’s respect for the American Revolutionaries, who managed to rid themselves of a distant regime without themselves descending into revolutionary madness and depravity.
“Mob”? It could be just one disgruntled anonymous individual from all I can see of the site. Lots of those groups and individuals certainly do belong on a list of “faux nationalists.”
“Edgelords”? Not sure what they are, but the video there claiming William Pierce described what they are is now “not available” on YouTube. I never heard Pierce use that term. Nordfront, or the Nordic Resistance Movement as it is commonly known, are said to be edgelords, whatever that means, by this listmaker. NRM is no faux nationalist organization.
What group, if any, is *not* on the list? Using the process of elimination there may be found the culprit.
I was surprised to see the National Alliance is listed, though to the listmaker’s credit is written of NA’s Founder: “William Pierce (Genuine non-faux nationalist, deceased), Erich Gliebe (Faux Nationalist who ruined the National Alliance), Gliebe, Pierce’s successor, did mismanage and *nearly* ruin NA during the twelve years following Pierce’s death, but Gliebe stepped down in 2014 when I was duly-appointed NA Chairman by its board. The organization has been put back on the non-faux nationalist Piercean path ever since then (though one would not know this by reading the Jewed Wikipedia entry for National Alliance).
It’s nice to see that my name is not on this list of faux nationalists who should be boycotted, and that Martin Kerr’s New Order and Hadding Scott’s National Socialist Worldview aren’t either. Neither of them would ever compile such a list.
It’s just an example of purity-spiraling. It’s a lot easier to criticize than actually to do something. If criticizing is all that you do, it easily becomes purity-spiraling.
I thought that Jared Taylor made a faux pas with what he said on the Donahue show way back about 20 years ago, and there are some serious problems with avoiding discussion of Jews to the extent that he does, but he has understandable motives for it, and it doesn’t mean that on the whole he is not doing good.
The National Alliance Chairman Mr Williams have aptly noted that Covington’s insurrectionist sentiments are not helpful. To incite people to rebel at the time when material and psychological conditions are not ready, is the surest way to derail everything. I suppose, the enemy would be happy if a group of people, that loosely could be associated with some known nationalist group, have had started some violence. It would give the much-needed pretext to impose the whole set of totalitarian measures to suppress Whites in America. Therefore, any immature violent actions should be avoided. In this regard I want to delve briefly into the theory of Revolutionary wars as it was seen by Lenin. Yes, this person, which is responsible for annihilation of Russian state, was a very able practitioner of mass scale violence. He knew the trade and understood the intricacies of effective application of force. Here I want to underline, that these principles have nothing to do with ideology in the same way as AK-47 has nothing to do with communism; therefore, we should not be averse at learning something useful from our enemies. I have read some of Lenin’s books and articles, but most importantly, I had read extensively about Civil War in Russia (from both Soviet and émigré perspectives), therefore, have good knowledge about practical application of Lenin’s methods. I will recount briefly the main points that were accentuated by Lenin in relation to successful revolutionary war.
1. The ripe social conditions. It is precisely what was pointed out by Chairman Williams. You can’t initiate a guerilla war or uprising if the majority of people are content with status quo. You need wide discontent and social alienation of substantial part of population (this condition is only now coming to the scene).
2. The established organizational structure, even if in rudimentary form. According to Lenin there should be a group of professional revolutionaries who do organizational work full time. You can’t succeed with a bunch of angry folks who gather once a month or even at weekends to drink beer and express their anger at the power that be.
3. The application of force should be as wide as possible. The limited terror is ineffective; only mass terror brings desirable results. In this regard Lenin brought the examples of small-scale terrorist activities of various non-Bolshevik groups in Russia. They could kill some state official from time to time, to make a local commotion, but it gave no perceptible result in terms of gaining power. Lenin’s position was very simple: the more terror the better. It sounds crazy but it worked.
4. The readiness to any alliances of convenience. Lenin always advocated to cooperate with anyone if it served the overall purpose of achieving or extending Bolshevik’s power. Lenin was the master of deceptions; he could promise anything to anyone and as easily to do otherwise lately; he didn’t feel any obligations to do what he promised. From the very start he ostentatiously granted peasants the right for any land they could grab. But he never intended them to possess it. Peasants were needed for Bolsheviks only for the time being; Lenin wanted to bribe peasants and to keep them from allying with Russian aristocracy. Russian peasants were successfully duped and later paid the ultimate price of their gullibility.
Lenin granted independence to Finland, but he never meant it to be really independent. He supposed that Marxists would succeed to establish their power there. In the same way Lenin readily had given independence or wide autonomy to any part of the former Russian empire, but later almost all those quasi-independent territories were reconquered. Lenin was able to successfully buy time and this was the most essential factor. In contrast with him the leaders of the Russian anti-Bolshevik movement were an example of political stupidity and inflexibility. They had good intentions but did everything wrong; in this regard they could be compared with the American conservatives. Denikin had successfully alienated everyone around him – Ukrainians, Poles, Russian peasants and even Don Cossacks. At the critical moment of his advance toward Moscow, in September-October of 1919, when the fate of the war was in the balance, Poles, Ukrainians and Baltic nations, remained passive, having no desire to help Denikin.
As a result, Bolsheviks took everything, including their previous “gifts”. They were the victors and no one could stand against them when the main fighting was concluded at the end of 1920.
5. Cultural transformation. This factor was always accentuated by Marxists. Lenin devoted great part of his work to promoting thorough cultural transformation of the conquered society. You can’t rule the people whose worldview is different from yours. If any given society is to be governed successfully, it should be transformed into your own image, otherwise it would revolt and throw you out. The task of cultural-psychological transformation was achieved by Bolsheviks partly by massive brainwashing, partly by physical annihilation of all those who were not susceptible for brainwashing. Our lesson from this is that we should delete the whole cultural pattern of the current system. The task of paramount importance is to de-Hollywoodise all our followers. It should be the basic condition of participation in our work. You cannot be a nationalist activist and in the same time to consume the mainstream trash in the form of movies and “music”. All aspects of the modern pop-culture will have to be thoroughly purged. You cannot return society to sanity without cleaning the whole pop-culture muck. It is one of the most difficult questions, because we are all infected by this mental virus, to lesser or greater extent; therefore, the main work is to be done above ourselves and only afterward above others. We should reduce our consumption of pop-culture products to zero; nothing less would suffice. We cannot hope to win the struggle if the enemy continues to influence our minds through pop-culture.
We should acknowledge that from the practical standpoint the methods used by Bolsheviks were very successful and allowed them to subjugate and reign above great masses of ethnically alien people. This fact alone is enough to warrant thorough study of those methods and learning something useful from their experience. Yes, they were disgusting creatures, but anyone who wants to gain real power, first, should free yourself from excessive squeamishness. You cannot judge politics through moral prism; the only gauge to measure political success is by the ultimate result. Anti-Bolshevik forces were too moral and too kind and they lost. Bolsheviks were too brutal, too bloodthirsty, too devious and they won. And we should learn the lesson. Don’t try to be kind; it is better to be effective.
Looking at the American political scene, I can detect the same “illnesses” among American traditionalists, conservatives and even some nationalists, as Russian anti-Bolshevik forces had.
This assertion needs to be substantiated by facts, but this would require too much space. I will bring only one example. In his speech at the League of the South conference in 2017 David Duke said one phrase that triggered an avalanche of applause. He said something of this kind: “We don’t need southern states of America, we don’t need north-western states of America, we need All States of America”. Yes, as a psychological trick it was a very successful turn of words (very similar with the ones made by presidents in their public speeches). People love such things. And such things should be said. Dr Duke knows how to influence people’s feelings; he is a natural leader. But the moral inspiration and the practical political work are two very different subjects. You can say anything that produces emotional effect, but in real struggle you need to do what would be really effective. I don’t know whether Dr Duke himself believes in the possibility of preserving the whole USA territory under White rule or simply uses this popular sentiment. The reality of the present day excludes any possibility of preserving the whole territory. The best that Whites can count for is the percentage of territory corresponding to their population share. We should be realistic and practical in our aspirations. Trying to preserve the “whole United States of America” is nothing more than Denikin’s slogan “The whole and indivisible Russia”. We should not repeat mistakes of the past. Absolute majority of the Trump crowd are people very unskilled in these matters. They believe in “good and evil”, in Jesus and the “victory against fascism”. You can’t expect much from such people. They would consider you an incarnation of evil if you start to speak with them about the true causes and outcomes of WW2 or about harmful influence of Christianity on the Western civilization. It is beyond their grasp. Such folks want simple solutions and the only way to influence them is to give them the false images of such seeming solutions. The tribe that now governs USA had learnt this skill perfectly. And the only way to defeat them is to become at least as devious as them, or even more.
You can’t win in the struggle on your own. Almost any revolutionary war effort requires internal and external allies. The American independence would be impossible without French military help. Bolsheviks in Russia would not succeed if not for combined efforts of their diaspora in Europe, USA and the ill-advised decision of the German General Staff to employ them as a tool of subversion against Russia.
To use the business language, you need plenty of contractors and subcontractors to implement a big project. You can’t do everything on your own. Not everything can be said openly, because we are closely monitored. But the core idea is clear.
The task number one is to identify the main enemy. You can’t defeat all enemies at once, therefore, the task of choosing the priority target is the crucial one. Having identified this target, you need to employ as wide range of contractors as possible. It is preferable that most of the work was done by someone else (remember, that our main enemies have achieved perfection in this method) and you only supervise the overall procedure with actual participation only in the most crucial production stages.
Yet one circumstance is the actual operation environment in the modern USA. You can’t change the actual environment; it is useless to dream about something else; you should use what you have and you should see opportunities in any circumstances. Even the seemingly disastrous influx of migrants into our countries could be used to our advantage. But for this we should change our mindset. Instead of weeping about bygone era we should rapidly think how to employ the present situation to our advantage. I will give the hint. The migrants bring lawlessness, chaos, lowering of living standards. These factors undermine the existing social status quo and weaken the system. But all these factors bring great opportunities to all those who want to change this obnoxious status quo. Do we want the preservation of Reagan’s America, or Lyndon Johnson’s America or even Eisenhauer’s America? I doubt it. But if we want something thoroughly different, something that far surpasses everything that mainstream crowd could imagine, then, the coming chaos and social collapse should be seen by us as the greatest opportunity, not as calamity. And the Nature always arrange events in such a fashion that all great calamities turn into great successes of some new forces. The power that be, through its own stupidity, greed and arrogance, accelerates its own demise. Let’s not hinder them in these efforts. They will do everything themselves; our part starts only after everything falls down. Don’t try to accelerate the events; Nature has no mercy to those who try to intervene in its grand design. In this regard the key idea was expressed by the National Alliance Chairman Williams:
“Circumstances will tell us when violence is appropriate. It will be appropriate when there really is no alternative, and that will be obvious to many people. Any violence inspired by a novel is bound to be premature. It will lack support and, if it is significant, it will serve as an excuse for a crackdown — which White people who did not yet see the necessity for violence will support”.
“The National Alliance Chairman Mr Williams have aptly noted that Covington’s insurrectionist sentiments are not helpful. To incite people to rebel at the time when material and psychological conditions are not ready, is the surest way to derail everything.”
I believe that it was Hadding who made that point.
Edmund Connelly could be analogized to a Christian who marvels at Satan’s rhetoric, and urges other Christians to copy it. This cannot produce a good result because the underlying intention is wrong.
” This cannot produce a good result because the underlying intention is wrong.”
That may be true and it would be a crucial factor .
However , Connelly may also be correct in identifying “The Brigade” as an excellent psychological guide for prospective WN combatants to use in any future conflict .
The crux of the issue is precisely this __
” To incite people to rebel at the time when material and psychological conditions are not ready, is the surest way to derail everything.”
Hence , Connelly and other proponents of Covington novels and especially of “The Brigade” would be vindicated upon an inveterate condition that Covington novels must not be used nor intended for incitement to a potentially nefariously timed disastrous conflict . That conditional would effectively co-opt any presumed bad intent by the presumed enemy agent Covington and leave the usefulness of the novel intact .
You actually equated Satan with Harold Covington. You NA cultists are demented.