The Best of Badvice: A Black Libertarian Inadvertently Tells Whites How to Win Back the West
Good advice helps you. Bad advice harms you. But badvice (bad advice) can be just as useful as good advice. When you know you’re hearing genuine badvice, you simply do the opposite of what it tells you. That’s the ironic premise of a wonderful little fantasy called The Screwtape Letters (1942), which was written by the Christian apologist C.S. Lewis (1898—1963). In the book, a senior demon advises a junior demon on the best way to lead a human to damnation. For example, the junior demon should encourage pride, resentment and despair while discouraging humility, forgiveness and hope.
Black barbarism advances
Lewis was using humor and fantasy to badvise his readers – to tell them what not to do and how not to think. Demons guide humans down the path to damnation, so by doing the opposite of what demons want you’ll find the path up to salvation. You don’t follow badvice, you invert it and do the opposite. That’s what The Screwtape Letters is about. If modern Christians were serious about reviving their faith, they would extend the book’s lessons far and wide. For example, Christ-hating leftist newspapers like the Guardian and New York Times are full of helpful advice for Christians. Welcome women priests! Embrace homosexuality! Cosy up to Islam! That’s genuine and powerful badvice, so Christians should invert it and do the exact opposite: ban women priests, abhor homosexuality, and condemn Islam. They don’t, of course. Instead, they follow the badvice, which is why mainstream Christianity is dying.
But it isn’t only Christians who follow the badvice of the leftist media. It’s leftists themselves. They snort their own supply. After the Black thug George Floyd got himself killed in 2020, leftists eagerly embraced the hysteria and lies of Black Lives Matter (BLM). They demanded that the police stop oppressing the vulnerable Black community. The result was disastrous for Blacks and particularly for the young Black men about whom leftists express such concern. When White civilization steps back, Black barbarism steps forward. Steve Sailer has carefully documented how Black-loving leftism has gotten lots more Black Lives Murdered. And lots more Black lives destroyed by dangerous driving. But let’s move from leftism in general to libertarianism in particular. Libertarianism specializes in offering badvice to the Whites who built the West. When Whites are under collectivist attack, they should double down on individualism. That’s some badvice from libertarians. Oh, and Whites should open the borders to allow even more collectivist non-Whites to flood in. That’s more badvice from libertarians. By following libertarian badvice, Whites will destroy both the West and the freedoms that libertarians say they’re so concerned about.
Bursting with badvice: the Black libertarian Inaya Folarin Iman knows just what’s best for Whites
Some of them may be sincere about freedom. But it’s very easy to see selfish motives in libertarianism. It’s a heavily Jewish movement, for example, which is why it doesn’t want Whites to recognize and pursue their own racial interests. In America, the Jewish libertarian Ayn Rand (1905-82) told Whites to reject racism and embrace open borders. In Britain, the Jewish libertarian Frank Furedi (born 1947) has the same message for Whites. In other words, Jewish libertarians are badvising Whites to remain individualist as they suffer collectivist attack. Furedi’s cognitive clones incessantly repeat that badvice at Spiked Online. The Black female libertarian Inaya Folarin Iman (born 1996) has recently supplied some particularly good badvice at Spiked. After the violent response by working-class Whites to the Southport stabbings, she has announced that “White identity politics is the worst possible response to the riots.”
Martians and deep-sea starfish
When a Black libertarian tells Whites what not to do, we should listen very carefully and then do it. That is, we should invert the badvice, because it’s designed to harm us, not to help us. Here’s an extract from Iman’s article:
Disillusioned and frustrated by uncontrolled immigration, by an elite class that seems to despise Britain and by a lack of a real small-c conservative party, more and more young right-wingers are gravitating towards grievance-based identity politics. Take … comedian and right-wing commentator Nick Dixon. He described a case in which white police officers were purposefully passed over for promotion in favour of a non-white colleague as an example of how ‘systemic anti-white racism exists in every part of our society’. Similarly, GB News’s Steven Edginton called it ‘disgusting anti-white racism’. Again, we should all be critical of DEI practices that divide people up by race, but does anyone seriously believe they are driven by ‘anti-white’ animus?
[The right] have flirted with notions of white ethnic racial peril. [Harrison] Pitt recently delivered a lecture presenting migration as the ‘ethnic cleansing’ of white Brits, warning that they are due to become ‘a minority in their own homeland’. He suggested that even former prime minister Rishi Sunak had ‘not integrated well’ into British society, because he once said diversity ‘built Britain’. Edginton, in an interview with Liz Truss, asked the former PM if she was ‘concerned’ or felt ‘threatened’ by ‘the decline in the white population in Britain and America’. This is racial identity politics on steroids. (“The Very Online right has gone down a very dark path,” Spiked Online, 16th August 2024)
And obviously, if Whites adopt “racial identity politics on steroids,” it would be a very bad thing. Very bad, that is, for Blacks like Inaya Folarin Iman. She doesn’t want Whites to recognize that they have collective interests. This isn’t because collectivism would be bad for Whites: it’s because White collectivism would be bad for Inaya Folarin Iman. She’s Black and doesn’t belong in Britain or any other Western country. But naturally enough, like the Bangladeshi Rakib Ehsan, she can’t admit it. That’s why she’s blatantly dishonest in the article. She asks this: “Does anyone seriously believe [DEI practices] are driven by ‘anti-white’ animus?” Well, yes, lots of people believe exactly that for the simple reason that it is obviously true. When Whites are incessantly demonized and denied promotion, what else is at work but “anti-white animus”? Are the woke being hostile to Martians when they demonize Whites? Are they trying to harm deep-sea starfish when they deny promotion to Whites? No, the woke are being hostile to Whites, not Martians, and they’re seeking to harm Whites, not deep-sea starfish.
The coming of Kemi
Now look at Iman’s denial of the truth about Rishi Sunak, the former prime minister. When a White accurately observes that Sunak hasn’t integrated well, Iman says that this is “racial identity politics on steroids.” Sunak claimed that “Diversity built Britain.” In fact, the British built Britain. The clue’s in the name: it’s Britain, not Diversitopia. But why would a Brown Indian Hindu like Sunak want to deny that White British Christians built Britain? You won’t need any guesses. Like Inaya Folarin Iman, Sunak doesn’t belong in Britain, so he has to re-write history and pretend that he does. Iman’s denial of the obvious in her article is proof that she can’t be trusted. But it’s precisely because she can’t be trusted that her advice for Whites is so useful. But only if we invert it and do the opposite. She repeats that perennial libertarian badvice: when Whites are under collectivist attack, they should double down on individualism. In other words, libertarians are saying: “Divided you stand, united you fall.” Which is ridiculous.
The high-testosterone Israel-loving Black pseudo-conservative Kemi Badenoch (image from Jewish News)
Inaya Folarin Iman also advises Whites not to be concerned about their falling share of the population. That’s badvice, so Whites should be very concerned. As non-Whites like Iman increase in number and power, it will be very bad for Britain. That’s why the badvising libertarians at Spiked will be delighted if a Black female politician called Kemi Badenoch (born 1980) becomes the new leader of the British Conservative party and potential first Black prime minister (Badenoch is a Scottish surname pronounced BADE-noch, with the -ch as in German Bach). Spiked will celebrate Badenoch’s “rejection” of racial politics and belief in the power of personal endeavor. Well, I’ve been watching Badenoch’s rise for some time, which is how I know that she doesn’t in fact reject racial politics. And that she doesn’t believe in the power of personal endeavor either. That’s why she has been careful to follow the golden rule of British politics: “Serve the Tribe.” In other words, to succeed in British politics you have to suck up to the Jews and make Jewish interests your first priority.
A strategy of Semitocentric sycophancy
Jeremy Corbyn, the former leader of the Labour party, rejected that rule. That’s why he was demonized as an anti-Semite and eventually thrown out of the Labour party. Keir Starmer, the current leader of the Labour party, has been careful to follow that rule. That’s how he became prime minister. Corbyn was very popular among ordinary Labour members and party membership rose considerably when he was leader. It’s fallen considerably under Starmer. But the Labour party doesn’t exist to serve its ordinary members: it exists to serve Jewish interests. So does the Conservative party. Kemi Badenoch wants to become prime minister, which is why she has been sucking up to Jews ever since she entered politics. Here she is worshiping at Yad Vashem, the central shrine of Holocaustianity in Israel:
“Dear Israel, I’ll be your bestie for ever!” Kemi Badenoch sucks up to Jews at Yad Vashem (image from the Jewish Chronicle)
Badenoch’s strategy of Semitocentric sycophancy is a good one, but it doesn’t guarantee that she’ll become the next Tory leader and perhaps the next prime minister. After all, every other contender for the Tory leadership is following exactly the same strategy. The similarly non-White and similarly high-testosterone Priti Patel sucked up to Jews so hard in 2017 that she created a scandal and had to resign from the government. She’s still sucking and still seeking supremacy. Another contender for the Tory leadership, Robert Jenrick (born 1982) is handicapped by being a White gentile male (or presenting himself like that, anyway). But, just like Keir Starmer, he’s self-certified as kosher by marrying a Jew and raising his children as Jewish. After visiting Auschwitz in 2019, he said: “It had a huge impact on me and in particular because my wife is the daughter of Holocaust survivors from modern day Poland and Ukraine.” He’s also said that his links to Jews are “a very important and integral part of my life.”
Like Badenoch and Patel, Jenrick follows the strategy of Semitocentric sycophancy in search of supremacy. In Western nations like Britain, Jews are both very small in numbers and very big in power and influence. They’ve achieved their extraordinary success in two ways: by practising collectivism among themselves and by demonizing collectivism in Whites. That’s why the Jewish ideology of libertarianism tells Whites not to unite and not to embrace “racial identity politics.” It’s excellent badvice – that is, it’s very bad advice. Whites need to take that badvice, invert it, and do the exact opposite. United we stand, divided we fall.
“They’ve achieved their extraordinary success in two ways: by practicing collectivism among themselves and by demonizing collectivism in Whites.” Finally, people are coming around. Individualism is the most dangerous weapon, particularly on a planet trapped in protracted warfare. We do not survive as atomized individuals, but as in-tact groups. We protect the group and the group protests us. Thus at the core of jewish power is our atomization and their collectivism. Jews are a one-for-all and all-for-one cult. They have shared history, identity and goals. Jews nurse/train/empower each other from cradle to grave, steal as a team, and share the proceeds among the entire jewish community, rather than just an upper elite. They’ve been doing this for centuries and have perfected the con. We non-jews live in a ruthless every-man-for-himself cutthroat social system. We do not work to together as a team, we do not have shared goals, identity or even shared destiny. I call it competitive individualism, and it is a complex, system-level divide and conquer strategy. That’s why you see so many so-called jewish intellectuals, like ayn rand, pushing this militant individualism. It kills unity, strength, and the social system as a whole (as we see now) allowing the collective jews to walk right through us. It’s a profound realization. When using this “individual” verse “collective” lens you see the destructive matrix we’ve been living in goes back many centuries, with many nations and billions of people falling prey to this sneaky devious psyop. Wherever you find cultures of individualism, you’ll find jew rule. There’s simply no one home to stop the jew juggernaut.
“Whites need to take that badvice, invert it, and do the exact opposite. United we stand, divided we fall.”
Short idea to solve this age old problem is: VOTE NSDAP. It’s a return to a collective identity and the resulting strengths that come with it, accompanied by economic tangents. Unless you want jewish billionaires to continue carpet bombing everything.
Fabulous commentary article by wonderful Tobias Langdon…..**. .new readers..young folk who are embittered flustered in a quandary..look at the millenia of facts on the JQ…not only the Jew-K apocalypse…its THE JEWS ..*Tikkun olam Jews..kol nidre Jews.. globohomosexual Jews.covid Jews AMA Jews..Blackrock Jews..WeF Jews..United Nations Jews… Porn Jews … prostitution running jews…..all the sordid degenerate vile antiChristian jees..anti white jews..—these who peddle cheap vile satanic Jewish influence by grift .by 5th colonist seditions. Schizoid..sclerotic. reptilian JEWS!…Keir Starmer the cyborg scum..was and is an Isreal firster reprobate brownoser..of the same Synagogue
of Satan…. New readers. Young people..this TOO online publication is a gift from The Creator.*. Scour. each article under an acerbic microscope of pure fact checking will find answers to all the worst holocausts by mentally ill demon possesed Jews..yes…many stentorian commenters …..who also have decades of research ..and can artfully easily coherently boil it all down for you..and no..there is no better than TOO…those who are decent and can should healthy non quackzinated beautiful non Jewish children..Resist!……. All best to prof KM…and Tobias…**
Get a grip, Alan!
Some people think “antisemitism” is just a mental illness like logorrhea.