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62 search results for: Cofnas


The Yoke of Woke: Nathan Cofnas Is Wrong about the Nature and Origins of Wokism

I admire the moral courage of Nathan Cofnas, the Jewish philosopher and race-realist. He stood out against the dominant ideology of Cambridge University and was duly punished for his crimethink. He’s also stood up for the free speech of heretics like Kevin MacDonald, even though he doesn’t agree with MacDonald’s heresies. But I don’t admire […]


Cofnas out at Cambridge

Nathan Cofnas has been removed from his position at Cambridge University. I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, he was removed because of his race realism, which I have long agreed with and is apparent in what is posted at TOO (including 27 articles on race realism  and many more on Africans and African-Americans). […]


The Cofnas-MacDonald debate continues

Here are interviews by Alex Murshak on the disagreements between Nathan Cofnas (who was interviewed first) and me. These interviews were conducted separately (Cofnas first) and neither of us had heard the other’s interview before we were interviewed. My interview: Youtube: RSS: Spotify: Apple: Here are the links to Nathan Cofnas’ interview as well: […]


Comment on ZMan’s blog: “Cofnas Versus MacDonald”

The ZMan wrote an interesting blog on the conflict between Cofnas and me. My comment: I completely agree that Cofnas is a sophist who cares nothing for the truth and keeps making the same arguments while ignoring my counterarguments. But re group selection: My perspective is cultural group selection which is entirely in the mainstream […]


The Cofnas Problem, Part 3 of 3

Go to Part 1 of 3. Go to Part 2 of 3. Jewish Ethnocentrism Cofnas rests his argument against MacDonald on three grounds: (a) the evidence suggests Jews are not particularly ethnocentric, (b) liberal Jews typically advocate similar policies for Jews/Israel and gentiles/gentile countries, and (c) the West was on a liberal trajectory with or […]