Entries by F. Roger Devlin, Ph.D.

Murray on Race Differences in IQ

Charles Murray’s Human Diversity contains little on the genetic basis of racial differences in average intelligence; it is clear Murray doesn’t want to be the subject of another moral panic like that which greeted The Bell Curve. He merely mentions that it is “tough” to defend the belief that “ethnic differences in IQ are meaningless,” […]

Recent Advances in the Study of Human Differences, Part 3 of 3: Behavior Genetics and Social Class

More is known about the influence of genes on social class than upon race and sex; indeed, Murray writes that “the basics have been known for decades.” (209) The technical literature treats socioeconomic status as the sum of heredity (genetic influence) and environmental influence. The latter component can be further divided into shared and nonshared […]

Recent Advances in the Study of Human Differences, Part 2 of 3: The Biological Basis of Race

Go to Part 1, on gender differences. Social constructivist orthodoxy has been more successful at shaping popular perceptions of race than of sex. As Murray notes, the idea that “gender is merely a social construct” is widely perceived as too extreme, but many of our contemporaries labor under the mistaken impression that “significant racial differences […]

Recent Advances in the Study of Human Differences, Part 1 of 3: Gender Differences

Human Diversity: The Biology of Gender, Race, and Class by Charles Murray New York: Grand Central Publishing, 2020 “We are in the midst of a uniquely exciting period of discoveries in genetics and neuroscience (6),” notes Charles Murray near the beginning of his latest book Human Diversity, yet it remains something of a secret. Knowledgeable […]

Displacing the Phony Right: Review of James Kirkpatrick’s “Conservatism Inc.: The Battle for the American Right”

Conservatism Inc.: The Battle for the American Right By James Kirkpatrick London: Arktos Media, 2019; $19.95 It is a political truism that the best way to control the opposition is to lead it oneself, and today’s globalist, anti-white left has succeeded better than perhaps anyone else in history at implementing such a strategy. The rising […]

National Intelligence and its Consequences

The Intelligence of Nations Richard Lynn and David Becker London: Ulster Institute for Social Research, 2019 British psychologist Richard Lynn and Finnish political scientist Tatu Vanhanen published their first study of national IQ differences, Intelligence and the Wealth of Nations, in 2002. The book found that a nation’s average IQ correlated at .62 with its […]