Entries by RockaBoatus

The Way of the Red-Pilled

Today we often hear of persons becoming “red-pilled” while others remain “blue pilled.” The expressions originally sprang from the widely popular science fiction action film “The Matrix” (1999) starring Keanu Reeves as “Neo” and Laurence Fishburne as “Morpheus.” The movie, according to Wikipedia, “depicts a dystopian future in which humanity is unknowingly trapped inside the […]

My Journey to the Homosexual Question

Five years ago, Andrew Joyce wrote a compelling three-part series of articles on “The Alt-Right and the Homosexual Question” (published at AltRight.com). His articles comport well with what I have already concluded about homosexuals and their place among White racialists, especially if a White ethnostate or an American redoubt were to ever emerge in the […]

To Vote or Not to Vote?

Our once great nation seems to be coming apart right before our eyes. Americans are perhaps more divided on social and political matters than at any other time throughout its history. Not only are we experiencing a recession and a proxy war against Russia on behalf of Ukraine that’s costing taxpayers billions each month, but […]

Chuck Schumer’s Recent Push to Legalize Millions of Illegals

President Johnson signs the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act Last Wednesday, Senate Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer, publicly pleaded for “a path of citizenship” for America’s eleven million illegal immigrants “or however many” there are (November 16, 2022). Eleven million illegals, incidentally, is the low-ball number that democrats prefer to use. There are good reasons, however, […]