The Way Life Should Be? Vol. II: Do Not Pass NGO, Do Not Collect $200
“We have a moral obligation to admit the world’s poor, they tell us, even if it makes our own country poorer, and dirtier, and more divided. Immigration is a form of atonement. Previous leaders of our country committed sins ― we must pay for those sins by welcoming an endless chain of migrant caravans. That’s the argument they make.”–Tucker Carlson
The moral argument for endless Third World immigration is completely disingenuous and only serves to mask the real reasons for the mass importation of an overwhelmingly non-white population through the “legal” route (just 13% of immigrants to the United States come from Europe and Canada) and an almost-100% non-white population through the “illegal” route. One of the most essential arms of the neo-liberal establishment is comprised of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) through which immigration and “refugee re-settlement” as it is euphemistically called can be cloaked in humanitarian terms. This global network of NGOs has a variety of functions, from ferrying African migrants across the Mediterranean in direct violation of safe harbor international law to purchasing bus tickets to send migrants to preferred destinations. In keeping with the close analysis of the current situation in the state of Maine-as-microcosm, we will start with Catholic Charities, the organization responsible for sending hundreds of Angolans and Congolese to Portland, Maine from San Antonio, Texas.
Catholic Charities is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) charity with its headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia. Forbes ranks it the thirteenth-largest charity in the United States as of last year, with a total revenue of approximately $3.7 billion for fiscal year 2017, $1.27 billion of which came from government funding. In 2010, Catholic Charities had even greater revenues of around $4.7 billion, with just over $554 million coming from federal funds, per the Catholic Charities USA Annual Survey. Total government funding to CCUSA exceeded $2.9 billion, however, if we include state, local, and “unspecified” government revenue. Though overall revenues are down, CCUSA increasingly derives its funding from private sources. Roughly 62% of its funds in 2010 came from the government, whereas that number now sits at around 34%. Revenue from the private sector has increased around $600 million in that time frame. People affiliated with Catholic Charities donated almost exclusively to Democratic candidates—most of whom are abortion advocates, which doesn’t seem very Catholic—in the 2018 election cycle. Many of the names will be familiar to you, including: Richard Blumenthal, Al Franken, Bob Menendez, Adam Schiff, Kirsten Gillibrand, Elizabeth Warren, Beto O’Rourke, Bernie Sanders, Keith Ellison, Amy Klobuchar, and Kamala Harris. Contributions also went to the campaign of House Representative Jared Golden of Maine during the last election cycle.
Winslow T. Warren notes that though these donations are often the product of “individual donations”: “The money shown from corporations like Lockheed Martin is from individual donors who specified an association with Lockheed Martin in the paperwork associated with their contribution.” It is worth emphasizing that the Center for Responsive Politics states, “Our research over more than 20 years shows enough of a correlation between individuals’ contributions and their employers’ political interests that we feel comfortable with our methodology.” Employers and senior management also find many ways to spend lavishly on the candidates they want to control beyond their own individual “hard money” and corporate PAC donations, but the money we can trace gives us a good picture. For the purposes of this series, I also treat contributions to leadership PACs which find their way to or otherwise aid a campaign as contributions to that campaign.
Catholic Charities has publicly endorsed the DREAM Act and naturalizing DACA recipients, and supports a “just immigration process” which effectively means the kinds of open borders policies explicitly advocated for by Democrat Party leadership, including Kevin De Leon, another recipient of Catholic Charities affiliates’ campaign donations in 2018. Catholic Charities is one of the chief organizations involved in “refugee re-settlement” across the United States, including the state of Maine. Since 1975, Catholic Charities Maine Refugee and Immigration Services (RIS) has been the primary provider of resettlement services to refugees in Maine. In 2013, about 400–700 refugees arrived in the state through the Office of Resettlement at Catholic Charities (Portland Press Herald, 2013). These new groups of refugees coming from Burundi, Syria, and Angola joined the older immigrant communities from Somalia, Iraq, and Sudan,[1] among others. A large number of Congolese have arrived more recently still. Within the last two years, Catholic Charities has become the central “refugee re-settlement” organization in the state:
In 2017, after the withdrawal of the State of Maine from the administration of the federal Refugee Resettlement Program, Catholic Charities of Maine (CCM) established the Office of Maine Refugee Services (OMRS), which is distinct from RIS, to coordinate statewide infrastructure related to refugee resettlement and administer federal funds to subgrantees throughout the state…In March 2017, Catholic Charities assumed the administrative roles related to refugee resettlement that had previously been held at the state level. Upon establishing OMRS, the roles of State Refugee Coordinator, State Refugee Health Coordinator, and a data and contract analyst, were created to administer the federal fiscal resources and responsibilities associated with refugee resettlement…OMRS is responsible for infrastructure related to refugee resettlement on a statewide basis, including education, health, employment, and working with federal, state, and local officials. In this capacity, OMRS administers funding to RIS, to school departments with significant numbers of refugee students (including Lewiston, Portland, and Westbrook), and to the adult education programs, among others. OMRS coordinates planning for resettlement across the state, hosting the quarterly State Refugee Advisory Council meeting, at which upcoming resettlement is discussed with state, local, and community partners.[2]
Catholic Charities of Maine operates several programs dedicated to helping refugees and other immigrants settle in the state, including job counseling, mentorship, and interpretation services. Additionally, they provide legal services to migrants, as well as refer them to immigration attorneys to help with asylum claims and deportation defense. Catholic Charities of Maine also runs a corporate training “‘In Their Shoes’ Refugee Experience” whereby whites will be brow-beaten and guilted by the organization, their corporate overlords, and hand-picked holier-than-thou brown people. From the website:
How can you welcome refugees to “The Way Life Should Be” in their new Maine communities? This interactive exercise engages participants with Catholic Charities Refugee & Immigrant Services staff to actively learn about the refugee process, the populations currently settled in Maine, the services available, and the challenges faced by Maine’s newest arrivals.
Four key expected training outcomes:
Help people to understand and generate empathy for the arduous path that refugees take in arriving to the United States
Provide awareness of the various types of refugees and how this may influence their acculturation here in the United States, as well as which benefits they may be able to receive
Explain the services offered to refugees who arrive in the United States
Explain the legal and ethical use of professional interpreters when serving individuals who do not speak English well or at all[3]
Catholic Charities is also involved in a number of culturally- and morally-subversive projects outside the refugee racket, but that is beyond the purview of this piece. What is important is that in addition to the fact that the government funds Catholic Charities in no small part to serve as a loophole to import greater numbers of Third Worlders over and above legal restrictions as “private charity/philanthropy,” Catholic Charities also derives substantial funding from large corporations and financial institutions, such as SC Johnson, Costco, US Bank, General Electric, Wells Fargo, UPS, JP Morgan Chase, FedEx, Apple, 3M, Office Depot, and First Bank. We should also not forget the law firms that “generously” donate their time to organizations such as Catholic Charities.
Finally, private foundations and “philanthropic” organizations are also a significant source of revenue for not just Catholic Charities, but many organizations like them. Of particular note here is the substantial amount of funding Catholic Charities derives from Jewish sources. Combined Jewish Philanthropies’ Legal Aid Fund for Immigrants raised more than $600,000 for Catholic Charities of Boston within the first half of 2018. Combined Jewish Philanthropies (CJP), Boston’s Jewish Federation, and Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Boston (Catholic Charities) launched the CJP Legal Aid Fund for Immigrants in order to “enable Catholic Charities to meet the growing demand for legal assistance to those in the Greater Boston area facing immigration-related legal challenges.”
Through the CJP Legal Aid Fund for Immigrants, CJP will help broaden the reach of these services, providing additional support to the hundreds of people who are currently waiting to receive legal guidance, often at the risk of being deported or separated from their families with each passing day. Many of these families receive other services from CJP’s partner agencies, particularly Jewish Vocational Service (JVS), who refer them to Catholic Charities for legal assistance…CJP will raise funds to support the well-respected and faith-based work in this area performed by Catholic Charities, one of the largest providers of legal aid to immigrants in the Commonwealth…“As Jews, and as immigrants and the children of immigrants, we have a responsibility to help preserve the rights of those who have come to America to create a better life for themselves and their families,” said Barry Shrage, CJP’s president. “We believe this is a critical time for our two prominent faith communities to demonstrate that we can stand and work together to assist immigrant families and individuals who are in urgent need of our help.”[4]
Catholic Charities works closely with a variety of Jewish organizations. This is a very close working relationship, shall we say:
Catholic Charities raised over $1 million at Spring Celebration to support its numerous programs. Catholic Charities also presented CJP’s President Barry Shrage with the 2018 Justice and Compassion Award at the event, paying tribute to his inspirational leadership and unwavering support of the two groups’ shared mission.[5]
The United Way, the Boston Foundation, and Catholic Charities were provided funding by CJP for the Fund to Aid Children and End Separation (FACES) initiative in June 2018. The CJP in Boston alone has total revenues of $390 million and net assets of $1.53 billion, which, in addition to Catholic Charities and associated projects, they donate to organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS).[6] The CJP also funnels money to other Jewish Federations, including: Palm Beach; Miami; Washington, DC; and Portland, Maine.
Catholic Charities has deep ties with many Jewish Federations from the above locales to Cleveland to San Diego to Atlanta to Chicago to Portland, Oregon. Catholic Charities in South Jersey works with the region’s three Jewish Federations: Jewish Federation of Cumberland, Gloucester & Salem Counties; Jewish Federation of Atlantic and Cape May Counties; and Jewish Federation of Southern New Jersey (serving Camden, Gloucester and Burlington Counties). But as stated above, Jewish support for Catholic Charities is not limited to just the local Jewish Federation. In addition to Boston’s CJP as just one example, we can consider several others. These are essentially randomly selected, but the point is you could repeat this exercise virtually anywhere in the United States and find similar results. Catholic Charities in Southwest Ohio works closely with the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC), the American Jewish Congress (AJC), Adath Israel Congregation, Congregation Beth Adam, Congregation Etz Chaim, Immigrant and Refugee Law Center, Isaac M. Wise Temple, Jewish Federation of Cincinnati, JustLove, Mayerson JCC, Northern Hills Synagogue, Refugee Connect, Rockdale Temple, and Temple Sholom.[7] In Palm Beach, Catholic Charities are provided support by the Walter and Adi Blum Foundation, Inc. and Temple Beth Shalom (in addition to Walmart, the United Way, Wells Fargo, and other usual suspects, as we shall see the pattern repeat).
One of the major financiers of not just Catholic Charities but the Catholic school system in Baltimore is the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation:
“Now, there’s a very simple reason why a foundation with a definite Jewish background—you might even call it a Jewish foundation—gives to Catholic schools,” says Donn Weinberg, chairman of the Baltimore-area Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation. “It’s that the Catholic schools in Baltimore and across the country take all comers. They’re educating poor kids in Baltimore—predominantly from black families. In other American cities, they serve mostly Latino families. Either way, these are usually kids from very low-income families…There is another, somewhat intangible, benefit to Catholic schools. Part of their mission is to impart American civic norms and values to their students. Of course, they’re not the only schools that do this. But they definitely focus on the character, as well as the minds, of their students.” The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation ranks among the 20 largest foundations in the country, with assets of nearly $2.5 billion and annual giving of almost $100 million. It is dedicated to assisting the poor by funding direct service organizations; within its mission, an emphasis is placed on supporting the elderly and the Jewish community.[8]
The United Way is a major supporter of Catholic Charities (and Caritas Internationalis,[9] of which Catholic Charities USA was a founding member) and like Catholic Charities it also has its headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia. It should also not surprise you that, yes, the Weinberg Foundation donates annually to the United Way, as do a host of other Jewish groups, organizations, and foundations. The United Way, in turn, donates money to Jewish groups in a kind of circular money-washing scheme. In fiscal year 2019, they donated $500,000 to CJP-Boston, for example. These schemes are anything but straightforward, which is partly why they have been so effective. The United Way:
has roots in Denver, Colorado, where in 1887 Frances Wisebart Jacobs, along with other religious leaders, began the Charity Organization Society, which coordinated services between Jewish and Christian charities and fundraising for 22 agencies. Many Community Chest organizations, which were founded in the first half of the twentieth century to jointly collect and allocate money, joined the American Association for Community Organizations in 1918. The first Community Chest was founded in 1913 in Cleveland, Ohio after the example of the Jewish Federation in Cleveland—which served as an exemplary model for “federated giving.”[10]
The purpose of Jewish “giving” is framed as altruistic, but it is in reality totally self-serving. Larry Kaplan writes:
Traditionally, US Jewish philanthropy has been focused on Jewish communal organizations such as Jewish federations, the regional nonprofit “middlemen” that distribute funds to causes in the US and abroad…Typically, Jewish federations emphasize the ethnic and cultural, non-religious expressions of Judaism, and reinforce the Jewish community’s tradition of charitable giving as a group effort as an approach to social action.[11]
That seems fairly innocuous unless you’ve read The Culture of Critique or understand the particular strategies Jews employ to advance their ethno-religious interests, but for succinctness’s sake, I find the following quote illustrative, from a New York Times feature published last year by Michael Steinberger:
Alex Soros said his father, “had always ‘identified firstly as a Jew,’ and his philanthropy was ultimately an expression of his Jewish identity, in that he felt a solidarity with other minority groups and also because he recognized that a Jew could only truly be safe in a world in which all minorities were protected. Explaining his father’s motives, he said, ‘The reason you fight for an open society is because that’s the only society that you can live in, as a Jew — unless you become a nationalist and only fight for your own rights in your own state.’”[12]
Speaking of which, CJP-Boston invests in bonds from the State of Israel, and contributed nearly $9 million last year to “empower people to advocate for Israel [and] create strong connections with Israel.” You’ll find a close relationship between CJP and organizations such as Friends of the IDF and others. If you are a nationalist and you advocate for the preservation of your own state, however, organizations like the ADL—recipient of donations from CJP—will hound you as a “white nationalist” and try to destroy your life, all while their affiliates such as HIAS and proxies such as Catholic Charities advance Jewish interests at your expense by importing as many people from the Third World as they can manage. It’s quite the racket they’ve got going.
We’ll investigate more of these Jewish organizations and their embedded relationships with and/or control over politics, private equity, banks, law firms, corporate interests, and more next time. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
Reposted with permission from The Anatomically Correct Banana.
[9] Caritas Internationalis is partnered with the European Union, which is another kettle of fish, but you can certainly extrapolate from the evidence being presented here.