The Occidental Quarterly

TOQLive with Prof. Drew Fraser at 8:00 PM EDT on Sunday, July 28

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TOQ Live featuring Andrew Fraser will air on Sunday evening, July 28 at 8:00 PM EDT with Prof. Andrew Fraser (whose article is now the current featured article on TOO). Should be a great discussion. All of the details are at this link:

Summer 2019 Issue of The Occidental Quarterly: Vol. 19, no.2.

The Summer 2019 journal Vol. 19, No. 2, The Occidental Quarterly, contains eight essays and 137 pages:

  • The Summer issue leads off with Dr. Andrew Joyce’s groundbreaking article on Jewish involvement in shaping American attitudes on race in the post-World War II era: “‘Modify the Standards of the In-Group’: On Jews and Mass Communication.” This article describes the successful effort of a major interlocking group of Jews in the elite media and universities to saturate the mass media with messages promoting positive attitudes toward non-White groups, particularly Blacks and Jews.
  • Grégoire Canlorbe interviews Dr. Ricardo Duchesne, reviewing Duchesne’s previous work on the Faustian spirit of the West in his classic The Uniqueness of Western Civilization as well as Duchesne’s recent insights and additions to this body of theory, particularly as it relates to the discovery of the self and self-consciousness by the peoples of the West.
  • Dr. Nelson Rosit revisits Charles Murray’s Coming Apart, presenting Murray’s data on the decline of the White working class within the framework of life history theory in biology based on a reading of Steven C. Hertler’s, Life History Evolution and Sociology.
  • Andrew Gladwell’s essay draws on psychological research on cognitive dissonance to explain the imperviousness of liberal attitudes to disconfirmation by, e.g., downplaying, ignoring, or rationalizing conflicting information.
  • Dr. Tomislav Sunic’s essay describes the history of Western thought on decadence, particularly as it relates to attitudes on miscegenation and race. Sunic traces this tradition from its beginnings in the Roman world of antiquity with the writings of Sallust and Juvenal, to its resurfacing in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries with writers such as Arthur de Gobineau and Oswald Spengler, and continuing into the present era characterized by the decadent behavior and attitudes on race typical of leftist intellectuals.
  • Dr. F. Roger Devlin contributes a review essay on Edward Dutton’s The Silent Rape Epidemic: How the Finns Were Groomed to Love Their Abusers. Although non-White migration came late to Finland, we encounter the typical phenomena seen repeatedly throughout the West: The silence of media and political elites regarding migrant crime, particularly large-scale rape of Finnish women, and regarding the negative effects of migration on social cohesion. Devlin deftly presents Dutton’s evolutionary life history perspective on the Finnish people’s intelligence, hyper-conformity, and susceptibility to guilt.
  • TOQ editor, Dr. Kevin MacDonald, contributes a review essay on Thomas Wheatland’s The Frankfurt School in Exile. Despite its many shortcomings, Wheatland’s book adds to the material on the Frankfurt School presented in one of Dr. MacDonald’s landmark books, The Culture of Critique.
  • Finally, Dr. Andrew Joyce reviews an apologetic book on Jewish involvement in communism: Paul Hanebrink’s A Specter Haunting Europe: The Myth of Judeo-Bolshevism. Joyce presents Hanebrink’s work as typical of the fact-free claims promulgated by elite universities and intended to whitewash the reality of Jewish involvement in communism in the Soviet Union and throughout the West during much of the twentieth century.


Fall 2018 issue of TOQ is available!

The Fall issue of TOQ is available to electronic subscribers. Just recently we were booted off Square, likely due to the activism of one Jessica Schulberg, who, one can be sure, has zero concern about advancing her ethnic interests (she describes TOQ as a “racist journal”). Given all the de-platforming and cutting off of financial services by the powers that be, it’s more important than ever to subscribe. We can’t let them win by shutting out our ideas. Only $30/year (4 issues) for digital version, $60/yr for hardcopy. Payments must be made by mail. Click here for all the details for subscribing.

TOQ Fall 2018

The TOQ Summer issue is up. Subscribers Needed!

The Summer issue of TOQ is available for subscribers, with the print version to be mailed out soon.

It’s a great issue with articles on a wide range of topics vital to understanding Western culture, Western history, and the struggles we face. I strongly encourage people to subscribe. As is well known, the establishment is attacking us on all fronts, and PayPal in particular has been a problem. TOQ has lost many subscribers because their automatic renewals were not processed after PayPal cut us off. The result is that we are struggling—especially frustrating because we had almost achieved the break-even point.

It’s very important for our side to be able to put out a high-quality journal. One of the strengths of Jewish activism has always been that Jews would support magazines and journals that were overtly (e.g., Commentary) or implicitly (e.g., Partisan Review back in the 1940s and 1950s). We should be able to do the analogous thing and support media that takes our side.

Subscription information is at For US subscribers, it’s simple: $30.00/year for a digital subscription and $60.00/year for the print journal (includes digital access). We have been able to get a credit card processor. For anyone who wants to send a check or money order, please send an email to, and you will be provided with further instructions.

Summer issue

Guillaume Durocher on Greek struggle for freedom from the Persians

Dr. Tom Sunic on Heidegger and the current “Fake News” phenomenon

Karl Nemmersdorf on Ted Gold and the Jews of Weatherman, the 1960s group of radicals.

Prof. Ricardo Duchesne provides a scathing review of  Steven Pinker’s war on White identitarianism, Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress

Brenton Sanderson provides a review essay on Revolutionary Yiddishland: A History of Jewish Radicalism by Alain Brossat and Sylvia Klingberg

Nelson Rosit  reviews The Rhythm of the West: A Biohistory of the Modern Era, AD 1600 to the Present by Michael A. Woodley et al.

Guillaume Durocher reviews On the Origins of Greek Biopolitics: A Reinterpretation of the History of Biopower by Mika Ojakangas

Online subscriptions to TOQ now working


We apologize for the inconvenience PayPal’s bad behavior has caused you and many more. We’re finally back in operation – a long journey.

We want you to re-subscribe with our new processor! [Those that got notice they had been cancelled.] Please visit the site and sign up again here (so you don’t miss an issue):
This is a new system. Only after you go through the signup as a brand-new subscriber can you then login the next time as a account holder.
You may use the same username/password/email as you have before–they are separate.

We are really hoping that people will re-subscribe to support us now that the system has tagged us for censorship. We appreciate every dollar and CMS is committed to continuing — as long as you are.

For all you people who haven’t read The Occidental Quarterly before – sign up for the best of even what you read here on TOO!
Subscriptions start at just $30 per year for the PDF digital download version. Then! upgrade to the print. You’ll love it.

Thank you for your continued support.

     The Occidental Quarterly provides scholarly articles on Western history and culture. Articles are written from a variety of perspectives, including intellectual history, evolutionary biology, behavior genetics, and ethnic studies. The Winter 2017 issue (Vol. 17, no. 4) contains 136 pages of content.

     In the Fall issue, Brenton Sanderson reviewed Roger Scruton’s book which attempts to defend Richard Wagner against academic Jewish activists who have attempted, with some success, to denigrate Wagner’s musical genius because of his attitudes on Jews. This is a continuing theme. In this Winter issue, Dr. Andrew Joyce, who has written previous articles on similar attempts to destroy the reputations of T.S. Eliot and Ezra Pound, discusses the attempt to erase the legacy of a lesser-known figure, poet Robinson Jeffers. Jeffers was originally attacked because he, like other patriots such as Charles Lindbergh, was opposed to U.S. entry into World War II.

     Dr. Ricardo Duchesne’s article on Johann Christian Herder has a similar purpose—pushing back against academic activists who have attempted to portray Herder as a proponent of multiculturalism. These activists seek to find support for the current dispossession of Europeans among the intellectual giants of the European past.

     Perhaps the greatest disaster of the post-World War II era is that the left has abandoned the White working class in favor of massive non-White immigration and multiculturalism. Here Dr. Brian Thorn reviews the opposition to Asian immigration from working-class Canadians in the nineteenth century. As in the U.S., the Canadian labor movement strongly opposed immigration, with much of their rhetoric opposed to the capitalists who profited from cheap labor, but often shading into what today would be labeled “racism.” The parallels to the contemporary world are obvious.

     Guillaume Durocher continues his series of articles on the ancient Greeks. In this issue, he reviews how Herodotus viewed culture and nationhood, concluding that he viewed an adaptive society in a manner quite the opposite of the modern liberal worldview. Herodotus emphasized the importance of familial and ethnic kinship, creating a strong sense of being an ingroup, promoting reproduction, and emphasizing manly virtues of military prowess.

     Dr. Joyce also has an extended review of Benjamin Ginsberg’s How the Jews Defeated Hitler. Ginsberg’s book illustrates the intensity of Jewish activism in a broad range of areas, from guerilla operations against the German army, to a major role in the officer corps of the Soviet army, code breaking, Hollywood propaganda, and influence on financial policy in the Roosevelt administration. He concludes that it is a serious mistake to underestimate the ability of Jews to influence events important to them.

     There are three shorter reviews:

  • Nelson Rosit provides an essentially positive review of Jim Penman’s An Epigenetic Explanation for the Decline of the West.
  • Tobias Langdon provides a scathing review of Richard Dawkins’ Science in the Soul, noting Dawkins’ studied blindness to natural selection against his own people occurring in the contemporary West.
  • And finally, Dr. Robert S. Griffin reviews George Hawley’s Making Sense of the Alt Right, concluding that Hawley’s politically correct attitudes are on display despite his insistence that his is a clinical, unbiased study. Dr. Griffin concludes that with a book like this, Hawley is will on his way to getting tenure at his university.

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The Winter issue on U.S.P.S. dock 1/15/2018 and online for download December 1st.

Those interested in subscribing should contact TOQ Support at toqonline dot com

TOQ Winter 2017-2018

The Winter 2017-18 Issue of The Occidental Quarterly is online for subscribers

The new Winter issue is posted online for download now. Those interested in subscribing should go to .

TOQ Winter 2017-2018


The Summer 2017 Issue of The Occidental Quarterly Mailing 6/29

The Summer issue will be posted online for download June 21, and they will be posted to the mail 7/6. As you can see from the cover, it’s a very stimulating issue, with several new writers. I call particular attention to the lead article, by Claire Ellis, based on her dissertation under the supervision of Prof. Ricardo Duchesne at the University of New Brunswick. She provides an exhaustive review of the demographic and cultural changes in Europe — and the consequent likelihood of civil war and genocide.

TOQ Summer 2017


TOQ fills a unique niche on the right in bringing together scholarly articles on a wide range of topics that are mired in political correctness elsewhere. Because of printing and mailing costs, TOQ has only been able to operate because of generous subsidies from the Charles Martel Society. However, we are on the verge of becoming self-sustaining. This is a very easy and affordable way to help the cause.

As editor, my first priority is to increase the number of subscribers. Subscriptions are $60 for four hardcopy issues (extra for subscribers outside the US), $30 for the electronic version. Here is the link to our subscription page. 

There are quite a few reasons for the precarious state of our civilization and our people. But one of the main ones is that we have lost the intellectual and moral high ground to a cultural elite that is hostile to our people and our culture. The domination of the mass media and the academic world by elites that are hostile to White identity and interests is a major barrier for educated Whites to act on behalf of their interests. White people cower in fear of being called a racist for believing and acting in ways that are absolutely normal and natural for all the other peoples of the world. While other peoples defend themselves, their culture and their borders, societies in Europe, North America, Australia, and New Zealand that have been controlled by Whites for hundreds of years are the only ones to accept their demise as a moral imperative. We view this outcome as the result of competition over the construction of culture in which the legitimate interests of Whites have been compromised.

A main purpose of TOQ is to change the attitudes of White people so that they will feel confident identifying as White and explicitly asserting their interests as Whites. Politically aware Whites must understand that the elites that dominate culture and the political process in the West are intellectually and morally bankrupt.

All of the scientific data are on our side. Increased ethnic diversity is associated with a host of societal ills, including decreased support for social welfare programs and lack of public trust. Those who argue that Western societies have a unique moral obligation to cede cultural and political control to non-Whites completely ignore the legitimate interests of Whites in maintaining their cultural and political control. No one argues that countries like Korea or Uganda have a moral obligation to allow other peoples to swamp the native population.

Having a large subscriber base will make it possible to for TOQ to be self-sustaining. We have established a policy whereby writers will be paid at rates that are competitive with other well-known journals of political opinion and scholarship. The amount of the stipend is not large. The writers who are putting in all the time and energy producing this material will still be working mainly to make a contribution to the ideas and ideals espoused by the journal. But it is important to get White advocacy beyond the volunteer level and to eventually support a large number of professional White advocates able to effectively compete with the legions of professionals who are able to find employment with our opponents.