White Victimization

Discrimination against Whites in Federal Employment

Pat Buchanan’s recent column (“Black America versus Obama?“) has some amazing stats on Black employment by the federal government:

Though 10 percent of the U.S. civilian labor force, African-Americans are 18 percent of U.S. government workers. They are 25 percent of the employees at Treasury and Veterans Affairs, 31 percent of the State Department, 37 percent of Department of Education employees and 38 percent of Housing and Urban Development. They are 42 percent of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp., 55 percent of the employees at the Government Printing Office and 82 percent at the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency.

When the Obama administration suggested shutting down Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the mortgage giants whose losses of $150 billion have had to be made up by taxpayers, The Washington Post warned, in a story headlined, “Winding Down Fannie and Freddie Could Put Minority Careers at Risk,” that 44 percent of Fannie employees and 50 percent of Freddie’s were persons of color.

There is no way that these percentages for Black employment could not happen without discrimination against Whites. I should think a lawsuit would be in order. Read more

Whites Feel Discriminated Against

A recent  psychology paper suggests a bit of trouble on the road to our glorious multicultural future. The title says it all: “Whites See Racism as a Zero-Sum Game That They Are Now Losing” by Michael I. Norton and Samuel R. Sommers (Perspectives on Psychological Science 6(3), 215-218, 2011). The paper documents “an emerging belief in anti-White prejudice” — the belief   “that Whites have replaced Blacks as the primary victims of discrimination.” Participants were asked about their perceptions of discrimination against Blacks and against Whites in each decade going back to the 1950s. Here are the results:

The claim by Norton and Somers that Whites view discrimination as a zero sum game is based solely on the fact that the lines in the above chart cross:  perceptions of Black discrimination against Whites have risen as perceptions of White discrimination against Blacks have fallen.  But to say that this implies that Whites see discrimination as a zero sum game is a non-sequitur, since the curves could be going in opposite directions for quite different reasons. (As all first-year psychology students are aware, correlation does not imply causality.) As indicated below, there are very real reasons why Whites feel discriminated against increasingly in recent decades, and this is likely independent of the reality that there is demonstrably less discrimination against Blacks.

A paper like this published in a first rate academic journal has to follow certain ground rules. The authors imply that Whites’ belief in anti-White discrimination is irrational because “by nearly any metric—from employment to police treatment, loan rates to education—statistics continue to indicate drastically poorer outcomes for Black than White Americans.” This comment fits well with the general the general tenor of the comments by several academics (including Norton and Somers) invited by the NYTimes: Yes indeed there is discrimination against Whites via well-publicized affirmative action cases, but Whites are still dramatically better off than Blacks, so get over it. Read more

Forget the Rhino, save the White man

In the 1980’s in South Africa there was a saying, “F*** the rhino and save the White man.” Given the turn of events in South Africa, it appears that the fate of the rhino and the Whites are probably intertwined.

The history of rhino hunting parallels the changes in attitude of Whites and their power in the world. In the 1800’s Whites were aggressive in their pursuit of power and in hunting animal species. However by the end of that century, people were waking up to the fact there were limits to the earth and that we shouldn’t destroy, but rather build up that which was worth preserving. Frederick Selous, the famous East African hunter, turned to conservation, and Paul Kruger in South Africa promoted the idea of conservation and set aside land for what became the nucleus of the Kruger National Park.

Rhino herds began to be preserved and their numbers grew. This became self-sustaining with the growth of tourism. By 1994, at least in South Africa, there were large numbers (over 30000) of rhino in the parks and their conservation seemed assured in South Africa.

Since then, however, their future is no longer assured. Poachers are now regularly killing Rhinos. A combination of poachers enticed by easy gains and the large oriental mafias that supply the endless Eastern desire for aphrodisiacs have put the Rhinos under threat. As the ability for Whites to set the agenda in South Africa declined, so has the ability to protect the rhino. The future of the Rhino in South Africa is uncertain, but the same can be said of the Whites.

In many ways the future of the Whites in Africa parallel the history of the Bushmen in Africa.

The Bushmen are now called the Khoisan in PC circles. However I will use Bushmen out of respect, as Khoisan literally means “men-thieves and murderers.” The Bushmen are possibly the original humans. They occupied virtually the whole of Africa. From the Cape to Cairo they were the dominant group. Their presence can be seen in the rock paintings present from the cape all the way to Egypt.

The Bushmen had a universalistic view of the world. There was no individual ownership of land. Land belonged to the tribe and the ancestors. When they hunted the animals some groups would apologise to the animals that they had to kill them for food. Read more

Black Student at University of Virginia Law School Lies About the Police; UVa Blames the Police

(Editor’s note: This article appeared originally at the Political Cesspool Website. See here.)

On April 22, 2011, the Virginia Law Weekly published a letter to the editor written by Johnathan Perkins, a law student at the University of Virginia (UVa). In his letter, Perkins, who is black, describes an encounter he had, in which he claims he was sorely harassed by two White university police officers. Perkins’s description reads like the script of a made-for-TV movie:

I noticed a police car approaching me. As it neared, the squad car slowed down, blue lights flashing. One of the officers inside pointed the car’s spotlight on me. The UVA officers (both white) stopped their car, got out and confronted me. They demanded that I provide identification and I complied. When I asked the officers if there was a problem, one responded, “You fit the description of someone we’re looking for.” I asked what the description was and what had happened. One of the officers responded, “You don’t need to worry about that. . .” It was clear at that point that the officers were toying with me for their own entertainment. [I]informed them that I was a law student, they looked at one another and sarcastically said, “Oh, he’s a law student. . .” [H]aving just taken Criminal Procedure, I knew to ask the officer whether I was free to leave. When he responded, “We just need to make sure you’re not carrying any weapons . . . it’ll only take a second.” I was doubly surprised: the officers had all but expressed that I was not the person they were looking for (if such a person even existed), yet the two were about to subject me to a search. I knew that all the cases, regulations, and remedies that I learned in class would be of no avail. These two officers alone controlled my fate.

At that point, one of the officers spun me around, pushed me toward their car, and placed my hands on the rear of the vehicle. . .One of the officers searched me, removing all of my belongings from my pockets. The other officer then proceeded to rifle through my wallet . . .Whenever I attempted to turn to answer their questions, they forcibly turned me back around to face the car. When their questioning ended, I asked the officers for their names and badge numbers. One of them responded, “You don’t need to worry about that either. . .” I knew that there would be no remedy for the indignity that I suffered at the hands of two of the University of Virginia’s “finest.”

This was not the first time that I have been harassed by police officers and it will not be the last. As I stood there, humiliated, with my hands on the police car, my only thought was: “There is nothing I can do to right this wrong. I have absolutely no recourse.”

Read more

Harold Covington’s Northwest Quartet

In 1989, prolific British writer Paul Johnson published Intellectuals offering case studies of a string of intellectuals, beginning with Jean-Jacques Rousseau and then Shelley, Marx, Ibsen, Tolstoy, Hemingway, Bertolt Brecht, Bertrand Russell, Sartre, right on down to more modern public thinkers. Johnson’s point is that however much these men (and Lillian Hellman) might have professed love of “humanity” and “progress,” they were rats to the actual people around them.

For example, Johnson wrote of the poet Shelley:

Any moth than came near his fierce flame was  singed. His first wife, Harriet, and his mistress, Fay Godwin, both committed suicide when he deserted them. In his letters he denounced their actions roundly for causing him distress and inconvenience. . . .  His children by Harriet were made wards of the court. He erased them completely from his mind, and they never received  a  single word from their father. Another child, a bastard, died in  a  Naples foundling hospital where he had abandoned her.

Of Karl Marx, the self-professed savior of the working man, Johnson wrote: He seduced his wife’s servant, begot a son by her, then forced Friedrich Engels to assume paternity. Marx’s daughter Eleanor once let out a cri de coeur in a letter: “Is it not wonderful, when you come to look things squarely in the face, how rarely we  seem to practice all the fine things we  preach—to others?” She later committed suicide.

Johnson concluded that we must “Beware intellectuals.” “Not only should they be kept well away from the levers of power, they should also be objects of particular suspicion when they seek to offer collective advice.” Read more

The White Genocide Evidence Project

Discourse is war.”  ~Søren Renner

This is a call for items that can be included in the White Genocide Evidence Project. Please post quotations or evidence as comments to this article, preferably in the format described below

Contributors will help create a database of evidence documenting the intentional destruction, displacement, and denigration of the White race in all White nations—White genocide.  These contributions will be quotations or other evidence, buttressed as much as possible by references, which will eventually be converted into a final product to expose the perpetrators of White genocide.  Hundreds of online discussion forums and websites have already compiled immense lists of hateful, slanderous, or genocidal quotations against the White race.  The idea is to collect and synthesize these quotations (and any other evidence) into a polished, presentable, unimpeachable, and independent end-product suitable for public dissemination to the population at large. Read more

How Jewish is The Social Network?

The Jewish Social Network

The Jewish Social Network

A recent article in The Jewish Chronicle asks, How Jewish is Facebook?


The basic idea of Facebook, creating a simple and exclusive alternative to MySpace, isn’t Jewish. But the project was hijacked when the gullible Winklevoss twins entrusted Mark Zuckerberg and his accomplice, Eduardo Saverin, to help execute the project. (See also Kevin MacDonald’s review.) The movie adaptation of this true story is a fevered Jewish revenge fantasy against their hapless arch-enemies, the reviled WASP “insiders.” Both the book, by Ben Mezrich,  and the screenplay, by Aaron Sorkin,  wallow in defeating the earnest brothers, heaping these two iconic American Christians with humiliation after humiliation.

The schadenfreud reaches hysterical proportions in this scene where they narrowly lose a rowing competition…


And what did these honest and trusting twins do to deserve this antipathy? Better yet, what did White America do to deserve this antipathy? How, when the President of Harvard himself is a powerful Jewish oligarch who laughed the twins out of his office, can Mezrich see himself, his people, or Zuckerberg as the sympathetic underdogs in this context? It’s simple: he’s Jewish and sympathizes with his own. To ask why he hates them is to make the same mistake the Winklevii made: grasping for a universal honor code in a tribal universe.

Mezrich explains why he hates them… Read more