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90 search results for: Sheldon adelson


The Nation Publishes Ethnically Motivated Anti-White Hate Propaganda Screed

A “journalist,” Max Berger, has published the following at The Nation magazine. You really have to read it to believe it. Given the status of The Nation among the elite left cognoscenti, it warrants a thorough review. How to Understand White Male Terrorism We’ve been here before, and we know that violent backlash is at […]


Netanyahou, chef de la droite ethno-nationaliste israélienne, reçu par l’extrême gauche américaine

Original article: Far Left Center for American Progress Hosts Netanyahu, Leader of the Israeli Ethnonationalist Right Article d’origine publié le 13 novembre 2015 Traduction: Blog Blanche Europe Quand le Premier ministre israélien Netanyahou a visité les États-Unis au mois de mars, à l’invitation de John Boehner, président de la Chambre des représentants, le point à […]


Far Left Center for American Progress Hosts Netanyahu, Leader of the Israeli Ethnonationalist Right

When Israeli PM Netanyahu visited the US at the invitation of then House Speaker John Boehner in March, the take-home message was that support for Israel had become a partisan issue, with strong Republican support and relatively weak, dwindling Democrat support. Indeed, the Democrats have an analogous split between the donor class and it base […]


Why so much Jewish fear and loathing of Donald Trump?

Also at There has been extraordinary, almost unhinged anxiety among some Jews about Donald Trump’s campaign for the GOP Presidential nomination. It has no solid basis, but unfortunately it does speak to their profound neurosis and alienation from the historic American nation. It’s worth asking how, from the general Jewish point of view, Trump […]


Ann Coulter’s Faux Pas: Calling Attention to Jewish Influence

Ann Coulter understands that immigration is the greatest question of the age, not only for America but for the Republican Party. After all, as she tweeted: Result of GOP pandering is “important issues don’t get discussed—immigration policy being the outstanding example.” — Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) September 18, 2015 If you really think that immigration […]