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222 search results for: 9/11


Joe Walsh and the 9/11 cover-up: Jewish power on display

Congressman Joe Walsh has a sure-fire way to end the Palestinian/Israeli conflict: Palestinians move to Jordan, and those who don’t move reconcile themselves to permanent second-class status. As Robert Wright notes,  Offhand, I don’t recall a member of Congress in my lifetime saying anything so grotesquely at odds with American ideals about ethnic relations and […]


Rob Lonaker on 9/11

Kevin MacDonald: Rob Lonaker’s current TOO article “9/11: Media Ignores Evidence for WTC Explosives” was a difficult editorial decision. I have long been very sympathetic to the idea that Israel knew about 9/11 in advance. This was based on reliable descriptions of the Israeli filming crew and the art students, as briefly summarized in the […]


The Move to Seek Fellowship and Common Values on the Right

As someone who has moved twice to seek fellowship and a sense of safety in a country hostile to people on the right, I can totally relate to the people described in the article below, except that the people discussed here are serious Christians—true believers. They’re not just “cultural Christians” like me —i.e., someone who […]


“Our” Man in Israel

Introduction The issue of dual loyalty is an ancient one. As noted in a previous TOO article, [Stephen] Walt points out that Ross has a long involvement with pro-Israel activist organizations, such as being director of WINEP [Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a pro-Israel think tank headquartered in Washington, DC]. But Ross’s ties to […]


Stormy Daniels: The Rosa Parks of Porn Stars

I notice a tiny, almost infinitesimal, difference in the treatment of women who accuse Republican presidents of sexual misconduct compared to women who accuse Democrats.      See if you can spot the difference. Stormy Daniels is the stripper and porn star who tried to extort Donald Trump when he was running for president in 2016, […]