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235 search results for: 9/11


Joe Walsh and the 9/11 cover-up: Jewish power on display

Congressman Joe Walsh has a sure-fire way to end the Palestinian/Israeli conflict: Palestinians move to Jordan, and those who don’t move reconcile themselves to permanent second-class status. As Robert Wright notes,  Offhand, I don’t recall a member of Congress in my lifetime saying anything so grotesquely at odds with American ideals about ethnic relations and […]


Rob Lonaker on 9/11

Kevin MacDonald: Rob Lonaker’s current TOO article “9/11: Media Ignores Evidence for WTC Explosives” was a difficult editorial decision. I have long been very sympathetic to the idea that Israel knew about 9/11 in advance. This was based on reliable descriptions of the Israeli filming crew and the art students, as briefly summarized in the […]


Labour Fights for Rapists’ Rights: How the Non-White “Mass-Rape Abomination” Was Flourishing 70 years Ago

Jess Phillips is a typical masculinized high-testosterone leftist female politician. She’s also typical in that she follows a script written nearly eighty years ago by a man called George Orwell. In his most famous novel, Orwell described how “The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of […]


New Year’s Resolutions for Indian Immigrants

How Vivek Can Be Less Obnoxious! 1. I will try to be a more humble — or even a little bit humble — and will encourage my fellow Indians to cease producing reams of articles with headlines like these: — “Indians flying high in Silicon Valley“; — “Indian talent crucial for America’s tech industry“; — […]


Philanthropic Woes: Australian Jewry in the wake of October 7

Ultimately, the philanthropists and Jewish leaders who pull the rug out from under pro-Palestine activists and seek to destroy the Palestinian homeland are the very same Zionists who support the efforts to eradicate White Australia and weaken White homelands around the world. It functions as one and the same operation and, minus the use of […]