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41 search results for: susan sontag


Susan Sontag’s Jewish World

A theme of The Culture of Critique is that Jewish intellectual movements created a fundamentally Jewish intellectual and social world whose members promoted each other and socialized with each other. People outside that world didn’t matter. They could be subject to mobbing-type attacks or simply ignored. The New York Intellectuals spent their careers entirely within a Jewish social […]


The Yoke of Woke: Nathan Cofnas Is Wrong about the Nature and Origins of Wokism

I admire the moral courage of Nathan Cofnas, the Jewish philosopher and race-realist. He stood out against the dominant ideology of Cambridge University and was duly punished for his crimethink. He’s also stood up for the free speech of heretics like Kevin MacDonald, even though he doesn’t agree with MacDonald’s heresies. But I don’t admire […]


Jews and the shaping of our thought

Nobody reading this needs to be told that Jews have had a great influence on the West in the last few decades. What might not be widely understood is the effect they have had specifically on the way we think. Through the ages the Western mind has shown itself to be straightforward, positivist and empirical […]


The Condensed Dugin: A Review of Alexander Dugin’s The Great Awakening vs The Great Reset,

The Great Awakening vs The Great Reset Alexander Dugin London, Arktos Media, 2021 The Book If you are curious about the analysis of the Russian geopolitical philosopher Alexander Dugin, but do not want to tackle his Foundations of Geopolitics[1] or The Fourth Political Theory[2] you might consider this slim volume. The Great Awakening vs The […]


Villains and Victims: An Unexpected Outbreak of Hate-Fact at the World’s Greatest Newspaper

Here’s a nerdy question that packs a powerful political punch: What is the etymology of “slave”? Few people know the answer and that’s just the way leftists like it, because the answer derails one of their central projects. And the answer is this: The word “slave” is derived from the word “Slav,” because the pagans […]