The New Nullification

On July 1st, 2015, 32 year old Kathryn Steinle was shot and killed walking on Pier 14 in the Embarcadero district of San Francisco. Her killer was a convicted criminal and a five-time deported illegal alien from Mexico, Jose Zarate. Zarate first claimed that he had fired at a sea lion but later changed his story and said that the gun had gone off when he picked it up after finding it wrapped in a cloth beneath a bench on which he was sitting at the time. The shot ricocheted off a piece of concrete and struck Steinle in the back; she died two hours later of her injuries.

The case was a sensation containing as it did all the necessary factors: a criminal and many-times deported “illegal alien,” a young and innocent victim and, of great interest in these days of demands for gun control, a mysterious hand gun. Further, this “gun crime” was committed in a state and city with very strict—some say unconstitutionally so—gun laws. Zarate was tried for second degree murder, considered an “overreach” by the San Francisco prosecutor given the ricochet nature of the wound! He was found not guilty. Since the trial, the Federal Government has sought custody of Zarate to prosecute him on any number of secondary crimes, but as a “city,” San Francisco is decidedly unwilling to cooperate with the Department of Justice. It is said, however, that prosecution for violations of the city’s and state’s gun laws is in the works. But whether or not Zarate ever pays for his crimes—and they are many—nothing will restore life to Kathryn Steinle.

As a final “icing” on this wretched cake, California and the City by the Bay have proven more hostile to President Donald Trump’s condemnation of the crime and the criminal than they ever were against Zarate, especially given his numerous convictions and insistence on returning to the United States to commit further mayhem. After the murder and while much of the country was mourning Steinle’s death as an unnecessary tragedy, California ensured that there will be more such incidents by doubling down on its madness by becoming a sanctuary state.

What the eventual outcome of the matter will be is unknown because Zarate is now in federal custody awaiting charges. But as long as large cities and even a very large state are determined that the laws of the rest of the country do not apply to them, we may consider Kate Steinle the first of many casualties resulting from the insanity that grips this country. While in Chicago, legal citizens—doubtless with illegal guns—kill more people in a year than are killed in many small wars, our broken immigration system simply opens the floodgates for more killings while “law enforcement” and local and state governments protect and serve not their citizens, but the criminals involved for the simple reason that they represent first, liberal ideology and second, the next wave of liberal Democrat voters. Read more

Jewish Leftist Activism in Children’s Fiction

“From the very beginning—that is, from the publication of the first book specifically for children — the intent was to mold and shape the mind to accepted standards of behavior.”
Saul Braun, The New York Times, June 7, 1970.

This article is the product of research originally conducted for a recent article titled “Jews, Obscenity, and the Legal System.” Given the significant amount of material discovered and the uniqueness of the subject matter, I decided there was enough material for an article devoted to children’s literature. During research for the obscenity essay, I consulted the American Library Association’s list of “Top 100 Banned/Challenged Books: 2000–2009” with a view to assessing the nature and extent of the Jewish presence. The first fact to become apparent was a marked Jewish over-representation in the production of books deemed controversial or perverse by parents, schools, and other institutions. Jews are notoriously shy of the census, but are probably somewhere between the 2.2% of the U.S. population suggested by the Pew Research Center and a maximum of around 5%. Even accepting a grain of truth in the apologetic argument that Jews are disproportionately attracted to literary professions (to say nothing about motive), one might very generously expect a Jewish representation of around 10 books on the ALA’s list.

However, my biographical checks on all authors on the list, some of which were indeterminate, revealed that 22 books on the ALA’s list were penned by 17 Jewish writers.[1] Jews are thus significantly over-represented in producing contemporary literature deemed oppositional by the surrounding culture, and are even more radically over-represented when older, White-authored, entries such as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (now often opposed as ‘racist’) are taken out of consideration. Since the majority of entries on the list were children’s books, and taking into account my previous discoveries concerning Jewish manipulation of demand for ‘diverse books’ in the school system, it occurred to me that children’s literature is an important, but sometimes neglected, front in the cultural conflict we see played out daily. This article is therefore intended as a brief introduction to some of the most pertinent personalities and themes in the area of Jewish Leftist activism in children’s fiction.

A great deal of Jewish radical activism in the cultural sphere comes under the umbrella of the general relationship between Jews and the Left. This relationship can historically be understood as involving Jewish innovation of, or support for, social, cultural, and political causes likely to weaken the cultural structures of the host society and make it more amenable to Jewish interests. In the chapter titled “Jews and the Left” in The Culture of Critique (p. 50 )Kevin MacDonald cites Stanley Rothman and S. Robert Lichter, who remarked in their Roots of Radicalism: Jews, Christians, and the New Left (1982): “Whatever their situation…in almost every country about which we have information, a segment of the Jewish community played a very vital role in movements designed to undermine the existing order.” MacDonald argues that superficial divergences between Jewish religion and radical agendas are negated by the fact many ethnically Jewish radicals have persisted in adhering to a strong Jewish identity, and have often explicitly pursued Jewish interests. MacDonald writes (p. 51): “The hypothesis that Jewish radicalism is compatible with Judaism as a group evolutionary strategy implies that radical Jews continue to identify as Jews.”

I argue that the material presented in this essay should be seen firmly within the same theoretical framework proposed by MacDonald. For example, several of the Jewish writers under consideration here are homosexuals, radical socialists, and feminists. A common apologetic from “Jews on the Right,” is that such figures are anathema to Judaism, or that as adherents of the Reform movement etc., they are unrepresentative of “true Jews.” The contention here is that the situation is quite the opposite, and I stress that many of these writers are demonstrably committed to Jewish tradition and the Jewish group. Read more

Noxious Propaganda from Sander Gilman and Newsweek

As propaganda goes, one would be hard pressed to find a nastier, more noxious piece than Sander Gilman’s Newsweek op-ed on the horrifying fact that Paul Nehlen tweeted that he was reading my book, The Culture of Critique. Here’s Nehlen’s tweet:

Nehlen committed the horrible sin of simply saying that he was reading the book, not endorsing it. But for this he has been pilloried in the media and disowned by the likes of Steve Bannon (just as well;  I have lost all respect assuming his remarks in Michael Wolff’s book were quoted accurately). After the over-the-top title, “The Alt-Right’s Jew-Hating Pseudoscience Is Not New,” we are greeted with photo of a KKK rally, the implication being that Nehlen and I endorse such things, or perhaps that the KKK spends their spare time reading my book.

This is ridiculous. Nehlen is a sincere Christian who is deeply concerned about the transformations to the U.S. brought about by immigration and multiculturalism; he is fighting the good fight against Ayn Rand groupie, open borders Speaker of the House Paul Ryan. And for my part I won’t dignify the juxtaposition of the KKK with my work as worthy of a response. My writing speaks for itself.

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From Christian humanitarian and Royal Naval officer to venomous anti-White Terrorist: The Transformation of the Social Justice Warrior

It goes without saying, the odiously ignoble troupe of societal misfits turned Marxist activists, commonly referred to as Social Justice Warriors (SJW), care naught about redressing the balance of an unfair world.

If SJWs genuinely empathized with the impoverished working and impecunious lower classes, whose wages have been catastrophically depressed by decades of unfettered and unskilled mass immigration into Western Europe and the United States, they’d rush to defend the British electorate’s  decision to vacate the European Union as well as support America’s departure from the North American Free Trade Agreement.

If feminists were sincerely interested in defending women’s rights, they’d take to the streets of Rotherham and Malmö to pledge solidarity with the thousands of pre-teen and teenaged girls victimized by Islamic grooming gangs currently wreaking havoc on Northern Europe, instead of aligning themselves with the cultures that have been become synonymous with the sexual abuse of young women.

If Progressives genuinely cared about children and families, they’d fight to reunite embattled fathers with their estranged children, unfairly separated by a grievously unjust family court system that is hell-bent on eliminating the father figure from the home. Instead they no-platform brave filmmakers like Cassie Jaye for daring to suggest that men too have rights that need protecting, children need their fathers and challenging the hateful ethos of modern feminism.

But the Left have never been about doing right by their fellow man, fighting against genuine injustice or for a better world. The Left by nature are about destroying all that is righteous and decent through subversion and revolution. They thrive by sowing the seeds of societal discord, in the hope the disaffected they reach with their toxic message will eventually take up arms in their name in order to facilitate the transfer of power and lust for blood and societal carnage they crave.

Instead of helping those in genuine need the Neo-Marxist Left, and its instrument of terror — the Social Justice Warrior — exploit the misery and tragedy their policies result in to suck more lost souls into their demonic movement. In fact it’s often the people they’ve harmed most with their maddening activism that become their base and eventually their most fervid proponents.

Muslims and leftists make strange bedfellows

In Western Europe this has been achieved by attacking the indigenous majority through the empowerment of the unassimilable economic migrant and black and Hispanic minorities, whom they then recruit to block highways and attack statues.


But things weren’t always so….

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An Un-Civil War, Part 2

Part 1 of “An Un-Civil War” focused on the MSM’s sins of commission. The Left-leaning MSM (but I repeat myself) has been obsessed with destroying Trump by any means possible. The MSM is quite happy with any tactic at all, whether it’s wiretapping, leaking, indicting, slander, it doesn’t matter what. They would be happy to use his comments on race to impeach him, or maybe the Mueller investigation will pan out, or, if these don’t work we can try sexual harassment charges or some old business deals— it doesn’t matter as long as we get him.

Now I turn to the other side of the story, the MSM’s sins of omission — the Anti-Trump bias represented by what the MSM avoids reporting. For the September-November 2017 period, 91% of the Trump coverage was overtly negative, unchanged from the previous quarter. With the overwhelmingly negative coverage of Trump in the national press one must ask, “What would an authentic report on Trump’s presidency after year one look like”? Nobody knows.

One way to assess the Trump presidency thus far is to look back at his campaign promises and see how he’s doing. Although Obamacare is still stands and the Great Wall does not, Trump has engineered a number of important shifts in policy. A short list includes Gorsuch’s appointment to the Supreme Court (an unvarnished success), as well as several things high on the establishment GOP wish list: rolling back Obama-era regulation (e.g., Scott Pruitt’s work at the EPA), Mick Mulvaney’s appointment to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and the passage of the tax reform bill.

Other campaign promises that Trump has begun to successfully tackle include lifting restrictions on the production of $50 trillion dollars’ worth of job-producing American energy reserves, lifting the Obama roadblocks to allow vital energy infrastructure projects, like the Keystone Pipeline, to move forward, and cancelling billions in payments to U.N. climate change programs to use the money to upgrade America’s infrastructure. Trump also promised his supporters that he would “restore security and the constitutional rule of law by cancelling every unconstitutional executive action, memorandum and order issued by President Obama” and suspend immigration from terror-prone regions where vetting cannot safely occur.

But exhibit A in Trump’s successes in his first year is “it’s the economy, stupid.”

The US Economy under Trump

At the one-year anniversary of the election of Donald Trump, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was up by an astounding 30 percent, hitting 87 new highs for since the president was elected. That’s the best post-election, one-year performance for a first-term president since Franklin Roosevelt’s in 1932. The Trump stock market easily beats the first years of his recent predecessors. The election of Barack Obama in 2008 was followed by rise of less than 2 percent. Read more