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1774 search results for: immigration


Meloni’s Betrayal of Italy: Mass Immigration and Naturalization

Via Google Translate By Daniel Matissek September 9, 2023 Little remains of the election promises of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, who took office as a hardliner in immigration policy: her policies now hardly differ from those of the ruling EU migration lobby. Now 800,000 migrant children are to be naturalized in Italy. Almost […]


We need immigration, not Trump, at the debate

Donald Trump, the least self-aware person in the country, at least seems to know that he’s a terrible debater. He has the vocabulary of a kindergartener, strings words together in combinations that aren’t recognizable as English and has absolutely no idea what he’s talking about most of the time. His sole objective when he begins […]


Le rôle des intellectuels juifs dans la réforme des lois de l’immigration aux États-Unis

Kevin MacDonald Department of Psychology, California State University–Long Beach, Long Beach, CA, USA                                         …… En bref: Le rôle de l’activisme juif dans les bouleversements qui se sont produits en Occident au cours des dernières décennies continue d’être controversé. Je réponds ici à plusieurs questions réputées liées à l’influence juive, en particulier «l’hypothèse par défaut» […]


Canada’s Contrived Immigration Chaos: Liberal Party Aiming for Permanent Hegemony by Importing a New Electorate

The hostile political and corporate elites in the United States and Canada are hell-bent on replacing their White citizens with denizens from the Third World. Canada’s federal Liberal party, led by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and America’s Democrats are birds of a feather: they are both using population replacement to ensure perpetual electoral hegemony. We […]


Tucker Carlson mentions replacement in the context of immigration. Hatred ensues.

The ADL, always attuned to any indication that their subjects are getting restless, is insisting that Tucker Carlson be fired. What brought on their ire was Tucker’s use of the word ‘replacement’ in the context of a discussion of Joe Biden’s Open Border policy. Mentioning replacement in the context of immigration is pretty much in […]