Entries by Tobias Langdon

Black Brains Shatter: The Intellectual and Ethical Bankruptcy of Black Lives Matter

If you’re looking for a truly powerful pleasure-drug, then forget heroin, cocaine or crystal meth. They’re crude, fast-fading and unreliable. No, for a real rush that’s guaranteed not to fade or falter, you need what Black Lives Matter (BLM) and their allies are on — the three most powerful pleasure-drugs known to humanity. History’s greatest […]

A psicologia social é merda antibranca

Para mim, a coisa mais assustadora no 1984, de George Orwell, não é aquele grupo de “homens de uniforme preto” que impiedosamente espanca Winston Smith num recinto do Ministério do Amor, usando os “pulsos”, “cacetetes”, “barras de metal” e “botas de ferradura”. Tampouco é a máquina silenciosa que o inquisidor O’Brien usa para fazer Winston […]

Demonizing Daniel: We Shouldn’t Trust Jews Who Oppose the Muslim Invasion of Europe

How’s that for gratitude? In 2006 the Conservative MP Daniel Kawczynski was one of the grovelling goys who staffed an All-Party Parliamentary Inquiry into Antisemitism and who listened with entirely straight faces as Britain’s richest and most powerful racial minority pretended to be powerless and persecuted victims. When the Inquiry was complete, those goys urged […]