Entries by Tobias Langdon

Doctor Shekel and Mr Blair: Jewish Wealth Promotes Gibbering Immigration Insanity in the UK and the US

John Derbyshire of VDare and Taki Mag writes: Someday historians will find an explanation for the gibbering insanity of British immigration policy this past fifty years. I have none. (John Derbyshire Finds There’s Still An England — And It Could Yet Be Saved, VDare, 14th November 2013) Actually, some aspects of this insanity are quite […]

The Price of Paranoia: Snowden, Orwell and the Unspeakable Origins of the Surveillance State

Alan Rusbridger is the editor of The Guardian, Britain’s biggest liberal newspaper. Like many liberals, he’s a good example of the vast difference between intelligence and wisdom. Here is he talking about Edward Snowden and the National Security Agency: Rusbridger said the NSA stories were “clearly” not a story about totalitarianism, but that an infrastructure […]