Entries by Tobias Langdon

Crock of Shock: Liberal Responses to Vibrant Depravity

Life has been disturbing for liberals lately. An American journalist is beheaded by a jihadi with a “British accent.” “Shocking,” says the Independent. At least 1400 White girls are subject to years of rape by men “of Pakistani heritage” in the Yorkshire town of Rotherham. “Shocking,” says the anti-racist campaigner Yasmin Alibhai-Brown. Yes, it’s another […]

Sayonara, Sayeeda: Departure of the Vibrant Baroness

Suppose there were a political party in Japan that hated the native Japanese and wanted to do them as much harm as possible. What would it do? Campaign for mass immigration, of course. But some immigrants would be more harmful than others. Any party that hated the native Japanese would look very favourably on Muslim […]

Lords Feldman and Finkelstein: Guiding the Tories to Oblivion

In 2009, a British broadcaster made a simple prediction: Pro-Israeli organisations in Britain look set to see their influence increase if the Conservatives win the next election, a film scrutinising the activities of a powerful but little-known lobby warns today. At least half of the shadow cabinet are members of the Conservative Friends of Israel […]

Leaving Labour: More on the racialization of British politics

Working-class Whites in Britain are abandoning the Labour party. Particularly in London and now expanding to the near suburbs, non-White minorities are the face of Labour. The divide between London’s white and ethnic minority voters will be laid bare in a shocking study this week. The research into London’s recent European election result shows two thirds […]