Entries by Tobias Langdon

Gasbags Are Not Great: Christopher Hitchens as Crypto-Rabbi

Georgians and Genomes The independent socialist George Orwell (1903–1950) was, it’s said, a central influence on the neo-conservative Christopher Hitchens (1949–2012). But this claim puzzles me. I’ve been reading Orwell all my life and I’ve failed to notice that he was a tedious, self-righteous, self-important gasbag who never used one word when six not unpolysyllabic […]

Damning Indictment: Lying Liberals and Liberal Lies

So okay: Britain’s got rape-gangs. This is not so good from the feminist point of view. But look on the bright side: the ludicrous excuses about the rape-gangs are being made by powerful women. In “The Blessings of Diversity”, I looked at the weasel words of the glass-ceiling-smashers: Sue Berelowitz, Joanna Simons and Laura Johnston. […]

The Blessings of Diversity: Sex-Crimes 101 with Statistical Sue

V is for Vibrancy You know how it goes. You wait months for a depraved-gang-rape-and-child-prostitution trial —and then two come along at once: Asian grooming gang convicted of appalling acts of depravity on children Police and social services have apologised for the failings and missed opportunities that allowed a gang of men to carry out […]

Dawkins’ Demon: The True Faith of Liberal Atheists

Men and Miracles Here are four highly important Western thinkers. Please pick the odd one out: 1. St Thomas Aquinas (theologian). 2. Charles Darwin (biologist). 3. Stephen Jay Gould (biologist). 4. Richard Dawkins (biologist). The odd one out is of course No. 2, Charles Darwin, because he didn’t believe in miracles. By contrast, supernatural intervention […]