Entries by Tobias Langdon

The United States of Syria: Domestic Lessons in a Distant War

Description and Prediction. It’s a richly vibrant police-state. It’s ruled by a paranoid, self-pitying minority. The minority is trying to crush a rebellion by the dispossessed majority. That is a description of Syria. It’s also a prediction for the United States, the United Kingdom, France and other Western nations. The mainstream media are talking a […]

Bombas por um mundo melhor: Síria, Monitoramento e os Neocrocodilos — por Tobias Langdon para o Occidental Observer

Tobias Langdon: Bombs for a Better World: Syria, Surveillance and the Neo-Crocs, The Occidental Observer, 8 setembro de 2013 Tradução e links: O Retrógrado Lusófono Em um mundo são, o ex-“redator-chefe dos discursos de Tony Blair” seria agora um fugitivo da justiça ou estaria cumprindo pena de prisão perpétua. Mas este não é um mundo são, […]

Nick the Priest: Bigotry, Balderdash and Britain’s Biggest Suicide-Cult

Piety and Preaching Self-righteous stupidity? Pious posturing? It’s impossible to beat a devout liberal atheist. One of my favourites is the neo-con journalist Nick Cohen. His irrational dogma and logical contortions are always entertaining to watch. He doesn’t write articles: he preaches sermons. After all, his surname means “priest” in Hebrew. But he would react […]

Vibrancy and Viruses: Free Advice for Struggling Conservatives

It’s heart-warming how generous liberals can be. On both sides of the Atlantic, they’re giving their political opponents free advice on how to win elections. And it’s uncanny how similar the advice is: “Conservative party’s problem with ethnic minority voters is costing it seats: Ignoring the UK’s significant non-white population could diminish political parties’ reach […]

The Corrupted Kingdom: Power and Privilege in Modern Britain

The fetid stench of White Male Privilege. It reeks off this name: Ryan Coleman-Farrow. It also reeks off his behaviour: Former Met police officer admits failing to investigate rape cases: Ryan Coleman-Farrow faked police reports, failed to pass on evidence and falsely claimed to have interviewed suspects An investigator from the Metropolitan police specialist sex […]