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22 search results for: "tim wise"


The execrable Tim Wise is at it again.

There’s an interview with the execrable Tim Wise at Truthout. (TOO articles on Wise:  Mark Green: My Smackdown with Anti-White Crusader Tim Wise; “Tim Wise Hates White People”: see also here and here.) The interview is not really worth reading. The only thing that stuck out was his claim that Whites identify more with other Whites rather than non-Whites in […]


My Smackdown with Anti-White Crusader Tim Wise

A TOO contributor recently brought to my attention to one of those hard Left, Jewish fanatics who wrap themselves in activist virtue as they roam the countryside in search of monsters to destroy. The crusader’s name is Tim Wise. Tim Wise hates racists; but from what I discovered, only one kind of racist. The White kind. To investigate, […]


Mark Green on Tim Wise’s Hypocrisy

Mark Green’s current TOO article “My Smackdown with Anti-White Crusader Tim Wise” is a must read. The article is an email exchange between Green, the editor of Persecution Privilege And Power, and the notorious Tim Wise who makes a living laying guilt trips on Whites about how privileged they are. Wise turns out to be […]


No Country for White Children

I’ve recently enjoyed an exchange of emails with a very intelligent and articulate former White Nationalist who is now dedicated to anti-natalism, the philosophy expounded by the Jewish South African philosopher David Benatar. Summed up, anti-natalism argues that life entails suffering, sometimes terrible amounts of it, and therefore that non-existence is always better than living […]