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19 search results for: mark sanchez


Marketing Miscegenation

Since “cutting the cable” several years ago, I have felt secure behind my own personal immigration wall, free of the barrage of marketing demands and political poltroons upon my time and money. During the Christmas holidays, however, I ventured onto the major networks (NBC, ABC, and CBS) with an external antenna affixed to the TV […]


More Reactions to the Sanchez Indiscretion: Jon Stewart and Christopher Hitchens

I have the feeling that Rick Sanchez will manage to return to a career in the national media. Jon Stewart concluded his bit on the affair by questioning whether Sanchez should have been fired for some “banal Jew baiting”; he also showed a clip where Sanchez condemned a guy with a swastika in the background […]


On the Possibility of a New Elite

I am perhaps best known for documenting a hostile, highly influential Jewish elite in the U.S. and really throughout the West. But I think things are changing in a good direction. With some important exceptions. Jews ascended to the heights of American society in several stages. In the early twentieth century they were important enough […]


Arktos: “Bold Modern Falangist Causes a Stir in Spain”

Note: [Isabel] Peralta, a university student of history, has been targeted by the government for persecution. In 2021, criminal proceedings were initiated against her for some vague references to members of the Hebraic race in a speech. A court decided, in the end, to drop the charges. Complaints were made to the Spanish government about […]


The Way Life Should Be: #SquadGoals and the U.S Corporate Elites That Fund Them

The rhetoric of climate change has become millenarian and hysterical, uncoupled from any genuine environmental concerns, of which there are many. If a picture is worth a thousand words, let the image of Greta Thunberg, the teenaged Swedish environmental activist’s arrival in New York on a former Rothschild family racing yacht—and the numerous flights that […]


Philip Weiss on Jewish Power

Not for the first time (see here and here), Philip Weiss has expounded on Jewish power, this time as it relates to Netanyahu’s speech (“Netanyahu’s speech and the American Jewish condition“). The fear [of persecution] blinds Jews to our power, in Israel and the United States. It is hard for Jews to think of ourselves as powerful […]


Advance Ethnic Warfare. Chill Criticism: The Moral and Political Fraud of Anti-Semitic Theory

Jewish gatekeepers are concerned. And for good reason. Anti-Semitism is once again ‘on the rise’.  Even new strains of anti-Semitism are threatening to break loose. This is where the scientific study of anti-Semitism comes in. One scholar that’s devoted to this subject is Dr. Charles Ascher Small, founder and director of the New York based […]