Entries by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D.

The Jewish Origins of the Open Borders Movement

In a 2015 essay on ‘Whiteness studies’ I attempted to lay the groundwork and contextualization for a more developed study of the scale and devastating impact of contemporary Jewish intellectual activism in our colleges, universities, and wider culture. In that essay I noted the importance of Jewish activists including Noel Ignatiev, Ruth Frankenberg, Ricky Marcuse, […]

Jews Versus the Alt Right: Lessons from History

“The anti-Semitic movement is essentially a reaction against the abnormal growth in Jewish power, and the new strength of anti-Semitism is largely due to the Jews themselves.” Hillaire Belloc, The Jews (1922) Just over a week ago, Hillary Clinton gave a speech attacking Donald Trump’s alleged associations with the Alt Right. In that boring and […]

On The Left and the Myth of the ‘Jewish Proletariat’

‘The weight of the Jews’ exploitation is great and their harmfulness unlimited. … If we find it possible to preach revolution, and only revolution against the nobles, how can we defend the Jews?’ Ukrainian Communist Revolutionary, 1876.[1] In the months immediately before his coronation in 1189, Richard the Lionheart became aware of rising anti-Jewish sentiment […]

“Learn to live with it”: Nice and the Ever-Rising Cost of Multiculturalism

“It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode.” Barbara Spectre, 2010. “Migration and radical Islamism are changing Europe now.” Nick Cohen, 2015. Tunisian-born Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel was a 31-year-old delivery driver and father, and until a few days ago he was just another tiny cog in the multicultural […]

Brexit and the Jews

“Britain’s anti-EU ‘Leave’ campaign has helped create a public discourse of prejudice and fear, couched in a parochial nationalism, that Jews in Britain must challenge.” Dr. Ilan Zvi Baron, Durham University, England Although delighted by the advent of Brexit, I’ve forfeited participation in the celebrations and wistful speculations indulged in by many in our movement. […]

On Recent Violence in Yorkshire and Orlando, and the Liberal “Suspension of Disbelief”

“The blindness of the masses, their readiness to surrender to that resounding but empty eloquence that fills the public squares, make them an easy prey. … We will have no difficulty in finding as much eloquence among our people for the expression of false sentiments as Christians find in their sincerity and enthusiasm.” ‘The Rabbi’s […]