Entries by Kevin MacDonald

Israeli documents show expansive government effort to shape US discourse around Gaza war

From The Guardian. … Chikli assured the lawmakers that there was new money in the budget for a pushback campaign, which was separate from more traditional public relations and paid advertising content produced by the government. It included 80 programs already under way for advocacy efforts “to be done in the ‘Concert’ way”, he said. The […]

Thomas Friedman on the current Israeli government

Writing in the New York Times,  Thomas Friedman is clearly among the liberal Jews who have become intensely critical of the current Netanyahu government. It’s a problem that will only worsen as time goes on because the fanatics will only get stronger because they are the ones having the babies. But despite all the hand-wringing, I […]

John Mearsheimer on Ethnic Cleansing in Israel, and Mearsheimer and Philip Giraldi on Israeli power in the U.S.

Mearsheimer: It’s getting harder and harder for Israel to win the propaganda campaign, but support for Israel remains solid in Congress and the President. When Netanyahu comes to the U.S. soon, “the only question is how many standing ovations he will receive.” From Philip Giraldi in Unz.com: Israel’s Control Over America Grows Ever Stronger US […]

Uncensored: Punished for Supporting Donald Trump?

KM: Trump made a lot of bad appointments but Christopher Wray’s appointment as head of the FBI and its continuing impact has got to be the worst. Imagine creating a law enforcement organization supporting one party. In what used to be an America I recognized. Video for members. Tucker [00:00:00] So the FBI is the most powerful […]

Was the 1924 Immigration Cut-off “Racist”?

Patrick Cleburne at VDARE has written an article on Jewish pro-immigration activist Ilya Somin (“Volokh Conspiracy’s Ilya Somin Smears 1924 Immigration Act—For Contemptibly Selfish Reasons). His theme of the selfish reasons immigration enthusiasts like Somin present is certainly an important one. As Cleburne notes, Somin is “openly ethnocentric,” and I have come to believe that […]