Entries by Kevin MacDonald

AfD co-leader slams Italy’s Meloni, says she has allowed open borders and supports pro-war policies with Ukraine

TOO has posted quite a bit on Meloni, most quite negative, but some hopeful. This one is pretty much the end of all hope: “Migration has actually doubled there under Prime Minister (Giorgia) Meloni. Open borders instead of blockades.” From Remix: “I want to make it clear that this Melonization will not happen with us” Tensions […]

Champions of Judea: On the supplanting of British foreign policy

Thanks for reading Horus! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work. Our last article discussed the pursuit of Jewish interests by Winston Churchill and the British ruling class. Recall that Churchill considered Jews (at least as compared to Arabs) to be racially superior and strove energetically to enable Jewish colonisation of Manchester […]

The Extreme Hyper-Ethnocentrism of Jews on Display in Israeli attitudes toward the Gaza War

If you know anything about traditional Jewish ethics (i.e., Jewish ethics before a great deal of intellectual work was performed aimed at providing a rationale for Judaism as a modern religion in the West—apparent in the Wikipedia article on Jewish ethics), you know that pre-Enlightenment Jewish ethics was entirely based on whether actions applied to […]