Entries by Kevin MacDonald

Brands Collude To Silence Dissent

This is an excerpt from a Zerohedge article, “It’s That Time Again: MSM Launches ‘Muh Russia’ Election Narrative As Brands Collude To Silence Dissent.” The rest is on a Wall Street Journal article trying to drum up hysteria on Russia interfering in the 2024 election. We’ve heard that story before. Brands Collude to Silence While democracy grapples […]

The Moscow-Delhi Axis

From Arktos. Modi and Putin are currently defining the structure of the Moscow-Delhi axis, one of the most crucial pillars of a multipolar world order. Bharat (also known as India) is a state-civilization. Russia-Eurasia is another state-civilization. Clarifying their relations in terms of geopolitics, economics, and culture is fundamental. We are all now learning to […]

JTA on the French Election

JTA: “French voters reject far right — but elevate left-wing alliance with history of antisemitism allegations” In a surprise outcome, French voters rejected a far-right party with antisemitic roots — but elevated a left-wing alliance that has faced antisemitism allegations of its own. The country’s most prominent far-left politician (Mélencon), meanwhile, vowed in his victory […]

Some commentary on the British election

Tobias Langdon sent me an email with an article from Spectator, noting “it’s a case of shabbos goy out, shabbos goy in.” But he thinks that “Labour’s lunacies” may end up being “very helpful in the long run.” This could well be the case, as Matt Goodwin’s comments (via email) below illustrate (he emphasizes that […]

Roberta Kaplan as a Jewish Type

Jewish lesbian Roberta Kaplan is a prominent leftist attorney involved in lawfare against the Charlottesville demonstrators, against Donald Trump in the E. Jean Carrol case, as well as in victorious efforts on behalf of gay marriage. As I wrote in a  previous article on Roberta Kaplan, she “is a good example of what makes Jewish […]

“The Incredible Lightness of Biden”

In my recent blog on the debate I contended that everyone knew Biden was impaired—even the big liberal media who were covering up for  him because they were satisfied that he was doing a great job because they were getting what they wanted out of him policy-wise because of the people around him who were […]