Anti-White Attitudes

Destroy the Goy: The Metaphysics of Anti-White Hatred, Part 1

Ideologies are like engines: what matters is that they reach their destination, not what they run on or what they’re made of. But one vital difference is that an ideology can reach its destination without being internally consistent or conforming to reality. That isn’t true of real engines. Take the Mariner I space-probe in 1962. Its destination was Venus, but its mission failed completely because one small mathematical symbol was omitted from its on-board program.

The cost of failure

When the program ran, it “treated normal minor variations of velocity as if they were serious, causing spurious corrections that sent the rocket off course.” In other words, Mariner I didn’t conform to reality and didn’t get anywhere near its destination. The cost of failure amounted to hundreds of millions in 2018 dollars. But the mistake won’t happen again because the problem has been identified.

Now compare an ideology. The cost of failure in Iraq has amounted to trillions of dollars, but the ideology responsible — neo-conservatism — has not been discarded as dangerously useless. Read more

The Massive Influx of Non-Whites Is Bad for the West

Shakira is a Colombian pop-star. Shakira Martin is a Black student-leader. For thousands of years their ancestors occupied different physical and cultural environments, and were subject to different evolutionary pressures.

Two very different Shakiras

Shak Attack

That’s why the two Shakiras belong to separate races of Homo sapiens. They’re genetically and phenotypically different — and that involves far more than their skin and hair. Their bones and body-chemistry are different too. So are their brains. Shakira the pop-star is famous for being svelte, sexy and seductive. Shakira the student-leader may become famous for being crude, aggressive and obnoxious:

NUS president Shakira Martin accused of bullying at union HQ

National Union of Students leader denies allegations and claims she is victim of racism

The National Union of Students [NUS] is conducting an investigation after allegations of bullying and intimidation were made against the NUS president, Shakira Martin, by fellow officers. … Martin vehemently denied being a bully and said bullying should play no part in student politics. She said she felt traumatised by the attacks against her on social media, which had brought her close to quitting her role, and claimed they fed into a stereotype of an angry black woman. …

“I’m a strong, outspoken, articulate black woman that likes piercings and tattoos and I’ve got swagger. I’m not going to change myself. I’m not going to be anything but Shakira — rough around the edges, straight talking, authentic, real Shakira.” (NUS president Shakira Martin accused of bullying at union HQ, The Guardian, 31st January 2018)

Shakira Martin has got “swagger” because she’s got testosterone: she’s much more masculine than Shakira the pop-star. Accordingly, she’s also much less attractive. Black women are, on average, the least popular group in the sexual market-place and they often complain not just that Black men are dating White women, but that the mass media encourage this behaviour by the constant depiction of Black men with White women. They’re right: the mass media do encourage this behaviour. It’s part of a Jewish agenda of race-mixing and harms the White women who succumb to it, because they suffer much higher rates of violence and abandonment with Black partners. It also harms Black women, who are deprived of partners with whom they are more compatible and more likely to have successful relationships.

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Thoughts on “Decolonization” as an Anti-White Discourse

Take up the White Man’s burden
And reap his old reward,
The blame of those ye better,
The hate of those ye guard

Rudyard Kipling, The White Man’s Burden

Along with ‘Whiteness Studies’ and ‘Black Lives Matter,’ the concept of ‘decolonization’ is currently rampant in Western institutions of higher education. In the most recent example, academics at England’s University of Cambridge are considering how to implement a call from a small group of Black and leftist undergraduates to “decolonize” its English literature syllabus by taking in more Black and ethnic minority writers and bringing ‘post-colonial thought’ (a branch of critical theory) to its existing curriculum. Seen in the context of similar agitation at Yale last year, ongoing “Rhodes Must Fall” agitation in South Africa, the removal of portraits of White founders from King’s College London, and attacks on statues of prominent White historical figures in the United States, the ‘decolonization’ effort is clearly part of an escalating craze for removing White presence and reducing White space throughout the West. This reduction of White space is occurring in demographic, cultural, and even historical areas; the latter involving a ludicrous ‘Blackwashing’ of periods of European history which were overwhelmingly monocultural, with gross exaggerations of non-White presence in places like Roman Britain.

Today, White nations are being demonstrably colonized by non-Whites, White culture is increasingly marginalized (or dismissed as non-existent), and White history is being rewritten to support and advance the agenda of contemporary multiculturalism. Whites are thus abused as colonizers while simultaneously being subjected to an unprecedented and multifaceted colonization. This jarring incongruence between rhetoric and reality requires an interrogation of what is meant by terms like “colonize,” “empire,” and even “genocide,” particularly in regard to the political uses they have come to acquire, and also an interrogation of what we understand by historical processes of colonization. It is argued here that the growing clamor for ‘decolonization,’ like Whiteness studies, exists only to encourage and facilitate an aggressive anti-White discourse.

Several years ago I had the opportunity to attend a conference on ‘genocide studies,’ during which I was introduced to the work of the leading academic in this field, the Australian scholar A. Dirk Moses. Despite his last name (which apparently is also English and Welsh as well as Jewish), Moses evidences no discernible Jewish ancestry, his father John Moses being a notable Anglican priest and his mother Ingrid a full-blooded German from Lower Saxony. Moses has built his career around broad explorations of the themes of colonialism and genocide, and the relationship between the two. Although he wasn’t present at this particular conference, I was very much interested in those presentations concerning his work, which I have since come to regard as being generally of a very high quality and, most importantly, wide-ranging and devoid of the mawkish (not to mention mendacious) moralism that often saturates Jewish academic treatments of these themes. To my mind Moses remains one of the most essential writers on colonialism, conquest and genocide as perennial features of the human existence, and I would have a difficult time engaging in discussion on these subjects with someone unfamiliar with his work. Importantly, Moses argues that terms like “colonization” have fluid rather than fixed definitions, especially in their discursive usage, and stresses that the meaning of such terms as “colonization” and “imperialism” have rather been adapted in recent decades in order to facilitate a political agenda — to condemn European nations and to question Western moral legitimacy. Read more

“Then they came for … me?” The SJW Frankenstein monster turns against its creator at Evergreen State

It is fascinating to watch the battle lines continually forming and reforming on America’s college campuses. At the moment, all eyes are on Evergreen State — one of, if not the most liberal publicly funded colleges in the US. Located an hour’s drive from Tacoma, it is a small state-funded school, with a majority White student body though a sizeable minority of students of color (29% in 2016).

On campuses across the country, the last few years have seen repeated incidents in which minority students seem impelled, whether by their professors or for psychological or other reasons, to protest non-existent hate crimes or the most insignificant of perceived slights, public speakers they don’t like. Vigilante mobs use threats, non-violent and violent protests to wrest concessions from the craven administrators who oversee our nation’s universities.

At Evergreen, the spark that set off the recent turmoil was an announced “Day of Absence” in which White students and campus members were told to not come to campus so that students of color would have a day free from their oppressive presence. Evergreen State biology professor Bret Weinstein had concerns with this plan, writing that it seemed, well, somewhat racist. Certainly, excluding White students from campus for a day would seem on the face of it to be spectacularly racist, but we must remember that the prevailing logic of the social justice left is “people of color can’t be racist” — which is then interpreted as “anything we do to White people is ok.”  This dynamic is visible in any of the videos of the confrontations from Evergreen State or any of the other recent campus race-based protests. The template for this is for students, faculty, or protestors “of color” and their White allies to unashamedly harass, scream and swear at, insult, and on occasion initiate force or threats of force against White individuals whom they accuse of being racist, insensitive, or merely insufficiently subservient.

Weinstein’s disapproval of and non-compliance with the Day of Absence was duly noted by a Black professor, Naima Lowe, and circulated to a group of students.

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The Nation Publishes Ethnically Motivated Anti-White Hate Propaganda Screed

A “journalist,” Max Berger, has published the following at The Nation magazine. You really have to read it to believe it. Given the status of The Nation among the elite left cognoscenti, it warrants a thorough review.

How to Understand White Male Terrorism

We’ve been here before, and we know that violent backlash is at its fiercest when movements for racial and gender justice are winning.

Everywhere I look lately, there are signs of white men panicking about their supremacy over American society.

A group of white men shot at young Black Lives Matter protesters on consecutive nights in Minneapolis last weekend, injuring five people. Donald Trump, still a leading Republican presidential candidate, proposed creating a database and ID cards for Muslims, leading even some Republicans to label him as a fascist. White Student Unions are popping up around the country in response to demands that university administrations do more to fight racism on campus. Finally, Robert Dear opened fire at a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood clinic last week, killing three people and injuring nine.

As a white man [??; see below], I want to understand what it is about the ideas of “whiteness” or “America” that’s causing white American males to be the country’s largest terror threat. Why isn’t white violence that is intended to shut down black movements, or male violence intended to intimidate women, considered terrorism by so many?

The bad faith here is astonishing. Obviously, Muslim minorities across the West commit an enormously disproportional amount of terrorism, whereas members of the White majorities commit a relatively smaller amount (see Peter Brimelow’s summary, including the recent San Bernardino killings committed by Muslims and, as The Economist points out, in Europe the still-small Muslim minority commits an overwhelming majority of terrorist killings). More generally, Blacks and Hispanics commit the overwhelmingly majority of murders of innocent Americans. Read more

Pictures and report from the Nathan Bedford Forrest event!

After witnessing the anti-Southern hysteria that has metastasized throughout the media and government in recent weeks I felt a pressing need to do something proactive. Of course, it’s certainly not as if our societal overseers didn’t hate the South and any symbol of our unique identity before the murders that took place in Charleston occurred, but they have since fully exploited the tragedy in order to launch an attempt to completely eradicate the Confederate flag and any memory of the righteous cause for which it stood. Their efforts have been particularly brutal and bloodthirsty in Memphis, where the local government unanimously passed a resolution to exhume the remains of General Nathan Bedford Forrest and his wife, as well as remove the monument that sits atop their graves. Not that it matters much, but Confederate Soldiers, Sailors and Marines who fought in The War of Northern Aggression were made U.S. Veterans by an act of Congress in 1957, U.S. Public Law 85-425, Sec 410, which was approved on May 23, 1958. This made all Confederate Veterans equal to all U.S. Military Veterans, but I digress.

This shocking display of hatred could not go unanswered. In faithful service to the Confederate cavalry my great-great-great-grandfather rode with Forrest at Shiloh. Upon reading the news about their desire to desecrate the grave of an American hero his spirit reminded me of Forrest’s own admonition to, “Get there first with the most men.” I had organized rallies in Memphis before and was determined to do so again. But, rather than rush in haphazardly I thought it would be most prudent to reach out to other acquaintances with similar interests. As it turns out, a pro-Forrest rally was already being planned by other local activists and instead of having two competing events it just made more sense to join in line with those who had already laid some ground work and use the influence of my radio program to provide auxiliary support and assist them in turning out a much larger crowd. We should always concern ourselves first with providing results rather than getting credit for something. [Continue reading James’ article at The Political Cesspool site; lots of great photos.]

‘Get that White!’: A Gaze into a Coming Nightmare of Non-Prosecution of Hate Crimes Against Whites

It started off like any average ‘First Friday’ in Florence, Alabama. It ended with a glimpse into the racial nightmare that awaits the European peoples in the coming racial apocalypse. Earlier this month, the Dawes family participated in the familiar civic event before starting to make their way home as evening descended. A group of Blacks, numbering between 20 and 30, chose this moment to set upon them with fists and weapons. Fourteen year old Brandon was the first to be singled out. He was struck violently from behind with a closed fist. When dad Kevin realized what was happening, he quickly moved to defend his son, positioning himself between Brandon and the attacker. At this point the whole frenzied mob moved in to screams of ‘Get that White!’ The feral crowd only dispersed to the sounds of police sirens, but by then the family’s car windshield had been destroyed, and Kevin had several Taser burns and broken facial bones.

The government and police response in the aftermath of the incident tells us all we need to know about our growing need to organize and educate for adequate racial self-defense. Pressed by the media on whether the incident would be treated as a ‘hate crime,’ Police Chief Ron Tyler has been hesitant in the extreme, stating only that the attack was being looked at “from all possible angles.” There is only one angle from which this incident can be viewed – the angle of ceaseless racial conflict. Unfortunately we happen to live in an age of duplicity on a mass scale. There is no racial conflict, we are told, only very bad ‘racists.’ The race traitors and Jews that fill the minds of our youth with the bile of ‘Whiteness Studies’ are so very careful to remind us that while race is a ‘social construct,’ only ‘Whites’ can be racist. Whites are ‘trained’ oppressors, who dominate and exploit simply by existing. We are the personification of ‘hate,’ and we can therefore never expect equal application of ‘hate crime’ laws. They are, in fact, ‘White crime’ laws –designed specifically for our people to be held on a leash. They are the rope that forces us to engage in the racial struggle for existence with one hand tied behind our back. Read more