Featured Articles

Anti-White themes in Hollywood movies: Jews as elite outsiders

Hatred and [the] spirit of sacrifice . . . are nourished by the image of enslaved ancestors rather than that of liberated grandchildren. (Illuminations, Walter Benjamin 1968, 262)

I recently came across a very well-done video featuring Edmund Connelly’s TOO article “Reel Bad WASPs,” part of his excellent 8-part “Eye on Hollywood” series. I don’t know who produced the video, but it’s a great example of the effectiveness of this medium for getting out our ideas, with spot-on clips from the movies, and a calm, “just the facts” voice over.

It completely belies the constant refrain of the ADL that the Jews who dominate Hollywood just happen to be Jews — that their Jewish identity is completely irrelevant to American movies.

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A Tale of Two Nations: Democracy in Israel, Depravity in Britain

The Israeli journalist Benjamin Pogrund has laid it on the line: “Israel is a Jewish state because that is the will of the majority; this will not change.” Millions of Jews around the world will applaud that sentiment. I applaud it myself: Israel is a genuine democracy. But imagine a White journalist saying this: “Europe is a White Christian continent because that is the will of the majority; this must not change.”

How would most Jews react? With horror, of course. What’s good for Jewish Israel isn’t good for White Christian Europe, which must open its borders to the world and abolish itself in a flood of non-White, non-Christian vibrancy. The Jewish vision for Europe is simple: it must undergo a “transformation from monolithic ethnic-based nation-states into heterogeneous nations built on citizenship.”

Those are the words of Barbara Lerner Spectre, an energetic Jewish activist who works hard to keep Sweden at the forefront of that transformation. And Sweden has certainly been transformed: from a peaceful, female-friendly White nation into one full of non-White rioters and rapists (and here).

Perhaps that’s why Ms Spectre calls the transformation “treacherous.” She seems to think that rape at levels that were inconceivable in Sweden prior to the immigration onslaught is a price worth paying for Sweden’s transformation from monolith to multiculture. But how do Israelis react to the first tremors of such vibrancy? Read more

The Nicholas Winton Kindertransport Myth Comes Off the Rails

Visitors to Prague railway station are often intrigued by the group of bronze sculptures that stand on Platform One. It is a forlorn scene — a bespectacled man holding a crying child, a sad-looking little girl and a battered suitcase.

These striking figures form the Sir Nicholas Winton Memorial Sculpture and tell the story of the Czech Kindertransport and in particular the “British Schindler” who spirited 669 Jewish children from Czechoslovakia to London in 1939 from under the noses of the German invaders.

More than any other living Jewish person, Sir Nicholas Winton, who has just turned105, represents Britain’s most famous living link to the Holocaust. Since his story was rediscovered by the BBC, he has been lavished with honours, knighted by the Queen and is now a nominee for a Nobel Peace Prize. The torrent of books, films and documentaries about him seem to be never ending.

This week he was honoured again at a magnificent ceremony in Prague Castle where the wheelchair-bound retired banker received the highest award that the Czech Republic could bestow — the Order of the White Lion, presented by the Czech President himself.

It was a splendidly Ruritanian affair. Sir Nicholas was flanked by an honour guard, serenaded by a choir and orchestra, and met by a handful of the tearful survivors of those journeys holding pictures of themselves as children in 1939.

But there is something very wrong with all this. The problem is right there in the bronze tableau at the railway station — for nothing remotely like this ever happened. Sir Nicholas was never at the railway station to see the children off, so he cannot have held any of them in his arms. Nor was he in any real danger himself. He only spent three weeks in Prague over the Christmas break in 1938 and left before the Germans arrived. Read more

Learning from the EU Experiment (I): The anti/pro-EU question should be tactical

 Official EU propaganda: Uniting Europeans in the face of Asian, Muslim and African power?
If only. The video was later retracted as “racist.”

The European Union is one of the great political experiments of recent decades. The EU’s official motivation — founded in the hope of ending Europeans’ fratricidal wars and to unite them as a power in the face of the rising non-European world — is likely to resonate with White Nationalists. In fact, as the above video suggests, I would argue pro-EU activists often appeal to an unconscious White identity. Mainstream Europeanism appears to me in many respects to be a sort of degenerate and incoherent parody of White Nationalism.

Of course, in practice the EU today is in many respects an anti-European, ethnocidal entity. But I believe European ethno-nationalists have much to learn from its experience, both successes and failures, in fostering cooperation among different European Nations and States in our little corner of the world, despite the national veto.

European nationalist parties overwhelmingly oppose the EU, but sometimes this seems to be for the wrong reasons. The United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP), for example, appears to be promoted precisely because it can channel ethnocentric British sentiment into a non-racialist, pro-business direction. Nigel Farage seems to consider Polish or Romanian immigration to be a greater threat than Pakistani or African immigration, whereas it is obvious the latter is unassimilable in the long-term. Thus, ethnocentric energies in Britain are harmlessly channeled against the EU rather than constructively used to oppose non-European immigration. UKIP is useless except insofar as Britain’s leaving the EU promotes a wider shake-up and inspires nationalist parties on the Continent. Read more

Jewish Journalism: A TOO Case File, Part 2

Part 1. 

Now executive editor at the Guardian, the work of Jonathan Freedland (1967– ) may not be greatly familiar to TOO readers, at least when compared to some other high-profile Jewish journalists active in the United States. However, it is for precisely that reason that I felt he should number among the earliest of the individuals I will discuss in this planned series of case files.

Journalism and a strong sense of Jewish identity seem to run in the Freedland blood. Jonathan is the son of Michael Freedland (1934– ), a biographer and journalist who specializes in Hollywood biographies and recently produced the scathing anti-McCarthy screed Witch Hunt in Hollywood: McCarthyism’s War on Tinseltown. The basic thesis of Witch Hunt in Hollywood is that Sen. Joe McCarthy and the House Un-American Affairs Committee were engaged in an irrational and purely “anti-Semitic” purge of Hollywood. The elder Freedland wrote: “For Communist read Jew. … The hearings were as (some would say more) anti-Semitic as anti-Communist. Hollywood was chosen for the attack because of the great publicity value the movie capital offered. It was also a great opportunity to get at the Jews of Hollywood.”[1] Freedland Senior is also one of those Jews who, as Kevin MacDonald elucidates in CofC, viewed supporters of McCarthy as “intellectual and cultural primitives.”[2]

The younger Freedland began his own writing career at the short-lived Sunday Correspondent, a London newspaper backed by Rothschild Ventures, and which also launched the career of current Newsnight editor Ian Katz. In 1990 Freedland joined the BBC, working as a news reporter across radio and television. In the summer of 1992, he was awarded the Laurence Stern fellowship at The Washington Post, serving as a staff writer on the national news section. In what almost appears like the choreography of their careers, Freedland’s Sunday Correspondent cohort Ian Katz received the same fellowship the following year. Freedland became Washington Correspondent for The Guardian in 1993, remaining in that post until 1997. On his return Freedland launched an attack on British traditions and the system of constitutional monarchy, in his Bring Home the Revolution: The Case for a British Republic (1998). One of Freedland’s primary inspirations was that he felt that, unlike most European states, America “most — though not all — of its citizens feel like they belong.”[3] The “old” Britain, symbolized in the monarchy and out of touch with its citizens, should be annihilated. Read more

Jewish Journalism: A TOO Case File, Part 1

One of the favored tactics of our Hebrew friends at the ADL, the SPLC, and similar organizations is the ‘Intelligence Report,’ or ‘Case File,’ on a particular individual who engages in activities unconducive to Jewish aims and aspirations. These ‘Intelligence Reports’ are normally, in fact, far from intelligent, and usually consist of a mug-shot like photograph accompanied by several quotes taken out of context, clumsy clichés, and more than a little blatant falsehood. The aim, however, is fairly obvious — to mimic in every fashion the feel and style of a criminal case-file and thereby taint the reputation of even the most law-abiding citizen.

For some time now I have felt that something similar might be useful to have at TOO. At this site we have no shortage of excellent and well-informed commentary on the problems faced by Whites not just in the United States but also internationally. But what I’d like to contribute here is something just a little different from the usual — an illustrative but individual case file examining the work of a particular Jewish journalist. Other, similar, reports on other individuals will follow over time. Unlike the ADL or the SPLC, the aim of the report provided here is not to mimic a criminal case file, but instead to contextualize, explain and, most importantly, expose the aims and methods of certain Jewish activists. I also diverge from the path taken by the above-mentioned organizations in that I rely heavily on scholarly sources, checkable facts, and verifiable and contextualized quotations.

Jews and Journalism: Some Historical Context

In 1868 the Prussian romance writer Hermann Goedsche published a popular novel, Biarritz, under the pseudonym Sir John Retcliffe. The book related the tale of an occult meeting of representatives of the twelve tribes of Israel in a Prague cemetery, and has since become notorious as providing the template for the much-maligned Protocols of the Elders of Zion. In one of the novel’s more notable passages, a rabbi in charge of the meeting muses on Jewish ambitions for seizure and use of the press. The rabbi informs his co-conspirators:

If gold is the first power in this world, the second is undeniably the press. … Our people must become the editors of all daily newspapers in all countries. Our possession of gold, our skill in devising means of exploiting mercenary instincts, will make us the arbiters of public opinion and enable us to dominate the masses. … We shall dictate to the world what it is to have faith in, what it is to honor, and what it is to curse. … Once we are absolute masters of the press, we will be able to transform ideas about honor, about virtue, about uprightness of character, we will be able to deal a blow against the family, and we will be able to achieve its disintegration. … We shall declare open war on everything that people respect and venerate.[1]

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Modern Education and the Destruction of Culture

Speech delivered at the Traditional Britain Conference to the Traditional Britain Group, on October 18, 2014 ( http://traditionalbritain.org/blog/modern-education-and-the-destruction-of-culture/)

Due to incessant semantic shifts over the last one hundred years the word ‘culture’ has become meaningless. It denotes everything and therefore it means nothing.  It can express a political or a theological belief; it can also stand as a label for someone’s sexual lifestyle, or someone’s choice of drugs, such as speed culture, grass culture, or meth culture. The word culture has become so liquid today, just like the liquid times we all live in today.

The modern meaning of the word ‘culture’ has nothing in common with the original meaning of the word, which until recently denoted the cultivation of man’s soul or character. The same semantic aberrations can be observed with the word ‘education’, which used to be the basis of culture, but which has today acquired a purely mechanical and utilitarian meaning. In the American -English language it is common to hear the phrase; “my son and my daughter need to get education”—as if education is a perishable commodity.

The incessant usage of the word ‘education’ should not come as a big surprise.  After all in our postmodern liberal System everything has its price tag —- and consequently nothing has value. In the German language the words for culture, i.e. “Kultur,” and “Kulturkampf” (culture war)  had a very specific metapolitical meanings, particularly during the period of Romanticism. Culture bearers, or Kulturträger in the early 19th-century Germany, be they itinerant poets or library-bound philosophers, played a crucial role in the identity building process of the German people and other peoples in central Europe.

Another lexical and conceptual headache, with all due subsequent legal and political nightmares for non-conformist thinkers, started some 40 years ago with the introduction into the American language of the compound noun ‘multiculturalism’. This word has no etymological basis.   In fact, the word ‘multiculturalism’ is an insidious euphemism for multiracialism. However, given that the usage of the word ‘race’ is avoided by the media and politicians —except when used in smearing “White racists,” it had to be packaged into a softer term consistent with the regnant ideology that races don’t exist. Read more