
Political Violence, Part 1: Anti-White Violence by the Left as Precursor to Today’s Mainstream Anti-White Establishment

Political violence has been used throughout history to send messages and influence public opinion and policy. Throughout the 1960’s up until the 1990’s, leftists groups consistently used bombings, shootings, and scare tactics to promote their goals. In the United States, the Weather Underground is probably the most notable terrorist group in the history of the United States. Yet, the group is held esteem by many intellectuals, academics and media figures, who feel the violence committed by the group was justified given the context of the times. Leftist groups such as the Weather Underground were promoting viewpoints that would eventually become accepted into the mainstream, such as opposition to the Vietnam War and the dissolution of white homogeneity in the United States. As a result, groups such as the Weather Underground can give us a unique perspective on the prism through which the media and the Left in the Western World perceive violence.

In 1970, Weather Underground members Terry Robbins, Theodore Gold and Diana Oughton, were all killed when a bomb they were making in a Greenwich brownstone detonated, leveling the brownstone. The goal was to attack an army ROTC dance for non-commissioned officers in Fort Dix, New Jersey, in retaliation for the U.S.’s war in Vietnam. The fact that it was a dance likely would have resulted in the death of many female civilians. In 1981, a number of Weather Underground members and the Black Liberation Army shot and killed two police officers and a guard while trying to rob a Brinks armored truck. Many more incident could be listed, but the point is that these leftist groups were very violent. Read more

Glenn “I am a Jew” Beck can grovel like no other

I’m known as a talk show host. That’s what I do.

Part of my duties, however, as host of The Political Cesspool Radio Program, is to keep our blog filled with lots of interesting stories during the week to tide you over until our weekly broadcast airs on Saturday evenings.

As a writer, it could be argued that my magnum opus was an article last year on the infamous Glenn Beck rally in Washington, D.C.

This week, Glenn Beck is at it again.

He delivered the keynote speech at the “Christians United for Israel” summit where he proudly proclaimed that if anyone wants to dehumanize Jews, “then count me a Jew and come for me first.” As if to reiterate his point, he follows up that statement with the exclamation that, “I am a Jew,” even though he certainly is not. Read more

How Rachel Weisz wrecked her Hollywood prospects

Too candid for Hollywood?

I know from the comment threads that Occidental Observer readers are very fond of the great Joel Stein piece How Jewish is Hollywood? Los Angeles Times December 19 2008:

I have never been so upset by a poll in my life. Only 22% of Americans now believe “the movie and television industries are pretty much run by Jews,” down from nearly 50% in 1964. The Anti-Defamation League, which released the poll results last month, sees in these numbers a victory against stereotyping. Actually, it just shows how dumb America has gotten. Jews totally run Hollywood.

Stein famously continued:

The Jews are so dominant, I had to scour the trades to come up with six Gentiles in high positions at entertainment companies. When I called them to talk about their incredible advancement, five of them refused to talk to me, apparently out of fear of insulting Jews. The sixth, AMC President Charlie Collier, turned out to be Jewish.

Interestingly, this essay does not appear on Stein’s Website, nor does it feature in his Wikipedia entry. And Joel Stein, apparently, no longer has a column at the Los Angeles Times.

This may explain a lot about the career of Rachel Weisz. Yet another example of a child of European Jewish immigrants being translated straight to the sunlit upper slopes of the U.K educational system, British-born Cambridge-educated Weisz gave a suicidal interview to Index Magazine in 2001 Rachel Weisz with Emma Forrest (perhaps talking to another British Jewess made her careless):

Hollywood’s run by Jews. I was advised by an American agent when I was about 19 to change my surname. And I said “Why? Jews run Hollywood.” He said “Exactly.” He had a theory that all the executives think acting’s a job for shiksas…. In some way acting is prostitution, and Hollywood Jews don’t want their own women to participate. Also, there’s an element of Portnoy’s Complaint — they all fancy Aryan blondes.

That the Jewish involvement in Hollywood is an extension of their historical involvement in the prostitution industry is an arresting thought.

According to Rachel Weisz on why Hollywood Jews prefer blondes by Danielle Berrin ( October 22 2009) from a financial point of view Rachel Weisz’ career has been quite successful – but despite Hollywood than because of it.

Rachel Weisz is in the news because, having broken up a 9-year relationship with American Jewish film producer Darren Aronofsky, she married last month British actor Daniel Craig.

Darren Aronofsky

Daniel Craig

You can see why.

The Jewish Ayatollahs

Jonathan Haidt notes that secular liberals are an anomaly in the non-Western world. Increasingly, this is true of Israel, often touted as “the only democracy in the Middle East.” The reality is that Israel is gravitating to its Middle Eastern Jewish roots, and that means a turn toward religious fanatics gathered around their charismatic rabbis—the guru phenomenon of Jewish social life. A good primer on this is Christiane Amanpour’s God’s Jewish Warriors.

Uri Avnery is an honest Jewish secular liberal, a remnant of the Jews who were influenced by Western thinking and a dwindling minority of Israeli Jews. He is a trenchant observer of the rise of religious fundamentalism in Israeli politics. His latest column, “The Jewish Ayatollahs“) discusses the controversy over recent rabbinic rulings, beginning with pointed examples showing how such things go completely against the grain of contemporary Western culture: “The Archbishop of New York announces that any Catholic who rents out an apartment to a Jew commits a mortal sin and runs the risk of excommunication.” But in Israel, “The rabbi of Safed, a government employee, has decreed that it is strictly forbidden to let apartments to Arabs— including the Arab students at the local medical school. Twenty other town rabbis—whose salaries are paid by the taxpayers, mostly secular, including Arab citizens—have publicly supported this edict.” Read more

New York Gay Marriage: Follow The (Jewish) Money

Clifford Asness: With My Money, I Get To Overthrow Christian Tradition

Larry Auster, the redoubtable proprietor of the View From The Right blog, lives I believe in Manhattan, and so has been exposed full force to the raucous orgy of self-congratulation which has followed Governor Cuomo’s success in legalizing homosexual marriage in New York. Auster is a religious man (born Jewish and an Episcopalian convert) as well as a Conservative and he is disgusted, posting a discussion of a New York Times article on Sunday: Liberals celebrate their disgrace

They think history will honor them. I think the opposite is the case. I think history will see them as wreckers of our country…

The article itself is a fawning portrayal of Cuomo…It also tells how rich Republican donors, several of them Jews, allied with Cuomo and gave huge sums to pay for the lobbying campaign that led to the homosexualist victory.

And it tells how several legislators, both Democrats and Republicans, who had opposed homosexual “marriage” two years ago changed the minds–for the most insubstantial and personal reasons

(Most likely the “insubstantial and personal” reasons plumped up envelopes very nicely.)

I discussed this curious funding pattern in We’re Rich; We’re Jewish: We Rule on May 14th, concluding

What these wealthy Jews are saying is that their opinions backed by their money should get paramountcy, and the preferences and religious scruples of the majority of their fellow countrymen count for nothing and should be ignored…the motive is straight out of Kevin MacDonald’s analysis – an insatiable and ferocious lust to eradicate the Christian aspects of the culture of their host, regardless of the fruits it has allowed them to reap.

Evidently damage control has been instituted, because Auster was promptly challenged by an argumentative Troll, “Steve W.” whose objections he elected to meet in Did VFR make a prejudiced reference to Jewish supporters of homosexual “marriage”? (Unlike OO, View From The Right does not permit automatic comment posting.) I found it a fruitful piece.

“Steve W” took the conventional line usually obeyed by the MSM, that Jews should be invisible. Auster replied:

Four men are named in this account: the three moneybags pro-homosexual “marriage” Republican donors, and Cuomo’s number two aide, who as a result of their six figure donations “began to see a path to victory.” Of the three donors, at least two, Singer and Loeb, have Jewish names (and the third, Asness, might be Jewish as well), along with Cuomo’s aide, Cohen. So the Jewish aspect of this operation stuck out.

(As I noted before, not only is Clifford Asness Jewish, he was the biggest donor in Temple Sholom of Greenwich’s Kol Nidre Appeal this year – see here, Page 5.)

Auster got support. “Irv P.” wrote:

Sorry, Steve W., but if the shoe fits, wear it. I’m Jewish but am not in the least bit offended by references to the truth about our so-called brethren who do everything they can to keep cracking the foundations of this once great culture. Jews have a disproportionate negative influence on the issues that threaten our way of life, and it’s about time we realize it as a group and cease and desist!

“Sophia A” added

We notice Jewish names that are prominent in destructive radical issues for the same reason we talk about black crime. It’s not the crime–it’s the proportions. Violent crime is pretty much a young man’s specialty, but within that group black males predominate disproportionately. This is Truth 101 to readers of your blog.

Likewise, in the U.S., a huge proportion of loudmouth leftists are Jews. What they espouse is completely antithetical to traditional morals, law, tradition and culture. (Perhaps that’s the reason they espouse them.) And it’s deeply troubling to me, as a traditional Jew, to say this. But I can’t deny the facts any more than a law-abiding black citizen can deny the facts about black crime.

Facts are facts.

“Pentheus” suggests

Here is the true litmus test question for Steve W.:
If VFR were a liberal, Jewish-oriented blog and Mr. Auster’s post had been celebrating rather than condemning the passage of same-sex “marriage” in NYS, and had praised these men as good Jews for their key influence in bringing about this great advance in justice and equality, would you have written to him to complain of prejudice or ask why he singles out one group for praise?

and adds

Wealthy white males have brought this about by the closest thing to legal bribery of legislators that I have ever read reported so nakedly.

Sadly, this exchange appears to have shaken Auster, who rather pathetically remarks:

…it wasn’t just one…who was Jewish, but at least three out of the four people attending this key meeting.

The Jewish names–Loeb, Cohen, Singer–stuck out… NOT to mention the fact that almost all the men in the meeting were Jews would have felt unnatural and dishonest. It would have felt as though I was closing my eyes to an evident fact, in the same way that the media constantly close their eyes to certain evident facts concerning certain racial and religious groups.

In this, Larry Auster demonstrates how far he has come from his intellectual origins. “Steve W” represents the true Jewish position. A fact has no independent existence – it only exists if convenient. Hence the Stephen Jay Gould fraud.

View From The Right – other than Sophie A’s astute aside – does not get into why these supposedly “Republican” Jewish Billionaires – two of whom do not even live in New York State – got so deeply and crucially involved. (The NYT said they

…had the influence and the money to insulate nervous senators from conservative backlash if they supported the marriage measure.. Each of them cut six-figure checks to the lobbying campaign that eventually totaled more than $1 million.)

So I will. These men were simply repeating the behavior of their Eastern European forefathers, spitting on Christian symbols when they could get away with it. For them, the pain they have caused the great majority of New Yorkers (remember, Gay Marriage has always lost in elections) is only a pleasure.

(Kevin MacDonald came to a similar conclusion considering Senator Lieberman’s efforts to destroy the “Don’t ask, don’t tell” last December.)

The Wall Street boom of the past generation has transferred enormous liquid resources into the hands of too many who were not brought up to respect – much less like – America. Jewish money in politics is a problem which must be unhesitatingly identified. The “Steve W.”s and their employers must be forthrightly rejected.

Patrick Cleburne on the $PLC

Patrick Cleburne has an important article on the most recent SPLC statement (“Is the Southern Poverty Law Center ($PLC) the Next Financial Bubble?” VDARE, June 1). Since VDARE doesn’t allow comments, this is a good venue for discussion. One would think that the strategy of stockpiling huge sums of money, which is not considered proper by a charity, would eventually lower donations. But they are doing very well. It is a bit terrifying the huge amount of money that would be deployed if a movement of White identity ever started to get off the ground. Right now the movement against White America is virtually on autopilot, with organizations like the SPLC able to stockpile huge sums of money. If push comes to shove, there will be an avalanche of funding going to the other side.

Agudath Israel: Mesirah Overrides America’s Laws

Rabbi Zwiebel: Break Law rather than report Jewish Criminal

In April, in Is observing the Mesirah prohibition compatible with being American? I discussed the threat posed to Americans generally by the Jewish tradition of Mesirah. This prohibits Jews from telling the Civil Authorities of crimes being committed by other Jews. My interest was stimulated by realizing when studying the Madoff Affair that many financially sophisticated Jews suspected criminality, but did nothing.

I noted

In recent years increased consciousness of the issue of pedophilia, sexual abuse generally and drugs has driven most of the Jewish discussion of Mesirah. Some Jewish organizations like the Rabbinical Council of America have explicitly called for Mesirah to be overlooked in these cases. Read more