White Racial Consciousness and Advocacy

Charles Lindbergh Videos

The current TOO video is a 9-minute segment from Charles Lindbergh’s famous (our elites would say ‘notorious’) Des Moines speech of September 11, 1941 where he described the three forces that were leading the U.S. to war: The British, the Jews, and the Roosevelt administration. Discussing the roles of the British and Roosevelt was not controversial–politics as usual, and certainly no one could claim that Lindbergh’s claims were unfounded. But his comments on Jews resulted in an extraordinary firestorm that remains a marker of Jewish influence during the period and reverberates even today, as in Philip Roth’s The Plot against America, a paranoid Jewish fantasy of a Lindbergh presidency.

Unfortunately, I have been unable to find the rest of the speech on the Internet, which seems odd since the part on the Roosevelt administration is available—leading to paranoid fantasies of my own. It would be great if someone could find it.

Another available Lindbergh video is this 1-minute video of a speech given on the Mutual Broadcasting System, one of the major networks during the period, on October 13, 1939. Lindbergh warns that the war in Europe is a war for the survival of the White race. He uses phrases like the  “bond of race” that the US has with Europe, that “racial strength is vital” and of the need to preserve the “European race” (by which he meant to include all Europeans, not just Nordics but all European groups, including the Slavic peoples).


This speech was given right around the time (after the invasion of Poland by Germany and the USSR and the declaration of war by Britain and France on Germany) that an article by Lindbergh appeared in The Reader's Digest, another important mass media outlet at the time. Lindbergh stated that this was a war
among a dominant people for power, blind, insatiable, suicidal. Western nations are again at war, a war likely to be more prostrating than any in the past, a war in which the White race is bound to lose, and the others bound to gain, a war which may easily lead our civilization through more Dark Ages if it survives at all. Read more

American White Awareness during World War II

World War II is often referred to as the war against racism, as if it were fought to prevent future racial discrimination. This is far from the truth. In fact there are numerous accounts which show explicit White consciousness. This piece does not pretend to give a complete picture, but rather points out some illustrative examples.

Pearl Harbor and war in the Pacific

The editorial of Life magazine in May 1945 included the following remarks: “Americans had to learn to hate Germans, but hating Japs comes natural—as natural as fighting Indian wars once was.” This is in a nutshell is the difference between the average American attitudes towards the enemy during World War II: the Japanese were a different race. Besides this, the Americans felt treacherously attacked by Japan in Pearl Harbor, but they did not feel any need for revenge or hatred against the Germans. In the government propaganda the emphasize in the war against Germany was placed on the National Socialist (commonly referred as Nazi) regime rather than the Germans, preventing the feeling among second-generation German-Americans that they were fighting their own kind.  Read more

Ludwig F. Clauss: Racial Style, Racial Character (Part II)

Ludwig F. Clauss (1892-1974)

Continuing from Part I with a translation of parts of the third edition (1943) of Rasse und Seele, by Ludwig F. Clauss.

“To each according to his kind, to each according to his style”

The movement of the body is the expression of the movement of the soul. This can best be seen in the interplay of facial muscles and in the gestures of the arms and hands with which the speaker accompanies his speech. Why is he moving his hands in such a way and why not differently?  Because the special way of his spiritual alertness will also determine the way his hands move. The style of spiritual movement determines the style of the bodily movement.

Here is a little example from day to day life that illuminates this matter. Who is more gifted to drive a motor vehicle, the Nordic man or the Mediterranean man? This question is also meaningless. Neither “the” Nordic man is endowed with this or that, nor is “the” Mediterranean man. There are many individuals of both races who are gifted to drive a car. If that’s the case, then the Nordics do that in a Nordic way and it is precisely by this that they are recognizable as Nordics.

The same goes for the Mediterranean who does it in the Mediterranean way. And it is precisely by this that he can be recognized. And this is how these two styles differ. The Mediterranean driver is the master of the moment: he is always there, always in perfect instantaneity. He drives with an abrupt change at lightning speed and at a sharp curve he yields and slams on the brakes with instantaneous effect — the more dangerous the driving, the more impressive is his game. At this stage the Nordic man is not comparable—not because he is a bad driver, but because the laws of his mental and physical movement compel him to a different driving style. Read more

White Participation in the Riots in England?

It’s frustratingly difficult to get any solid information on the  racial composition of the riots in England, so I thought I would elicit comment. The official account seems to be that race had nothing to do with it. For example:

These are not race riots: Though they began, on Saturday afternoon, with a small protest in Tottenham, north London, over the shooting of a dark-skinned man by police under suspicious circumstances, they quickly became a much wider and less purposeful explosion of youth criminality. Globe and Mail, “London Police Overwhelmed by Futureless Youth

I loved arch neocon, pro-Israel fanatic, Anders Breivik-inspiring Pamela Geller’s take: “NOTORIOUS JUDEOPHOBIC GUARDIAN REPORTS ON LONDON RIOTS OMITS THE RACE OR ETHNICITY OF RIOTERS – BUT, STILL MENTIONS JEWS.” The Guardian, which Geller likens to “Nazis,”  offended with an article stating

The make-up of the rioters was racially mixed. Most were men or boys, some apparently as young as 10….But families and other local residents, including some from Tottenham’s Hasidic Jewish community, also gathered to watch and jeer at police. [emphasis Geller’s]

This would seem to be innocuous enough unless she thinks Jews are a race, but after the screaming by Geller and like-minded activists, the Guardian apparently changed the passage to

Ah, that’s better. Now the Jews are just one of several named groups. Read more

Honestly, What Will It Take?

This summer we had the Wisconsin State Fair with mobs of Black “youths” beating Whites. Then a far bigger Black uprising in London and other parts of England.  The Mainstream Media tried to spin it as non-racial but the imagery coming to us gave the lie to that.

Honestly, this brings me back to the perennial question “What will it take before Whites wake up?”

This has been a recurring question for us here at TOO.  For instance, two years ago August 30,2009)  we had Alex Kurtagic’s “What Will It Take?”

Many ask themselves, What will it take for White people to finally react and take decisive and effective action to change the status quo? How much worse does it need to get before they finally decide that they have had enough of this politically correct anti-White nonsense?

Ironic that he now has pictures from the current TOO lead article “London Feels the Strength” that look like the above.  Likely no chance that Whites will change their thinking or behavior due to what just transpired across England either. Read more

Ludwig F. Clauss: Racial Style, Racial Character (Part I)

Ludwig F. Clauss (1892-1974)

The liberal-communist propaganda against Fascism and National-Socialism has produced results contrary to those originally anticipated. It has created the conceptual model of a value system that often defies the objective reality of the bygone Fascist and National-Socialist epochs. It has given birth to dangerous and subconscious infatuation with hyperreal would-be Fascism, best to be seen in modern mimicry of Hollywood Nazism, especially among troubled young White people. The decades-long antifascist propaganda has produced a peculiar type of infra-political narcissism among a number of estranged White nationalists who often conceive of Fascism as a life style or a vicarious internet escapade. The deadly offshoots of such liberal propaganda are deranged Whites such as Anders Breivik who recently killed scores of innocent people in Norway.

After World War II, National-Socialism and Fascism were officially and normatively designated by the liberal system as the symbols of absolute evil. Consequently, if Fascism stands today for absolute evil, all other systems of beliefs, all other political regimes, or other political values—however aberrant they may be or will be in the future—must  be viewed as lesser evils. The history of Communist mass killings and the ongoing economic corruption and mendacity of the liberal system, however inhumane they are, or may be in the future, must willy-nilly be tolerated. Read more

Stephen Walt on Anders Brevick, Immigration, and Western Culture

If there’s one characteristic that defines the European nationalist parties, it is that they have eschewed racialist rhetoric in favor of cultural arguments. Geert Wilders, Marine LePen, et al. have claimed that Islam is incompatible with Western culture—that Muslims refuse to assimilate and have values that are incompatible with Western modernity, particularly on women and sexuality.

Without doubt this tactic has made nationalist parties more acceptable to mainstream voters and more difficult to attack by the left. It is not possible to tar these parties with the ultimate post-WWII pejorative—”Nazi—which is sure to come up if one breathes a word about ethnic interests of Whites.

Now Stephen Walt, of Israel Lobby fame, attempts to undercut cultural conservative arguments that he associates with Breivik—“the idea that he is defending some fixed and sacred notion of the ‘Christian West,’ which is supposedly under siege by an aggressive alien culture” (“Breivik’s Warped Worldview“). (He’d doubtless disapprove even more of Breivik’s Nordicist proclivities.)

In my review of The Israel Lobby, I made the following point about Western elites:

Confronted with the moral critique of America emanating from elite universities and the media, the old Protestant intellectual establishment quickly yielded the high ground. Many of them became avid cheerleaders of the new multicultural zeitgeist that rejected the America and even the Americanism of their ancestors, to the point that the new zeitgeist has become a consensus among elites of all stripes. They accepted their own demographic decline, and they gave up their pretensions as cultural leaders and trend setters. And they implicitly paved the way for their eventual  loss of political power to other groups, some of which have historically conditioned grudges against them—a dangerous situation to say the least. In doing so, they became the pallbearers for their own people.

Sadly, this applies to Stephen Walt. In the current main TOO article, Charles Dodgson does an excellent job of refuting Walt’s moral indictments of the West. Right now I am reviewing Ricardo Duchesne’s The Uniqueness of Western Civilization—a book that I strongly recommend for intellectuals like Walt. Duchesne, a sociologist at the University of New Brunswik, is fond of showing how the critics of the West typically presuppose ideas whose origins are uniquely Western. Read more