White Racial Consciousness and Advocacy

Democrats Abandon White Workers

A source of frustration is that very few Whites actually believe that White hegemony in America could or would be threatened in any meaningful way. For them, advocating for Whites is as silly as collecting food cans for Bill Gates or raising awareness of hardships faced by banking tycoons. If you try to explain to them how the very neighborhood they stand in and its landmarks, families, and traditions will be displaced and replaced, you might as well be describing a fanciful zombie apocalypse scenario.

“That’ll never happen to sleepy old Hicksburgh…”

Well, actually, it’s already happened to hundreds of Hicksburghs all over America, it’s building momentum, and it’s headed this way.

Take Postville, for instance.


As frustrating as it is to try to warn people who are laughing at me as I attempt to do so, the fact that they’re still comfortable enough to laugh is a source of hope. They don’t necessarily want it to happen, and may even be prepared to fight with us to stop it from happening. They just don’t see it happening, yet. Read more

The Usual Suspects Angered by Pat Buchanan’s Appearance on James Edward’s Radio Show

Pat Buchanan, always a gentleman, refuses to back down when asked by NPR about his most recent appearance on The Political Cesspool Radio Program. (See also the current TOO featured video for the entire interview.) Note especially Pat’s unintimidated response to the interviewer’s point that ADL head Abe Foxman condemned the interview: “I think there’s an awful lot of smearing being done by the Anti-Defamation League frankly over the years of individuals who simply disagree with them maybe about U.S. policy toward Israel.” Exactly. As Joe Sobran famously said, these days anti-Semites are people that Jews don’t like.

In the meantime, the story of Pat’s latest interview with us is quickly becoming a top news story. Here is one example, from Huffington Post:

African American political advocacy group Color Of Change has called for MSNBC to fire longtime analyst (and even longer-time lightning rod) Pat Buchanan for what it called his “white supremacist ideology.”

The advocacy group sent petition letters to its members on Tuesday. The letter said that MSNBC gives Buchanan a platform to pass off his often loaded remarks as “legitimate mainstream political commentary.”

While Color of Change cited comments made by Buchanan from as early as March 2008, the advocacy group highlighted Buchanan’s new book “Suicide Of A Superpower” and a Saturday appearance on the controversial radio show “The Political Cesspool” (whose host has described his ideology as “pro-white”) as current reasons the network should fire Buchanan.

“Buchanan has just published a book which says that increasing racial diversity is a threat to this country and will mean the ‘End of White America.’ This weekend, to promote his book, he went on a white supremacist radio show…” read the “Fire Pat Buchanan” petition letter.

Buchanan also appeared on NPR’s “The Diane Rehm Show” on Tuesday and further discussed his new book and radio show appearance on “Political Cesspool.”

He defended his decision to visit the radio show and asked “Am I supposed to go and vet all the people on these shows and get the list from [Anti-Defamation League chief] Abe Foxman on what shows I can go on to?”

Make no mistake, friends, in today’s political climate, false accusations such as “white supremacist,” “racist,” and “anti-Semite,” simply mean “unapologetic conservative white person.” These are just intimidating words that are employed to try and make folks like me, who liberals truly hate, go away. I wrote a book about this concept. Read more

Employment Agency to Labor Union

If there is someone out there who has the time and ability, and is in the right location, he or she or they should do an employment agency for Americans.

If I had the time I would do it where I live. Here’s the deal — perfectly competent and hard working Americans are making 9 to 12 dollars an hour, while illegals are making 15 an hour working on farms and rock quarries.

What you need to do is find a pool of only the best Americans to do these jobs; people who understand that if they fail at this job, the employers will go back to Mexicans and never look back.

What are the stakes? Here’s a quote from Baaltanit from wnthinktank.wordpress.com

Even if you live in a lily White neighborhood today, it will have a sizeable Mexican population within 20 years. You cannot compete for manual jobs with these people. They stand at attention when their boss is present and call him “sir”. They work every minute as if they were afraid of receiving lashes. If there are laws dictating that they receive extra pay, they give it back to their employer. They go to their employer’s house on the weekend and mow his …  lawn. They form cliques and then say negative things about you to their boss. You will not get a job as a White man! If you have one now, you will lose it later!

This is a real danger. We could have a situation where there are literally no jobs for White Americans, while Mexicans et al enjoy full employment, AND the welfare gets cut off. Read more

Gilad Atzmon Replies

Gilad Atzmon has responded to my review of his The Wandering Who? His comments say a lot about who he is and how he comes to his conclusions. First, he titles his comment “Supremacists on ‘The Wandering Who’“, the word ‘supremacist’  being the term of art used by by anti-White organizations like the SPLC and the ADL to vilify any White person with a sense of racial identity and interests. While the SPLC and the ADL are quite fond of other groups with strong identities (e.g., Blacks, Latinos, Jews, and Muslims), Atzmon is being consistent here: His real complaint is that a strong Jewish identity leads to the horrors of the brutal Zionist occupation, so it is not surprising that he opposes any sense of White racial identity as well.

In a way, I can sympathize with Atzmon’s sentiment. If America had remained 90% White and was not threatened by the massive invasion of strongly identified groups hostile to the traditional people and culture of America, there would be no reason for Whites to develop a strong racial identity. Individualism works well in homogeneous, implicitly White societies, but will break down under the current multi-cultural onslaught.  When people perceive themselves to be under threat from cohesive outgroups, psychological mechanisms of social identity kick in and they assume a group identity themselves—even people who are prone to individualism. Read more

Dmitry Rogozin: A Russian Nationalist Re-enters the Political Arena

Many of us have experienced the Cold War and identify Russia with communism and authoritarianism, or at least as an ‘Eastern power’ instead of a potential ally of the West. But we should not forget that it was the Swedish Viking-leader Rurik who united the Slavic tribes east of Poland under a dynasty which would last until the Revolution of 1917. It was Czar Ivan IV (the Terrible) who in the 16th century finally broke the Muslim-Mongol power which had been a threat for Europe since the hordes of Ögödei Khan’s arrived in the 13th century. In the following centuries the Russians expanded beyond the Ural mountains which led to the conquest of a large part of the Eurasian landmass and the White dominance over it. It was not until the defeat at the hands of the Japanese in 1905 that the Russian expansion was checked.

The Russian colonization of the northern part of the Eurasian landmass can only be compared to the Anglo-Saxon colonization of North-America in terms of historical significance for the rise of the White race. Both expansions have secured sufficient land mass for Whites beyond the European peninsula to develop a sizeable population to persist. Nowadays, the Russians are as much in demographic and to some extent cultural decay as their Anglo-Saxon brethren on the other side of the Bering Straits. The birthrates are dropping under the replacement level and the lands are prone to immigration from non-Whites. In the case of Russia the threat is twofold – from the Causasian and Central-Asian Muslims and the Chinese. Although Russia has a strong cultural and ethnic awareness, the leadership is not always reflecting popular sentiment.

Lately Dmitry Rogozin, Russia’s ambassador to NATO, has vowed his return to Russian politics. This is very interesting because he was actually ‘exiled’ as an ambassador because the Putinist faction feared his rising popularity among the Russians. Rogozin was the leading man of the nationalist Congress of Russian Communities, which was founded by the deceased general Lebed.

Dmitry Rogozin

Rogozin has noticed similarities between immigration in the West and the East:

Like the West, Russia has come under unprecedented immigration pressure. Our immigration is not justified in terms of the economy and is extremely dangerous politically and socially. Read more

Jury Rejects “White Supremacist” Motive in Brandon McInerney Trial

The Brandon McInerney hate crime trial has ended in a hung jur,y voting 7-5 for a manslaughter verdict rather than the first degree murder verdict sought by the prosecution. The good news is that “jurors universally rejected the prosecution’s contention that the shooting was a hate crime carried out by a youth filled with white supremacist beliefs and a hatred for homosexuals.” This was nothing more than an attempt to prejudice the jury against McInerney. If the prosecution goes for another trial, they would be ill-advised to again try to frame this as having something to do with having a White identity.

If there is a villain in this case, it is surely School administrator Joy Epstein. She  was criticized “for allegedly being more intent on protecting King’s civil rights than in acknowledging that his dress and behavior were causing problems.” There was also testimony that Epstein is a lesbian. One can imagine that Epstein thought of the victim’s behavior as a teachable moment–an in-your-face assertion of homosexual rights, with no concern about the intense emotions brought on by the victim’s taunting and sexually harassing of McInerney.

The verdict is also a blow against precluding the “gay panic” defense where people claim they victimize someone in an emotional panic when they learn he is gay. As noted previously, gay rights advocates saw McInerney’s defense that he was humiliated and harassed by the victim as a classic “gay panic” defense. The majority of the jury seems to have taken the common sense view that McInerney’s anger was entirely understandable and quite relevant to understanding McInerney’s actions. A first degree murder conviction would have been a travesty of justice. The scary thing is that five jurors thought that first degree murder was the appropriate verdict.

Rick Perry and the Jews

More evidence, as if any were needed, that Jews form a hostile elite comes from an article in, of all places, The Chronicle of Higher Education (“Rick Perry and the Jews: An Introduction,” by Jacques Berlinerblau. First, that Jews are an elite:

They are small in number …. But it would be an error to think of Jews solely in terms of numbers. Their value lies in their organizational and intellectual assets. Jewish political groups are generous donors and formidable coalition-builders. Too, they are disproportionately represented among the nation’s opinion makers.

Right. Jews are a media-dominant group, and the usual wisdom is that Jews contribute around 75% of the money for Democrats and around 40% for Republicans. The problem that Jews have with Perry is first of all that he is a serious Christian:

[Perry’s recent Christian prayer rally left nearly all [Jews]—including Republicans—with concerns. Note to Perry handlers: Jews love ecumenical America [and multi-racial America–the rationale for Jewish support of massive non-White immigration]. Jews fear Christian (as in Evangelical Protestant) America. Jewish neo-Conservatives are not an exception to this rule. Mitt Romney can go to town here. Members of the Tribe will feel that he understands what it means to run afoul of the majority.

Jews fear (and loathe) an America that takes Christianity seriously. For Jews, serious Christianity immediately conjures up pogroms, marauding Crusaders, Inquisitions, and blood libel. The Middle Ages as past, present, and future.  Historical memory etched in stone.

Jews are also impervious to the charms of “small-town America” solicitations the likes of which Sarah Palin employed in 2008.

Of course, there is a big overlap between small-town America and evangelical Christianity. This battle against rural America has a long history among Jews. Read more