White Racial Consciousness and Advocacy

“Unstoppable”: Why I Write

Few readers have likely noticed, but my contributions to this site have fallen dramatically this year. The reason is simple: I’ve been convinced by the likes of Alex Kurtagic, Harold Covington et al. that merely tap-tap-tapping on computer keys accomplishes little. Worse, I know I’m guilty of what they both disparage: writing negatively about our situation. On top of that, I have nowhere near the skill or imagination needed to construct a useful new “myth” for our people a la the peerless Michael O’Meara. Result: I’ve stopped writing.

Still, I do continue to teach students how to read a film, but of course I do not do so openly from a White Nationalist position, nor did I mention the role of Jews as a hostile elite. I also write academically on film, so it’s not like I have writer’s block.

In fact, for some years now, I’ve been focused on the films of two chosen Black actors, Morgan Freeman and Denzel Washington. I’ve argued that the anti-White structure (erected by Jews) in Hollywood has demanded the creation of model Black men to “teach” the population that such characters are the norm in our new multicultural society. Read more

Anders Breivik as a Nordicist

It’s been noted, particularly on the racialist, paleoconservative right, that Anders Breivik’s ideas closely resemble the ideas usually associated with the neoconservatives: Strong support for Israel and opposition to Islam. For example, in his book, Breivik cites Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch, and he includes several excellent articles from the Gates of Vienna site. My article, based on his web comments, may have contributed to this perception.

However, unlike the great majority of neoconservatives who are focused mainly on supporting  Israel and for whom any other conservative attitude is a position of convenience, Breivik comes across as someone who is mainly motivated to preserve Europeans and their culture. (For example, neocons are typically very soft on immigration (see here, p. 26 and passim, including Muslim immigration; Breivik includes an article  by “Fjordman” that questions neocon Daniel Pipes‘ idea of promoting moderate Islam.)

And, despite condemning cultural Marxism as the main villain, in the end Breivik realizes that it’s a biological battle. In his book, Breivik comments several times on the eventual extinction of the  Nordics if something isn’t done. Breivik’s view is that a poisonous, maladaptive culture may result in evolutionary death just as surely as a genocidal military invasion. His ideas imply what I take to be correct, that evolutionary conflict is now mainly taking place in the arena of culture—the view of The Culture of Critique. Because cultural Marxism has resulted in natural selection against the Nordics, Breivik views it as a racist ideology of hatred toward Nordics: “Multiculturalism IS as evil and racist as Nazism and as brutal as Stalinism.” This strongly suggests that his web comments where he condemns ethnocentrism are strategic and don’t go to the heart of his thinking. Read more

Breivik: Sending a message to the elites

Is this the very first time that a gathering of leftists in a Western Nation, post 1960, has been made to pay the ultimate price for their anti democratic multicultural impositions?

If so, then I suspect that the pictures of dead young adults will have a rather powerful deterrent effect on parents who might otherwise encourage their kids to be leftists.

It is hard to imagine a more powerful and socially compelling deterrent than to inject the sort of horrific risk that these pictures implant into the minds of multiculturally inclined parents .

Viewed without emotion, this incident implies a multi-layered level of calculation that I find quite remarkable –  an example not to be emulated to be sure – but remarkable nonetheless.

Thus far, Islamic terrorism has been confined to subway commuters in Spain, Street car commuters in Britain, and primarily, office workers in Manhattan – all nobodies that the elites could, quite frankly, care less about losing. Read more

The Norwegian horror

The story line coming out of the Norwegian attacks is that the perpetrator, Anders Behring Breivik, was oriented to the political right. National police chief Sveinung Sponheim stated that the suspected gunman’s Internet postings “suggest that he has some political traits directed toward the right, and anti-Muslim views, but whether that was a motivation for the actual act remains to be seen.” There is also talk about links to Christian fundamentalism.

We’ll see. But what is shocking about this is the killing of at least 80 young Norwegians. As one analyst noted, “The tactics and actuality of these attacks would be quite striking if carried out by a domestic far-right actor — trying to kill Norway’s PM is one thing and not surprising from any extremist elements, but killing average citizens in this manner is very, very unusual indeed for far-right/supremacists, and certainly for ones in Europe.”

Indeed. Killing people, and especially young people, of one’s own racial/ethnic group is not at all what one expects from someone who is motivated by ethnic nationalism.  This is the case despite the fact that the victims were attending a youth camp for the center-left Labor Party. Such young people are simply not appropriate targets; their killing will not be seen by the vast majority of Europeans as legitimate. There is a natural revulsion against the killing of the young, particularly of one’s own ethnic group.

The bottom line is that if the right-wing connection turns out to be correct, this action will certainly not help the cause of those seeking to reclaim Europe for its traditional peoples.

The Southern Point: The Identity of “We”

I go, but not to Avalon
Or any cloud-capped promontory hid
Beyond the eyes of men. The battle’s end
Is now my fortune, but this change of state
Confounds me not. A duller magic rules
Until the blood shall speak again.

-Donald Davidson, from “Geography of the Brain”

Montgomery, Alabama is a strange place. I grew up there. My parents grew up there. My grandparents grew up there. In fact, two of my ancestors (a couple of brothers) are still cited amongst the pioneering frontiersmen of the original settlement. So, what could possibly be so strange about a place to one with such deep roots stretching all the way back to the beginning?

Well, in truth, I don’t live there anymore. Occasionally, I visit.  Whenever I do, however, I get troubled by a number of difficult contradictions and I end up feeling like…well, like a stranger in my own town. You see, there’s a certain level at which the cultural soil seems to be rejecting the likes of me these days. It’s not at the deepest level of the full matrix but nevertheless it’s enough to make me wonder about the quality of my future blossoming potential in what has always been my neck of the woods. Read more

Review of Jared Taylor’s “White Identity: Racial Consciousness in the 21st Century”

Jared Taylor, White Identity: Racial Consciousness in the 21st Century (Oakton, Va.: New Century Books, 2011)

Some time in late 1992 or early 1993, a friend mentioned he was reading Jared Taylor’s new book Paved With Good Intentions. He praised the book for its solid debunking of the racism-made-me-do-it “root cause” of sociopathic Black behavior. It seemed too good to be true. In the back of my mind during our brief conversation I wondered: Jared Who?

The next day I walked a few blocks from my office near the White House and purchased a copy of Paved With Good Intentions at Sidney Kramer Books — the premiere bookstore that catered to D.C.-based policy wonks until it went out of business in the late 1990s. Taylor’s book was prominently displayed as a new release. This well-articulated, iconoclastic view of race relations — a rare surprise from a commercial publisher — remains unsurpassed in dissecting liberal shibboleths on race, civil rights, crime, and affirmative action.

Taylor’s book astutely summarized the problems associated with “diverse” urban districts, which any one familiar with our nation’s capital would acknowledge: higher crime rates, dangerous, underperforming public schools, widespread loitering, the stress and strain of working elbow-to-elbow with affirmative action hires (carrying the workload of incompetent co-workers), and the daily toll of exhausting commutes (50–60 miles one way) in order to reap the benefits of good schools, low crime, affordable homes, and pleasant neighbors. Read more

Charles Kingsley: Books for Boys

Charles Kingsley, 1819-1875

The Politically Correct abstract below describes the books of Charles Kingsley, who wrote in the later 1800s. It notes that his books remained popular for a long time with children after adult history reading had removed on, and that “many a second-hand bookstore groans under the weight of the  Macmillan’s blue-bound edition of the works” (p. 171). (This may be more true in Britain and Australia than the United States.) These books are are described as “racialist history” in which strong, heroic White men (what Kingsley describes as “Teutonic ‘forest children'”) conquer and overcome challenges. Quite different from the loser-psychopath White men nightly hunted down on TV by Black ninja-genius federal special agents (and their adoring White women slaves-gun molls), who always save the kidnapped Black boy super-genius whose third grade project was curing AIDS, etc., etc.

The article mentions several titles: Hypatia (1853), Westward Ho (1855), Water Babies (1862), and Hereward the Wake (1866). There seem to have been many editions in the 1900s and the article cites some editions in the 1960s. I have read his Cambridge lectureThe Roman and the Teutonand it was very good.

I think these might be good books for young White boys. They sound healthy.


Jonathan Conlin.

“An Illiberal Descent: Natural and National History in the Work of Charles Kingsley”, in History-Journal of the Historical Association, April 2011. pp. 129-151.

The Victorian novelist, historian and cleric Charles Kingsley (1819–75) was a polymath who took a close interest in natural history. A friend and correspondent of T. H. Huxley and many other leading British and American biologists, Kingsley applied concepts familiar from evolutionary biology in his historical novels and lectures. Rather than being a straightforward case of dressing literary works in language made fashionable and exciting by the boom of post-Darwinian speculation on evolution, Kingsley sought to construct a Natural Theology for the Victorian age, one in which natural and national history merged completely. This encouraged him to present the history of Britain as the history of a divinely favoured Teutonic race, one with a mission to subdue the world. Less favoured races were doomed to assimilation into this race or to complete annihilation. Such racialist thinking was, this essay suggests, not unusual in Victorian historical writing. Accounts of Victorian historiography structured around the professionalization of a new discipline of history may have caused us to overlook ‘amateurs’ such as Kingsley, despite the fact that their historical works remained popular well into the twentieth century.