Costs of Multiculturalism

The United States of Syria: Domestic Lessons in a Distant War

Description and Prediction. It’s a richly vibrant police-state. It’s ruled by a paranoid, self-pitying minority. The minority is trying to crush a rebellion by the dispossessed majority. That is a description of Syria. It’s also a prediction for the United States, the United Kingdom, France and other Western nations. The mainstream media are talking a lot about Syria nowadays. But one thing you won’t hear from the mainstream is this: the civil war in Syria demolishes the Three Great Lies on which the modern West is founded.
Lie #1: Diversity Is Our Strength. Syria is a very diverse country, full of different ethnic and religious groups who have a long history of conflict and mutual hatred. That’s why it has to be a police-state: only harsh repression keeps the different groups from each other’s throats. At present, Bashar al-Assad is fighting to maintain his tyranny. His enemies are fighting to replace it with their own tyranny. And some would be happy to keep the pot boiling:

“Our ‘best-case scenario’ is that they continue to busy themselves fighting each other and don’t turn their attention to us,” an Israeli intelligence officer told BuzzFeed’s Sheera Frenkel. “Better the devil we know than the devils we can only imagine if Syria falls into chaos and the extremists from across the Arab world gain a foothold there,” the officer said. (The Horrifying Secret Of Syria Policy, Buzzfeed, 9th September, 2013)

Lie #2: Minorities Are Saintly Victims. Liberal organizations like Amnesty International have been protesting for decades against the repression and torture used by the Syrian dictators Hafiz al-Assad and his son Bashar. But they don’t mention that the repression and torture are natural consequences of minority control. Since the 1960s, Syria has been ruled by members of a small and impoverished Shiah sect called the Alawi, who have a long history of persecution by the Sunni majority. When they came to power, the Alawi did not forgive, forget and govern for the benefit of everyone. Instead, they took the opportunity to enrich themselves and to persecute in their turn. The cycle of repression and resentment has inevitably ended in civil war. And if the rebels win, the prospect is for expulsion and genocide:  “Christians to Beirut, Alawites to the grave.Read more

The Blessings of Diversity: Sex-Crimes 101 with Statistical Sue

V is for Vibrancy

You know how it goes. You wait months for a depraved-gang-rape-and-child-prostitution trial —and then two come along at once:

Asian grooming gang convicted of appalling acts of depravity on children

Police and social services have apologised for the failings and missed opportunities that allowed a gang of men to carry out appalling abuse on young girls in Oxford for six years.

When Thames Valley Police was first made aware of allegations of rape and sexual assault against teenagers in August 2006 — and on at least three further occasions — it failed to pursue the investigations after the terrified victims withdrew their complaints. Seven men of Asian [= Pakistani] or North African origin were found guilty of grooming six vulnerable white girls before putting them through a “living hell” during which they were forced to commit acts of “extreme depravity”. In a case that bears harrowing similarities to the Rochdale grooming scandal, carefully chosen victims were showered with gifts and plied with alcohol and drugs before being subjected to years of terrifying abuse.

The gang recruited its victims from the Oxford area between May 2004 and January last year, deliberately targeting vulnerable girls. … Once under their control the abusers forced the girls to have sex using threats of extreme violence. Some were gang-raped, while others were prostituted to men who would travel from all parts of the country to have sex with them. If the girls did not comply, they were beaten and burned with cigarettes. One girl was even branded with her abusers’ initials. When another victim became pregnant aged 12, she was forced to undergo a dangerous backstreet abortion. Another was abused with sex toys to “prepare” her for one of the gang rapes. … Read more

Heather MacDonald on the corruption of the new hostile elite that runs the University of California

At TOO we often emphasize that the new elite is not only hostile but corrupt. Usually, our main culprit is Jewish ethnic networking, but it extends far beyond that. Heather MacDonald has a great article on the corruption of the University of California by the new multicultural elite (“Multiculti U.: The budget-strapped University of California squanders millions on mindless diversity programs“).

For an alternative view, which blames Gov. Ronald Reagan’s actions in 1969 for UC’s current problems (!!!), see “Reagan and the fall of UC” by Seth Rosenfeld (LATimes, 5/10/2013.) Rosenfeld ignores the budget crisis since 2008 and the massive diversity bureaucracy and lowered standards for faculty and students targeted by MacDonald. Obviously intended to promote his book (which condemns the FBI’s  role in resisting 1960s student radicalism), Rosenfeld paints a fantasy world where one might be led to believe that UC is being destroyed by a shadowy conspiracy put into motion by Reagan and somehow continuing to the present despite the fact that California is Exhibit A for the dominance of the multicultural left throughout state government. As MacDonald shows, this dominance of the multicultural left is obvious at UC (and, one might add, pretty much every other American university).

There is so much to like in MacDonald’s article, beginning with her comments on Peter Schrag, an op-ed writer for the Sacramento Bee, who claimed that the university needs more money so that it can pass on the tradition of a whole lot of dead White folks. MacDonald responds:

Stingy state taxpayers aren’t endangering the transmission of great literature, philosophy, and art; the university itself is. No UC administrator would dare to invoke Schrag’s list of mostly white, mostly male thinkers [including Madison and Jefferson,  Melville, Dickinson and Hawthorne; Shakespeare, Milton and Chaucer; Dante and Cervantes; Charlotte Brontë and Jane Austen; Goethe and Molière; Mozart, Rembrandt and Michelangelo; Plato and Aristotle, Homer and Sophocles and Euripides,  Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky] as an essential element of a UC education; no UC campus has sought to ensure that its undergraduates get any exposure to even one of Schrag’s seminal thinkers (with the possible exception of Toni Morrison), much less to America’s founding ideas or history.

Rather than requiring a focus on Western civilization, the only undergrad requirement at Berkeley is  a course involving “theoretical or analytical issues relevant to understanding race, culture, and ethnicity in American society” administered by “Berkeley’s ever-expanding Division of Equity and Inclusion.” Read more

Muslims dominate the natives on the streets of Norway

Gates of Vienna has an article showing just how unfathomably bad things are in Norway as a result of immigration and multiculturalism (“Everything You Have Learned in School Is Wrong“). The main story is the familiar one throughout the West: elites encourage immigration and are able to avoid the costs. As noted in Enoch Powell’s “Rivers of Blood” speech,  the costs are paid by those who can’t flee the areas impacted by immigration.  In Norway

well-off natives can afford to move to safe, pleasant white enclaves, where they may send their children to school among white native speakers of Norwegian. Less affluent citizens are not so fortunate, however, and are forced to endure the humiliation and degradation of the Multicultural behavioral sink in which their political masters have consigned them to live.

The costs for the less fortunate are dramatic. The article is important because it shows how aggressive the Muslim immigrants are, especially against the native boys. This is a Darwinian dominance struggle between males.

At TOO we often emphasize the individualism of Western societies and the collectivism of pretty much the  rest of the  world. This dichotomy is much on display here: Muslims have large social networks based on kinship and they are aggressive in groups, whereas they are cowardly when alone. The result is a very clear dominance hierarchy, with the natives at the bottom and groups of Muslims at the top. One of the informants, Andreas, says

“There is a hierarchy, where ethnic Norwegian boys are on the bottom rung on the ladder. They will be targeted unless they accede to their rules, if they don’t they become Norwegian immigrants. If a Norwegian boy gets into trouble, odds are that he has a small family and a tiny social network. Unlike a Pakistani or Somali boy, he doesn’t have a clan of brothers and cousins and uncles who come rushing to his aid in the event of a conflict. Most of the time the only thing he has is a single parent.”

An astute commenter on the article writes: “That atomisation and isolation celebrated as ultra-individualism and the contempt for association or commonweal, branded as socialist conspiracy in progressive conservative political dogma, is inhibiting the formation of a mass European opposition particularly at street level.”

The  article makes clear that not only are the Norwegians forced to encounter  hostile gangs of Muslims without social support from friends and relatives, they get no support from the schools (which accommodate Muslim culture and excuse Muslim aggression as resulting from war in their native countries) or the media (which refuses to publish accounts of the reality of life on the streets). (It should also be noted that the justice system fails native Norwegians by giving out lenient punishment and failing to invest resources against the epidemic of Muslim men raping Norwegian women). Read more

Dresden: Death from Above



What follows below is the English translation of my speech in German which I was scheduled to deliver on February 13, 2013, around 7:00 PM in downtown Dresden. The commemoration of the Dresden February 13, 1945 victims was organized by “Aktionsbündnis gegen das Vergessen” (action committee against oblivion), NPD deputies and officials from the local state assembly in Dresden. There were 3,000 leftist antifa demonstrators. The city was under siege, cordoned off into sections by 4,000 riot policemen. The bulk of the nationalist participants, approximately 1,000, who had previously arrived at the central station, were split up and prevented from joining with our group at the original place of gathering. Toward 11:00 PM, when the event was practically over, the riot police did allow our small group of organizers and speakers to march past the barricades down to the central station. There were approximately 40 of us—mostly local NPD officials. On February 14, while still in Dresden, I provided more information as a guest on the Deanna Spingola’s RBN radio show: Hour 1, Hour 2.

Dresden gedenkt der Zerstoerung der Stadt vor 68 Jahren

Police separate groups of right-wing and left-wing demonstrators outside Dresden’s central train station.

Human Improvement by Terror Bombardment

Dresden is only one single symbol of the Allied crime, a symbol unwillingly discussed by establishment politicians. The destruction of Dresden and its casualties are trivialized in the mainstream historiography and depicted as “collateral damage in the fight against the absolute evil — fascism.” The problem, however, lies in the fact that there was not just one bombing of one Dresden, but also many bombings of countless other Dresdens in all corners of Germany and in all parts of Europe. The topography of death, marked by the antifascists, is a very problematic issue for their descendants, indeed. Read more

More on the Latino-Black war in Los Angeles

Two Latino gang members were indicted on hate crime charges in an attack on 4 Black youths. Today’s LA Times article

Authorities allege they beat a young black man with a pipe and then turned their threats and racial epithets toward members of a black household where he fled. …

[U.S. Attorney Andre] Birotte said the alleged actions of the pair were part of a pattern of racial intimidation of blacks by their alleged gang, including racial graffiti. “The Compton 155 gang has racial animus toward African Americans, and the gang has a practice of harassing and attacking African Americans with a goal of eliminating them from the west side of Compton,” he said.

“The gang proudly proclaimed that they are “nk” with ‘n’ standing for an unfortunate well-known racial epithet and ‘k’ for killers,” he said. …

The attacks on the family are the latest in a series of violent incidents in which Latino gangs targeted blacks in parts of greater Los Angeles over the last decade. Birotte noted that his office last year charged several Azusa gang members with hate crimes. In the Compton case, both men could face up to 10 years in prison for each of the five charges.

Compton, with a population of about 97,000, was predominantly black for many years. It is now 65% Latino and 33% black, according to the 2010 U.S. census.

Only 2 gang members were indicted despite the fact that around 15 were involved in an incident when the gangsters surrounded the house with 4 Blacks inside.  “A window was smashed and they were met with racial slurs and epithets and warned they did not belong in this neighborhood.”

Again, as noted in my previous article and a repeated theme at TOO,  the image of a harmonious multicultural future is a utopian fantasy—a fantasy that is endlessly repeated by our hostile elites. It is the fundamental fantasy underlying the campaign for White dispossession.

Christopher Dorner: The LAPD is a racial dystopia


We in Southern California can’t turn on the TV without seeing coverage of the Christopher Dorner crime rampage. Make no mistake about it, this is no ordinary crime spree. Dorner is a Black man with extensive military experience who was fired from the Los Angeles Police Department when a review board found that he had manufactured a story that a White female officer had kicked a schizophrenic man with severe dementia as was being taken into custody. In his manifesto, Dorner paints a picture of corruption and cronyism that led to his being fired. On the other hand, the woman whom he accused was exonerated and eventually promoted;  in the LATimes account she paints a picture of  Dorner as incompetent.

One might think that Dorner is yet another Black man who feels entitled to murder because of past White racial oppression (see Jared Taylor’s video). However, it’s more complicated than that. It’s true that he has a sense of racial victimization. Incidents where he was called “nigger’ or simply heard the word being used are etched in his brain.   After being called “nigger” in the first grade (where Blacks were “less than 1%”), he “made a life decision that i will not tolerate racial derogatory terms spoken to me.” And he resents racially derogatory names for President Obama and his wife.

But his first two murder victims were the (Asian) daughter of the lawyer who defended him in the hearing and her (Black) fiance. (Dorner claims the lawyer, a former police officer, colluded with the LAPD.) Read more