Costs of Multiculturalism

Anti-White Hatred Is Mainstream in the Media and the Schools

A while ago I commented on Lee Siegel’s horror about Mitt Romney being so egregiously White. I mean, his whole family is White; and there are lots of children. And they’re rich and good-looking. A veritable nightmare for a card carrying member of the hostile elite.

NYTimes caption from Siegel's blog: Mitt Romney, a Republican presidential candidate, with his extended family in 2007.

Now  another well-connected member of the hostile elite, Michael Tomasky, continues the theme.  According to Tomasky, Romney may try all he wants. He can choose a Latino VP candidate (likely to be Marco Rubio who, as Pat Buchanan phrases it, recently “took his final vows as the newest neoconservative”). He can change his tune on immigration. But he can’t overcome his fatal disability: “Romney is just sooooo white. Even whiter than the Osmonds.”

Whiter than the Osmonds!! The horror!

The Osmonds

Not only is Romney disgustingly White, Tomasky also accuses him of never having listened to Tito Puente. And then the clincher: “Has he ever known a Latino person, outside of those who clean his houses and trim his lawns? It’s quite possible that he does. But he sure doesn’t look like he does.”

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Advice from my grandmother

There is a lot of talk about ‘the talk’ in the media, in all shapes and colors. And it got me thinking. See, I never got any talk from my parents, but after reading several articles on the recent John Derbyshire affair, I suddenly recalled some things my grandmother had taught me when I was very young—so young in fact that I don’t even remember being told this or that for the first time. For example, that I should never talk to a stranger.

My grandmother was born well before the Russian Revolution, and as an adult, she managed to survive the major historical upheavals such as the WWI, the change of the regime, the collectivization, the siege of Leningrad, the Red terror, the Stalinist terror before and after the war, the Cold War period, and the rest of the Soviet reality, until her death at the venerable age of 90. I still remember her as a good old grandma but, being a kid, I could hardly appreciated the considerable survival skills that kept her and her family alive, out of prison as well as could be expected all through the troubled years of modern Russian history. Although she was poisonously contemptuous towards all things Soviet (her favorite nickname for V. I. Lenin was “the Antichrist”), she had realistic attitudes through her entire life. What she tried to instill in me also, ever since I was three years old, was certain norms of behavior that, as I realize now, were the basic rules of survival. How well they served me later in life! Obviously, those rules were survival strategies in an age of anarchy, wars, a totalitarian regime and finally multiculturalism with its abundance of crime, dirt and diseases. So here it is — some advice from my grandmother. And since her wisdom was simple and commonsensical, I didn’t even need Bill Ayers’ help in writing it.

Who would’ve thought her advice would be so painfully applicable in contemporary multicultural, PC-vigilant US of America? Read more

The Racialization of American Politics Continues

Photo of hopelessly White Republican voters accompanying Ron Brownstein's "White like me"

Ron Brownstein has another piece on the racialization of American politics (“White like me: Almost all of the people voting in GOP presidential primaries are white. That’s not good for the party—or the nation.”) Brownstein, being a Jewish liberal, sheds crocodile tears about the plight of the Republican Party resulting from its “epic failure … to attract and engage minority voters. White voters, especially older ones, are routinely casting 90 percent or more of the votes in GOP contests this year, at least as high a proportion as in 2008.”

The 2012 election looks to be the most racialized in history (see also here and here).  Brownstein notes that in 2008, Obama was “the first presidential nominee ever to lose white voters by double digits and still win the White House. In 2012, as minorities loom larger in the vote, Obama could lose whites even more lopsidedly and still win reelection.”

Right. And at some point, Republicans are going to realize that they are between a rock and a hard place. If they try to appeal to minorities, they will lose their base. And the more they appeal to their angry White base, the more they drive minorities away. These Whites are uneasy “not only about activist government but also about the demographic changes swelling the minority population.” Indeed, in the absence of some very strong action, these changes will make Whites a minority in the country they once dominated demographically and culturally.  But as Pat Buchanan and others have found out, any mention of the impending minority status of White Americans has been expunged from polite society—including Republican presidential candidates. Read more

Enslaving White Women: The Phenomenon of the Alien ‘Loverboy’ in Holland

One of the darkest chapters of multiculturalism in Holland is the enslavement of White women by immigrant men, mainly Muslims (see also “Pakistani family networks prey on White girls in the UK“). The current antiracist discourse makes White parents and their daughters blind to the dangers of foreign men. Since the 1990s the luring of Dutch women into prostitution by young foreign males has been documented and is worthwhile for a wider audience than the Dutch-speaking countries.

Immigration, women and group behavior

In the prevailing Islamic culture among the majority of Dutch immigrants (Turks, Moroccans), a woman should be a virgin until marriage and it is customary to marry with the consent of the parents and within the same ethnic group. Islamic immigrants have a very high rate of marriage within the same ethnic group despite the fact that the third generation has grown up in Holland. In 2001 between 90% (Turks) and 95% (Moroccans) marry within the own ethnic group. In 2007 (gelijke herkomst = common descent) and 2010 (allochtoon = foreign) the figures are not much different. When we look at those figures it should also be taken into account that word ‘autochthonous’ only says something about crib and not about creed.  Read more

An Encouraging Report on Populist Attitudes in Europe

UK-based think tank Demos has put out a report on supporters of European populist groups  (“The rise of Populism in Europe can be traced to online behaviour”).  The report is based on over 10,000 survey responses filled out by followers of Facebook pages maintained by 14 such groups in 11 countries (e.g., France’s Front National, Belgium’s Vlaams Belang, the Dutch Party for Freedom, Sweden Democrats, and the BNP).  Supporters of these groups are predominantly young (63% under 30) compared with 51 per cent of Facebook users overall; 75% are male

This is good news because young people are the future. It is they who will suffer the most from the ongoing disaster to our civilization resulting from the massive invasion of non-Whites. These results also show that substantial numbers of young people are able to develop these attitudes despite growing up in a media and educational culture that has been saturated by the opposite attitudes since before they were born.

I suspect that the great majority of these young people have personally experienced the costs of multiculturalism in their  schools and neighborhoods—e.g., the de facto ethnic segregation apparent throughout our glorious multicultural landscape, the resulting “us vs. them” attitudes, and perhaps being victimized or knowing White victims of crime by non-Whites. At some point, one’s personal experience trumps the constant drumbeat of multicultural propaganda emanating from the elite media and the educational establishment. Read more

It’s the Demographics, Stupid!

Michael Moran, Expert

The paranoid worldview holds that secretive global elites who know the score are plotting world domination at their shady little international conferences. Personally, I believe this is only partially true. There’s definitely a cabal of global elites and they’re definitely plotting world domination, but I’m not convinced they know the score. I suspect they not only write the clueless drivel shoveled out by the New York Times and Wall Street Journal editorial pages–they believe it, too!

Michael Moran, a leading luminary in the internationalist Council of Foreign Relations, fancies himself to be an “analyst of international affairs”. His most recent analysis is It’s the Politics, Stupid! The basic thesis is that America’s biggest problem isn’t its economic crisis but rather its political crisis.

Much has been made of the depth of the economic crisis facing the United States, and it should not be underestimated. But only about 30 percent of the trouble facing the U.S. today is economic — the U.S. economy, compared with all the other developed economies, is in the best structural and demographic shape to weather this storm and ultimately regain its health. But a cancer does exist: The real problem America faces is political, and once again today, it is on stark display.

What happened today? The “super-committee” delegated by Congress to resolve the latest budget impasse admitted failure. Nobody doubts that the American political scene is becoming increasingly polarized, paralyzed, and radicalized. For this priest from the Church of the Status Quo, supporting radical political change is heretical. For Mr. Moran, what the world needs is more “moderates”, this seemingly interminable problem of America declining and failing on every front could be solved if we only had more “respectable” people lining up to vote. Read more

Pakistani family networks prey on White girls in the UK

Editor’s note: This was submitted as a comment on a previous blog by someone identifying himself as Mickey Meadows (comment #54910; comment is effectively anonymous, since commenters supply whatever information they want). I thought it deserved wider attention. A key point is that sexual exploitation of White girls by Pakistanis is not the result of loner psychopaths but done by people well integrated into their family networks–that indeed the exploitation is a family affair. Not surprisingly, these crimes are under-reported and the authorities are reluctant to prosecute because of the ethnic implications. So we have the pathetic spectacle of White governments so paralyzed by fear of offending non-Whites that they won’t protect their own people.

In the UK there’s a terrible problem of South Asian’s of Pakistani origin targeting underage female white children for sex. Particularly children in the care system where they are most vulnerable.

The problem has been reported a few times but it gets silenced. But from the reports that have emerged, and the cases that have come to court, the most shocking aspect of this is not just about the racial dimension, but the fact that these children get passed around from man to man—not in the way a pedophile network might do this, where the pedophiles are all social outsiders who find eachother to share in their perversion. No….these Pakistani gangs pass these children through their *family* networks. Cousins, uncles, fathers, brothers, friends of the family.

From the perspective of inter-group attitudes, this makes it incalculably worse than ordinary pedophillia. Passing white children around for sex within a family and friends structure means that the concept of treating our children like meat is culturally normal and mainstream for them. They are pedophiles to our children but not their own children. They are pedophiles that treat our children like meat, and they don’t even see it as pedophilla because our children aren’t even qualified as children in their eyes.

The news media and politicians and courts won’t call it pedophillia and won’t talk about the awful implications that follow from a people who will do this to us and not even be ashamed of it within their own families and friends. They don’t call it pedophilia because it is so widespread and so roped into their mainstream, that they don’t want to ostracise the people responsible.

Our news media and our politicians are putting concerns for those pedophile criminals that treat our children like meat, actually ahead of children. It chokes me.

The passing around to relatives dimension is available in mainstream articles (see, e.g., here).
Quote from the article:

“‘No one wants to stand up and say that Pakistani guys in some parts of the country are recruiting young white girls and passing them around their relatives for sex, but we need to stop being worried about the racial complication.’”

Then in the next paragraph a confirmation of the fact our own media and police and politicians are avoiding calling these people pedophiles. Despite the fact the girls are underage, deliberately targeted, and the subject to the worst form of pedophilia which is to be passed around like meat.

“The offenders were not viewed as paedophiles but had picked the girls ‘because of their malleability’.”

I’m sorry, but if some guy views child pornography he’ll go to prison and be stigmatized for the rest of his life. But if a gang of Asian men go to a children’s home and rope children into drink and drugs before subjecfting them to abuse that will probably destroy their lives, this is not pedophilia according to the media. These men should be spared that stigma.

Here’s a BBC documentary (apparently available only in the U.K.) that came out a few days ago on the matter.

Here are some other sources, courtesy of another reader: