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A Review of “Why the Germans? Why the Jews?” — Part 3

Part 1
Part 2

Götz Aly’s selective application of his “pathological envy” thesis

While asserting that German hostility toward Jews has its origins in a pathological “envy,” as a fervent leftist Aly would never extend this line of reasoning to account for the hostility of American Blacks or other non-White groups toward Whites. Aly can safely posit that “intellectually inferior” Germans who “lacked confidence in their identity” had an envy-driven hatred for “intellectually superior” and upwardly mobile Jews, yet never assert that intellectually inferior Blacks have an envy-driven hatred for intellectually superior and upwardly mobile Whites. Instead he would doubtless affirm the bogus narrative that Black hostility to Whites is a legitimate response to an insidious White “racism” that has impeded their social and economic advancement. This, of course, is despite that fact that this supposedly ubiquitous and malign force has somehow failed to hinder the social and economic advancement of East Asians in Western societies.

A National Socialist poster: “Bolshevism is Jewry”

A National Socialist poster: “Bolshevism is Jewry”


Nor would Aly extrapolate his pathological envy thesis of intergroup hostility to explain the vastly disproportionate Jewish participation in the Bolshevik Revolution and the other oppressive communist regimes of Eastern Europe. This despite that fact that, in response to legal restrictions in Tsarist Russia that limited their economic and educational opportunities, millions of Jews gravitated to Zionism and Communism. That envy and resentment were key factors behind the overwhelming Jewish attraction to radical left was obvious to Norman Cantor who noted:

The Bolshevik Revolution and some of its aftermath represented, from one perspective, Jewish revenge. During the heyday of the Cold War, American Jewish publicists spent a lot of time denying that—as 1930s anti-Semites claimed—Jews played a disproportionately important role in Soviet and world Communism. The truth is until the early 1950s Jews did play such a role, and there is nothing to be ashamed of. In time Jews will learn to take pride in the record of the Jewish Communists in the Soviet Union and elsewhere. It was a species of striking back.[i]

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A Review of “Why the Germans? Why the Jews?” — Part 2

Part 1.

Götz Aly’s envy theory of German “anti-Semitism”

As mentioned in Part 1, the central thesis of Why the Germans? Why the Jews? is that German hostility toward Jews in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was motivated by German envy at the rapid social and economic advancement of Jews. Aly builds upon the thesis of his previous book, Hitler’s Beneficiaries, where he argued that popularity of the National Socialists can be ascribed to the fact that “the majority of Germans profited materially in either direct or indirect fashion from the expropriation of the Jews.”[i]

Aly notes that the same argument was originally put forward by the Jewish intellectual Siegfried Lichtenstaedter, who, in attempting to account for the rise of National Socialism and its anti-Jewish policies in Germany, proposed in 1937 that the NSDAP “was a party of social climbers.” Jews were hated because they were competition for “survival, honor, and prestige.” “Anti-Semitism” in Germany owed its aggressive force, he claimed, to envy and the desire for social betterment. If Jews as a group were perceived as being “disproportionately happier” than other groups, Lichtenstaedter wrote, “why shouldn’t this give rise to jealousy and resentment, worries and concerns about one’s future, just as is all too often the case between individuals.”[ii]

Theodor Herzl

Theodor Herzl

This same essential argument was also advanced by the pioneering Zionist leader Theodore Herzl. Kevin MacDonald notes in Separation and Its Discontents that Herzl argued that “a prime source of modern anti-Semitism was that emancipation had brought Jews into direct economic competition with the gentile middle classes. Anti-Semitism based on resource competition was rational.” Herzl “insisted that one could not expect a majority to ‘let itself be subjugated’ by formerly scorned outsiders that they had just released from the ghetto.”[iii]

What made Germany’s Jews so enviable, Aly argues, was the way that they took advantage of the new economic opportunities that arose in the course of the nineteenth century, as the old feudal order gave way to the modern world. Nevertheless, in order to avoid the unpalatable conclusion that the German “anti-Semitism” of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was therefore rational, Aly argues that the underlying cause of this envy-fuelled hostility toward Jews resided exclusively in the psychological inadequacies and malformations of the Germans themselves. Thus, for him, it was German mental deficiencies, rather than any Jewish behavior, that propelled the German nation down a path that would supposedly culminate in “the Holocaust.” Read more

A Review of “Why the Germans? Why the Jews?” — Part 1

A Review of “Why the Germans? Why the Jews?”
by Götz Aly


The culture of the Holocaust is destroying Germany. Endlessly reinforced over decades by the intellectual and media elite, the notion that Germans and their descendants are responsible for “the single most evil event in human history” has had such a demoralizing effect that millions fully support Angela Merkel’s current attempt to destroy the ethnic basis of their nation. The culture of the Holocaust has been used to devastating effect right throughout the West to stifle opposition to the Jewish diaspora strategies of mass non-White immigration and multiculturalism. “The Holocaust” is the absolute lynchpin of the White displacement agenda, with any hint of European racial or ethnic identification or solidarity being instantly linked with Auschwitz and its alleged horrors in the minds of millions (probably billions) of people.

The entire social and political order of the contemporary West — based as it is on spurious notions of racial equality and the alleged virtues of racial diversity and multiculturalism — has been erected on the moral foundations of the Holocaust. White people cannot be recognized as a group with interests because “never again.” Western nations have a moral obligation to accept unlimited non-White immigration from the Third World because “never again.” Europe must open its borders to hostile Islamic invaders because “never again.” Whites should meekly accept their deliberate displacement (and ultimate extinction) because “never again.”

Jewish historian Peter Novick has described how today’s culture of “the Holocaust” emerged as part of the collective Jewish response to the Eichmann trial in 1961–62, the Six-Day War in the Middle East in 1967, and, in particular, the Yom Kippur War in 1973. While the foundation was laid at Nuremberg in 1946, it was with these later events, and the anxieties they engendered among Jews throughout the world, that “there emerged in American culture a distinct thing called ‘the Holocaust’ — an event in its own right,” and with it a term that entered the English language as a description of all manner of horrors. From that time on, he notes, “the Holocaust” has become “ever more central in American public discourse — particularly, of course, among Jews, but also in the culture at large” and has since “attained transcendent status as the bearer of eternal truths or lessons that could be derived from contemplating it.”[i] Read more

Poland Rearms in the Demographic & Cultural War (as EU and Germany Impotently Protest)


Sign unfurled by Polish fans at a recent volleyball match between Germany and Poland.

Last November, I was tentatively optimistic that conservative populists, particularly in Central Europe, could have a leading role in ending German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s catastrophic mismanagement of the migrant crisis.[1] In fact, developments are even more positive than we might have hoped, with the new conservative government in Poland opposing the reception of “refugees,” pushing to increase the Polish birth rate, and fighting to eliminate leftist bias in state media.

Poland has a long and proud history of resistance to communism inspired by Polish nationalism. The November 11 National Independence Day celebrations in Warsaw typically feature Europe’s largest nationalist demonstrations, most recently featuring over 10,000 protesters with slogans such as “Today refugees, tomorrow terrorists!” and “Poland, free of Islam!”

While Jarosław Kaczyński’s Law and Justice party (PiS) won an outright majority of seats in parliamentary elections last October, not a single left-wing party was able to enter parliament, despite there being only an 8% electoral threshold to do so. Read more

How They (Continue to) Lie to Us — The Richard Gere Film “Arbitrage”


In a fairer world, I’d have won accolades for my analysis of Hollywood movies, including my current series that shows how consistently Hollywood conceals the facts about massive Jewish involvement in Wall Street finance — including immense malfeasance and endless instances of shady practices. Not only does Hollywood conceal these facts, it then projects them onto innocent, often Nordic looking Whites. Consistently.

Let me explain further by making a very bold claim: Leonardo DiCaprio, John Travolta, Brad Pitt, Richard Gere, Susan Sarandon, Tim Roth, Jeremy Irons, Kevin Spacey, Danny DeVito and Gregory Peck are all involved in a tight-knit conspiracy to utterly whitewash an ongoing theft of wealth, one transferring mind-boggling amounts of money to Jews.

Of course, this should be no surprise, really. Anyone paying even the slightest bit of attention to Jews and money over the last, oh, thousand years would actually expect this sort of thing. And why be shocked that Jews have tried to hide this conduct? Read more

Foreword to “The West and Its Enemies”

Editor’s note: The Swedish publisher Logik.SE has published a collection of my essays translated into Swedish. These essays originally appeared in The Occidental Quarterly or The Occidental Observer. The foreword by Daniel Höglund is interesting in its own right because of its discussion of Jewish media influence in Sweden — a truly remarkable phenomenon given the small number of Jews in Sweden. Quite clearly the attitudes of Jewish media owners reflect positive attitudes toward immigration and multiculturalism that are typical of Jews throughout the West. UPDATE: Moreover, the Bonnier group has holdings far beyond Sweden. From Wikipedia:

In Denmark, operations include magazine publisher Bonnier Publications, which has subsidiaries in Norway, Finland and Sweden; business daily Dagbladet Børsen; and film distributors SF Film and film producers SF Film Production.

Finnish operations include MTV Media Oy, which owns commercial channels MTV3 and Sub, among others; radio channel Radio Nova; book publishers Tammiand WSOY; plus magazines from Bonnier Publications and film productions by FS Film.

In Germany, Bonnier Media Deutschland includes Ullstein Buchverlage, Piper Verlag, Thienemann Verlag and Carlsen Verlag, among others.

In Norway, along with magazines from Bonnier Media and the movie chain SF Kino and film distribution company SF Norge, subsidiaries include book publisherCappelen Damm.

In January 2007 the Bonnier Magazine Group acquired 18 magazines from Time Inc.[8] As a result in the U.S., the Group owns over 40 magazines, includingPopular Science, Saveur, Field & Stream, Outdoor Life and Popular Photography, a range of action sport magazines focused on motorcycling, as well as a number of niche travel and lifestyle titles.[9] Book publisher Weldon Owen is also part of the company.

Bonnier Publishing book publishing operations in the UK include Autumn Publishing, Hot Key Books, Red Lemon Press, Templar Publishing, Piccadilly Press[10] and Weldon Owen (which is separate from the U.S. book publisher); Piccolia in France; and Five Mile Press in Australia.

Bonnier owns business newspapers in Russia, Estonia (Äripäev), Lithuania (Verslo žinios), Poland (Puls Biznesu) and Slovenia (Finance Business Daily), as well as medical journals in Denmark, Norway, Finland, Poland, and Slovenia.

Bonnier is also behind several digital startups, including the tablet publishing platform Mag+ and children’s toy app producer, Toca Boca.

Foreword to The West and Its Enemies

Vasterlandet-Omslag-small-309x0Professor Kevin MacDonald is well known for his research on evolutionary psychology and group strategies, and he is the author of several books. The most well known of these have doubtless been A People that Shall Dwell Alone: Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy (1994), Separation and Its Discontents: Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Anti-Semitism (1998), and The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth- Century Intellectual and Political Movements (1998). The last of these books has been translated into Swedish (Kritikkulturen), as has MacDonald’s monograph Understanding Jewish Influence (Att förstå det judiska inflytandet). Both books have been much appreciated and I am very glad to have been involved in the work to publish a third book in Swedish by Kevin MacDonald. Several of the chapters in this book have been published earlier on different webpages, but unfortunately, these webpages are they are no longer active. Over the years I have tried to contribute to these pages and fortunately I have access to archives with important translations and other published material. This book is the first result of an ongoing work with categorizing and identifying the most important articles in these archives. Read more

Mother Merkel’s Miracle: A Wonder-Working Woman Turns Cologne into Cairo

When was it first apparent that Angela Merkel’s open-border policies might lead to problems for Germany? About 2000 years ago:

  • Caelum non animum mutant qui trans mare currunt.
  • “They change their sky, not their souls, who cross the sea.”

That’s the Roman poet Horace, who died in 8 BC. Germany was once famous for classical scholarship. Today it’s famous for cultural Marxism. The central message from our hostile elites is that Whites must open their nations to the world and celebrate their own dispossession. Angela Merkel obeyed that message with exceptional enthusiasm when she allowed more than a million “refugees” to enter Germany in 2015. That’s why the New Year celebration in Cologne was such a vibrant occasion. Crowds of New Germans expressed their gratitude to Mutti Merkel by staging a re-enactment of what happened in Tahrir Square in Cairo during the Arab Spring. In other words, they committed hundreds of sexual assaults on young women.


When ugly reality intrudes on liberal fantasy, the first response of liberals is always to pretend reality isn’t there. For example, for decades they’ve ignored the Muslim rape-gangs operating in Rotherham, Oxford and many other places. Unfortunately, they couldn’t censor what happened in Cologne and elsewhere, so they moved to Plan B. The B stands for “Bafflement.” The New York Times quoted Ulrich Karpen, a professor of constitutional and administrative law at the University of Hamburg: “It is all still incomprehensible.” Who can understand why Third-World people create Third-World problems? At the BBC, they’ve engaged in a “Search for answers”: “As reports of assaults continue to come in from Cologne and some other German cities, victims and onlookers have been asking how this could happen.” Read more