Featured Articles

How They (Continue to) Lie to Us — The Richard Gere Film “Arbitrage”


In a fairer world, I’d have won accolades for my analysis of Hollywood movies, including my current series that shows how consistently Hollywood conceals the facts about massive Jewish involvement in Wall Street finance — including immense malfeasance and endless instances of shady practices. Not only does Hollywood conceal these facts, it then projects them onto innocent, often Nordic looking Whites. Consistently.

Let me explain further by making a very bold claim: Leonardo DiCaprio, John Travolta, Brad Pitt, Richard Gere, Susan Sarandon, Tim Roth, Jeremy Irons, Kevin Spacey, Danny DeVito and Gregory Peck are all involved in a tight-knit conspiracy to utterly whitewash an ongoing theft of wealth, one transferring mind-boggling amounts of money to Jews.

Of course, this should be no surprise, really. Anyone paying even the slightest bit of attention to Jews and money over the last, oh, thousand years would actually expect this sort of thing. And why be shocked that Jews have tried to hide this conduct? Read more

Foreword to “The West and Its Enemies”

Editor’s note: The Swedish publisher Logik.SE has published a collection of my essays translated into Swedish. These essays originally appeared in The Occidental Quarterly or The Occidental Observer. The foreword by Daniel Höglund is interesting in its own right because of its discussion of Jewish media influence in Sweden — a truly remarkable phenomenon given the small number of Jews in Sweden. Quite clearly the attitudes of Jewish media owners reflect positive attitudes toward immigration and multiculturalism that are typical of Jews throughout the West. UPDATE: Moreover, the Bonnier group has holdings far beyond Sweden. From Wikipedia:

In Denmark, operations include magazine publisher Bonnier Publications, which has subsidiaries in Norway, Finland and Sweden; business daily Dagbladet Børsen; and film distributors SF Film and film producers SF Film Production.

Finnish operations include MTV Media Oy, which owns commercial channels MTV3 and Sub, among others; radio channel Radio Nova; book publishers Tammiand WSOY; plus magazines from Bonnier Publications and film productions by FS Film.

In Germany, Bonnier Media Deutschland includes Ullstein Buchverlage, Piper Verlag, Thienemann Verlag and Carlsen Verlag, among others.

In Norway, along with magazines from Bonnier Media and the movie chain SF Kino and film distribution company SF Norge, subsidiaries include book publisherCappelen Damm.

In January 2007 the Bonnier Magazine Group acquired 18 magazines from Time Inc.[8] As a result in the U.S., the Group owns over 40 magazines, includingPopular Science, Saveur, Field & Stream, Outdoor Life and Popular Photography, a range of action sport magazines focused on motorcycling, as well as a number of niche travel and lifestyle titles.[9] Book publisher Weldon Owen is also part of the company.

Bonnier Publishing book publishing operations in the UK include Autumn Publishing, Hot Key Books, Red Lemon Press, Templar Publishing, Piccadilly Press[10] and Weldon Owen (which is separate from the U.S. book publisher); Piccolia in France; and Five Mile Press in Australia.

Bonnier owns business newspapers in Russia, Estonia (Äripäev), Lithuania (Verslo žinios), Poland (Puls Biznesu) and Slovenia (Finance Business Daily), as well as medical journals in Denmark, Norway, Finland, Poland, and Slovenia.

Bonnier is also behind several digital startups, including the tablet publishing platform Mag+ and children’s toy app producer, Toca Boca.

Foreword to The West and Its Enemies

Vasterlandet-Omslag-small-309x0Professor Kevin MacDonald is well known for his research on evolutionary psychology and group strategies, and he is the author of several books. The most well known of these have doubtless been A People that Shall Dwell Alone: Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy (1994), Separation and Its Discontents: Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Anti-Semitism (1998), and The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth- Century Intellectual and Political Movements (1998). The last of these books has been translated into Swedish (Kritikkulturen), as has MacDonald’s monograph Understanding Jewish Influence (Att förstå det judiska inflytandet). Both books have been much appreciated and I am very glad to have been involved in the work to publish a third book in Swedish by Kevin MacDonald. Several of the chapters in this book have been published earlier on different webpages, but unfortunately, these webpages are they are no longer active. Over the years I have tried to contribute to these pages and fortunately I have access to archives with important translations and other published material. This book is the first result of an ongoing work with categorizing and identifying the most important articles in these archives. Read more

Mother Merkel’s Miracle: A Wonder-Working Woman Turns Cologne into Cairo

When was it first apparent that Angela Merkel’s open-border policies might lead to problems for Germany? About 2000 years ago:

  • Caelum non animum mutant qui trans mare currunt.
  • “They change their sky, not their souls, who cross the sea.”

That’s the Roman poet Horace, who died in 8 BC. Germany was once famous for classical scholarship. Today it’s famous for cultural Marxism. The central message from our hostile elites is that Whites must open their nations to the world and celebrate their own dispossession. Angela Merkel obeyed that message with exceptional enthusiasm when she allowed more than a million “refugees” to enter Germany in 2015. That’s why the New Year celebration in Cologne was such a vibrant occasion. Crowds of New Germans expressed their gratitude to Mutti Merkel by staging a re-enactment of what happened in Tahrir Square in Cairo during the Arab Spring. In other words, they committed hundreds of sexual assaults on young women.


When ugly reality intrudes on liberal fantasy, the first response of liberals is always to pretend reality isn’t there. For example, for decades they’ve ignored the Muslim rape-gangs operating in Rotherham, Oxford and many other places. Unfortunately, they couldn’t censor what happened in Cologne and elsewhere, so they moved to Plan B. The B stands for “Bafflement.” The New York Times quoted Ulrich Karpen, a professor of constitutional and administrative law at the University of Hamburg: “It is all still incomprehensible.” Who can understand why Third-World people create Third-World problems? At the BBC, they’ve engaged in a “Search for answers”: “As reports of assaults continue to come in from Cologne and some other German cities, victims and onlookers have been asking how this could happen.” Read more

The Trouble with Tommy


Tommy Robinson

As striking as the initial silence over the Cologne outrage, the speed with which the media boycott suddenly seemed to crumble and fall was also remarkable.  Those media outlets, usually so quick to turn a blind eye, suddenly seemed to shake off their usual censorship reflexes and reported the story straight. Part of this was legitimate. The story was just too big to deny, the authorities behaviour too ham-handed, and the power of social media too powerful (despite Facebook’s frantic attempts to censor comments).

The resignation of the police chief, the crass behaviour of the Cologne mayor and the delicious embarrassment of Angela Merkel should not blind us to one overriding likelihood; for some people, everything is going to plan. Underneath the “Refugees Welcome” flim-flam, there is a conscious strategy that a society of different populations at each other’s throats is entirely in line with our hostile elite’s ambitions. An intimidated, demoralized people is easily dominated, after all.

All of which is not meant to decry the helpfulness of recent events in increasing White racial awareness. Anything that heightens tension is to be welcomed. But there are sinister hostile elite forces who are thinking well ahead of us and you can see that in the roots of the nascent anti-jihadist organisation PEGIDA as much as anywhere else. Read more

Introduction to “Germany Abolishes Itself: How We Are Gambling with Our Country”

Translated from the German by Gregory Ritter. Mr Ritter’s website, Atavistic Intelligentsia, covers a variety of topics, especially those that receive less attention in the Alt-Right, namely Russian and Near Eastern affairs. He writes that “we strive to make our articles and podcasts original, fast-paced and thought-provoking.”

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Sarrazin (1)

All political pusillanimity consists of concealing and veiling that which is.
Ferdinand Lassalle

Due to the economic and socio-political success of the post-war decades, a certain sense of pride has emerged in Germany. This pride is based on the diligence and efficiency of German citizens, in the steadily increasing standard of living, and the ever more developed welfare state. The four great economic crises — 1966/7, 1974/5, 1981/2 and 2008/9 — have hardly harmed this pride and Germans’ trust in the soundness of their economic and social model. Even the effects of globalization, the shifting balances of power, the environmental pollution and the feared effects of climate change have so far not had a lasting effect. This basic optimism has, after decades of almost undiluted success, clouded Germans’ view of the process of social decay and its hazards.

“Germany abolishes itself” might seem an absurd fear. Here is a country with a population of 80 million in the heart of Europe: with all its cities, industry, cars, trade and commerce, hustle and bustle … But a country is what its inhabitants make of it through their living traditions, both spiritual and cultural. Without its people, Germany would be merely a geographic expression. The Germans however are gradually abolishing themselves. A net reproduction rate of 0.7 or less, as we have had for the last 40 years, means that every generation will be half as big as that of its grandparents. The annual birth-rate in Germany fell between the early 1960s and 2009 from 1.3 million to 650,000. If this continues — and why should it change, when this trend has already persisted for four decades? — then after three more generations, in ~ 90 years, the number of births in Germany will be between 200,000 and 250,000 a year. At most, half of these will be descendants of the pre-1965 population. Read more

Dr. Frank Salter on Germany’s Jeopardy

Dr. Frank Salter has produced a sober, scientifically based assessment of the likely consequences of Germany’s disastrous policy toward  migration from the Middle East and Africa. The subtitle appropriately asks, “Could the Immigrant Influx ‘End European Civilization’?” The answer, of course, is that it could and may well do so if current trends are not reversed.

Although terrorism and the recent mass sexual assaults in Germany certainly focus the public’s attention on the costs of massive unselected immigration, the far greater problem is loss of a traditional sense of national identity as bound up with a particular people and culture, “leaving citizenship a hollowed-out legalism” — what is often termed the “proposition nation” concept of citizenship dedicated only to abstract Western ideals of freedom and democracy rather than protecting the interests of a particular people. The ideology of the proposition nation is now well established among the political and intellectual elites throughout the West, its plausibility deriving from what are seen as the past disasters resulting from nationalism in Europe. Indeed, as Dr. Salter notes, atoning for National Socialism is an explicitly stated goal of Angela Merkel’s migration policy. Read more

White Births Matter

All births matter — and White births are holding steady. While the end game is anyone’s guess, new data makes mincemeat of the old propaganda narrative that Whites in the United States face inevitable demise in the near future.  This particular propaganda line–churned out by our brutal anti-White elite on a daily basis — is increasingly untenable.

The final data for the year 2014 has just been published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Births: Final Data for 2014.” [1] It shows a continuation of trends that have tracked falling total fertility rates for Black, Hispanic and Native Americans. The demographic data for these groups continue to show a steady erosion. White and Asian total fertility rates are up, with the Asian total fertility rate showing remarkable volatility, but still showing significant decline over a multi-year period.

Keep in mind that total fertility rates estimate the number of children per women over a woman’s lifetime. A total fertility rate (TFR) of 2.1 is considered replacement rate. Also keep in mind that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) includes the peoples of the Middle East and the Subcontinent as White.  This will not greatly affect the figures for non-Hispanic White because — while data are difficult to attain for these groups — Indians in the United States are known to have a birthrate significantly below Whites and East Asians, and the birth rate of Middle Eastern peoples in Europe and North America is only slightly above replacement.  Given the modest numbers of both these groups in the United States (though growing), and the lower Indian total fertility rate, the data amalgamated under the Non-Hispanic White category is an largely accurate measure of European-American TFR. Read more