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Bill Kristol: Israel muss den Westen retten


Translated by Michael Colhaze

Ich finde es erstaunlich, dass eine intelligente Person Washingtons Neocons ernst nehmen kann. In der letzten Woche trommelte Bill Kristol in The Weekly Standard für einen Krieg mit Syrien und behauptete allen Ernstes, der Präsident müsse nun unbedingt handeln „ um sicherzustellen, dass Assads chemische Waffen Amerika nicht mehr bedrohen können“.

Als ob Assad eine Batterie von ICBMs besitzt und bereit ist, Terror und Verderben auf Amerike regnen zu lassen.

Bill Kristol ist zutiefst besorgt darüber, dass der Frieden im Nahen Osten ausbrechen könnte bevor die USA den letzten Feind Israels zerstört hat. Der Artikel steckt voller Vergleiche mit Hitler und Mussolini, wie z. B. hier:

Es wird diesmal kein Rheinland geben. Iran ist nicht das Deutschland der 1930er Jahre, und die Vereinigten Staaten sind mehr als formidabel im Vergleich zu Großbritannien. Der Iran wird seine Ziele mit Hinterhältigkeit und Diplomatie erreichen müssen, während Hitler sie mit Kraft ubd Bravado gewann. Aber ein Hinnehmen des Strebens der Islamischen Republik Irans nach dem Besitz von Atomwaffen führt genau dazu, was mit der Akzeptanz von Nazi-Deutschlands expansionistischen Träumen geschah.

Die Iraner werden es diesmal heimlich und leise durchziehen, aber dann wird es nicht mehr lange dauern und sie sind in Cleveland.

Mehr: http://michael-colhaze.biz/KEVIN1Kristol.html 

The Holocaust Industry in the UK

Her_Majesty_the_Queen_Lays_a_Wreath_at_the_Cenotaph_London_During_Remembrance_Sunday_Service_MOD_45152054 (1)

At mid-morning on the second Sunday in November buglers will play the Last Post at the Cenotaph war memorial in London and for two minutes Britain will fall silent. The simple dignity of Remembrance Sunday, the Queen laying a wreath, the silence as a canopy of red poppies fall on the veterans and  armed services standing to attention, make it a moment of almost unbearable sadness.

While the event commemorates all British and Commonwealth war dead, it has its roots in the trenches of the First World War and battles like the Somme where the British suffered 58,000 casualties, one third killed, on the first day. The silence marks the eleventh hour of the eleventh day when the guns fell silent in 1918. The symbol of the occasion is a blood red poppy distributed by the Royal British Legion and worn by millions.

poppyThere is no more heartfelt symbol of traditional feeling in Britain than the poppy. and this is why two recent government funding decisions revealed such an astonishing shift in cultural priorities. The first was a refusal to fund a poppy project in a field of remembrance for Britain’s war dead. The second was the Prime Minister’s pledge to pour more taxpayers money into promoting the booming Holocaust industry.

The decisions confirm what many have suspected  — that Holocaust promotion is gradually replacing the commemoration of the sacrifice of servicemen as the subject of community remembrance in Britain.

It is a change for which the British political elite seems to have a driving enthusiasm. The annual government grant to the Holocaust Educational Trust (HET) is already a very generous £2.1 million. The extra £300,000 a year will not only pay for more school Holocaust propaganda, but will also pay to set up a new national Holocaust Commission to erect yet another permanent memorial.

It was always predictable that the left-leaning Heritage Lottery Fund, the UK’s largest dispenser of public largesse, would decline an application from an unfashionable veterans group such as the Royal British Legion. Not only was the application rejected owing to “lack of funds” but the Fund then approached a pacifist group and invited them to submit an application to raise awareness of conscientious objectors.

Even by the standards of the Heritage Lottery Fund this was a calculated  insult. The Fund’s Trustees are dominated by the kind of women that seem to proliferate in the public sector. Privately-educated left-wing graduates from the BBC and elsewhere in the world of arts, who have never soiled their hands in the private sector. Read more

Introducing Mjolnir


Mjolnir website: http://www.mjolnir-magazine.com

It must be self-evident to all those who consider themselves in some way politically right-wing that the left has achieved cultural hegemony throughout the Occidental world. Virtually every film, every television series, every soap opera, every song, every theatre or radio play, every novel, short story, poem, comic, graphic novel and cartoon is used to carry and push Marxist and neo-Marxist ideology to ever further extremes. How many songs have you heard that urge our youth to reject their parents? How many films have you seen where miscegenation is normalised and those against it demonised? How many soap operas promote ‘alternative sexualities’ and promiscuity?

Think of all the films and TV series that urge us to dissolve national borders and build to a one-world government. In the series Star Trek and its series of films and spin-offs, we have not only a world government, but an intergalactic federation too. Gene Roddenberry himself said that he was creating ‘morality plays’. Think of the recent trend in disaster films such as 2012, The Day After Tomorrow and Armageddon, where disaster is on a global scale. Global disasters call for global solutions and such trifling things as national borders are seen as ridiculous in view of such cataclysmic events.

MJOLNIR2Indeed, cultural Marxism is now all-pervasive. Most people believe cultural Marxism is synonymous with political correctness. But it is more than that. Cultural Marxism, after the ‘work’ of Antonio Gramsci, is about getting Marxist and neo-Marxist ideas ingrained in the public consciousness and even subconsciousness via subversion of the national culture. One way is to imprint Marxist ideology on cultural texts for public reception. Thus, the more texts are received and absorbed by the public, the more sympathetic to Marxist ideas they become.

Certainly, this is the core assumption behind the Reader Response and Reception Theories of the Konstanzer Schule, where a neo-Marxist system of value is placed upon a text, a text being deemed more culturally valuable the further it normalises a pseudo-morality that posits itself against traditionalist reader expectations.

Mjolnir is a major step in the cultural fightback against this tidal wave of propaganda. Our enemies have vast financial resources at their disposal and can therefore invest in all the arts – especially that latterly invented form of Gesamtkunstwerk so conducive to indoctrinating the masses: film. We have no such means at our disposal, yet classical art forms are not beyond our means: graphic art, plastic art and literature. Mjolnir is a print magazine set up to collate and showcase the illiberal Eurocentric arts. Read more

The Price of Paranoia: Snowden, Orwell and the Unspeakable Origins of the Surveillance State

Alan Rusbridger is the editor of The Guardian, Britain’s biggest liberal newspaper. Like many liberals, he’s a good example of the vast difference between intelligence and wisdom. Here is he talking about Edward Snowden and the National Security Agency:

Rusbridger said the NSA stories were “clearly” not a story about totalitarianism, but that an infrastructure had been created that could be dangerous if it fell into the wrong hands.

“Obama is a nice guy. David Cameron is a nice social Democrat. About three hours from London in Greece there are some very nasty political parties. What there is is the infrastructure for total surveillance. In history, all the precedents are unhappy,” said Rusbridger, speaking at the Advertising Week conference. (NSA surveillance goes beyond Orwell’s imagination, The Guardian, 23rd September, 2013)

Why is Obama a “nice guy”? Well, he’s got dark skin and he talks a lot about justice and equality. So it doesn’t matter that he’s actually a malign affirmative-action narcissist who hates White America and is working hard to destroy it in collaboration with the Republicans and the mainstream media. After Obama, Rusbridger mentions David Cameron, leader of the Conservative party. And yes, he does correctly recognize that Cameron is a “social Democrat” rather than a conservative. But he goes astray again talking about Greece and the “precedents” of history. Read more

The Assault on Golden Dawn Is an Assault on All European Peoples

Greece joins Belgium in showing what has to be done by the champions of “democracy” when the Sheeple do not vote as nanny tells them!
First, several years ago the Vlaams Bloc party in Belgium was criminalized by the defeated parties after (or because?) it won the elections in Flanders.
Now, the “Greek” government shuts down the Golden Dawn Party by the arrest of many of its members of the Greek Parliament and its leader.  (The “Greek” government, needless to say, is just as “Greek” as “our” government is “American.”)
The arrest of legally elected members of Parliament in a “NATO democracy” like Greece will attract just as much condemnation in the American media, in the “human rights” community, in the State Department and in the White House as did the criminalisation and suppression of the Vlaams Bloc in Greece:
Exactly zero!
There will be not one editorial in any American newspaper or on any American television condemning this dictatorial and presumably shockingly undemocratic action.
Secretary of State Kerry won’t have a word to say about it…nor will he ever be asked a hard question (or any question at all) about it at a press conference.
The “human rights” crowd will hear no evil, see no evil.  There won’t be a peep from Jimmy Carter and his Carter Center.
There will be no threat of sanctions or punishment from President Bomber. Read more

Desdemona’s “Just Understanding” of Othello’s Virtue

Othello_MSC2004Editor’s note: A theme of TOO is that the entire culture of the West has been corrupted. This includes essentially all the arts and academic fields in the social sciences and humanities. It is therefore not surprising that Shakespeare criticism has been influenced by the reigning culture of the academic left. This essay is an abbreviated version of the second chapter of George F. Held’s ebook, Othello’s Disenchanted Eye, available at Lulu. Held shows that Othello, a play about an interracial marriage, has been seen through the eyes of current racial sensibilities.

I have stated elsewhere[1] that Othello is an “ethically lucid play.” I stand by that statement, but will now provide evidence which will to some extent undermine it. The play, though generally lucid, is not simple, and has been subject to gross misinterpretation. In his introduction to the play Frank Kermode writes:

His marriage to Desdemona, founded upon her just understanding of his virtue, is a triumph over appearances; it is grounded in reality and independent of such accidents as color or the easy lusts of the flesh; it is more like the love of Adam and Eve before than after the Fall. The archaic grandeur of Othello’s diction (as in the long speeches to the Senate in I.iii) and the extreme innocence of Desdemona (as the courtly Cassio expresses it in II.i) are ways of emphasizing these simple themes; one may see them ideally reflected in the music which Verdi wrote for Otello’s heroic entry, and the soaring purity of his Desdemona. . . .

There is room for another and more worldly view of the honesty of Desdemona’s proceedings; Iago and Brabantio express it. Her penetrating to the truth of Othello under an appearance conventionally thought repulsive can seem less a result of her purity of response than of some pagan witchcraft of his. It is precisely because such a union must appear to the disenchanted worldly eye perverse or absurd that Iago can destroy it. He represents a sort of metropolitan knowingness, a pride in being without illusion and a power to impose upon others an illusory valuation of himself. He converts to his own uses all the praise of honesty which properly belongs to Othello and Desdemona.[2]

Kermode sees the play in terms of a dichotomy involving two opposing groups: the first group consists of Othello and Desdemona, the second of Iago, Brabantio, and all those disenchanted with Othello’s and Desdemona’s union. The views of the members of each group[3] are similar to each other but differ substantially from those of the members of the other group. Specifically, the members of the first group adopt an unworldly, just, accurate view of race, color, Othello’s “virtue,” and “the honesty of Desdemona’s proceedings,” whereas the members of the second group adopt an unjust and inaccurate “worldly view” of all these same things. The views of the members of the first group are the result of their desire and ability to see reality as it is and to look beyond mere appearances; the views of the members of the second group are the result of convention and prejudice.[4] I will show that this analysis is not merely oversimple but entirely bogus and is itself a product of modern politically correct prejudice. Read more

Ulrichsberg: A Memorial Place or a Road Sign to New Catastrophes?



What follows is my translation into English of my featured speech, delivered in the German language on September 15, 2013, at Ulrichsberg, a village near the town of Klagenfurt, Carinthia, Austria, during the annual Memorial Day for the victims of communism and the victims of the Allied persecution in the aftermath of WWII.  The event was organized by the Austrian veterans’ organization Ulrichsberggemeinschaft. (Carinthia  was the last line of the  Axis defense by mid-1945,  before the surrender to British troops and mass deportation of civilians and soldiers to the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia. The famous term, the “Iron Curtain” became then the hall mark of Carinthia).

Approximately 300–400 hundred people, mostly elderly, attended this open air event, mostly post-WWII German expellees from Eastern Europe, dozens of former Waffen SS and Wehrmacht veterans, including the descendants of other European Waffen SS units and other foreign auxiliary Axis troops from France, Italy, Hungary, Byelorussia, Croatia, Romania, Flanders, Wallonia, and Alsace. There were also a dozen representatives from Great Britain, Australia and the USA. The Ulrichsberg memorial day has a strictly commemorative purpose; any unconstitutional insignia any glorification of Nazism or Fascism is considered a serious breach of law and severely punished under the Austrian legislation. The annual event is partly sponsored by the local government of Carinthia.  In 2000, the featured speaker at the Ulrichsberg event was the late leader of the Austria’s FPÖ, Jörg Haider. Read more