Free Speech

British clampdown on free speech accelerates

The long anticipated British government Counter-Extremism Strategy document has been unveiled — and it looks to aimed at unprecedented restrictions on freedom of speech, movement and association.  New Orwellian-sounding government organisations are being launched to target speech and behaviour online and off.  There will be the Extremism Analysis Unit which will exchange data on “extremists” with other governments. The Disclosure and Barring Service will be set up to help employers bar “extremists” and this will include not only convictions but civil orders.  The new Extremism Community Trigger will oblige police to take action possibly issuing orders restricting movement. The new National Citizen Service will allow diligent, publicly-minded teenagers to train up in British values — and sniff out extremism.

The Counter Extremism strategy document was nominally inspired by the upsurge of Muslim militancy from the “Trojan Horse” Islamic takeover of state schools to the fear of returning Jihadists, but somewhere along the line it seems to have been decided that it is the threat of White violence that also needs to be talked up.

It hardly needs to be said that there is no equivalence at all.  No Whites have ever carried out suicide bomb attacks on underground railway stations or airports nor have they hacked servicemen to death on the streets, nor do their menfolk engage in ethnically-motivated mass rapes against vulnerable female children.

The authors of this document have only been able to dredge up two examples of “White” violence in the UK.  The only fatal one was in 2013 by a Ukrainian who turns out to have been an immigrant who had been in the country for three days. Read more

Who Is for Free Speech? The Ariel Toaff Case


This article is about three things: Jewish attitudes on free speech, a book about the so-called “blood libels”, and how these ritual murders of which Jewish groups have been accused are linked to aversion for Jesus and Christians in Judaism.

The threads are all related. I’ll start from the third.

The above video, which I posted on my blog, among others attracted comments to the effect that it is not representative, publishing it is a biased choice, and the people in it are just a band of idiotic alcoholics. (In addition, Christians in Israel are treated wonderfully, have the same rights as Jews, and they all lived happily ever after.)

Those who make these claims have (or pretend to have) little knowledge of Jewish religion and Jewish history.

Because the people in the clip may as well have been drunk (or not), but what they say is due to much more than just alcohol. After all, as they say, in vino veritas, “in wine there is truth.”

The video shows images of 2012 Jewish attacks on a church and a monastery in Israel, with the background of a song from a group of Jews who gathered on Christmas Eve 2007, “to ‘celebrate’, in the Jewish way, the birth of Jesus.”

The signs defacing the church’s walls read “We will crucify you”, “Death to the Christians”, “Jesus is dead”, “Jesus son of Mary, the prostitute”, “Jesus the son of a whore”, “death to Christianity!” And on a car: “Jesus is now a corpse.”

The lyrics of the song repeatedly convey one of the messages written on the church’s walls: “Jesus is a bastard.”

In the same way as Islamic apologists attempt to portray Muslim terrorists, murderers and jihadists as betraying the true meaning of Islam, so Judaism apologists try to describe Jews who have attacked Christian buildings or gratuitously insulted Christian beliefs as having nothing to do with Judaic religion.

Both are wrong. Read more

Even White Racists have Freedom of Speech — but only if they use it.

A week ago there was news about the University of Oklahoma’s chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity, because of a video showing members of the fraternity singing a chant that was derogatory of Blacks. This occurred off-campus, on a chartered bus. An anonymous person made a video-recording of the chant and gave it to Unheard, a Black campus organization (formed in response to the recent sensationalist propaganda about events in Ferguson, Missouri), predictably provoking a ruckus, since the agitation over events in Ferguson and the consequent Black yearning for vengeance have yet to subside. Unheard happens to be favored by the university’s president, former U.S. Senator David L. Boren, whose legislative record includes initiatives unfavorable to White people.

Early reporting indicated that Boren was not certain that students involved in the racist chant could legally be expelled from the university, but advisors were suggesting that it might be possible under the Civil Rights Act. Boren did announce on 10 March the expulsion of Levi Pettit and Parker Rice, the two students who led the chant, using verbiage carefully crafted to resonate with the Civil Rights Act (alleging that the two had created a “hostile educational environment”), but the general consensus seems to be that under the Constitution of the United States what Boren has done is not legal at all. Read more