
Heads They Win, Tails We Lose

In their latest issue-by-issue compare and contrast of the 2012 presidential race between Barack Hussein Obama and Willard (“Call me Mitt”) Romney, the Christian Science Monitor concludes that, “Immigration could be a pivotal issue in the 2012 presidential race, and Barack Obama knows it.” It quotes Steven Schier, political scientist at Carleton College in Northfield, MN, that a “strong Latino turnout is critical to Obama’s victory and a successful exploitation of the immigration issue by his campaign could ensure a second term in the White House.”

Their analysis demonstrates how “Obama is seeking to press his advantage among Latino voters, particularly in swing states like Colorado and Nevada, which could prove crucial in November” because polls suggest over 70 percent of Latinos prefer him, while “Romney has tried to cast himself somewhere between the staunchest anti-illegal immigration activists of his party and Obama.

Note that even CSM, which has historically provided relatively objective reporting, even on “controversial” issues such as the Mid East and immigration, feels compelled to apply the label “staunchest” to those who seek to limit even illegal immigration, but not to those who support even the most pro- (up to and including illegal) immigration. Read more

Immigration: Then and Now

Alma and Reinhild Rauhaus among the ruins of their ancient German city, 1952
Coats made from fallen soldiers’ uniforms

Joined by fourteen potential jury members, I sat in a jury box this spring and answered questions to determine my competence in deciding the amount of damages in a traffic accident case. It was easy enough to get past the “tell us about yourself” introduction, for I had long ago learned to be cautious and evasive when describing myself. Fortunately, place of birth was not asked. Toward the end of the questioning period, one of the attorneys inquired of everyone whether he or anyone in his family had ever served on a police force or in the armed forces. I was the last to be asked and uneasy about this unexpected question.  Finally, after reassuring myself that WW II was ancient history and Americans more sophisticated than they used to be, I related my family’s military history in a few short sentences. Both of my parents had served in WW II. My father, Wolfgang, had been captured in France and sent to a POW camp in Texas, where he spent two years picking cotton. My mother, Ute, was a member of a Third Reich girls’ organization, the Bund Deutscher Mädchen, where, as an eighteen year old, she commanded a group of search light operators during the last year of the war. My maternal grandfather, a police official, served in both world wars. In the silence that followed the few words of my relatives’ military service long ago, I felt the dread of ethnic condemnation, which I had so often experienced when I was obliged to reveal that I was an immigrant German.


In 1952, my mother, my younger sister, Reinhild, and I set sail from Bremerhaven, Germany for Halifax, Nova Scotia.  From there the three of us boarded a train which took us half way across the country to Winnipeg, Manitoba. Wolfgang had left months earlier to find employment and housing in Winnipeg. Though a degreed engineer, Wolfgang could only find work butchering fowl at a turkey slaughtering plant.  For the first year of their residence, until Wolfgang could locate more suitable employment, the family lived in a tenement. Both of my parents had learned French and Latin in school. Ute spoke no English, whereas Wolgang had acquired rudimentary English in POW camp. Read more

Chapter 10 of “Our Vision for America — Common Sense Revisited”: Immigration/Race

Our Vision for America: Common Sense Revisited is a book-length position statement by Merlin Miller, presidential candidate for the American Third Position Party; Adrian Krieg, Board Member of the American Third Position, is co-author.  The book may be ordered for $9.95  here (see also below). The A3P is currently recruiting activists to work on the campaign. Chapter 10, “Immigration and Race,” is reprinted here by permission.

“…those who acquire the rights of citizenship, without adding to the strength or wealth of the community; are not the people we are in want of.” James Madison

Immigration. Enough is enough.

Both political parties have been kicking the can of immigration down the street for years. All they have done is to propose amnesty for 24 million illegal aliens, which costs our nation, as well as individual states, billions of dollars.  Additionally, we have over 50,000 illegal aliens who are convicted felons, and cannot be located.

During the 1960’s, our immigration system was transformed to favor persons from Third World countries incapable of assimilating into any European homeland. If current demographic trends continue, our people will become a minority in America within only a few decades. The vast majority of immigrants, both legal and illegal, come from nations in Latin America, Asia and Africa lacking in education, science, art, law, governance or industrial achievements in any way comparable to ours. Numerous studies have confirmed that there is no net economic benefit to the U.S. economy from Third World immigration due to the added costs of education, infrastructure, health care, welfare programs and law enforcement.

I view controlling global elites as spoiled, cruel children, rather than as the Gods they think themselves to be.  An elite child might look at America, as one might an ant farm, containing a large homogenous colony.  With self-absorbed malignancy, this child might throw in a large quantity of another ant species to compete for the farm’s limited resources.  He adds another and then another, watching with cruel intent as the ants begin to fight.  The global elites, through policy control and media, are doing this to America and we must now be alert for racial “false flags” – as this child prepares to “shake the ant farm”.  Let us break the glass and allow the ants to repair to their natural colonies.

A3P’s will implement sensible immigration policies, which respect what is best for America and our native citizens and not what the UN dictates to our State Department in their advocacy of massive 3rd world immigration.   We will not tolerate the continued demographic destruction of America, while our politicians and media encourage and lie about it – which they have done since at least 1965…

First, our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration remains substantially the same…. Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset…. Contrary to the charges in some quarters, [the bill] will not inundate America with immigrants from any one country or area, or the most populated and deprived nations of Africa and Asia…. In the final analysis, the ethnic pattern of immigration under the proposed measure is not expected to change as sharply as the critics seem to think…. The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants. It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs.

-Senator Ted Kennedy, speaking to the Senate regarding the introduction of the Immigration Act of 1965 Read more

Displacing Whites in the cities

An Associated Press article of March 19 caught my eye: “Chinese learning French to emigrate to Quebec.” Quebec follows its own immigration policy and passing a test in the French language is often enough to be granted entry in the French-speaking part of Canada. Once in Canada they will move to other parts of the country. Chinese are the largest group of immigrants in Northern America after the Mexicans, and in Australia they have become the largest since 2009, accounting for tens of thousands of immigrants every year. It reminds me of a conversation between U.S. President Jimmy Carter and Chinese Communist leader Deng Xiaoping during the Cold War. During their conversation Carter brought up the human rights issue, just as he did with the Soviet Union, raising questions about the possibility of emigration. Deng replied that he does not mind Chinese moving out: how many Chinese immigrants does Carter want —10 million or 20 million?

Until far into the 20th century it was obvious that America and Australia were reserved for European immigrants only. In Americait was official policy until the Immigration Act of 1965 and the “White Australia” policy was pursued until 1973. Strict quotas were placed on immigration from anywhere but Europe. It is not well known but the American immigration restrictions were strongly supported by labor organizations like California’s Workingmen’s Party and the Knights of Labor. They—rightly—believed that big business used the Asians as a means to press down the wages of the White workmen.  Read more

The Racialization of American Politics Continues

Photo of hopelessly White Republican voters accompanying Ron Brownstein's "White like me"

Ron Brownstein has another piece on the racialization of American politics (“White like me: Almost all of the people voting in GOP presidential primaries are white. That’s not good for the party—or the nation.”) Brownstein, being a Jewish liberal, sheds crocodile tears about the plight of the Republican Party resulting from its “epic failure … to attract and engage minority voters. White voters, especially older ones, are routinely casting 90 percent or more of the votes in GOP contests this year, at least as high a proportion as in 2008.”

The 2012 election looks to be the most racialized in history (see also here and here).  Brownstein notes that in 2008, Obama was “the first presidential nominee ever to lose white voters by double digits and still win the White House. In 2012, as minorities loom larger in the vote, Obama could lose whites even more lopsidedly and still win reelection.”

Right. And at some point, Republicans are going to realize that they are between a rock and a hard place. If they try to appeal to minorities, they will lose their base. And the more they appeal to their angry White base, the more they drive minorities away. These Whites are uneasy “not only about activist government but also about the demographic changes swelling the minority population.” Indeed, in the absence of some very strong action, these changes will make Whites a minority in the country they once dominated demographically and culturally.  But as Pat Buchanan and others have found out, any mention of the impending minority status of White Americans has been expunged from polite society—including Republican presidential candidates. Read more

The Republican Party Is Doomed

A consequence of the anti-White revolution wrought by immigration is the racialization of American politics.  Richard Spencer’s talk at the recent National Policy Institute Conference (now the featured TOO video) is an excellent summary of the case that the the Republican Party is doomed unless it switches to a pro-majority strategy—a topic discussed several times here as well. The basic fact is that around 90% of the votes of the Republican Party are from Whites. Non-Whites—even well-off non-Whites (including Jews)—tend to vote strongly Democrat, while the Republican base is now made up of  Whites of all social classes.   But as Whites become a decreasing percentage of the population, the Republican Party will inevitably become a permanent minority party as its constituents become a minority of Americans.

The video below features Pat Buchanan and Ron Brownstein discussing this issue with Cenk Uygur, a Turkish-American who seems quite gleeful that the Republican Party is “heading over a cliff.” (It doesn’t take long for non-Whites to see what the game is in American politics.) Again the same depressing statistics on White displacement, along with the projection that Obama could win Georgia with only 25% of the White vote and the point that Obama’s ads are featuring young non-Whites—the soon-to-be majority. Whites are expected to vote even more overwhelmingly Republican in 2012, which could mean that they win some states they didn’t win before. But, as Buchanan says, the Republican Party is doomed in the long run. And,as he notes, it doesn’t make sense for the Republicans to try to recruit Latinos because Latinos want lots of big government programs (not to mention bringing more people like themselves to the U.S., legalizing the illegals, etc).

httpv:// Read more

The Implicitly White Outrage of John and Ken Versus the Black Hole of the LA Times

Listening to the John and Ken Radio show on Friday afternoon was an experience in outrage. This is the most popular local radio show in the U.S., with an audience of over 1,000,000 people at peak drive time. The show on Friday was all about the passage of the second part of the California Dream Act which allows illegals to apply for financial aid from the state. It is projected to cost California—which already is billions of dollars short of balancing its budget—around $40 million. The first part allowed illegals (who are already allowed to pay state-subsidized in-state tuition) to apply for privately funded aid which is indirectly subsidized by the state because these foundations are tax-exempt.

The show on Friday was non-stop outrage about the bill, including furious callers demanding  recall of legislators and an expletive-filled email from a U.S. citizen of  Mexican descent who is ashamed of his people. John and Ken also used their daily appearance on a TV news program (on KTLA, a popular local station) to vent their  anger to another large audience. Their website is mainly focused on the bill and has all the contact numbers of legislators and the governor so that citizens can express themselves on the bill.

This video of John and Ken discussing the Arizona anti-illegal immigrant law gives a flavor of what they are like.


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