White Pathology/Guilt

Guilt-tripping the Europeans

In May a high-level meeting of Muslim and Jewish leaders in Europe was held to express their concern about the rise of the European anti-Muslim right. The meeting was organized by three Jewish groups, two of them American: Rabbi Marc Schneier’s Foundation For Ethnic Understanding, an important organization aimed at cementing ties between Jews and non-White groups, and its close ally, philanthropist Ronald Lauder’s World Jewish Congress. (See also John Graham’s “American Rabbi: Europe must accept immigration swamping.”) The European Jewish Congress was also involved in organizing the event, but no Muslim groups were involved. This was therefore a Jewish project from beginning to end.

Their formal statement is yet another attempt to justify the death of the West as a moral imperative.  Europeans are urged to live up to their ideals:

We are troubled by the growth of racist and xenophobic movements. We believe that individuals and organizations espousing such malign and hateful ideologies represent a grave threat to the fundamental European values of pluralism, democracy, mutual respect and cooperation.

Such statements always remind me of Israel Zangwill’s statement during the 1920s immigration debate in America: “You must make a fight against this bill; tell them they are destroying American ideals. Most fortifications are of cardboard, and if you press against them, they give way” (see here, p. 266). Destroy them by appealing to their moral idealism.

Pluralism and democracy are wonderful, uniquely European inventions, and they are quite adaptive as institutions among Europeans. However, in the context of massive non-European immigration they are a prescription for cultural and eventual genetic suicide.

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Confessions of a Former Racist

I repent my former heresy.  I realize the error of my ways.  I was so wrong to believe that my race, the White race, has a legitimate claim to identity or any right to advance its collective interests.  Now I know that as a White man, it is my duty to wait on the sidelines while every other race organizes and lobbies for race-based legal privileges, monetary redistributions or subsidies, and affirmative-action employment.  I apologize for balking at the idea of handing out unearned money, respect, or employment based on the color of a person’s skin.  I used to call such programs anti-White, unfair, unconstitutional, or illegal.  Now I understand they are a part of “social justice,” which is sorely needed to correct the historical injustices committed by White people against non-White people.

I am so sorry for believing that race is a useful way to predict group behavior.  I was so wrong to say “society is a racial construct” because I have since realized that race is mostly a social construct.  All of the racial crime statistics, biological differences, and behavioral variations are merely artifacts of a White supremacist society.  Once White privilege disappears, the underachieving races such as Black Africans or Australian Aborigines will skyrocket to cultural, economic, philosophical, and scientific success on a grand scale.  But presently White privilege causes other races (except for Jews and North Asians) to economically fail, commit vicious and violent crimes, and stagnate as a permanent underclass in any society that contains White people. Read more

Herman Cain: Tea Party Rock Star

Last year on the Fourth of July I went to a local Tea Party rally. As usual, the crowd was all White–a case study in implicit Whiteness. But one of the speakers stood out because she was Black–the only Black person in the crowd. Eager to show their anti-racist credentials, they applauded her enthusiastically. These middle-class White folks were open to opposing illegal immigration, but no speaker dared to comment on legal immigration.

Herman Cain

Reading today’s LA Times I couldn’t help noticing Jonah Goldberg’s comment that Herman Cain, the Black businessman and Republican presidential candidate is a “rock star” among the Tea Party crowd. I assume it’s the same logic. What could be better than having two Black major-party candidates square off in the 2012 presidential election? Could there be any doubt that White Americans are good people after all? So much for all that media talk that the Tea Partiers are nothing but a bunch of White racists. Read more

The Labour Party War Against White Britain

Paul Weston’s article “Why is this not treason?” will make your blood boil. It describes the Labour Party’s war against White Britain. (The article links to another article, “Ethnically cleansing the English” that is also well worth reading.) Key quotes:

Despite the obvious violence that emanates from massed Muslims wherever they are in the world, the Labour government went to great lengths to portray Islam as The Religion of Peace, even as Christianity was mocked and defiled, and decent, moral and patriotic Britons were re-cast and criminalised as Islamophobic, race-hating Nazis….

There were two main reasons for such treachery. The first was held by Labour’s minority hard-left who wanted to destroy utterly the hated traditional establishment, and in this respect they had no choice but to declare war on their own people. To the hard-left, the enemy was the conservative, Christian, capitalist West of liberal-democracy Western civilisation — or, in other words, the majority of the English.

The second reason, held perhaps by the majority of Labour apparatchiks, was to ensure a socialist government in perpetuity via the imported foreign vote. Research into voting patterns conducted for The Electoral Commission in May 2005 showed that Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshis voted 56%, 50% and 41% for Labour. The equivalent figures for the Conservatives were 11%, 11% and 9%. … Read more

Crusading Popes in Defense of the West

Paul Crawford’s essay, “Four Myths about the Crusades” is a wonderful antidote to the received wisdom about the Crusades. According to the standard account,

the crusades are depicted as a deplorably violent episode in which thuggish Westerners trundled off, unprovoked, to murder and pillage peace-loving, sophisticated Muslims, laying down patterns of outrageous oppression that would be repeated throughout subsequent history. In many corners of the Western world today, this view is too commonplace and apparently obvious even to be challenged.

He recounts the long history of Muslim conquest and threats against the West beginning in 632 and extending right up to the First Crusade in 1095. The Popes were key players in the defense of the West.

This is not the absence of provocation; rather, it is a deadly and persistent threat, and one which had to be answered by forceful defense if Christendom were to survive. The crusades were simply one tool in the defensive options exercised by Christians.

To put the question in perspective, one need only consider how many times Christian forces have attacked either Mecca or Medina. The answer, of course, is never. Read more

The Tucson Shootings: Imagining Things

Crazy people happen. It’s a statistical inevitability. If there is one thing that probably transcends racial, political, and economic factors, it’s craziness. For all the attempts by the mainstream media to frame White males, especially right-leaning White males, as having a monopoly on mania, it’s pretty much an equal opportunity affliction. Remember the media jumping to conclusions when the Beltway Sniper was shooting seemingly random Black people? Remember the old canard about serial killers always being White males on all the cop shows? Remember the recent Time Magazine feature on the return of the dreaded militias?

They have a template, and, by God, facts aren’t going to get in the way. They will cram this square peg into a round hole. Numerous mainstream media sources and even government agencies have jumped to conclusions about yesterday’s tragic massacre in Tucson, including, allegedly, the Department of Homeland Security:

[S]trong suspicion is being directed at AmRen / American Renaissance. Suspect is possibly linked to this group. (through videos posted on his myspace and YouTube account.). The group’s ideology is anti government, anti immigration, anti ZOG (Zionist Occupational Government), anti Semitic. Gabrielle Gifford [sic] is the first Jewish female elected to such a high position in the US government. She was also opposite this group’s ideology when it came to immigration debate.

This news will come as a shock to the numerous Jewish speakers and supporters of Jared Taylor’s American Renaissance organization, many of whom I met at the 2008 conference. AmRen has been quick to respond to this irresponsible and inaccurate speculation:

AR is not anti-government, anti-Semitic, or anti-ZOG, as is clear from the 20 years of back issues that are posted on our website. The expression “ZOG” has never appeared in the pages of AR, and we have has always welcomed Jewish participation in our work. Many of the speakers at American Renaissance conferences have been Jewish.


If this memo is typical of the research done by the Department of Homeland Security, our country is in serious danger. Read more

Smells Like White Guilt: Christian Lander’s Whiter Shades of Pale

Christian Lander: Whiter Shades of Pale: The Stuff White People Like, Coast to Coast, from Seattle’s Sweaters to Maine’s Microbrews; New York: Random House, 2010

I saw Christian Lander in San Francisco on Tuesday, December 2nd, speaking to a tiny sweater-clad audience at a small independent bookstore in the Marina District. Lander told the story of the amazing success of his blog Stuff White People Like which in about six months grew from a private joke to a New York Times bestselling book (with a reported $300,000 advance). (See Christopher Donovan’s review of the Stuff White People Like book.)

In his talk, Lander made it very clear that he is not talking about all White people, but just “the right kind of White people,” as opposed to “the wrong kind of White people.”

The right kind of White people are urban, college-educated, and from upper-middle and upper-class backgrounds. And, most importantly, they are liberal. Read more