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154 search results for: implicit whiteness


“All Lives Matter” at the RNC and Other Mild Versions of Implicit Whiteness

The following is a clear sign that Whites’ position vis-à-vis the government and elites has become perilous, or at least tenuous.  Traditionally in political rhetoric, the phrase “all Americans” is meant as an implicit rebuke to those who in their hearts would very much like to exclude one particular group who is outside the norm […]


Chicago Protesters Reinforce the Implicit Whiteness of Donald Trump’s Candidacy: Trump voters fear becoming a minority

Donald Trump is the implicitly White candidate. One indication of this is that he is doing better in primaries where there is cross-over voting, implying that independents and Democrats, especially working-class Whites who have not already bailed on the party of Al Sharpton, La Raza, and the rest of the Rainbow Coalition, are attracted to his […]


Implicit Whiteness Sightings: Shutting Down the Government and Talk of Secession

Always quick to spot a racial angle that they think will put White people in a bad light, there has been quite a bit of comment on the racial angle to the government shutdown/debt ceiling crisis. The New Yorker came up with “Where the GOP suicide caucus lives,” the point of which is that the […]


Lee Siegel: The Horror of Implicit Whiteness

At TOO we often use the phrase “hostile elite” to describe our new, predominantly Jewish elite that has become ensconced in all the media high ground in America. Examples are legion, but it is hard to imagine a more blatant recent example of fear and loathing of White America than Lee Siegel’s “What’s race got […]


Extreme Sports as a Context of Implicit Whiteness

A reader sent along this video of Jeb Corliss, an extreme athlete, flying through the Alps. httpv:// Here’s extreme surfer Laird Hamilton surfing waves so big that he has to be towed into the path of the wave. httpv:// Corliss and Hamilton are White, and being White seems to be part of a pattern for extreme […]


Implicit Whiteness and the Republicans

Kevin MacDonald’s work on the concept of “implicit whiteness” in his essay “Psychology and White Ethnocentrism” (acacdemic version) is a major breakthrough for White Nationalism. Ethnocentrism—usually stigmatized as “xenophobia” and “racism”— is a preference to be around genetically similar people. Anti-ethnocentrism—a preference for people unlike ourselves—is sold today as “diversity,” the secret ingredient that adds […]


Implicit Whiteness in Scott Brown’s campaign

The day before the election I happened to catch Keith Olbmermann at his smirking best — looking intensely into the camera and declaring that Scott Brown and all the people voting for him are racists. What’s the evidence for this? You see, Brown used a pick-up truck in his commercials. (Gasp!!) You know, pick-up trucks are pretty […]