Two Californias

A major theme of the European right, exemplified by Geert Wilders, is that Islam does  not mesh with European values—that it promotes political despotism based on fear, the subjugation of women, and a fatalistic world view that is inimical to economic progress. (Wilders’ essay on Islam is well worth reading. I was particularly struck by his description of the arrival of the Egyptian President Mubarak at Sharm-el-Sheikh in 1982: “I remember the fear which suddenly engulfed the town when it was announced that Mubarak was coming on an unexpected visit; I can still see the cavalcade of black cars on the day of his visit and feel the almost physical awareness of fear, like a cold chill on that very hot day in Summer.” Political despotism indeed.)

I thought of that when reading Victor Davis Hansen’s National Review article “Two Californias.” He describes a rural California that exists in a parallel universe to the coastal cities—indeed to all of White America. Decades of immigration and White dispossession have resulted in a Mexican sub-culture that has simply transplanted itself from Mexico to California. Spanish is the first language, and the schools (among the worst in the state) are almost completely Mexican. The small White farmers have been displaced by mechanized agriculture and the White working class has seen their manufacturing jobs shipped overseas. Read more

Model Minorities Gettin’ Slizzered

Far East Movement

This is Assimilation?

Asian immigrants are frequently referred to as “model minorities” because they generally succeed educationally and occupationally, without exhibiting the social pathologies rampant among America’s Black and Hispanic underclasses. Many HBD (Human Biodiversity) bloggers even use an awkward acronym, NAMs (non-Asian minorities), to differentiate between the Asians and the non-White underclass.

But success and assimilation are two very different things. In fact, the non-White immigrants who succeed are ultimately more threatening to our long-term survival than the ones who come here and fail, since they exploit our Western meritocratic tradition to obtain positions of influence through merit, then exploit their positions of power to promote their group interests. One classic example of this is in action would be WASP Bill Gates’ Slate Magazine, where the gifted Jewish journalist Michael Kinsley turned over the reins to the banal and transparently partisan Jacob Weisberg.

Jacob Weisberg is the quintessential beneficiary of Jewish ethnic nepotism, and Jews are the quintessential nepotists, but Asians also look out for their own. Increasingly, they’re perceiving themselves not as Chinese, Japanese, or Vietnamese, but as Asian. Read more

Kevin MacDonald on James Edwards’ The Political Cesspool

Kevin MacDonald will be appearing on The Political Cesspool Radio Program this Saturday, December 18 at 9:00 p.m., Eastern Time (6:00 p.m. Pacific)

Tune in to The Political Cesspool’s live program via the internet during its regular airtime (7:00pm – 10:00pm Eastern) this Saturday evening at this site:

Be sure to click the “Listen Live” link. Dr. MacDonald will be on the program at 9:00 p.m., Eastern.

TOO readers are also invited to join host James Edwards during the live radio broadcast as he participates in an interactive online chat with fans of the program. Mr. Edwards will be taking questions for Dr. MacDonald from participants in the chat room.

This live chat is hosted in partnership with the Council of Conservative Citizens.

To take part, please follow these instructions:

  1. Open up another page on your browser and log onto the CofCC site.
  2. Click on the link for the chat.
  3. Start a conversation with other listeners and ask Kevin MacDonald your questions.

Twenty-two Republican Congressmen sign letter denouncing SPLC

You know the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) veered too far off the reservation when they became so ridiculous that even today’s limpwristed neo-conservative Republican leadership feels comfortable condemning them!

A statement, signed by twenty-two elected members of Congress (among many others), was issued to the press this week. It reads in part:

The surest sign one is losing a debate is to resort to character assassination. The Southern Poverty Law Center, a liberal fundraising machine whose tactics have been condemned by observers across the political spectrum, is doing just that.

The group, which was once known for combating racial bigotry, is now attacking several groups that uphold Judeo-Christian moral views, including marriage as the union of a man and a woman.

How does the SPLC attack? By labeling its opponents “hate groups.” No discussion. No consideration of the issues. No engagement. No debate! Read more

2010 TOO Fundraising Appeal: Tax-Deductible Contributions Now Possible

There have been several changes at TOO. The new look seems to be working out with most people. We are certainly grateful to Matt Parrott and his anonymous helpers who have uploaded the hundreds of old TOO files to the new site.

Another major change is that donations to TOO are now tax deductible through the Charles Martel Society, the same organization that sponsors The Occidental Quarterly. TOO and TOQ remain separate entities (even though I am editor of both TOQ and TOO). However, money donated to TOO is now routed into a separate account at the CMS.

The ability of American donors to write off their contributions should be a breakthrough in our ability to securely fund TOO.  We have certainly achieved quite a bit on a relative shoestring but we need additional funds to consolidate and expand. To a considerable extent, our success has depended on the good will of our contributors. Several of our stalwarts are providing material gratis, and others (including those involved in the website redesign) are underpaid in terms of their situation in life and need for income. Whereas there are hundreds of well-paid professional ethnic activists working for our enemies, White advocacy is all about personal self-sacrifice and enlightened self-interest of people who understand the importance of our project for the long term prospects of our people. Read more

The Euro Rightwing Stunt in Jerusalem

If you can’t beat them join them. This is what one can conclude after observing the results of the recent PR stunt in Israel by Heinz-Christian Strache, head of the Austrian FPÖ, Geert Wilders of the Dutch PVV, and Filip De Winter of the Vlaams Belang. Faced with the Muslim invasion of Europe, there are rightwing voices in Europe who seriously think that European nationalists need to strike a deal with Zionists. Their working hypothesis goes that criticizing the Islamic threat can be best countered if and when framed within the parameters of anti-Arab Zionist discourse. The assumption is widespread that eventually some green light will start blinking in Tel Aviv and provide a safe venue for Muslim bashing in Europe.

But more is at stake with the Jerusalem visit by these three politicians.   Many European nationalists, similar to all politicians across the board in the USA and Europe, realize that political legitimacy at home can only be achieved if it receives prior blessing in Israel. Thus the visit of these brave Euro right-wingers only bears testimony as to who is the real boss in world affairs. Who wants to stay in endless opposition, cut off from the mainstream public by a “cordon sanitaire” and vilified forever as a bad Nazi? Read more

Projection: Who Were the Victims in the Ukraine?

The current TOO blog by Kevin MacDonald addresses Alexandr Solzhenitsyn’s Chapter 19 of Solzhenitsyn’s book on Jews and Russians, 200 Years Together. The main point is that:

The decade of the 1930s was tragic almost beyond description. . . . However, the suffering of Jews pales in comparison to the suffering of the Ukrainian and Russian farmers undergoing forced collectivization. Moreover, Jews were never targeted as Jews, and in general Jews remained vastly overrepresented in elite positions throughout the period, even after the purges.

MacDonald notes that “Solzhenitsyn emphasizes the culpability of the West.” In particular, we have this damning point:

In 1932–33, in Russia and Ukraine —on the very outskirts of Europe, five to six million people died from hunger! And the free press of the free world maintained utter silence… And even if we take into account the extreme Leftist bias of the contemporary Western press and its devotion to the socialist “experiment” in the USSR, it is still impossible not to be amazed at the degree to which they could go to be blind and insensitive to the sufferings of even tens of millions of fellow humans.

One powerful clue we have to this twisted mystery is the effort even now to grotesquely turn the genocide of Ukrainians in the 1930s into a story of the victims themselves slaughtering the actual murderers. In a review of a new book, Professor David O’Connell, writing in Culture Wars, finds that canny efforts by those in the Jewish community have again succeeded in getting a Catholic spokesman to do the propaganda bidding of the Jews. Read more